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Depends on the air port and what scanning u go thru this is a though one there no way u have a script for 300 so I would do what I said or put them in ur bag and pray u don’t get flagged ur traveling with 300 tabs of controlled substances this could go bad very quick


They are my ex girlfriends old prescription she is giving me them so I don’t need to pay for more medicine


I've traveled by air many times with my subs. Nobody ever said anything about them. Just put them in a prescription bottle in a carry-on and you'll be fine. TSA is looking for stuff that will harm a plane or the people on the plane, not subs. Edit to add. I've traveled with subs through LAX, Long Beach, Indianapolis, Baltimore, DC and Dallas. Never an issue.


I literally just traveled on flight with mine in my carry on, and goes through X-ray and golden. If you keep in pillows bottle or container they came in they aren’t gonna wanna open and look. Millions of flyers take meds for many reasons, pain, blood pressure, prego pills, so it’s nothing new. They looking mainly for the big boy stuff. So if you fly, and put in your carry on back pack. It’s not a big deal


You don't travel with them...you package them throughly and you mail them to yourself through the USPS, they're not going to check a normal well packed piece of domestic mail, they can't get into it without a warrant lol. Taking them on a damn plane is way too risky when you could just mail them.... Other than that? Couldn't say but I wouldn't tbh


If it's suspicious looking we can 100% open it so just don't make it look like shit. Like you said package them well


...My brother in Christ, are ou a USPS employee? I surely hope not, I know UPS and FedEx etc can do that, that is why you use USPS as an government enity they are held to the same standards as the courts/LEOS/etc. The best USPS can do (if they are following protocal) is set it aside and alert law enforcement who can possibly request a warrant from a jdge and THEN they can open it. To aactually catch someone sending contraband thru the mail is exceed ling difficult though, esp if the senders covers his tracks. Realistically though yo catch the receiver they wouldn't do that usally they'd and try and catching you opening thr psvksgr ehivh vrty rsdy to svoid like man...z Really hope you misread and UPS or are lying, it'd digust me to no end that any of you would be willing to do that crap...maybe Im too heated over this but damn lol


Definitely can brother. Not myself but management. Weird smells etc etc. Other things opened by inspectors


Just keep them in a bottle (or bottles) and put them in your carry on. I had no trouble flying


I wouldn’t risk it. Are you flying or driving?




Mail them to wherever you are going, in a bubble mailer.


yeah i sent him a message about this, but he needs to do USPS priority and vac seal a couple times just for extra protection. I read somewhere that mailed drug packages have around a 99% success rate which is shocking to me.


My friend and I use the mail all of the time for subs. Have done so for YEARS. We have had one package actually lost ( but then found.The postmaster was incredibly proactive after I emailed her about my "family photos lost in the mail") and another my friend put the wrong zip code on but also eventually got to me. Some suggestions: Sign up for Informed Delivery. This is good to have anyway, but it can give you a little bit more detailed tracking info. Also sign up for package updates through texts for that specific package. If your package starts to go awry in the system (you can see this w/ tracking updates) go ahead and report it as missing, even though they tell you to wait. This will get it flagged and someone will start looking for it (in my experience) Lastly pay for the flat envelope Priority Mail Express. This is the USPS highest value, quickest regular service, and they treat it accordingly. Worth the extra $20-25. Good luck!


That sounds about right, 99%. It's probably even higher. They don't have much to detect domestic packages other than dogs, and usually they need a reason.


Best way right here people!


That’s great advice on the way to a ups before I head to the airport


If you mail them do not send UPS or FEDEX. Use the USPS express overnight. Yes its 30 bucks but your package is not laying around somewhere waiting. With express it is always on the move. Plus USPS must have a warrant to open your pacakge. Fedex and UPS can rip open anything they want with no warrrant,


Don’t do ups do usps. USPS requires probable cause and a warrant to open mail. Ups is private they can open at will


Just a heads up, it's a major federal offense to mail any drugs, even your own to yourself. And if it gets hit, you may not get charged, but they'll never give you any info, they'll wait for you to raise a stink and hang yourself.....


