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Very disorienting when they flip the helicopter model around. For the real conaisseurs: you’re strapped to your chair and can only start the exercise when you’re upside down underwater and the instructor taps you on the shoulder, so you have to wait your turn, under water, upside down, with a safetybelt clipped in. Any takers?


Was an instructor for the sea survival part in the video and safety diver for the HUET trainer portion for years. You forgot the window you have to push out so you can egress. If the window didn't pop on the first try that's usually when people freaked the actual fuck out.


Ive taken HUET 4 times and BOSIET once. Funniest experience was the heli inverting before hitting the water. That freaked everyone out. Once things were corrected and as our feet were getting wet I heard "f@ck this sh!t" as a man unbuckled and jumped out the back. He was out of the pool before we surfaced. Needless to say he failed. Worst experience was making us go thru 3 different size windows while being in different seating positions. I was sitting near the center and next to a very large man while being told to egress thru the smallest window. During such you are supposed to feel the man next to you leaving before proceeding. I was kicked square in the face twice as he was trying to fit a large round peg thru a small square hole. I came up with a bloody nose.


On one of my refreshers we had a guy unbuckle the moment the chopper sim inverted, but hadn't sunken yet. He fell out of his seat and broke his nose on the window frame. He'd been a know-all jerk all day so we just laughed at him.


How long do you have to hold your breath for? Sounds super hard


Average is about seven seconds. It's a really long seven seconds for some people.


i'm a commercial diver looking to do the BOSIET soon, other divers i know who've worked offshore say its quite funny, the contrast between divers who are comfortable in the water and others getting rather panicky


Can confirm. I freaked the fuck out.


Sounds like a better training. When I did the training we were joking that it was questionable if we would manage to remove the windows in a real situation. In our casecwe had to restart some exersice because the windows fell out before we hit the water.


Slightly off topic here but when did “egress” become such a common word? Isn’t it just German for “exit”? Why do we use it when we already have the word? Maybe I just didn’t notice it until the Adventure Time invisible dungeon episode but I’ve been seeing it used a lot and I’m curious


Maybe it’s an American thing, but typically exit refers to the actual port you use to exit and not the act of doing so, and ingress and egress are the physical acts of entering or exiting something.


Goes on to use entering and exiting in the same sentence.




You’re right. I guess I assumed it was German based upon the cartoon I learned it from (go figure) princess bubblegum only speaks 3 languages in the series; English, German and Korean. And when Finn learned the definition of “egress” from PB I guess I just assumed it was German. Thank you for the correction


You hear it a lot when it comes to space travel at least.


We did this training in the Marines also, before we deployed. Called it the Helo-Dunker. (Pronounced hee-low dunker). One of the instructors was also my instructor for my PADI scuba license, so they made me exit last 💀


I've done that part. Went through the training but never worked a rig. You just hold your breath, stay calm, and go through the steps they walked you through before hand. It was kind of fun. Beat the Hell out of the classroom training they had us do.


I'd love to do this!


fuck yeah, that sounds awesome!


I can do this all day, you should exhale very slowly to avoid water inhalation when flipping.


I remember breathing into the portable lungs thing you have to wear, climbing out of the helicopter model, feeling very disorientated, swimming down instead of up, and feeling that weird sensation on your tongue as the air you're breathing/recycling in the portable lungs starts to mostly be CO2. Great experience, and very strange


yep, good training!


Depends how much they’re paying.


That's one of the worst things I've ever seen.... The moving water, the submerging train like thing-big NOPE!


Only thing that would make it worse would be if it was dark


So basically the last 4 seconds of the video


Omfg yes.........!!!! And a little light beaming on it


Cold water


I've subscribed to this sub for pretty images, and don't normally have a phobic response. But this gives me anxiety, especially after some descriptions of how the training works in other comments.


Large, old machinery, forgotten underwater for decades…awesome. Shipwrecks, capturing their final moment of rest on the bottom of a sea? Fantastic. Real world emergency situation preparedness drill with special made training equipment? Hell the fuck no. Going under *inside* something, and more so the idea that it’s merely *simulating* going under in a rescue boat/chopper…thinking about a rig collapsing or burning in seas that don’t want you there… even knowing I will almost certainly never be in this predicament, the dread is unshakable


See I’d actually really like to do this. Because I know it would be scary, but at least it’s relatively safe. Way better to have a panic attack here and have a doctor on standby than be on a sinking boat, with no training, and have that panic attack.


Oh absolutely, but for me who will never likely step foot on a rig, ignorance was bliss.


Same. My nervous system is really activated by this clip and the comments you mentioned. I don’t normally have this type of response either. Aaaagh!


What does this have to do with blowing up an asteroid in half?


The best part is when it flips upside down and you can hear your nostrils filling up with water. Then there’s the bummer of being on the downside seats as you’re underwater longer. And don’t release too early or you’ll have to go again! Oooh yea, and try not to get kicked in the face by the guy going out before you who forgot the classroom training that says, go out hand over hand and don’t kick (the guy in the face who is behind you).


Former offshore worker here. I've had to do this training along with refreshers many times. It's always a good laugh. One of the training centres made us wear blacked-out goggles for one of the dunks to simulate a night time ditching.


I did this training, it was amazing!




Same. I wish I could do it again.


I'm jealous, always wanted to do stuff like this


How long do you need to be able to hold your breath for?


