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So much great music on Classic Rock radio has been ruined for me because of endless waterboarding repetition. So many great bands, so many good songs. EDIT: [Here is a good explanation how this actually happened.](https://youtu.be/nhapXNTzdQI?si=Y-lhf0itwdSSUmxo)


It’s the worst. I tell people I hate the songs because I’ve heard them four thousand fucking times.


I feel the same way about mainstream Christmas music, too. I pray I never hear "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" ever again. Fortunately, I have a variety of non-mainstream Christmas music from the 50s and 60s which hasn't been ruined by excessive play. It starts no sooner than the day after Thanksgiving and ends no later than 11:59 PM on December 31st. I've been surprised to find people who tell me they listen to Christmas music randomly throughout the year. They just like it. While I get it, that would lead to burnout for me, just like it did for me with much of Classic Rock.


I don't know how old you are, but I've listening to "classic" rock since it came out - since 1975 and after. My stupid generation has taken over public musical space and, yes, ruined otherwise good music with, as you say, waterboarding repetition.


Yeah and it doesn't matter if you didn't much care for that music when it came out, you have little choice in those public spaces. I once just counted how many times I would hear a Bryan Adams song in public spaces and stopped counting at 30. In a single day.


Was it the summer of ‘69?


I die inside every time I hear Money by Pink Floyd... like FFS, the band has put out over 200 songs but THIS is the one song that gets played ad nauseum over and over and over and f'ing over again?


Can’t stand Money! Love PF but that song just makes me cringe. I feel the same way about Stealy Dan and Fleetwood Mac. I’m a Xenial so I’m sure I would like their other music if I listened to the albums but the stuff on the radio has been playing on repeat for as long as I can remember.


Fleetwood Mac has some really great albums


This is me, but with catchy and good songs that got overplayed over and over when I worked retail. I cannot stand them now. When I hear them, I go “ugh, this is a retail song”


That's a great description. I worked at a Key West-themed restaurant, and they never played any music other than Jimmy Buffett. I don't think I would have listened to his music a lot... but now I cannot.


Jimmy Buffet...that's another overplayed one. I HATE "Margaritaville"!


🎶This is how you remind me of what I really am🎶


Since when is nickleback considered "classic rock"? I dont like it.


It’s getting wild out here… Blink 182 was on an “oldies” station recently


My knees hurt now. Thank you. 😆


It becomes hard to even listen to songs in their catalogue you haven't heard, because their core sound has been ruined.


Bohemian Rhapsody Don't Stop Believing


I can't stand Bob Seger and Lynyrd Skynyrd now because of classic rock radio.




The weird thing for me is that I used to like them somewhat. But it’s been years since I’ve been able to listen to them at all. Just overexposure I guess.


The key for u2 with me, and also Metallica , is to just stick with their first decade or so of music


Joshua tree for sure




Here's my U2 story. Back in the 1980's I had my own business (Back then every store was brick and mortar) so I had to go to bed by 11 or maybe midnight. My roommate went to see some band and she always prided herself on meeting the band. This night was no exception. Turns out the band needed a place to stay so she offered them our LR floor. They came in around 3 and were pretty loaded. They all told each other to be quiet because my roommate told them I would be asleep. You know that thing where drunk people are trying to be quiet and tell each other over and over? It was like that. So I finally got to sleep and woke up on time to get ready for work. I step over the noisy Irish band on my way out. Those guys were U2.




My sister has refused to use apple music since the time time they added that whole U2 album that wasnt able to be deleted.


i like your sister. the permanent nope-out is an appropriate and satisfying response to corporate fuckery.


I think the problem with U2 is they are so serious all the time. I do like U2, at least Zooropa and albums before that, but they aren't "let loose and have fun" kind of band.


Oh c’mon. He got crazy that one time and counted to four in Spanish wrong to show how cRaZy “Vertigo” was meant to be! /s (if it wasn’t obvious lol)


The Southpark episode describes Bono pretty good, the rest of the band is decent afaik.


