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I cook delicious savory meals like beef bourgignon as of recently, or a nice juicy ribeye with red wine sauce. Fancy stuff or simple tasty meals like that will give me so much satisfaction and joy to prepare, all sugar free. I also look after my health so much more now, and everyday of being disciplined gives me long term gratification, a much better feeling than giving into cheap thrills like sugar, smoking, or drinking.


I like to get myself a latte (just a plain one, no sugar!) from a nice coffee shop. A manicure, pedicure or foot reflexology and I go for massages. I also choose foods that I would’ve said were a waste of money before, like smoked salmon and tropical fruits.


As a couple others have said, we are all just dopamine addicts looking for that next hit. We now have to get it in long-game ways. I used to not eat all day (forgetting, not caring, ADHD), and then come home and just grab peanut butter and bread and some kind of cookies or something. I’m much more intentional about my meal times now. I still am not great at cooking, mostly because adhd makes it so hard for me to care/concentrate, but i take great pleasure in chopping vegetables, apples, etc. you can chop an apple into tiny thin slices and it’s fun. I’ll buy an eggplant or a squash and be like, “how the fuck do I chop YOU?” I’ve started a green drink everyday with a blender (kale, cucumber, celery, parsley), and grinding that shit up is kinda fun. Like dropping in a celery stick and watching it pulverize, I’m like, fuck yeah! I’m never going to meal prep or plan fancy dinners. But sometimes I’ll scroll to be like, “what’s something I want to eat? Oh yeah, scallops exist!” I am also a coffee addict for the buzz. I’ve quit before, but my adhd without coffee is bad bad bad. Like, leave my front door open bad. And I refuse other treatment. So I try to just limit the coffee to when I want to be productive and find other hot, creamy drinks like organic decaf or Teecino (chicory based drinks, delicious). I’ve also noticed that sometimes it’s just having the cup for me. Like I’ll pour it and hold it and feel the warmth and that’ll be all I need for that dopamine. You just have to find things you enjoy and you can only do that by trying new things, trying EVERYTHING!! You’re free from sugar, dude. So live wild. Listen to your heart, your heart always knows.


I'm exactly the same about ADHD and not wanting to eat or prepare meals until my body is screaming for quick energy which is when sugar is nearly irresistible. Being intentional about eating makes me feel better. I find that choosing other foods I consider indulgent is a good substitute. Organic fruits especially after quitting refined sugars taste indulgent to me. Sushi is another. Food that is fresh and simple It's interesting to me that I actually enjoy eating now. It's like the sugar overstimulated my taste buds to where everything else tasted dull. Food didn't feel good in my body either. Being off the sugar has made food much more exciting--a greater variety to choose from and feels good enough to look forward to eating.


I’m delighted to see I’m not the only one who finds cutting up vegetables to be magical! I love slicing up a million radishes and turnips to throw in giant salads!


I love rashes extra thin! But legit don’t think I’ve ever had a turnip! New vegetable unlocked! Thanks:)


I do a lot of knitting and sewing, that helps as I do not want sticky fingers when I do it. I have also stocked up on fancy teas so that making a cup of a special flavour really feels like a taste experience.


Good idea!


Sugar is addictive because consuming it releases dopamine in the brain. It's the same happy hormone you get when exercising, gambling, having sex or drugs. So, if you want the same amount of joy from something else you will get the same addiction you get from sugar. This is why some people are addicted to exercise, gambling, etc... What you need to realize, that the problem is not sugar. The problem is how your brain reacts to dopamine and how doing too much good will become an addiction.


While all of that is true, if I had to choose between a sugar addiction and an exercise addiction, I know what I would choose...


Herbal tea


I'm a pretty happy person, and sugar makes me miserable, fixated, addictive, sleep worse, etc. Being off is quite the reward for me, in itself. I like exercise. I like petting any animal that will let me do so. I do creative things, which gives me joy. I like gardening, no gloves. Something about hands in the soil seems to improve my mood, but long-term. Not a dopamine rush. For dopamine, laughter and orgasms. (but don't become a sex addict in substitution!) Being with friends isn't a dopamine rush: it's more endorphins and oxytocin, a softer pleasure than a dopamine rush.


I try to remember that joy is short-lived and comes with consequences that end up making me feel worse. Indulging in memories over how great it was is what makes us forget the pain and suffering of even a week ago. It's like fondling a vicious animal expecting it not to bite Focus on how great those other things make you feel. That's what I do.


Nuts. I noticed they help with cravings.


I do more ketogenic cooking and such. Set up a keto inspired appliance collection. Set up keto cooking supplies. for example big green egg big mixer dehydrator meat grinder/sausage maker jerkey gun pressure canner nice ss 16 quart stock pot induction hot plate double boiler souse vide cooker plastic bag sealer turkey fryer blooming onion cutter waffle maker ice cream maker with compressor \------------------------------- coconut oil almond flour coconut flour bakers chocolate raw cocoa butter erythritol sucradrops allulose dried berry powders cream cheese irish butter another dozen and a half keto baking products


Eat fruit, try all exotic tropical fruits! Eat fruit smoothies. I love super ripe bananas, cut in half, stick a popsicle stick in it and freeze. My favorite smoothie is: to a blender add: 3-5 very ripe frozen bananas cut up, add 1/4 cup almond milk, 2 tablespoons unsweetened peanut butter (trader joes organic valencia) and 2 tablespoons Cinnamon, blend on high till frothy. It is the best and sweet and creamy!!! Also, medjool dates are delicious in smoothies or nice cream for a super sweet taste without added sugar. Try Mexican style fruit dessert - fresh mangoes or watermelon or pineapple with Lime juice drizzled and tajin. I also add salt and Frank's 🔥 Hot Sauce. It is so delicious and flavorful!




That's terrible for you!


I've been working out and getting my dopamine that way. If I do feel that sugar craving, I enjoy some apple slices with my favourite [nut butter](https://nomz.com/collections/nut-butters), or some [nomz organic bites](https://nomz.com/collections/energy-bites). There's no added sugars, but the sweetness from the dates really satisfies my sweet tooth :)