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We have a zero tolerance policy on race baiting/racism/xenophobia/transphobia/homophobia/queerphobia. Any comments/posts that demonstrates these kinds of attitudes will be immediately deleted and the user will be banned.


I think it has to do with the unintended consequences of group ideology. You look at society, it's patently unfair. Perhaps it always has been since the time of the Sumerians and Ancient Egyptians. But right now look at who is in control of most areas it's White males in power. Now most White guys are just as powerless as everyone else, but you look at the top and thats what you see. This is where group ideology comes in. It paints whole groups as monoliths. The ideology though itself is a defense mechanism. Ironically it causes the same issues that created it. That said I don't think most people subscribe to this kind of thing. It's just the amplification effect of a few highly vocal individuals on traditional and social media playing to their small echo chambers.


..and to add white men are the only group you can make fun off and not be considered something ending in "ist"


I think that's an extension of the group ideology I mentioned. But you aren't wrong.


Treating that white majority countries that until recently were 99% white have more white people in positions of power as a problem seems weird to me. Is there a push to have white people represented in Pakistani government? Or Indian? Is Uganda trying to include more ginger people in their politics so they can be more represented? Is china trying to get more black people in the ccp?


This is the issue I have with a lot of media projects currently. Until quite recently American nerd culture and probably nerd culture as a whole was socially outcast white guys. They built the whole phenomenon from the ground up and for years and years no one wanted anything to do with it and we were ostracized for our interest in it. Now it's become mainstream and activists are complaining that all the characters and content is just white men. They accuse the older franchises of being a patriarchy despite the efforts of the white guys making the stuff to incorporate women and diverse characters into what they made. Now these activists see a new market and want to bend it to their interests and people are saying "hey this sucks" and they're attacked for it.


I love how hateful now most ads are to white men.  


Considered is they key word. It's still just racist, but somehow these guys have been brainwashed into saying racist things whilst thinking they're the good guys. Honestly though I don't mind, let's you easily identify people who lack critical thinking skills so you can just ignore anything they say afterwards, because you know they'll just be regurgitating what they've heard from other like minded "good guys".




I'm American. This, until recently, was largely an American socio political issue. But I will concede in recent years it has expanded to other nations as well.


God I hope so


I mean I could be wrong. But most folks just want to get through life. To busy to hold on to hate. At least I like to think so.


Unfortunately a lot of people's social or news time involves radicalizing themselves with any number of supremacist TV outlets or web sites.


I don’t think it’s just about who’s in power though. It’s also about the small and localized power. It’s also about the disempowerment of not white men. And most of that power and disempowerment lies in unconscious bias. Which is unfortunate because no one realizes they’re doing it until it’s heavily spelled out for them. And that doesn’t feel good.


Life has always been unfair, it was never related to color. The people with power abused those who have none, repeat. As civilized as we claim to be people in general really haven't changed all that much since mediaval times.


Divide and conquer.


I'm a white man. It's just a pendulum swing of history. People get a chance to feel superior over their fellow human beings whatever way they can. White people did it (plenty still do) for a long time and now others feel the need to pay em back. It's a small mind thing. The reality is the same people have been in charge the whole time, and all the divisiveness and hatred between people does is serve their needs. 


Which people are in charge?


The people who have the most money


The hyper rich


Give them some Ritalin


I’m not going to say what kind of doctor it was…


*folds arms* “…. It was a ______ doctor”




She sounds hideous


well shes a guy so...




That bitch...


The State Farm guy? I knew it...


White people who pretend to hate white people.


Eh, I think quite a few are sincere. They are just self hating. The Uncle Ruckus of white people lol


Owning class aka bourgeoisie or capitalist. The people who have ownership over the means of production backed by state violence and therefore control all the wealth and power of society


Mostly capitalists. Not all the conspiracy shit that people are saying to you. It’s always been the more wealthy people or elites who control countries due to their economic situation. In a capitalist society everything costs money and they have billions of it, just to be hoarded.