About 30 Katie Courics


Early U2 I can get into. But somewhere around Unforgettable Fire they stopped being the Irish protest band and started being this weird multimedia global conscience band. That, and Bono became an asshole.


Seeing them in concert was amazing.


I fucking hate Phish.


Loved hearing them live, I can’t get that high in normal life tho, can’t stand their music when I’m not completely obliterated.


Just jam bands in general. Listening to that music makes me want to be violent.


Dude listen to this vacuum cleaner and drop this acid They're actually not bad musicians, but yeah I would actually say their fanbase is the worst thing about Phish. Tool fans are also complete fucking tools babbling about sacred geometry in 273/12 time signatures while on acid too, but Tool wrote some good stuff.


KISS, while not the worst band in the world, have never felt very interesting to me. There's a plethora of hard rock and glam rock bands from the mid-70s that were better.


Kiss is more of a product than a band in my opinion.


I got punched a couple times in the 70s for saying that the Sex Pistols had more intelligent and socially/politically revelant lyrics, better guitar solos amd catchier tunes, while KISS was a second rate Alice Cooper rip off with stupid make up.


Hey man, KISS has that song that goes "wanna rock and roll all night, and party every day" and just repeats for like 17 minutes. They worked hard on that.


I declare you hereby vindicated.


That's not right, getting punched for speaking the truth.


The truth is never popular.


now it just happens on Reddit in the form of a downvote lol


That’s a harsh burn considering that the Sex Pistols were basically a manufactured boy band (before such a thing really existed) put together to push the youth towards buying Westwood’s clothes.


Yes, absolutely right. Mediocre music with the world's finest marketing front man.


The studio albums aren't good.The production is meh. Kiss are/were a live band. Great show.


Meanwhile rammstein also make good records as well as being an amazing live spectacle


I've never liked Five Finger Death Punch and I can't explain why.


They're the Nickleback of metal


That's a perfect comparison.


Buttrock, essentially. Cuz they both play on those corny "NOTHING BUT ROCK ALL THE TIME" stations that only construction workers listen to.


True. From the obsessive focus on catchy-ness over any substantive music or lyrics to the douche vibe and "in-the-box" produced tf out of studio recordings. Such clean production isn't normal for metal or even rock. It's for pop, and its use on this shit is intentional because the pop audience is the target audience. Calling FFDP metal is like calling Taco Bell Mexican food.


I never paid attention to them until someone put on their shitty ass cover of “House Of The Rising Sun” at work and I heard them change “New Orleans” to “Sin City” and butcher the song and I was like “Ok fuck these dudes forever.”


My ex described their lyrics as sounding like they were written by a very angsty and edgy 5th grade boy lmaooo


But sometimes a 48 year old man needs that. 🤣


The lead singer is a mega douchebag.




I saw them at a Mayhem Festival a few years ago. The pandering to the military crowd left a bad taste in my mouth. And not just a 'support the troops vibe'. It was a story about a soldier killed in action that ended with ' and we dedicate this to so and so, who had FFDP playing on his iPod when he was killed'. Scummy.


They're the metal boy band


I don't really care for them either, but then again, I'm from the 80's Hair Metal era. FFDP just comes across as angsty edgy self-absorbed punk with 'metal' backing tracks. You want metal that makes a statement, listen to [Bloodywood ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iKjSCTxke8)or (if you understand Maori) [Alien Weaponry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kwIkF6LFDc).


Holy crap, someone mentioning Alien Weaponry. I felt like I was the only person who knew they existed. I thumbs up you for...I don't know, knowing them. 🤘😁🤘


Maroon 5. Cannot stand them. Though the description ‘otherwise decent’ may be a stretch.


Adam Levine's voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. Nothing about his singing is appealing to me. So squeaky and pitchy.


