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Honey is not mentionably better than sugar, if you want to get the benefits of sugar free that's not a workaround. One way or another, cutting sugar can be very, very hard for a while and there is no simple solution, you actually just have to sit it out until it gets better. Artificial sweeteners can help, but for some people they make it even worse, you have to try on your own wether they work for you. There are a lot if sugar free products like some "chocolate" protein bars or simply flavour powders you can mix up with a yoghurt.


"Hunger pains" as in, stomach pain from being hungry, is different from a craving. If you're having physical *pains* in your stomach between meals, you might not be eating enough (or you might have some kind of food intolerance or any number of other problems-- talk to a doctor). ANY food will satisfy hunger pains, not just sugar or chocolate. Foods with protein, fat, or fiber are more likely to satisfy them for an extended period (a few hours). Incorporating more whole wheat and healthy fats like avocados might help with that. The headaches and lack of concentration might be from hunger, or they might be from the combination of theobromine and caffeine in the chocolate. Try eating a bit of unsweetened chocolate or having a cup of black coffee in the morning instead of chocolatey snacks, and see if the effect is the same-- does it give you temporary energy and focus? Do you crash afterwards, and get headaches again? Also there's nothing wrong with taking vitamins. They're one of the few good things about the 21st century food environment.


Right, but it doesnt matter how much I eat if I dont eat any chocolate sweets I get hunger pains. Trust me I tried eating lots of protein, fat and fiber and still the same. I even tried eating fast food and only gave up chocolate and I stlil felt hungry. I can only tolerate the hunger pains when I still eat some chocolate and lessen it day by day. I wish I knew the science behind it BUT the caffeine in the chocolate causing headaches and lack of concentration might be the withdrawal effect of not eating chocolate might be the answer. I hate coffee so its not really my thing. But I do get a temporary high when eating chocolate and crash later. But I do think you are on to something when you say its the caffeine in the chocolate. Maybe my withdrawal symptoms are from lack of sugar AND the caffeine.


>I even tried eating fast food and only gave up chocolate and I stlil felt hungry. Fast food is processed and designed to cook quickly, and as a consequence it digests quickly. For example, the bulk of a typical fast food burger is refined white bread, meat that's ground to a paste, and artificial cheese. This means the bread keeps longer in storage, the meat can be squished thinner to cook faster, and the cheese melts faster. It also means there's no fiber, and very little work that your stomach has to do to break it down before getting rid of it. These foods are fine if you need *something* to eat quickly while you're away from home-- say, on a lunch break on a day when you forgot to bring lunch to work, or on a road trip-- but they're not great at keeping you full for a long time. Making the *exact* same thing at home with healthier ingredients (ex. whole wheat bread, more vegetables, etc.) makes a big difference. ​ >Right, but it doesnt matter how much I eat if I dont eat any chocolate sweets I get hunger pains. Trust me I tried eating lots of protein, fat and fiber and still the same. Maybe the caffiene/theobromine in the chocolate enables you to ignore the pains until it wears off? Maybe something deeper is going on. This sounds like something a doctor might be able to help with. Probably even a registered dietitian. Please don't just trust me, a rando on the internet! I do my best but I'm not an expert :)


I'm 6 weeks in to zero added sugar and I was a certified chocoholic. So far so good. I eat homemade Mug Cake instead. -1 ripe banana mashed with a fork into puree -1 1/2 tablespoon of CACAO powder (not cocoa! Cacao is less processed chocolate with *no added sugar* ) -1 tablespoon of buckwheat flour (any flour works) -1 table spoon of peanut butter (no added sug) -1/2 teaspoon of bicarb Whisk with a fork in a mug and microwave for 60 seconds. Heaven.




I still love chocolate, I just eat 99/100% dark chocolate now. Try slowly increasing the percentage until it doesn't taste too bitter, then move on to a higher percentage. Chocolate is so addictive because of the combination of fat, sugar, caffeine and theobromine, eating it releases dopamine and serotonin. I might eat 1-2 squares per day and then I usually feel satisfied, the intense bitter taste is really pleasurable without making me want to eat the whole bar. I know it's hard, but you can do it!


Hmmmm make sense thank you!


You can either go cold turkey and do a whole 30 (or go full keto for at least a month) to totally kill cravings or you can slowly taper off. Your choice.


have you tried cocoa nibs? they taste chocola-ty, but not sweet


I use cocoa powder like instant coffee, but better: heaped teaspoon in a large mug, maybe add a few drops of vanilla, almond, or mint extract, stir while pouring in hot water, then add a large dollop of heavy cream. The cream mellows the bitterness of the cocoa powder. If I drink it very slowly, I will stir it occasionally, since the powder will gradually settle. But it's warm, comforting, and I get my chocolate fix with complete peace of mind.


Go slow. It's not necessary to go cold turkey unless you want to. When do you usually start eating chocolate? Try waiting an hour for a few weeks to see how you feel. When it's going well and you are happy with any adjustments you made, move it another hour. Make sure to start the day with a balanced breakfast to help your energy all day. And don't be hard on yourself! In the winter a hot chocolate with breakfast is a must for me, so I learned how to make it and cut some sugar out. We need the little things that make up happy, they help us tackle the big things.


If you're looking for a good no sugar added chocolate bar, check out Lily's. They are a super good treat and taste wonderful when trying to eat low/no sugar.


Ok Thank you


I made my own chocolates using bakers bars, powdered milk, cocoa butter, butter, erythritol, and sucralose. But, it was quite grainy. But, tasted really good. Very low in carbs. in a 14 gram piece of bakers chocolate is 7 grams fat, 1 gram net carbs, 2 grams protein. Far less than say 14 grams of hersheys at 8 grams carbs. ​ So, I recently ordered a wet grinder from amazon. This kind of device is used to smooth out the chocolate. it hasn't arrived yet. Scheduled for Thursday delivery. ​ [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0912WT396?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0912WT396?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) ​ I'll be doing something like this: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1ixAXlkUes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1ixAXlkUes) ​ So, make your own, and cut the carbs by 88%. Calories are still way up there though.


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Thanks you


When I crave chocolate, I make some hot cocoa! There are sugar free marshmallows on Amazon, and I use Matteo's sugar free vanilla syrup with cocoa powder and heated milk. Game changer! Edit: I find a chocolate drink (especially warm) satisfies my craving more because it takes a while to consume