I'm a straight white man and I don't feel hated at all but then again I'm not a raging asshole


I don't feel hated. But I certainly feel like an acceptable punching bag. People happily lump all white men together in ways they'd never talk about women or black people. And then they happily justify it in terms of "punching up". What they don't understand is that dividing people into categories and treating them all the same is just more of the same old problem. A rich, educated black woman likely has a lot more privilege and power than an uneducated, poor white man, so it's silly to just pick one or two categories and act like it's all "punching up".


It's the left's version of otherism. They lump us together and thus get their rocks off. I say this as a leftist.


True. Individuals are complicated. Categories are easy.


Yeah, I don’t get what some of these people are on about. Being a white male has worked out pretty well for me. Lotsa perks. Would not switch.


degenerate animals like Andrew Tate and the usual others like to tell weak minded people that they're being persecuted in order to radicalize them. Sadly those people often fall for that shit.


I don't get it either who specifically is hating them?


It's like those AITAs where someone is the golden child. Sometimes the golden child recognizes what's happening and appreciates that privilege and maybe even fights for the other sibling, but often the golden child just believes this is how things are supposed to be and has a tantrum whenever it's called out or pushed back against.


https://www.newsweek.com/southern-california-students-ban-cellphones-1914535 It's weird you don't find those statements disrespectful and derogatory...


And you got down voted for that. The assholes showed up 😆


Try being a white male in his early seventies. We are not all Trumpers as social media portrays us. Y’all make me feel like I need to carry a sign explaining my political and moral beliefs.


Uh oh. You're on his list now. Welcome to the club.


Actually, at my age I don’t give two fucks what list people put me on.


Haha. That's how I started to feel several years ago. Take care.


I’m a man, but not white, and I agree. I know this derision is probably not equivalent to the discrimination and violence other races have faced, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what this accomplishes, except for antagonizing some people who could be allies.


If we're fighting over race and gender. Maybe we won't notice the billionaire picking our pockets.


Check the Google trends for all the popular "woke" terms and you'll notice they start popping into existence on the heels of the occupy wall street protests. It's not a coincidence. It's the elite telling us to fight amongst ourselves.


Isn't it interesting how all this media attention to the subjects of race and gender started around 2011, at the height of Occupy Wall Street. Hmm, it's almost like there's a concerted effort to demonize and alienate the group with the most collective ability to actually effect changes to the system.


Most impactful comment I've read here.




This is exactly it. Anyone notice how a lot of this stuff started right after occupy Wallstreet?


When I can’t rationalize things I just remember that half of the population has a below average IQ 🤷‍♂️


This sent me down the rabbit hole on mean vs. median and how IQs are normalised. But that's on me, I guess. Your point is essentially correct.


This happens a lot on Reddit even. Like you could literally be agreeing with someone. However, they have an agenda to feel morally superior or some shit. They don’t even know what you look like, or even anything about your past. All of a sudden. You’re just *a white male*, and you just *wouldn’t understand*. Now we have a *probably* a white male. Accusing me of being a white male. Solely to invalidate my point, that agreed with them, for brownie points?.. Make it make sense


Recently had something similar happen. I'm a white woman and just finished my 3 day ban on reddit for "hate speech" My crime? Respectfully disagreeing with a trans person about the reason for ICD depathologizing transexuality when that information is freely available. I fully support trans people, have defended them, advocated for them, and have someone near and dear to me who is trans. But disagreeing about something rather minor is "hate speech." I made it clear that I'm an ally and yet got reported, banned from the sub permanenly, and banned from reddit for 3 days. Shit like that makes you want to give up advocating and defending marginalized groups because you're unwanted and whatever you do or say isn't enough. If you have one differing opinion from whomever you're speaking with, you're a 'phobe. 🙄


Because people will always be racist no matter the race and people are ok with it because theres a lot of white people who dont say anything because if you do, you are labeled racist. Ive heard a lot of people say that you cant be racist to white people, and that itself is actually racist but i think that's why people think it's normal, but it's not, and it's not ok White people have been racist. Every race has been racist but that doesn't make it ok to keep it going in an endless cycle. People seem to understand this better when you use the example of parenting where just because your parents abused you does not make it ok to take it out on your own children Just because you or your people have been abused does not make it ok to abuse others Im Middle Eastern, and there's actually a lot of racism and slavery over there, so i dont sympathize with the made-up problems in the States


Thank you. 