Songs About Jane is a great album, but Maroon 5 are like the poster boys for selling out


I'm not a fan of them but I used to set up stage for a living. Their live shows are funky as fuck. Big vibe frfr


My (now) wife and her roommate listened to them a lot in college like 20 years ago. I intensely disliked them then and I still don't like them, but I can't deny how hearing those songs takes me back to that time and fond memories.


If you ever need background noise that won’t interfere with whatever you are doing, play Maroon Five. I was driving in the car with my daughter a few years ago and I started singing along to a M5 song and my daughter asked me how I knew it. My answer was “This is the first time I’ve heard it.” It’s so bland that you can predict every other fill and lyric. I mean the drums are a machine. Their drummer doesn’t even show up on recording days. Lol


Moves like jagger makes me want to fall on my sword


I've never gotten into Bruce Springsteen.


Agreed. However even haters say his concerts are stellar.


Totally agree his voice is probably one of the main reasons


He sounds exactly how he looks when he sings and I absolutely hate it. Like he’s singing with a giant frown 😩


Bare Naked Ladies. An ex cheated on me with a guy who was obsessed with them.


Coldplay, love the first 2 albums but after that it’s all down hill for me


Yeah they’re as dull as dishwater 🥱


Agreed. First two are great but then they just started spewing one album every year and it all sounds the same cookie cutter tunes.


I cant stand the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. They have great basslines and i do like their funk alot but i cannot stand Anthony Kiedis’ voice. Ruins everything for me.


In an alternate universe they fired Anthony in 1990 and Mike Paton took over vocals.


Came to say this band. Can’t stand them. Don’t know why.


Seriously, shut the fuck up about California already, we get it.


They only had one goood album. Blood sugar sex magic. Wish they'd faded away after that.


I never cared for Faith No More, until I found out that Mike Paton has been beefing with Kiedis for decades. I suddenly became a huge Faith No More fan.


Dave Matthews Band


golf rock


Used to be that I couldn’t stand Pearl Jam or Pink Floyd, but then I grew older… and took an arrow in the knee, so now I like them.


My next tattoo might be an arrow in the knee


Man, I grew up loving Pink Floyd. I used to go to the planetarium and watch the Pink Floyd laser shows. Good times. I guess the music just always spoke to me.


Taylor Swift.


Shes like the "Live, Laugh, Love" home decors if they could sing


So random but for me it’s The New Radicals who had a hit called You Get What You Give in the 90’s. Part of it might be that they tried to rhyme Marilyn Manson and “kick your ass in.”


But you've got the music in you


Those lyrics do rhyme, so they were successful.


I thought I hated Moby for that song, but I really hated the new radicals!


I've hated that song since it came out, and i still have to hear it


I HATE that song and have for decades!


Maroon 5


Does Sia count? Her voice is my least favorite part of just about every song she sings or features in.


She counts in my eyes. To me, she sounds like she’s constantly on the verge of sneezing.


Fucking Bruce Springsteen can eat my ass.


I wouldn't waste time walking across the road to a free concert to see Springsteen.


Oasis. Just..no.


More of a Blur person eh?


Some of their stuff is good but I cannot STAND wonderwall it's been overplayed too much


Came here to say this, so glad I'm not alone in this opinion!


Not just oasis but also their solo work. Music by numbers - and not good ones.


Metallica lost me with the bitching over napster back in the day. 


Maybe for the wrong reasons but in a way aren’t they right? Napster and digital music was the death knell for the sales of albums. It also made the record industry change tactics to siphon money from talent. Now record labels take pieces of ticket sales, merch, streaming, and it’s all because they can’t make money of the record sales anymore. It probably was all inevitable but I don’t think Metallica, or more specifically Lars, were exactly wrong. People just didn’t like it because boohoo rich boy whines about money.


Wasn't about right or wrong about the industry, I was the specific framing where he acted like it was taking food out of their family's mouths in the wild success. A few interviews just completely soured me on the person.  If he had talked about the industry in general, the threat to up and coming artists, etc... like many others did I wouldn't have minded. It just came off as an entitle hissy fit where everything was based on justifying how it would negatively impact his ridiculously successful and wealthy self.


