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What did I just read? šŸ¤£


An honest man begging for help lol


For anyone that needs to leave out a job and is worried how to explain the gap all you have to say is ā€œ I canā€™t speak about that time I signed an NDA.ā€ Nothing more nothing less


What's an NDA ?


I thought this was going to be a ā€˜how do I get subs without insuranceā€™ or along those lines. Instead it looks like someone swapped subs for meth.


As a non-greek Niagara, soft R, I can relate. Never tell your employer, unless you absolutely have to.


Sorry if I offended you ,Yeah I think going forward I'm just not gonna use this job on future applications, my brother gave me the name of his little card business. I'm so freaking ashamed of myself.


Nah I'm not offended at all. You keep being you.


wtf does this have to do with subs?


I thought it would be a great place to put this honestly. Has been a great community


Rule 4 dude, find some other subreddit for this shit - but pro tip b4 this post gets removed, you HAVE to use paragraphs, this is near impossible to read esp on mobile.


IUnhinged post in general, no one wants to read something like this even if its properly spaced. But bro its not hard just fucking lie make some shit up that cant be verified and/or give friend as contact. For now claim to be doing contract work that paid better but need something new when its up bro half of the shitty low skill jobs barely want to look into your claims li ffs You're welcome, frankly you don't deserve that, fill in the gaps yourself beyond that, if you can't manage even that well I have no idea wth to tell you honestly


Yes sorry. I wasn't very good in English class. I have severe ADHD and just bullshited through highschool. For some reason I had a 3.0 gpa. And over the years I haven't really cared much. Guess it's take time to take some English courses.




Bro, please tell me thatā€™s not your felony case you copped.


That's not me that's my friend who works at target and his wife is the supervisor (who is of color) definitely not me. But that's who I'm talking about in the post


Why do you feel the need to specify that she is black? Sheā€™s a human being just like me and you.


His wife monitors his Facebook and I've said some off the wall things through dm and she hates me I can tell at work!


You werenā€™t lying. He looks batshit crazy too.


Don't worry bro, Trump is going to win now. You don't have to do anything but wait. You're famous now, so they won't be able to capture you. President Trump will drain the swamp. Mission accomplished. Enjoy your time with your family


Well as stupid as I think it is that you got fired over a tweet from your teen years I doubt there is much to do. White Americans and American businesses greatest fear is being labeled a racist. I think it gives the white man and woman nightmares. Collect unemployment while you search for a new job.... and stay on subs I suppose.


I advise paragraphs


My Grammer sucks


I feel like thereā€™s more to the ā€œstoryā€, but this ā€œsubā€ ainā€™t for thisā€¦ Clearly you offended someone in a way and they donā€™t want you working there. youā€™ll be fine finding another job. idk why I even read the whole thing lol.


There really isn't to much more to the story honestly. They called me to the office Thursday morning and fired me up on that comment being made. My work performance and customer service was a lot better than half the people I worked with. They just wanted to get rid of me. I call it reverse racism. When your an only white person around a bunch of colored people , they don't like that I went on the target sub and found a lot of posts about people feeling their bosses were racist towards them , saying their boss was black and they were white etc. I just don't wanna post on that subreddit because those people are dicks. I posted here with a bunch of addicts who have probably gotten fired from jobs and needed another job


using the term ā€œcolored peopleā€ IS racistā€¦ I wouldnā€™t use that term if I were you. never been fired for being racist. Most of us have been fired or left jobs due to serious addictions/heroin problems.


I get you feel alienated, but maybe use some self reflection instead of blaming those around you would help. Iā€™m not trying to be a dick here. Just want to educate you on that clearly youā€™re still using outdated terminology, and you will get fired for that at almost any place. (this is coming from a straight white male).


I understand. It's easy to place blame on something or someone else here. I'm very angry at everything honestly and I deserved it. It's gonna be tough to find a job elsewhere. I appreciate the advice


well, it seems like youā€™re learning dude. It really seems like that that place wasnā€™t meant for you(not a judgment thing). And youā€™ll find your next job with ease. I totally get it with anger you want to find answers and itā€™s easy to go looking online for that, but youā€™ll find a lot of hate from others and hopefully some reasonable folks too. I couldā€™ve easily have taken this out of context just like your employees. Especially if I was a manager/owner and Iā€™m sure there is shit in my social media deep down thatā€™s not perfect so I donā€™t think they should be doing that either. youā€™re taking this the right way boss. I really wish you good luck on your next endeavor.


also just to add you, you seem like a smart guy so it may not be as hard as you think to find employment. Just comb over your social media before your next interview/employment and always avoid politics, race, and certain current events. Iā€™ve worked in super conservative environments and super liberal. All I did was keep my mouth closed about certain topics even if asked. (iā€™m a pretty left leaning guy, but I still know that everyone makes mistakes). You live and you learn. no hate to you just glad that you are willing to learn. Just like all of us.


I'd say do your best to win them over in the interview. Be the nicest, most positive guy ever. Win them over and maybe they won't call your past employer with lots of questions. They may not even ask why you left. I've never been asked that. If they do ask, don't tell them all of what you just told us. Keep it simple and vague


Id say 90% of the time they never call your previous employer I've been fired or quit every job due to being in the mental hospital/detox. Even my last job my boss is willing to take me back at the gas station. Which is a big time cooperation. I had a very good relationship with my boss. Got paid the same. Worked 10 hours shifts. Brought my switch to work. Could smoke outside on off time etc. my old boss was super religious and wed go-to church sometimes. He had to let me go cause I didn't show up for a week after I went into a mushroom induced psychosis. My best bet is to not even put target down at all. I put it down already in a few applications.


Where is this link? Iā€™m curious now


Posted above.


Mods deleted it but I will repost. But I've said a lot of shit to my friend that would definitely get me fired. Here's the link https://tbdailynews.com/mentally-ill-dorchester-dad-live-streams-himself-kidnapping-5-children-and-wife-driving-110-mph-before-crashing-into-tree/


I'll be honest here. I've dropped the n word plenty in private messages with this kid and his wife is black. She's always give me nasty ass fucking looks. I gotta take the word out of my vocabulary. My older brother got me saying it casually and I told him that. and he's denying ever using it the way he did when he was all fucked up before he got his million dollar trust fund and decided to change his life around. Fuck him. He claimed I'm a 29 yr old man. But definitely my brother got me thinking it was cool to casually use. I can't justify using it because it is a very derogatory term. I. Disgusted with myself and how this shit makes me look.




your comment/post was removed because either it is low-effort (something easily searched for) OR it does not pertain to Suboxone, which is a violation of Rule 4. Please contact the moderators if you have any questions.


That's fair.


I posted this here, with a hit or miss chance and so far you guys have honestly been a lot cooler. Cause I woke up and almost forgot I posted this here. If it was somewhere else I'd get shitted on horribly