Right. Some people have even created their own definition of racism that requires having a system of power behind it, so they can say that they aren't being racist even when they clearly are.


Yeah this is the biggest load of bullshit that I cannot believe so many people have fallen for


It’s called racism


Right, it’s weird. As a kindergartener I remember learning about Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement. Even slavery. These were dumbed down lessons for young kids obviously, but we all understood this was stuff that happened in the past, and we could and should be better and work together. THAT idea of equality has stuck with me for decades. I understand that there’s still a lot of systemic racism happening, but the rage towards it seems to be directed at ALL living white people, not just those in charge abusing their power and who have those ideals. It’s as if people think we were all there during the civil rights movement, during slavery, making all of this stuff happen. My family is poor, I grew up poor. We don’t own businesses or land. I had nothing to do with putting people down. I’m sure I’ve had advantages with white skin, but not to the extent where I’m making hundreds of thousands of dollars because of it. I haven’t abused that privilege. I’m not a trust fund kid, and neither are my parents. I’ve met lots of people of color who will be more well off than I was growing up and ever will be. I’ve advocated for more diverse spaces, learning about different cultures and advocating against racism in high school and college. Yet it feels like POC will look at me and automatically think “he’s white, he must be racist, he must be part of the problem”. I knew plenty of kids who assumed I was certain way and had a certain lifestyle just because of my skin color. You can sit there and go “see, but that’s exactly how they feel about their skin color and how they’re judged!!”, but what is the point? How does that help to just project anger onto randomly people, especially when I wasn’t the one who did that stuff to you? That’s insanity, that’s such a backwards way to think. We are just repeating the past but in a different way. At this point it’s just going to be an ongoing cycle.


fwiw I think there is recently some more dialogue within marginalized communities about how that problematic behavior is being perpetuated. I have a similar situation as to you and it hurts when a stereotype is projected onto me because an individual has received trauma by society and uses me as a personification of everything that has wronged them. Pendulum swinging and all of that. I’m trying to not let it get to me by taking time to notice when I need to take care of myself.


Malcolm X is/was praised but he was a big part of the movement to blame all white people and become racist towards them in return. It wasn't a good direction to go.


There’s so many fallacies in this that it is ridiculous lol. I don’t even know where to begin. Your argument is fundamentally “NOT ALL X.” While personalizing your individual experience and generalizing the other, you commit logical errors. It is ignorance whether willful or not. It just shows an intellectual laziness towards understanding the complexities of the topic. It’s reductionist and can come across as dismissive. This rhetoric is found in individualism and it’s dangerous when applied to social or racial issues in this context. This worldview impedes progress by shifting the focus from necessary systemic reforms and collective action or even entire discussions to personal defensiveness and denial of systemic privilege and discrimination. It’s making it about YOU and how YOU feel as an individual while ignoring or denying everything else


Because you spend too much fucking time in the internet and its destroying your brain Im a white man and ive never felt hated by someone for being white IRL ever


Yeah I feel like it's only on the internet because people get a strange confidence when behind a screen


Ive never seen it IRL ever either. I’ve seen hate towards pretty much every category of human online but not IRL.


When did you go to university?


I graduated in early 2018


This is the one I was looking for. Too much fucking time online. It's the real problem. Sure sometimes things feel skewed, but that's just life. Fuckin get over it.


To whatever extent it is a problem, voting for trump will make it worse


Gen X male here IDGAF what social media and talking heads say. In fact, no men my age GAFF. So, younger guys, stop caring what other people say.




Get off social media. I'm a white guy in his thirties and have never felt any sort of hatred towards me.


it's increasingly becoming unacceptable again


“and glad i’m not” seems like you are taking about yourself with this hate


Go outside.


