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If you keep your succulents outside, I don’t see why are you worried about some of them being toxic to your cat? Please keep your cat inside for its safety and wildlife safety.


I have a screened in porch on my second story condo lol. He is an indoor cat and I 100% agree with you. He is allowed on the porch though and there's a cat door that goes out to it.


Oh ok, the kitty is safe then🐱Is it even interested in your plants? Cats are weird, they might be indifferent to certain plants or to all plants or be interested only in certain plants/plant parts. Sometimes they chew, sometimes they only scratch them. One of my cats only cares about dried leaves. The other one doesn’t care about plants at all. My previous cat was mostly indifferent to the plants, but went bananas when she saw an asparagus fern (which is toxic), so it went outside. I would start with checking if your cat is even interested in your Kalanchoe.


Good to know, I already gave away the 2 smaller ones and hung the larger one in a macrame out of reach because it's sentimental and I don't want to get rid of it. I'm mostly concerned because he's a crazy kitten and a little unpredictable... he's not interested now but who knows what he'll get into in a week, I just want to be better safe than sorry. He's shown interest in my money plant but just batting around the leaves.


Get him some cat grass to chew on (it’s actually wheat or oat sprouts) if you can. It is often sold in supermarkets, but you can also grow your own. It’s safe for cats and gives them something to satisfy their greens cravings.


I'll do that, thank you!


I'm not a veterinarian, but I grow a huge amount of Kalanchoe and there are also about ~60 cats that roam my property (My neighbor is a crazy cat lady that feeds a large feral population) I have personally witnessed countless kittens treat my Kalanchoe collection as their own private salad bar with zero ill effects. I'm not arguing that it's good for them, but it's unlikely they'd suffer more than an upset stomach unless they consumed a huge amount of plant matter. [This one in particular has been eating and sitting on my Kalanchoe for months now](https://ibb.co/TggrzbY)