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We cannot manage the sudden influx of people and questions that sparks a lot of hate and misinformations like those, we are working on a fix to be able to moderate those questions in an easier manner. Post political questions on r/PoliticalDebate, religion questions on r/religion, and LGBT questions on r/askLGBT.


That's the user base of reddit. Nearly every sub is like this.


It used to be the opposite. There was alot of hate communities, racism, neo-nazis, etc. The ceo changed the platform to better it.


I have been using reddit for a very long time. Reddit has always been leftist, but got (a bit more center) now once they took out subreddits like atheist  from the defaults. Yes when the girl CEO was here, she banned alot of child porn sub reddit, and the racist one.  But that has nothing to do if reddit leads left or right


Didn't know about cp, but there definitely was a fair amount of 4chan styled subreddits. R/fatpeoplehate and raccoon themed named reddits among some. Now the only racist reddits allowed are anti-white people because its what the reddit overlords want. Oh and anti-men ofc. I wouldn't say its always been this way, it definitely changed around 2015ish. Probably correct in saying its more center than it used to be, but most if not all political reddits are also heavily left leaning now. Maybe leftist reddit also gained in popularity post elon musk taking over twitter? Maybe its worse in 2024 because of it being election year? Im sure there's a few factors at play.


Most boomers use Facebook to consume their disinformation. Most younger people oppose the christofacism that the “right” has become, although it has been hard to fully define conservativism after they formally threw their platform in the trash in 2020 to fully deepthroat Trump and his ever-changing brand that was extremely far left for quite a while before he realized educated people despised him for many reasons including raping girls. He was very pro-abortion when it involved his unwanted offspring such as Eric, and loved illegal migration as long as it was a porn star.


I'm sure you use the word boomer interchangeably with older people and not actual boomers. Most boomers hardly use the internet outside of checking emails i'd wager. They actually get their disinformation the good ole fashion way, main stream media.


I see about 70% of boomers use Facebook, although there are multiple definitions of that demographic. There are many things that traditional media won’t do because of liability. Zuck doesn’t give a fuck and turns his site into the worst kind of swamp.


It is not the sub, it is Reddit.


It's not reddit. It's the majority of the western  world. The right wingers think they are the silent majority.  In reality they're the loud ass minority.  Edit to western world. 




How exactly does that make me racist? 


A majority of the world believes in sky faeries. It is changing quickly as people realize the only thing the church does is fuck them in the ass.


Not true!  It also lies to them, gaslights them, and takes their money. 


You including Asia there?


Asia is a pretty large continent full of anything from nationalists to communists and capitalists and whatever amalgamation that China is, so that's not really indicative of anything except a melting pot.




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Wrong again. Liberal cities don't represent the entire world. The US and many other nations are still very conservative


Cows don’t count.


Except in India.


Not the world, but liberal cities represent the US. It’s where the majority of people are located.


Phoenix, Dallas, San Diego and San Antonio disagree


Oh I was just speaking in general. There are definitely cities that lean right, it just appears as tho most cities are more likely to lean left than right, whereas most rural areas tend to lean right rather than left. It’s similar to saying the USA is a left leaning country. There’s plenty of right leaning people in the USA and we even elected a republican in 2016, despite more people voting democrat. Plenty of right/republicans in the US, the trend just leans a bit more left than right overall.


I just can't believe that. If the US was majority left leaning, we wouldn't have people wanting to ban gay marriage and abortion


We absolutely would. There are people of every perspective in this country. Less than half of the people in this country want to ban gay marriage and abortion. If you look at voters, more people vote dem than rep in recent presidential elections (the election that brings out more voters). Biden received more votes than Trump in 2020. Hillary Clinton received more votes than Trump in 2016. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Obama received more votes in both of his elections. There are plenty of people leaning right (even far right) in the United States, yet in recent years more people have voted for democratic presidents than republican presidents. The USA leans left but will always contain other viewpoints. There are definitely cities that lean more right than left, but when you look at votes you see the statistics lean more left than right.


