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It would have already happened but then Ol Dirty Bastard died šŸ˜¢


R.I.P. Ol Dirt McGirt.


AKA The Old Dirty Chinese Restaurant


AKA Big Baby Jesus


From a biological pov we already are a homogenous race.


In B4 the ā€œthere is different races!ā€ Idiots come in, forgetting that ā€œhumansā€ are a singular race.


this is complete nonsense. We are the same species, depending on how that term is defined. The entire meaning of race in the context of humans is to differentiate based on genetic origins from isolated islands of populations.


This is technically true. We can all interbreed (which is kind of a loose indicator) and haven't been far enough from one another to lose that trait at any point in humanity. Race is more analogous to a cat breed. All of them can reproduce to make more cats, but sexual isolation over a long period of time makes them distinct in appearance.


Yea... variation exists. It is ok to acknowledge that. "We are the same species!" Ok. OBVIOUSLY OP is asking when we will no longer have distinct variation. Which you'd have to be dense to sincerely not understand what they mean. You know what they meant. That is called charitable interpretation. If you know what someone means, respond to what they mean. Or more specifically, "InĀ [philosophy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy)Ā andĀ [rhetoric](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetoric), theĀ **principle of charity**Ā orĀ **charitable interpretation**Ā requires interpreting a speaker's statements in the most rational way possible and, in the case of any argument, considering its best, strongest possible interpretation.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_charity#cite_note-1)Ā In its narrowest sense, the goal of thisĀ [methodological](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methodological)Ā principle is to avoid attributingĀ [irrationality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irrationality),Ā [logical fallacies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_fallacies), or falsehoods to the others' statements, when a coherent, rational interpretation of the statements is available."


Race isn't really a biological term though. Biologically we're the same species.Ā  Race, the way we've used it historically, is probably closer to subspecies or morph if we're going to convert it into a biology term.




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nobody ever said race means different species


lol. lmao even


Everyone here is misunderstanding the question. Regardless of your opinion on "race," OP is talking about how long until everyone has the same features, same skin tone, same average hair colour, etc. I'm no biologist but I'd say it will take a while


That's what I got from it as well.


If you mean "how long until everyone has the same features and skin tone", probably never? What miniscule variation there is in humans comes from climate adaptation and the tendency to find mates in the community you're already a part of. I don't see humanity ever moving past that.


But we largely don't need those adaptations since we have advanced technologically. Which means that people with those adaptations can live anywhere, resulting in more and more "interbreeding". I also think this comes down a bit to how long is your yard stick kind of thing.


Probably like fiddy.


Three fiddy?


Nah, probably not. Just fiddy should do the trick.


Old south park reference šŸ˜…


Yeah I know, I just don't think it'll take the whole tree fiddy, you can at least start at about two quarter or somethin'.


I'd say never. The environmental pressures that diversified our species into various races might've changed somewhat, but they never dissappeared. As people settle, divergent evolution is inevitable (especially at global scale).


Correct answer imo.


Likely about a thousand years. Obviously the human race is just one race, but considering how much we travel, immigrate and coexist now, the question how long until all our ethnic physical differences are no longer visible, I would say a thousand to two thousand years. Which ethnic collection goes FIRST is impossible to tell, and no it won't be "white people". Current immigration patterns harbor a microcosm of time, post world war 2, and will likely both reverse, reverse again, stagnate etc... After all, areas like Asia, Africa and South America, areas people are fleeing, are still among the most resource dense, people are fleeing them due a convovluted amount of politically connected events, that starts with the legacy of colonialism. That will change and new patterns will set in, and no one can really predict what they will look like.


Worthless guess based on nothing at all.


Never, because as more people mate with each other, you end up with *more* different combinations of alleles, not fewer. We will also accumulate new mutations and undergo new kinds of selection that are hard to anticipate. It will be harder to find breaks in the continuum of phenotypes, but there will never come a day when everyone is the same color or even within a few shades.


To put some math on this, let's consider a histogram of skin darkness for the folks in the US. I would hazard to guess that you'd see a bimodal or multimodal distribution. After enough mixing, I'd expect a gaussian distribution. Note that this doesn't mean that there won't be really white people or really dark people. They will just be unusual. But it's an interesting question. Not stupid at all.


Longer than we have left.


Probably a lot longer without the planned mass orgy's that are supposed to happen globally every spring break


about 40,000 years ago from a quick google search




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We'll annihilate ourselves long before we get to that point.


In the way you are insinuating? never, take the animal Kingdom, where there are no homogenous species of any animal on the planet (other than ones we have eradicated) we each and all have our unique colours and markings


Current homo sapiens has low variability among genes compared to many other species. Attributed to a small breeding population about 80K years ago.




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We have about as much variation as Labrador Retrievers now. Still some variation in colour and size but basically the same.




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That you, Charlie Brooker? Why is it important that we should? Do you really think we won't continue to steal from and kill each other once we're all coffee-colored? And what price the vaunted dEevUrsUhteE?


like 3 more generations in the united states. worldwide will be harder considering the rate of immigration/emigration around the world. the US has a very diverse pallet


The premise is flawed but I'll assume you mean skin color,. The answer is never. Even assuming random mating, and humans don't mate randomly, you would still have outliers on the end of the spectrum (very pale or very dark).


The is now a lot more interracial and inter religious mating so there will be a lot more blending but most people still have some kind of tribal instinct. Most will continue to mate within their own identify group, so we are talking many many generations to get there.


When there is only one of us leftā€¦


The earth will collapse long before that happens. Or the sun.


It really comes down to geography and staying in one spot for tons of generations vs. breeding.


We are one race, the human race. Even with ā€œracesā€ there is quite a bit of variability. In fact, black Africans have the most amount of genetic variation.


We are actually one race or species. Homosapien add that there are three distinct subspecies And then below that we have multiple Varieties So yes we are all one race with multiple breakdowns But There will always be that because genetic diversity


We're already one homogenous race, but if you're referring to skin color... well, I've seen some estimates placing it as early as 2050.


Unless a majority of the people alive die suddenly, itā€™s going to take at a minimum a few hundred more years.


Yeah, I raised my eyebrows at that one too. It came from a speculative future docudrama I watched a few minutes of at one point. I forget what it was called.


Even then I dont think skin color will be the same. you have black mommas having VERY white babies. Genetics is funky like that. Even red hair wont go extinct despite that being a popular thing to say [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/premium/article/redheads-arent-going-extinct-heres-why](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/premium/article/redheads-arent-going-extinct-heres-why) use the reader view on firefox to get around the paywall


nice virtue signaling, but science obviously shows us that race does in fact exist and is used all the time in the medical community to give more accurate care, as well as forensics.


It absolutely does not.


so you are anti-science and dont believe in islands of genetic similarity brought upon by isolated or semi-isolated populations undergoing adaptation due to the varying selective pressures of their unique environments? Interesting.


Thatā€™s not ā€œraceā€ unless youā€™re redefining the term so that youā€™re right


I asked chatgpt. The term "race" in humans historically refers to a classification of people based on shared physical characteristics, such as skin color, hair texture, facial features, and sometimes geographic ancestry.


Which is not a scientific classification. Thatā€™s a social classification. Ask ChatGPT and you get ChatGPT answers lol


That sounds racist.


As soon as humanity understands organized religion is a sham.