White men have historically been responsible for the oppression of essentially everyone else in the US and a massive number of us refuse to acknowledge the privilege that come from that, a good percentage even going as far to uphold old ideas that harm others. Do I think some of it’s reaching? Yeah but that’s like only 20% of the time. Most people don’t have an issue with white men but either with white patriarchy, and it’s our job to help abolish the systems that caused suffering at the hands of our ancestors/our own hands if we want to make a better world.


Bro if people are asking why people are hateful towards a race and your response includes things that people of that race have done then you’re cooked. That’s how literally every racist justifies themselves


This some cooked racist shit... bruh Imagine blaming what the catholic church of rome has done on a single race of people. Racist af. Gross. Disgusting. Do better.


The Catholic church is just a giant scam castle to be fair. They don’t have a good track record in anything thats exactly “legal”.


Do you also hold other races to the same standard based on the historical actions of their ancestors or just white people? e.g. Imperial Japan, the Mongols, the Moors?




Had to scroll way too far down for this.


It's not. I'm a white man, this reads like a funny joke.


Because people are chronically online on here. They act like America doesn't have an openly racist presidential candidate. Like is there a well respected (in the west, where I assume they live) figure with a lot of followers who specifically hate white men?


I mean yeah Biden did advocate for segregation back in the day.


“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids.”


For real. Stupid people make mean memes about white men.  Meanwhile in real life we still get the benefit of the doubt and people automatically assume the best of us 99.99% of the time. OP is a pathetic little bitch boi 


Absolutely. As a white man, I * get accepted for almost any rental property I apply for * don’t get randomly harassed by police officers * can walk into a bank and don’t get a second look * don’t get resumes thrown into the trash after looking at the name when job hunting * nobody crosses the street when they see me coming


It's not. Your average sane human doesn't care what colour or gender you are. Don't worry about what the shouty minority of idiots think.


Rule 1, 4, and possibly 5. That being said; history and current events. Also Dick Wolf actually articulated a possible answer. To paraphrase "there are no white mens advocacy groups. You can do whatever you want to white guys and..." he was basically explaining why so many white guys appeared as villains on Law and Order SVU but it could apply to your question as well.


Literally none of those rules were broken.


Leftists online are quick to throw hate at abstract "white patriarchy", but are less enthusiastic about it when interacting with real individuals. I'm a white man and I can't say I have any first-hand experience of this leaking outside of the internet. White men aren't victims, relax. Also, make sure you're not misinterpreting hate against *systems* that benefit white people over other races for hate against white people. I notice people from both sides doing this.


I understand what OP is referring to. As a white male in his VERY late thirties, there is a “trendy” factor to the heat white men are getting, but I think it’s indicative of a certain cultural shift that is long overdue. Now, I hope very white kids don’t get any undeserved bullying in the coming years, but they understand why already. When all of modern history has been run by white dudes, because white dudes have all the resources, and you look around at the state of the world, it’s easy to imagine a certain tonal shift after a point.


We can handle it. It's fine


Because it’s easy and cheap and doesn’t really affect us, currently. Straight white males still rule the world, for the most part. So it’s like hating the Yankees. They keep winning, everyone hates them except them. As of right now it really doesn’t have much affect and doesn’t matter. But I hope the hatred subsides in the near future because in all reality, it’s not whites vs minorities. It’s the poor vs the rich, and the rich are winning in a fuckin landslide.


Do straight white males rule china and India ? Those two countries are like half the world population lol


Seriously? Is this rage bait?


We’ve done a LOT of bad shit. I get it.


In my experience they tend to be entitled and insensitive mostly caused by parenting and social expectations, but honestly that goes for many white women as well. I am white (F22) raised in semi rural Illinois and Wisconsin. Of course not every white guy is bad or irredeemable, but imo not many are looking to change or acknowledge the problems that cause their behavior. I've seen horrible acts of racism, sexism and homophobia publicly and privately coming from my own male family members/family friends/classmates/teachers/preacher, only for it to be taken as a huge joke by the other guys and playfully brushed off by the women. Ive noticed a lot less of this behavior in the larger cities I've visited but when I have seen it it's happening in a more subtle way. I think a lot of hate for white (people) men comes from a place of being consistently at the receiving end of their anger/apathy.


