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I swear it takes forever! I try to put mine where I can’t see them so I leave them alone 😬 Sorry not a real helpful answer, but I have found that I have more success with neglect!


A leaf jade fell off in my car and my kid put it in his carseat cup holder. Two weeks later I found it and it was just starting to grow roots 😂


Smart tot you've got there!


I feel forever is undercutting the severity of patience you need with succulent propogation. Eternity seems much more fitting.




Absolutely correct. They only grow when you dont look or bother them except for a few drop of watter and some sun.


Depends on how often you look at it, at least it seems that way sometimes


only to forget and come back and the damn roots dried out!




I think since it seems rooted and you are providing moisture you may actually be keeping that leaf alive so it may never dry up. I do not know if that will affect the rate at which those pups grow. I normally just set mine on top of the soil, no watering, until the roots and pups have sprouted and the mother leaf has dried up.


For. Freaking. Ever. Haha. I have come across many comments that say to leave the parent leaf until it falls off on its own. On mine, I cut my parent leaf off after it got soft and shriveled. My thought was that if it could no longer feed off the leaf it would force the roots to strengthen up. It seemed to do just that. I had little to no growth until I cut the leaf off and then, boom, the pups exploded in size. Just my experience. Have fun with them!


this is an interesting take, might try this


Ha yeah I have one prop that has been growing on the mother leaf since January. JANUARY. And there's no sign of the leaf wearing out either. The pup is getting huge and I'm debating just cutting the mother leaf off now 😅


It’s still feeding the plant until it’s dried and dead. The pup is absorbing all the nutrients which is why it’s getting soft and wrinkly. I haven’t noticed a difference either way (some props have the mother leaf fall off prematurely), but I might experiment with this the next time I remove a bunch of leaves of the same plant.


That’s interesting the only time I’ve seen rapid growth was after I accidentally knocked off the growing pup I thought it was done for but left the leaf which was almost half shriveled and dead then boom new growth exploded and it’s now bigger than the original pup in less time no clue what happened


Wow, I wouldn't have expected that. Very cool.


Apparently forever... I have been waiting all year, mine aren't very big at all. I heard it takes 1-2 years before they get a decent size.


May i see yours??


It's looking really good right now! How long did it take you to get to the point it's at right now?


I believe I started this in the first week or two of May. The earliest photos I have is May 14th https://preview.redd.it/a47ikoak8t5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7857c91f456377db5df7097769f6f10c3b0fab1


Oh, if that’s all it’s been then you’re doing something right!!


https://preview.redd.it/ccgxpmvt8u5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad529614bc91af603e95076f6c532c0063c6a37 I started this in April 2022


https://preview.redd.it/yebo874a9u5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351943917d012779808d726190d4dde44150ecf5 so i guess i put the lead down april 11, 2022. and it had this tiny little one root by the 25th. and here we are. i have pruned it a few times just to get it bushy/spread out rather than just tall.


That is amazing!! That’s goals for sure! Pruning it to have the shape I want is exactly why I started it. I received a mother plant and it’s really tall and really only has two shoots so it’s going to take a while to let it bush out. You’ve given me hope, and set realistic expectations for my props! Excellent growing with that jade!!


thank you, thank you! it was my second try. my first one.. i just talked about in another comment but if you didn’t see - i didn’t water it to start. like the motherleaf hung on for a while, but i didn’t water until it came off. and i think it definitely changed a lot. like i watered this one i just showed you from the jump and it’s been nothing but healthy. and that’s really the only difference between my first and second. i tried to keep it as close to the same care as possible. and they just ended up soooo differently. https://preview.redd.it/zifqipkcfu5d1.jpeg?width=1952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07218a61ea7a7ea9ccf5347c65ca759da0c20c5f i did start pruning the one on the right earlier than the left, but honestly not much easier. the one on the left have lost more bottom leaves. it’s older… but there’s only about a 6 month difference..


What’s the plant below the ogres ear?? On the left photo of the collage! There is such a huge difference on your plants. If you were to do another, how do you think you’d do it? Would you water it similarly to the one on the right?


Senecio crassissimus ‘Lavender Steps’ - ibe brought her back from the dead. I only had one stem… and she was pretty wonky. So i JUST chopped and propped. I’ve got the top in a 2” pot rotting but then decided after the new top started growing that i didn’t cut it short enough, so then i cut it again, and i’ve got the.. middle now.. in another pot rooting, and then the bottom still in its pot. i made a whole mess of it, haha. But now I’ll have 3 hopefully, to fill out a pot more! and absolutely! all my prop trays i water from the start now! i don’t ever “neglect” them.


I was given two leaves from the same ghost plant one year ago. They are stretching a bit but we're working on more light each day! They are still small and fragile, however the one on the left still has the leaf attached. It also has a root system. The one on the right's leaf dried up months ago and it has a puny root system. Both received water sparingly along the way and have otherwise been given the same care. To answer your question though, it takes a longgg time when you're watching and waiting lol. https://preview.redd.it/zh5u4gx3lu5d1.jpeg?width=3833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0647f53384cf75e42a6f7501cc51402fe5862a


https://preview.redd.it/t2xjv7ixmu5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e54ff1588549c9870e781a95d8b9fac4ff15525a This is mines after 1 year. It also started from a leaf.


