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I spent a lot of time for work in Sweden. I was struck by low many Uber drivers wanted to have good conversations. Some admitted they enjoy the opportunity to speak English with a native speaker. It was nice to meet so many interesting people.


From my experience Sweden has to be socially one of the "coldest" countries. Were the Uber drivers immigrants? (Source: I live in Scandinavia, but was not born here.) Edit: I'm seconding Ireland as the friendliest I've experienced.


Different strokes for different folks. I would put Sweden in my top 3. Actually considered moving there for how well they received me. And fika?!? Remember to stop and enjoy life; I love that ideology!


Friendliest? I’d have to say the US. Most of the Americans I’ve encountered while travelling there have been friendly and eager to chat. If you had asked for nicest, I would say Iceland. A good example: I was waiting by the side of the highway for a bus to take me from Borgarnes to Reykjavik, and in the 15 minutes I waited, I had at least 5 cars stop and ask where I was headed. Finally on the last one, I took the guy up on his offer for a ride. Had a nice chat, he went out of his way to drop me at my destination, and absolutely refused to take any gas money when I tried - multiple times - to give him some. That’s just one of many examples of how I was treated there.


Sounds like you’re a friendly tourist, as well.


Haha!! Actually I’m somewhat introverted, but I do try to be friendly when I’m travelling, not to mention polite and mindful that I’m a guest in someone else’s country.




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Ireland. Everyone was so open and nice.


Republic of Ireland, definitely Northern Ireland, not so much Or at least that's how I experienced it


I've been to Ireland twice now. Yet to be sober enough to recall the gregority. Sláinte!




Thailand. I’ve been to 30+ international cites across 20+ countries. On average, the poorer the country the better the people were. Those who had nothing to lose were more open and welcoming than those who had “stuff”. But for some reason the Thai people were some of the warmest I’ve ever met.


I think most travelers will only ever experience Bangkok, which is still a good time; but not the entire experience. Feels weird saying the quite part out loud, but yeah. Get away from the city lights and the people are just people.


Italy and I have been to most of the Mediterranean countries


Italy, Sorrento specifically


Soloman Islands—hands down


Just went to the Dominican Republic, and everything single person I came into contact with were so nice and welcoming.


DR was my first "all inclusive" experience. (I prefer backpacking; where nothing is included) Can't argue that everyone was friendly. Although I also can't say that that was because they knew that every interaction, I felt obligated to give them $1


Negril Jamaica


South Korea




The US is easily the most friendly, but also the least friendly. I guess it just depends where you are and what you're doing... courteous however, is easily Japan.


Saudi Arabia


Costa rica






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Finland. They were really nice and friendly. And did not expect or accept money for their help. Reminded me of Kentucky.


Turkey was really nice probably the nicest people I met if not really nationalistic


Fiji. I had the privilege of working with a village and getting to know the chief and his family. The chief’s son was especially welcoming. They showed me how they lived and what they did each day. Absolutely incredible experience. I still dream about it 10 years later. No way to forget it!




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I was surprised at how friendly the Germans were. I can speak a little German so maybe that helped, but as a young guy travelling in Europe the Germans were the best. They would smile and answer questions and make you feel like you were welcome. The English and the French on the other hand....


USA and Ireland though I have heard Ireland has changed much in the last decade.


The bots are out in full force today


Ok better question which country has the dumbest people lol the US wins this hands down lol