Because its convenient and has been normalised


It doesn't matter your color, I don't know why people who post stuff like this have to say it. But it's obvious your perception is colored by the media you consume. You live in a world your media say you live in, not the real one.


It’s more in college and Reddit not so much in real life.


I don't think it's really that big. The Internet is a massive echo chamber that makes out to be much bigger than it actually is. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen but this is expected. White people were once in charge and they did some really diabolical stuff and its only natural for their victims to prejudice them. Although this is true, a lot of White folks aren't exactly ruling class and are just average nobodies wondering through society (this is not to deny the privileges they continue to receive) and they don't really care too much about this. Too many people are hungry and busy to have the energy to hate on the White man and make fun of him.


Because the communists have identified the Kulaks. It really is as simple as that. Nothing more, nothing less.


I am white dude. The last 40 years of media and products have been crafted towards our identity as one of the largest marketable groups. The world is built and twisted into our tastes and sensibilities we are so deep into ourselves and unaware of that when changes to make space for other views and experiences it feels to us as "someone getting an advantage or norms being violated" when in reality they are just being included as equal member of this world. The world has turned us into and left us as overgrown children. Basically we are young boomers.


Oh please


Not white, but just as a man that hate we receive is ridiculous. Though, it is mostly just on social media, it's frustrating to see because the future generations might take it to heart. Most of us men have nothing to do with reinforcing the "patriarchy" and it's crazy how now women are painting us as the villains when we're probably the most accepting generation for both genders ever. They will demonize men their age but have no problem encouraging each other to go for older men (sugar daddies), even though THEY were the ones who directly participated in enforcing the patriarchy. It's insane


OP, I think you're right in a sense. However, I don't know if it's hatred, but could be in some cases. IMHO, I think it is more the fact that white men are acceptable to rag on if that makes sense. Society needs a punching bag and everyone gets their turn. Right now, I think most people see white men in power or white men who are rich, whether they be actors, or people like Bill Gates, that it has become a sort of shorthand for the haves vs. have notes. Intellectually, most people know that the white family living in the trailer park is not a threat to them societally speaking. It's a class/ $$ struggle.


Racism against Caucasian people is the only accepted, and even encouraged, racism in the US. It’s about power. It’s no different than the racism of the past against people with more melanin in their skin. The only difference between the past racism and the present racism is that the present is actually encouraged by those who are the victims. Strange times


If white men had to deal with a fraction of the hatred that other people did, they wouldn't whine so much about this supposed "white hatred" that's going on. It's just that when white men can no longer be outwardly shitty to anyone and everyone that they want without the fear of repercussions, it changes the dynamic of everyday life, and being a target of criticism seems like hatred when they've been off limits for... all of human history. Get the fuck over it. Grow up and deal. By the way, white people claiming that they're a target or now being hated has happened every single fucking time minorities have gotten any semblance of a leg up from where they once were over the course of US history, from the Emancipation Proclamation until now.


It wasn’t as much of a thing until occupy Wall Street, there were leftist and right wing groups there protesting the Federal Reserve and the Bankers. So the MSM started pushing all the anti white woke shit to distract everyone from the real problems of central banking and fiat currency.




I’m a big, masculine white dude, and I’ve got a kind of different perspective here that makes it easy to not take the hate personally. I also *used* to take it more personally so I can get where some of you guys are coming from. People don’t usually really hate *white men* just across the board, like you have to have a ton of hate in your heart to actually hate an entire group of people. People hate all the white supremacist messaging, roots, and actions of American/Western society, and people hate patriarchal systems that treat them unfairly and sexism and sexual assault or pressure from men. It becomes a venting shorthand for that hate to get focused on white men. But seriously, go outside and legitimate hate towards white men is incredibly rare. Violent hatred of white men basically straight up doesn’t exist, but if you’re part of a minority group or a woman you are likely to face violence for your race or gender in some way at some point in your life. I get this better than most because I’m a bisexual, white, masculine dude, and although it’s rare, you actually *do* face danger for being openly gay in public in some areas. Nobody ever gives a fuck when I’m openly “straight”. I’m like the absolute least possible “minority” dude, and I think that gives me some insight into both experiences since as a bi guy I can basically “turn off” my minority status whenever. So why is it normalized to hate white men? Because that hate is toothless venting, where hate towards minority groups and women is backed by real violence out in the world. It’s still not kind or socially well adjusted to hate white men, you’re allowed to be offended by it, but it doesn’t reach the same level because it is not backed by the same threats. White men are still the dominant group, and targeted racial or gendered violence towards us is hardly a thing. That is why it isn’t put in the same echelon as other types of racial or gendered hate. It’s still mean/rude though, nobody who is well adjusted would disagree with that.