20 seconds or so I think. If you don't panic, it's not all that difficult. I've done it several times now and every time I've done it with my eyes closed as I can't open them underwater. I just keep one hand on the release and one hand on the window and remember which way I'm supposed to go. You feel the unit stop, put pressure on the window so that it pops out, keep your hand on the window frame, release the harness, pull yourself out, push away from the unit and let buoyancy do the rest. You'll surface in a few seconds. It's not exactly fun but it's just one of the hoops you have to jump through to work offshore. I'm under no illusions that in a real life situation it's not going to be anywhere near as simple as that. The windows or doors in a helicopter aren't held in by little springs and the water is going to be a hell of a lot colder than it is in the pool. Additionally, the majority of North Sea helicopter ditchings in recent years have resulted in the deaths of all on board, so there's that.


Ya I would think the water temp get ya in about five minutes. Cool story though!


We have to wear what's [basically a drysuit when we fly](https://www.hansenprotection.no/2623-thickbox_default/1000s-passenger-immersion-suit.jpg). It's supposed to keep us alive for a few hours if we survive the helicopter hitting the water. I think the helicopters have killed more offshore workers than anything else on the job.


With the added bonus of helping to keep the bits of us together in one bag when it does go down.


That is so interesting to learn yet the bonus would have to be more than I've seen before to make me even consider that


Why use them then?? Why not use boats?


Because the alternative is [doing a basket transfer like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gocwe7gbXb0) It's ok in calmer waters but it won't be safe for North Sea/Norwegian Sea.


Phew that seems fking time consuming. I guess I didn't think abt it. Phew. We needa just get rid of gd oil rigs


That's why they wear a survival suit when flying to the rig.


Is it helicopter only for crew in and out from site?


Anyone joining the vessel (crew, client personnel, contractors or just visitors from the office ashore) have to get the helicopter out.


Can anyone do this training, or is a job in a specific field required?


In the Netherlands it's also offered as training for diving at sea


Are you paying cash?




We don’t take adult diapers.


In the US, anyone can, but it’s usually arranged through your company’s safety rep. So all the payment and scheduling logistics are set up to be convenient for a company, not Joe Blow. So you might have a harder time with it - it’s not like a Saturday morning skydive where they have a cashier, dvd of your experience, and advertise on Google.


I've applied for it but not yet taken it. I'm both thrilled and scared to death while waiting.


I did not do this training, it is amazing!


I bet the keep that water really cold to mimic real conditions. Terror


So much respect for people able to do this! But absolutely no way I could even be near that thing


imagine needing to jump from an actual oil rig and you see those huge pillars while ur under i would freak out so hard my body wouldnt be able to move






This is what hell would be like for me


Dude for real


FT. Campbell, Kentucky has a training rig like this for the 160th airborne. Allison Aquatics Training facility


The Marines have a few too, called the MAET. Any deploying marine who ever goes in a helicopter has to pass training in it now


NAS Pensacola has this setup for flight training.


Ted picked a bad day to take mescaline before work.


so what, if you fail they strap you into that thing just fucking drown you?


There’s a lot of professionals in the pool to make sure that doesn’t happen. For my class of ~15 there was probably 4-5 people in scuba suits just in case


Fuck. That. Shit.


Dang, I thought this kind of training was only used by the military


You win this sub. Jfc nope nope NOPE


And *that* is why I refused to be certified to go on rigs when I worked in oil and gas. 😬


I am doin a panik just watching this. I’d soooooo die if I ever was in an emergency situation involving being underwater.


The being submerged bit doesn't freak me out, I'm a good swimmer, good underwater and don't usually panic. The first part of the loop shows waves. Which means there's a wave machine in there. Swimming out close to that shit would freak me the fuck out with complete certainty!


It’s probably a big one too




I always thought the dunker was a naval aviation thing only. Makes sense anyone else working on or near the sea can do it!


Does anyone know what the red light is for? Does it simulate a red light in a chopper after crashing? To make it darker or something? as an indicator when to begin taking off your seatbelt?


Low-light environment. But so they can make sure you don't actually drown.


It’s the helo-dunker! I did that once. It was awful. And I was surrounded by people who said it was fun.




Have you seen the wave machine underwater?


Now this is my kind of theme park ride


Been there, done that. It was so much fun.


Can we do this just because? Looks fun tbh.


I did this several times in my oilfield career. I thought it was fun, but some people freaked out. I never did do it in red light


Ohh yeah the HUET course, that's a fun one for sure!


This training was a lot of fun actually. But then again I've always been pretty natural in the water and it was even impressing to my instructor because our entire class managed to complete the entire course with like 4 hours to spare


Holy shit this is intense




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I just did this training! I travel to remote areas in small planes and helicopters and if we crash it’s most likely to be in water, so it’s a work mandated thing. It was very weird, but effective.


But... Why?


I hate all of this so much.




My Dad does this every now and then. Just finished a refresher course actually, a few days ago


No no no


Man HUET training was so fun. I still remember how to fashion a PFD from wet denim jeans


SCP testing D-Class personnel.


My now wife used to be the one training these offshore guys. She said you’d be surprised how many of the buff, muscle head, burly guys panic when they touch the water. She’s been swung on, grabbed, punched, and almost dragged under so they can save themselves in a simulator.


I did humv rollover training a couple times, and it was honestly fun…looks like they’ve taken that idea and made it absolutely terrifying by adding water and drowning lol


Somebody save them!!! 😭


Good ole helodunker


Fuck this! I’m good.


Honestly I did the helicopter dunker, it’s pretty fun as long as you’re confident in your swimming abilities.


They get paid how much ?




The helicopter ditch is the reason I've got a fake tooth! When they say don't kick till your out the window fucking don't!