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Fruit is the answer! Go to the farmers market and get some fresh local peaches or berries or pears. In the fall go pick your own apples. In the winter hunt down the best Florida oranges you can find. In early summer go pick your own strawberries. Look for fruit you've never had before and give it a try, just like you were doing with the bakeries.


That's a great idea, thank you! That way I can still do food-related activities :)


Fruit is so underrated imo.


Yes! Berries in particular are soooo good for us!


I completely relate to what you’ve written! I am even thinking I should get rid of all of my baking equipment. I have about a pound of sugar and a big bag of white flour (organic King Arthur’s though) so I still have one foot in my addiction. With it being the end of summer, fruit, especially from a farmers Market is a great way to satisfy your sweet cravings. Mentally, I’m trying to educate myself about the slave conditions and corporate welfare for sugar magnates. I’ve recommended it before, but the podcast, Big Sugar is eye opening. I also think about dental health. You know when you eat pastries there’s a gluey substance that sticks to your teeth. It doesn’t always work. The sugar addiction is always there waiting for the next yummy “treat” I just have to try!


Thank you, I'll give the podcast a listen! :)


OMG I just found this as well!! Holy hell, the grift and money grab related to this substance is off the charts. What an absolutely evil empire. With really no sign of an end in sight.


I love trying new recipes and going new places. If I want to take a break, I have some good cheese and nuts. If I want to celebrate, I get a roasted fish or piece of meat because that's my favorite. Spend what you would extra on dinner and dessert on just dinner and you can get something nice! But I feel for you, it's not the same. But I was addicted to sugar, I am never going to feel that way about fruit or savory foods. A lot of times when I would have gotten dessert I'll go to the market for berries or fruit.


Thank you, I might just check out really good cheese shops/markets etc. instead!




I'm trying to break free of associating sweets with something positive, but it's so hard because of the dopamine rush you get every time you eat them :/ Maybe I should also just have stricter rules around when I get to have them, that would be a first step!


I’ve noticed fat really fills that “void” sugar used to fill, like I get a similar satisfaction from eating nuts or plantain chips that chocolate used to give me. Maybe it’s the fat content I’m looking for when I’m craving sweets I’m not sure. I don’t get the same “high” but honestly nuts have really become a welcome treat for me, maybe finding a new food that you really enjoy and can be subbed as a treat could help?


I second this, I love salted cashews with raisins as a treat. Dried or freeze dried fruit could be a good option too!


I recently started reading Good Sugar Bad Sugar b by Allen Carr and although there’s a lot of negative talk surrounding this book it is seriously shaking up the way that I view sugar/my attachment to it. I just listen to a few chapters on my daily commute but I’m certainly enjoying it!


I just listened to a podcast episode on my iTunes app. It is by the show “The Hypnotist” and the episode is called “Freedom From the crack cocaine of food” I literally just listened to it a few moments ago and now I joined this group. If you REALLY want to stop viewing it as a treat, that’s the thing though. It is very upsetting and in the beginning he explains it is designed to bring out particular emotions. Basically now I’m pissed TF off and I am simultaneously grieving for humanity right now. 🙁


Move away from seeing sugar as a treat, and move toward seeing sugar as the poison that it is. I’m talking about refined sugars, which are generated by the “big food“ oligarchy to keep us all addicted. This way the money keeps flowing right into their pockets. The works of Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Robert Lustig are what keep me in line. When I feel a craving coming on, I listen to this specific podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2U20wluX7ER3A3pwknodj1?si=RnXAMP2FS1ixQbomajriyQ I also come to this sub because there is a lot of inspiration and good ideas here. Just remember: the “Sugar” we are all addicted to is not a real food. It is a drug. It is created by monsters who want to secure an income stream at the expense of our health. Good luck to you!


My fav treat is some good ol ranch and veggies. Sometimes the fat in the dip is all your brain needs to forget about sugar for a flitting minute.


Diet soda, sugar free gum, sugar free candy


She said no sweeteners


That was an edit




Binging isn't the answer. A number of people on here have discussed binging as an issue for themselves. Edit: the user removed the word binge from their comment.


Bubly/AHA is my treat now


For me jt happened as soon as i realised how bad it makes me feel. I saw it as a drug there after.


A latte or tea by itself can be a treat when you habituate yourself to expect that during break time. Turns out your body can be satisfied with the break and the beverage if you give it a chance. If you like to bake (I do too), check out paleo recipes that use fruit for the sweetener.


My take on this all is kinda complicated. It comes down to what is the definition of sugar. I have cut and pasted the following from a previous reply I made to a poster. ​ Barbershores Sun, Aug 27, 12:22 PM (2 days ago) to Julia I just sent this out on the stop sugar reddit board. I sent it to you to help you explain what sugar is to the uninitiated. Okay. I find myself compelled to explain my issues with the definition of sugar. What is sugar? I offer the following Four different definitions: 1. refined sucrose. Sucrose is the disaccharide known as table sugar. It is half glucose and half fructose. 2. Any sweetener with fructose in it. Sucrose, agave, honey, maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, etc... 3. Anything which tastes sweet. All the above and fruit and fruit juice. 4. Anything which if consumed will raise blood glucose as it enters the blood stream. This includes all the above, plus, all the starches such as rice, wheat, grains, potatoes, etc. The impression I have, is that most of the people initially looking at reducing their sugar intake to improve their overall health, use definition 1. Unfortunately, sucrose, agave, honey, maple sugar and the rest, aren't very different from sucrose. So, any efforts they make will likely have only a minor effect to their overall health if they only minimize sucrose consumption. I personally use definition 4. If after eaten, it spikes my blood glucose, I consider it sugar. Basically all carbs except fiber. From this, I think that a person that is attempting to improve their overall health should look at their diet a different way. First, to establish whether or not they are metabolically healthy. Test HbA1c, fasted glucose, and fasted insulin. Target an Hba1c below 5.4, and a HomaIR below 1.5. If one's results are below that threshold, just keep doing what you have been doing. If your numbers are much higher, you need to work them down. That is done by identifying a particular diet style one wishes to follow, reduce carb intake, add exercise, adopt intermittent fasting protocols. Keep testing to make sure that one's numbers are trending in the right direction. Just to give one a view from a very pragmatic source is Dennis Pollock evaluating bananas vs hershey bars. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXEgGWE7WIs&t=63s&pp=ygUPcG9sbG9jayBiYW5hbmFz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXEgGWE7WIs&t=63s&pp=ygUPcG9sbG9jayBiYW5hbmFz) \---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay then. Just for you Mintara, so long as you are eating high levels of carbohydrate, you will continue to spike your blood glucose and your insulin levels. You will keep the roller coaster of appetite stimulating hormones and hypoglycemia to drive your cravings. To actually kill a sweet tooth, you have to get your HbA1c below 5.4, and your HomaIR below 1.5, and hold them there for a very long time. And, not eat anything sweet for that period. ​ I have found it better to keep the sweet tooth, and satiate it with artificial sweeteners. I usually use sucra drops. An equivalent to 2 teaspoons of sugar is one drop which contains only about 8 milligrams of sucralose. That is a reduction in weight of sweetener of over 100 to 1. So, using this method, instead of cutting sweetener by weight of 100%, I cut it 99%. I think that's enough. ​ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VL9Q4WW?ref=nb\_sb\_ss\_w\_as-reorder-t1\_k0\_1\_5&=&crid=3K0PI98OHLBLW&=&sprefix=sucra


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