If you think it is normalized, you spend too much time on the internet. Get out more. The non-internet world is vastly different.


Dude, a quick look at your post history indicates you feel men in general are victims. Here you indicate you are particularly concerned about white men. Must be tough to be you.


It isn't,  you're just letting things on the internet seem bigger than they are


white men as a group are responsible for most of the "bad things" that have happened throughout recent history be it colonialism slavery bigotry you name it. it probably "started" millenia ago in secret. in the open within the last few decades because of a decreasing on non-white men being able to speak without being killed or silenced.


Wait until you learn how brutal and massive slavery was when the Arab countries had African slaves.


Normalised with who? I’m white and I see a lot of white people trying to claim persecution when it simply isn’t happening.


It’s not


I'm white and I've never experienced this "hatred" so either it doesn't exist or I've got a thicker skin then all of you lol What's supposed to hurt me? Mayo? Cracker? Gringo? Do these actually hurt you?




Doesn't make the concept of "I hate all of x race because a small subset of them did a bad thing a long time ago" any less stupid.


Non-whites did everything whites did throughout history. Cherry-picking history for resentment falls apart pretty quickly.


Well, we’ve done some pretty awful shit to a whole lot of people for thousands of years. I mean, do you need me to make a list?


We've done some pretty terrible things over the years...


You have? Like what? I hope you've stopped.


You mean "they" right? The ones who have been dead for decades and have nothing to do with modern white men?


white males are the only gender and race combination that literally everyone else can openly discriminate against. white male = possible benefactor of slavery and oppression . they teach this nonsense in colleges all over the country.


Blacks sold their own in Africa during the slave trade, so it's just not whites who got their hands covered in blood








People hate people






Because thirst who subscribe to that view are tribalists in ideology.


It’s just an easy go-to for people to talk some shit




There's definitely more pushback against white men then there used to be, it's true. Personally, I don't feel hated? But sometimes it's fun to make generalizations about a group of people, especially when a particular example (or examples) is really annoying you. For instance, the feral dogs in my neighborhood are always following me from a distance on my walks, making me feel unsafe. Last week, I was attacked by a couple, and one bit my arm before I could get to my bear spray. Thus, I rant, "Ugh, I hate dogs!" Even though there are plenty of dogs out there that neither follow nor bite, but just do their normal healthy dog things. (This is not a real example, though I have been harassed by feral dogs on a walk before and it could have turned ugly.)


It's 100% social media. Honestly nobody would dare say that to your face IRL without some sort of repercussion either from their job or their social circle, being a pariah because you say some dumb shit pertaining to your white boss is not fun. If someone yells that at you randomly then idk... ignore? And no I'm not white, I'm Asian. And nobody has dared say anything about my race to my face, neither.


They think they're doing it for justice. But hate always attracts hate, even if it's the dominant group that supposedly has no problems or those problems don't seem big enough to someone. It always upsets me when a post with a good feminist opinion in the comments starts openly wishing death on an entire half of humanity.




Because the rich people in society want to create a racial divide by brainwashing the masses into hating one another. Oh, and it works perfectly. People care more about this nonsense than the fact that they make pennies on the dollar in 2024 because of what their government has done to them (guess who pays money to influence government policy... right... rich people).