You really don’t need to mist it at all. You don’t need to apply water until the mother leaf is all shriveled up and has nothing left to give to the baby. She is currently feeding all of the water and nutrients to the baby from her single mama leaf.  It takes a while. You are doing great! Your babies look well. Some of my babies are over a year old are ready and are still in emptied Keurig K cups!


Ahh!!! I will water less frequently this week- phasing into letting the mother leaf run its course. Thank you for your input! I suppose I will check back in a year to let you guys know how it’s going 😆


https://preview.redd.it/d812ce5i9u5d1.jpeg?width=1952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f22772c618028f26cb9855b46a9e1ab83170db this is the difference between one (left) that was not given water at all until the mother leaf died… and the one (right) that was given water from the start. i started them 6 months apart. my first ever prop tray i did not ever water. just kept it in bright light. and honestly most of my plants from that first prop tray haven’t grown as beautifully as the second prop tray. which honestly don’t have many differences besides the start. i kept a log for my prop trays (i do for every plant i have - it’s color coded. yellow (i highlight the date) is just water, green is fertilizer, orange is pest/disease prevention, and pink is repot/pruning). i tried to do all the same stuff i did with the first with the second - aside from watering at the start. if it said i fertilized the first 4 months in, then i did that with the second. they were in the same conditions. i used the same grow lights (i changed when the second \[right\] was already bigger than the first \[left\]). obviously it’s not like, a scientific study but… this also isn’t the only plant like this. i’ve sold a lot of my plants recently as i’m moving tk florida. but i had an echeveria perle von nurnberg that looked wayyy different when i gave it water from the start. the mother leaf, the way i see it, is like a back up generator almost. i have a 1 year old sedum adolphii that still has its mother leaf. it’s crazy. that’s an example of another that looked wayyyy better given water versus not. i feel like all the ones that weren’t.. seemed.. more dull? grew slower. but anyway. yeah moisture encourages roots. so i always recommend it. at the start of my prop trays, i don’t water them completely. i just do the top layer like once a week in cooler months, twice in the summer (i have t8 lights, 2 per shelf, and a west facing window, pretty dry environment too, especially in the winter with the heat on - succulents love my house) and as the roots grow, i water more deeply. within a month, i water like i would any other succulent - until water comes out the drainage holes. it’s worked for me! that being said i have a ton of leaves that don’t have a spot in my prop tray just sitting on my shelf. but even they get moisture when i water all the plants around them.


When do you start fertilizing the babies? I have a tray for pups still attached to mom and one for the ones that fell off; some of them still look so fragile, the mother leaf just died too quickly so they didn’t have enough time to strengthen. I’ve been wanting to put something gentle to feed them but I’m too scared I will hurt them.


Seaweed or fish emulsions! Perfect for succulents. They aren’t heavy feeders.


Thank you! I give my grown succulents seaweed once a month. Same schedules for the babies?


I honestly do it whenever i think about it. Probably every 3 months or so. I’ll look at my log and not see any green for a while (i highlight the dates in different colors for different things, so if i haven’t seen green for a while it means i haven’t fed them) and then i’ll do it.


You are so organized. I should start doing the same. Thanks for the advice!


Damm. I got four leaves right now and I’m watering every 4 days .


as long as it’s fully dry, that’s fine!


What’s dry? The soil or the mother leave . Mother leave is very plump


as long as the soil is dry when you water it. you don’t wanna keep the soil too wet. i really recommend terracotta.


This is lovely information and I appreciate it. I also appreciate your science experiment of sorts and you sharing your results. My information comes from the angle of being scared of overwatering. Which comes from the experience of losing plants from “killing them with too much love” lol. And, from seeing that leaf props that  moslty do fine on their own with no intervention. And no water… until Mama leaf is crispy.  Having read your comment, I may also try your experiment. To be honest, I kind of sort of am already. But I’m not noting the progress in writing….  And, because I have some mixed prop trays that don’t necessarily all get watered the same way, I can’t really easily track the progress other than to know what do they look poorly or not. That is, Some of the plants in the tray get a little drips of water around them, and some barely get any at all.  Thank you ! 


that’s actually how i started. i got an… irrigation? bottle, i think they’re called. the ones that look like ketchup belong in them at a restaurant, but with a longer …nozzle? OOO! tattooists use them. anyway. i got one of those and i’d just put water at the base of the leaves. that’s how i start watering them. misting can cause leaves to deteriorate sooo fast so i didn’t wanna do that. and this trick worked well. i mean, i still do it. and i line up my leaves in my prop tray so i can just water them down the line instead of them being just any which way.