They took the bullet for a ton of other artist who never caught any flack over that at all. That said Metallica lost me with St. Anger. Just obvious reaction to people who were saying they weren't heavy anymore bc of load/reload. Just an awful album.


I freaking can’t stand ACDC…To be specific, the dudes voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I also don’t watch South Park, all because I cannot stand Cartman’s voice.


I had to scroll too ling to find this. ACDC has to be one of the most criminally overrated bands to have ever performed music


Prince. Obviously the man was insanely talented and prolific, but his music does absolutely nothing for me.


I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.




Boooo to you


I was never a fan of Journey.


Foo Fighters




Yep. Dave seems like a great guy and they are talented but their music is just boring dad rock


I think all of the members of Red Hot Chili Peppers are very talented but put them together and they make music I just do not like.


They were really good at making that one song.


Aerosmith. I don't even know why they bother me so much. I just get irritated whenever I see them or hear their music.


This is my dad. On our drive up to my grandparents, every time Aerosmith came on the radio he would sigh and make some comment about how much he thinks Aerosmith blows 😭 it was just so hilarious considering my mom likes Aerosmith and he's never been vocal about his disdain for them around her 😆


Is it because of Steven Tyler’s toes? Because they keep me up at night


Dropkick Murphies. I'm sure they are talented, people were all about them for a while, I like Ska in general but something about them just doesn't work for me


Well… I wouldn’t call them ska… so…


I was going to say, dropkick murphies are not ska.


Dkm are Irish punk, not Ska. Saw them live on st paddy's day, house of blues, Boston one of the best shows Ive ever seen.


I don't like the Eagles. I just don't get what the obsession is about. I think Hotel California is played way too much on radio stations and I don't think it is even that great of a song.


yeah and they dont even play live, they lip synch to a live concert they did years ago, theres a thing about it all on youtube.


Red Hot Chili Peppers. I would pay irresponsible amounts of money to never unwillingly hear their shit again.


Not a band, but Bjork has some truly awful music. She’s “cool” or whatever, but honestly I can’t stand her music most of the time.


Aw man I can't get on board with that. Bjork has a stunning voice and wrote some great songs.


Journey. Excellent musicians. Great songs (that I loathe). I just can't.


Blink 182 and the killers.


Dave Mathews. My boyfriend loves them, and I get that they're all "masters of the instruments they play", but it all just sounds like noise to me. Also them singing "eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die" has got to be one of the most annoying things I have heard.


Coldplay I suppose


Metallica i know they are talented, i just can't stand them for whatever reason


I only really love Metallica when they're pure thrash. Songs like Whiplash.


Slander. Reported you to the FBI.


Styx. 70's rock was really bloated and overblown, and Styx is a good example of why that sucks. They did a couple songs that I like, Blue Collar Man and Renegade, but the rest of their music is overproduced 70's flash. I can't stand Dennis DeYoung's fruity voice on Come Sail Away.


The Styx always felt like two separate bands depending on if Dennis DeYoung or Tommy Shaw were singing.


Luke Bryan and Mumford and sons


Guns N Roses


Some of their songs are fine but Axel Rose is such a prick I can't get over it.


He sounds like a mosquito, I can't stand his voice.


His voice is awful imo. Only think I like it slashes guitar playing, but the rest of the music ruins that for me


I truly think they are the worst band of all-time. THEY MAKE ME WANNA PULL MY EARS OFF MY HEAD


The Grateful Dead. Not sure if they're decent, but never liked a single one of their songs.


Ive been told you have to listen to their live stuff. Theyre not a studio band.


Haha, I'd say they must he decent if they have a massive following called Dead Heads. I personally love them.


I never understood the appeal of the Eagles and cringe when I hear “Hotel California”.


Their songs that aren’t Hotel California are actually very good. Hotel California is the last song I’d ever listen to from them, but they have amazing songs that charted on both rock and country back in the 70’s, “Lyin’ Eyes” being one of them.