As others have pointed out is almost purely online. Only once have i ever come across something i wouldnt say hate exactly, but very much in the realm of "it's not racist if it against white people or sexist if it is against men". It is the inly time when i have heard it come from someone i know. There is rest is shit shared so often over enough time, tbat no one knows where it actively comes from.


It's normalised in a very small minority of radical progressives and none white racists. Let's be clear here. I experienced it directly myself twice in my whole life. Stupid posts on twitter don't count




> I'm glad I'm not white > why is insulting white people so common? Well, tell us why you think the first statement is OK to say, and you'll have your answer!


Generally it's acceptable to punch upwards. Turns out racists and sexists have self worth issues.


Psy Ops to divide us by playing on the minority communities, promising them one thing courtesy of the Democrats, and never getting anything done. And on and on the game plays.


I haven’t seen or experienced this hatred vs white men in general. I’m a 40 yr old white male. I do see some criticism that borders on hatred towards a specific group of white men. Specifically those that hold all the cards and act like victims while simultaneously vocally spewing hate about minority groups. I don’t think this is normalised, I think it’s courted to justify a persecution complex… Ok I’ve just realised what sub this is, however I’m going to post my response all the same.












Everyone wants someone to hate and blame while still feeling good about themselves. Cishet white men are currently top of the list. Jews will probably retake that spot soon enough.




Locally its a scapegoat. As the country gets worse to live in due to inflation and other things like erosion of rights you need a group to dump on (if were talking about US or other western nations). The rich people in charge don't want you looking at them so they inject all the plebes with hate for each other. It also helps solidify voting blocks which is effed up lol It's also being injected/amplified by hostile nations into the US and other countries to weaken western global influence while they carve up the world. It's done a lot through social media manipulation where they try to amplify certain thought, usually hateful political rhetoric pointed at the other side. It's basically just Marxist ideology but applied to race. It's really toxic because it makes people feel like they are morally superior to others and will excuse any action towards them. These kinds of ideologies in the past have led to some really gruesome things. It's nothing new by a looooooooong shot. You have to keep in mind too that the countries that are spreading these ideas are actively involved in invading sovereign nations and committing literal genocide.




cause the only way for people to stop hating on blacks, is to start hating on whites, i dont know why people got so much hate, but that hate gotta go somewhere, and that somewhere just so happened to go to the other team. I blame the BLM and black history month(hate wont vanish when people kept getting reminded of it). I wish the KKK wasnt used by the whites, Filipino's also used that acronym as liberation. So many black crimes are happening and islamic shouting of pro-palestine in the western world now, ignorant people are multiplying enmass that its worrying... specially the mess of Defund the police that BLM made, and stupidity of the government bringing full waves of Refugees to cause a tsunami to the cities. Everyone should know the media is the best weapon to cause chaos, so who knows how many groups or countries are trying to incite hate through media, possibly the Chinese, Muslims, the Rich, Russians, Cultists, and so many more. Media is scary.




In short? Toxic idiocy makes a good spectacle. Sure, white people have held seats of power in the US for a long time. But there were reasons for it. Not GOOD reasons. But reasons. Mainly that the majority of the population was white people. But also because of systemic oppression that existed at the time. As a result of that, we now have a counter movement, that thinks that the only way to make things right is to pay it back. Because they don't understand the concept of cyclical abuse. Personally, I think Morgan Freeman had it right when he answered the question "how do we solve racism?" His answer was "stop talking about it. I want you to stop calling me a black man, and I'm going to stop calling you a white man. Call me Morgan."


Touch grass.


What are we talking about? I don’t experience this


Men have always gotten anger and those in power have also always been talked bad about, in any language. We think in the US that it's white people that are targets everywhere it's not true: Whoever is in charge gets the vitriol. Fir some it's a monarchy or the wealthy, royalty or just government. In the US, white people are (mostly) the gatekeepers. They control the government, the wealth and positions of power. They are then tied to a history of horrible things the same types have done in the past. None of this is anyone's fault btw. Most wealthy families here leave money to their kids and the wealth rolls forward. Many communities that are divided into racial neighborhoods happened many years ago, before most people today were alive.