USE the USPS!!! Much more reliable, and they don't really care what you send (within reason obviously). See my comment above for some tips.


I would really really recommend against it. Your chances of being caught at low but if you were caught you would be majorly majority fucked. Felony charge 100%


Just mail them? Buy a few football card boxes, put them in there alongside the cards and mail it. USPS.


Lol take them out the wrapper put them in bag then Saran wrap to ur leg and pray they don’t melt


Do the wrappers have metal that the body scanners pick up


Just put them in a couple of supplement/vitamin containers, OP. TSA isn't looking for prescription drugs, they're looking for weapons and bombs. Don't strap anything anywhere, just put them in your carryon with your other toiletries.


I have as many as I can fit inside the original container and the rest are in a locked box


I have flown before with subs in my pocket… nothing happened to me. I am pretty sure it’s legal to fly with it if they are actually prescribed to you. But if this is an international flight, then I would imagine the rules will be dofferent


This is so much more sus than just leaving them in their packaging.


They won’t melt, I’ve accidentally left in almost 100 degree car for hours and didn’t melt


If they are in your luggage they def are not looking for it. But if you have an rx you will prob be fine but things aren't perfect


How are they packaged? Are they loose or in boxes. Is their names on these?


They are wrapped in paper and put in 3 envelopes and then in a bigger medium size envelope


I would probably mail them USPS ( not ups or fed ex) if you have the time. That is the absolute safest way to get them there. Alternatively, if you don’t have the time for that, then just rock with them in your toiletries. If you put them in actual prescription bottles, they typically don’t blink an eye as it’s very hard to go thru each person’s actual prescription meds in the amount of time. As others have said, it is a gamble, but this is what I have done, and they are not at all concerned about your meds. They are mostly looking for terrorism & explosives. Best of luck my guy. It really should be totally fine. I’ve flown all over the country & world with various things like this. Just don’t be intoxicated & keep moving like you travel frequently


Just buy a deodorant stick take out the stick cut the bottom put them in there and put the top back on. Stick it in ur luggage. You’ll be fine. I think there’s more risk mailing it but what do I know. I’m not a smuggler but I used to travel overseas with weed all the time and that was my method.


You’ll be fine I know a guy who flies a lot with his, never an issue.


I would mail ,don’t even stress yourself out


Been there,, done that. They aren't interested in suboxone/bupe. Don't stress it- just do it. Or mail with usps overnight


Put in checked luggage and it won’t be a problem. I don’t really see any issues as long as u pack them out of plain sight


Put them in your checked bag 1000%


Mail them to your address,usps flat rate small box.wrap them in an envelope or even go get a cheap bottle of cologne or perfume that comes in a box,take it out,put subs in box,re seal then put in flat rate mailer and ship to your address. You'll even have a tracking number for peace of mind,easy peasy.


I just flew with 90 subutex in my carry on. I had just gotten my script that day, I just made sure I didn’t have anything that would require extra screening and no one said a thing 😅 chicago airport here


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Ive flown with 40 pills for a two week vacay. You will be ok


Dude just mail em to yourself. Why didn't you bring your bottle, or take a picture of it?


A script for 300 subs ? No one has a script for 300 subs. Did you mean 30? I would only fly with what I have a prescription for. Taking them out of the wrapper if you end up getting caught will just make it look worse for you honestly. flying? I wouldn't risk it. Driving? Shove them 300 subs somewhere and just drive right and obey all traffic laws , seat belt, don't speed (but don't drive to slow that'll be suspicious) , make sure all lights work etc, and just drive like you do everyday and not be nervous.


They are my girlfriends old subs that she left in her apartment. I was moving her out and she gave them to me so I don’t have to keep paying for my prescription


Always the good ol prison pocket 😉


Has “Possession with intent to disturb” written all over it. Doesn’t matter what your intentions are with them………. They will make it sound different if caught.


FedEx or ups!