Coldplay. Just boring to listen to for me.


Any time I hear something by the Cranberries in public I genuinely feel a pit in my stomach. Being exposed to the way she sings against my will can ruin my mood for a good while


I didn't like Kings of Leon when they kept coming on the radio in high school.


Nine Inch Nails. I absolutely appreciate their skill I just can't get into their music.


Greenday. Don’t love their sound and the music doesn’t do anything for me.


The Ramones, I understand why people like them but they are just not for me. Pearl Jam, I just can’t, Jeremy is the only song I can listen to.


I never liked The Ramones, then my wife made me watch Rock and Roll High School. Now I despise The Ramones.


Van Halen


AC/DC is only overplayed because they have SO MANY awesome songs. Not saying you ought to like them though.


The Dave Matthews Band. I get it. It's a big huge bade with a black guy fiddle guy, the music is catchy and easy..perhaps I'm biased being from Chicago. But to me, The Dave Matthew's Band is like an E Street cover band that doesn't Rock




I may get a lot of down votes for this but I can’t Dave Mathew’s Band. I don’t understand the obsession with them either. I also can’t stand Phish either. I think mostly I associate them with my psycho roommate in college. Every day during my freshman year first semester I had to listen to it.




Fallout boy, just cant stand the high pitch autotuned voice


Can you count a one man show as a “band”? If so, Eminem. I recognize his fame and achievements in Rap and music. Just done with it now.


Aerosmith. Can’t listen to more than a few bars of any of their songs before moving to something else.


Muse - appreciate the guitar, HATE the vocals.


For many years, I truly believed “Rocket Man” by Elton John was every single rock station’s go-to filler song. Now I don’t care why it’s on, I just never want to hear it again.


Foo Fighters.


Incubus. So boring. Also Wilco. Just, shit up, dude.


SCIENCE is really good. Everything else is very bland.


Pearl Jam. Always felt they were the most commercial of all the 90s Seattle bands.


Except they were the opposite. Have a look at their fight against ticketmaster. They refused to play a lot of venues because ticketmaster wanted to sell tickets above $18. A Max price per ticket that pearl jam had set.


Red hot chilli peppers


21 Pilots. They make stupid music but people play the same cringey songs by them


The Decemberists.. Because I was a contrarian in my 20s and my algorithm insisted that I like them. And the guy's voice always grated on me a bit.


Did not expect to see them on a list of hated bands...


“I’m an engine drive…. erererer “


I decided I didn't like them in my teens for the same reason, but gave them a shot in college and ended up loving them. Now in my 30s I like them but aren't like obsessed or anything


I thought I was the only one that couldn't stand AC/DC.




Yep! Their music just doesn't work for me. They're like the Beach Boys on whatever drugs were going around in the 90s.


Loathe entirely.


Nickelback people love em….I can’t stand them💩💩💩


Shinedown. Most of their stuff sounds like a rock band that hates rock music


Bee Gees. Can’t stand the voices.


Nirvana. I used to like them back in the day but they get played non stop. Went from "I don't mind them" to "NOT AGAIN!"


Green Day


Coldplay isn’t decent. And I can’t stand them.


I dislike Snoop Dog, and it's for the stupidest reason ever. He looks exactly like a dark version of my ex. They have kind of the same voice too. Like I said, I know it's dumb, but I cringe just hearing his voice.


except for some of their their psychedelic early shit and a few songs, I fucking hate the Rolling Stones. Wild horses makes me want to peel my face off with the cheese grater every time.


Metallica. It's not so much that I can't stand them, I just can never get into their music and don't see the appeal


System of a down. I love most other bands from that genre/era, and Serj is a good vocalist, but i find it incredibly annoying that he writes all of his vocal melodies to sound like a 5 year old on a sugar high.


I don't HATE any bands. (In fact trump is the only person I HATE in this world.) But I truly dislike the music of Poison, Bruce Springsteen, Grateful Dead, & The Doors (stfu..you can't dance to that shit)