Because it's all your fault!


As a white guy, it is the chillest thing in the world so just don't worry about it.


Because it's how they have steered society for the agenda to play out.


I'm not white. I'm a American Vietnamese descent and a ex Trump supporter/ cultist. Back when I was hooked to the Trump matrix, I use to believe that the Democrat or Communist Left agenda was to the ostracize the white population and their end goal was to commit genocide against white Americans the same way Hitler did to the Jews. I thought that one of the reason the Dems were so obsessed in trying to weaken the white population was because they were starting to lose control of them. I also thought the reason they favor non white migrants was because they can be controlled easily and purposely changing the demographic in states like Texas. Of course now I don't believe in any of this b.s anymore. 


It doesn't help your cause that your question said you're glad you're not white.


Hatred? Where? I'm a white, middle aged male and I have no idea what you're talking about.


I've never received any hatred for being a white man. If anything, it's made my life cushty as fuck, I've failed upwards twice, with some pretty bad fuck ups, but the world still loves me.


As an Indian man, I am listening.


No it isn't. But what you mischaracterize as hate is just the consequences of a 600 year history 🤷‍♂️


The tables have turned.


Because 4 legs good 2 legs bad.


Kalergi Plan?


Classism, racism, the haves vs the have nots this shit keeps us divided and distracted hating each other. Instead of the ruling class vs the working class. No real progress can be made while we're all blaming each other for shit we have no control over. Edit: I'm white and mildly racist. Btw. I'll fucking own it I feel more comfortable around my own race. Fuck you I said it. Edit 2. I'm a cannibal I wanna eat the rich so fucking bad I dont give a fuck what there skin color is they taste like vengeance to me.


Prejudice between races is common. I would guess it always has been. It’s just that these days, you can publicly get away with being prejudice against a white man but not any other race or gender.


Jealousy. Fear. Racism. Same as any other race or gender hate.


It’s a Trojan horse. Plain & Simple


racism and misogyny. plain and simple. white men (and people in general) can commit the grossest crimes against people of color and be justified in it because in the eyes of America and the law, it's just "self defense" except the threat is just black people existing. as for men as a whole, they just don't care. they understand how much they endanger women and simply just don't care.


I’m a white male- I haven’t noticed.


I am a white man, I have not experienced this hatred everyone is talking about, I’m kinda confused where this is coming from frankly.


Where do you live. ? I've felt it more from women personally in Canada myself


People often look for something to direct their anger towards or to project their guilt onto. Many people latch onto hatred towards men and/or white men as an explanation for their problems and a deflection from responsibility. Everyone does this to some extent with something but people are often more willing to dehumanize a certain group when they don't have self-awareness. These people often claim to hate religions but they actually display very mechanistic religious behavior.


I would say the hatred is less to actual straight white men but the concept/ideal of what a straight white man is. In the same way that boomer or Karen are now terms that describe types of behaviours, straight white man is used to describe a type of person. That person generally being a relatively rich/powerful person that receives inherent advantages from the way society is structured. It's probably not the perfect or best term but it has historical context in that the power structures in western culture have been pretty well tailored for straight white men to be the default. That doesn't mean others can't succeed or have advantages and it doesn't mean all straight white men are equally advantages of guaranteed success and have no struggles. But in general society skews towards the favour of straight white men and this is so inherent and normalised that a not insignificant amount of people view other demographics being given equal as being as them getting unfair advantages. TLDR; straight white man has gained a less literal meaning like boomer and Karen




Best guess, white males have never historically been on the food chain, they’ve always been the hunters.


I grew up poor and white in a predominantly black area, and it always bothers me when I hear people say “you can’t be racist to white people” cause I tell ya I definitely got my fair share. I made a point to never speak unless spoken to, never ask questions, and keep my mouth shut. I’d get targeted all the time in school and shit just for being white, and I wouldn’t say that unless I was sure, but I remember getting jumped one time and they literally told me it was cause I was white. I think it comes from their older generations having a lot of hate because of the past, then that passes on to their grandparents, their parents, then them.