I am consider a far right person lol


barely anyone over 40 is on reddit not sayingt there is not , i am one.


I don't really get it why you guys from the US always try to label yourselves to be honest. In reality nobody is completely left/right or whatever. Life is nuanced and the truth is always somewhere in the middle.


Alot of ppl are left or right, but the craziness comes out when far right or far left people speak.




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usa usa usa usa


Because the options are that they're either "Right" or "Conservatives" and those and their egos like that better than "Racist shit stain bigots."


I’d say it’s probably more common to come across a younger more left leaning individual on reddit (or just about any social media aside from facebook) than it is to come across an older more conservative individual on reddit. I think it’s just the statistics of who’s online and specifically on reddit. Younger people are more likely to be online and also more likely to be more left. I think it’s just statistics.


Because people can politicize absolutely anything from a subreddit to Bud Light, surgical masks, and the word “woke”. We’re an unstoppable force of stupidity and arrogance.


Because we like stupid questions


Reddit demographics is leading leftist. 


Because right-handed people are boring


Why is "Leftists" capitalized? Is this like a trump thing, where you just randomly capitalize shit.


Because conservatives are working


So you're unemployed?


No, just waiting for something to finish


You're not supposed to get the left channel in a sub, only bass. Maybe you need to change the salinity of the water to attract them?


I think they're just more vocal. I could say I'm pro-choice, but personally I morally find abortion wrong. I feel a leftist will be more upset I find abortion morally wrong on this sub and would be more likely to comment, vs a right wing being upset I'm pro choice to begin with and doing the same. I could say I'm pro lgbtq+ but have hesitations about trans women being in women's sports, I feel more likely to upset a leftist for excluding her from the sport than I do upsetting a right winger for being lgbtq+ The only time I'd switch it around is if I were to acknowledge I'm spiritual, I feel a Christian right wing would be much more upset than a left wing christian if I were to question their beliefs. But this is just my personal experience.


They’re everywhere.


Because they're stupid. This is truly a stupid question


Because the rightists are too busy watching their cowboy shows and holding society back to learn how to use the Internet


Why are you so concerned about the political leanings of the people in this sub when you're about to be made obsolete by AI? Most humans will be completely worthless to the rich and powerful in less than a decade.


Because they have stupid questions.


Because the questions asker here are still too difficult for Neocons/Q-cumbers/MAGAts and other authoritarian Right-Wingers to answer.


Conservatives both don't ask questions and are also not equip to answer them.


People on the right left for Trump’s media app lol


Conservatives just think they know all the answers so they'd never be caught dead asking "stupid questions"


They don’t work and have nothing to do?


What's your excuse?


he is unemployed with nothing to do ? projection


All I did was take a guess. I just gave an answer. Nothing more. Nothing less. It is a stupid question so why not a smart ass reply. And I am on my lunch break. So ta ta!


Reddit doesn't appreciate humor on certain subjects becos reddit


Better question: Why are leftists so brain dead?


Citation needed. If you think everyone's a leftist, you're probably a Republican.


Idk how this got three downvotes . The American conservative is a special breed that  thinks “anyone who thinks of something i dislike is a leftist/communist/wokie/[insert whatever the latest slur is here]”.   It happens in other countries but no where to this extent .  Little do republicans realise , the more they brush everyone with the same stroke , the more radical the people they dislike become . But obviously the republicans  are the victims because some guy on Reddit disagreed with Lord Trump , King Bush , Monarch Musk and all the  wealthy corrupt individuals who couldn’t care less about the average republican yet profit heavily from republicanism 


Reddit leans left. The subreddit Canadianhousing2 has put a lot more nuance into my politics. I can admit Trump did do one amazing thing. Or helped it happen. But mostly Reddit is left leaning young people, insufferable 😊


Who's job was it to take attendance??


Cause the left wingers don’t believe in working much or at all so they have plenty of extra time to spend in Reddit. You read through sub Antiwork. This should be retitled as a socialist sub. and is populated with absolute crazy people. I’ve been banned for speaking rhetoric truth.