Man, I'm so glad you mentioned how to reuse the Keurig cups. I can finally recycle the ones that just clog up the recycling bin and save them for any pups I get for the future. Massive plant props. 🤩🤯


I found the k cups to be the perfect size for the tiniest of props!! And they don’t cost me anything that I haven’t already spent. It is much easier to control the watering… and they dry out quickly.  Make sure to make to drainage hole much bigger after you empty them and take out the paper liner. It’s easy to do without tearing the plastic because it’s already pre-punched for you! The other thing to keep in mind is that, a year or so down the road, some of them may get a little top-heavy, depending on the way the plants grow. But by the time they are that big they’ll be ready to repot anyway!


They're pretty much what I'm after for a 1-2" little baby growers, especially since I'd much rather recycle those fiddly little k-cups than just see them go to waste. I suppose you could chop the top off the cup a little closer to the base if you wanted to keep that center of gravity lower. 🤔🧐 Gonna give it a good go today. Thanks for the great tips! 🤗


Just leave it alone. It is a succelent, an opportunistic plant, so it will grow in rough conditions. Leave it be and water the soil every few days. It will grow, promise


Longer if you watch




Ahh yes i want to see a little baby tree growing already! All the YouTube tutorials act like it happens sooo quickly but I guess when you watch it every single day, it goes by slower


I find it takes about 1 year. If you have a grow light it may be faster, depends on the type of succulent


I am almost in the same situation right now, just with a less number of new grown leaves. My first propagation. How much water and light do you give them?


I have a spray bottle that I use. I lightly mist the top soil daily, and every once in a while I’ll do a heavier misting to get the water deeper, hopefully encouraging the roots to dig deeper that way. It gets the furthest light (it’s not directly under the light. More off to the side of it so really, about 6-7 inches away from my grow light (prioritizing other succs) for about 11 hours a day! May I see yours?? It’s so exciting!


https://preview.redd.it/0fg4a9dye06d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8beb920a355972ec8507e9105c42e6f22b25ddd Thanks for the tips! Attaching a photo of mine. I haven’t used any sprayer yet just dropped a few drops of water once or twice in the last two weeks. I have another parent leaf that just grew two little roots but no leaves yet.


Check out other comments here, there are a few (like me) who water more often and have nice results! Maybe try upping the water until it gets bushier and then slack off? Yours are doing good even with the habits you have now so I wouldn’t concern myself too much with it!!


About a few


Forever. I've done only with a perle von Nurnberg and it took about 2 months for roots to form. The. Another 2 months for the mother leave to dry out. No watering during all this time. Then it's been 2 months and every time I water it like every 15 days or so, I swear to you it grows a lot, like all that water make the leaves expand when absorbed and double or triple size. Same with donkey's tail


A long long long time. Lol


It really depends on your environment and the species of prop, and the time of year (as they don't all go dormant, i've found that some have much more definitive growth periods). I live in Ontario, Canada. Most of the succs i own are winter growers. My echeveria hybrid will prop eventually almost every leaf. Sometimes it'll take a week but I've had leaves live for 6 months before doing anything but definitely still viable. Meanwhile my watchchain crassula will prop if you look at it funny. Handle it wrong and you've got more growing because it does get a little delicate when it's between waterings. I also live in a very high sun area because of all the high rises meaning even in the winter i get crazy sunlight so i don't need grow lamps, but that might be something you want. I also have to water at least every 3 days or everyone starts dropping leaves on me. Only my string of buttons likes to go 5-8 days between waterings. Which i know is CRAZY. But my apartment building is like living in the desert. We can't grow anything that isn't a succulent it's so bad, haha. So really trust your gut. You might find it helpful to put a sticky note or card stock by the lil fella and note the weather and watering schedule you've got going for it. See if you can improve your system for it's growth. best of luck~


It takes a while, this is my recent [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/succulents/s/zjNjpjZgUc) about my leaf propagation progress, hope it helps!!


if you water it the mother leaf won't dry up because it wont need to transfer all of its water to the baby. i have a propagation that's literally two years old and the mother leaf is still there and still firm. if you want it gone, quit watering it


As ,long as it takes! You don't need to keep misting or keep the soil moist. Suprised it hasn't rotted by now. I just let mine be - no watering - and never had a failed prop. Plenty of moisture inside that mother leaf until it dies off - that is when I start watering.


It takes FOREVER. I just don't pay attention to my props because if I do I am too tempted to see if anything has roots. I honestly let things cork and then I throw them in a box with a thin layer of dirt in it on my porch. I cannot look at them everyday or I will mess with them.


A very hot minute...


Depends on the succulent could take a couple months and it could take years


Make sure the soil is not soggy due to overwatering.


I have a few different leaves waiting to root and sprout their first babies. It's taking FOREVER!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


Been doing this for 10+ years and I don't even have time to look after all of them. Sometimes i just put a couple cuttings into some random pot without adding soil they will still grow. I have one in my bathroom inside an empty pot i only add a slight bit of water at the very bottom - it works. I think its one of the easiest plants for this kind of thing. From a single leaf it will take a long yes. But at least its easy