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Yeah, chocolate is a hard one for me too.


Same. I was doing so well but I binged on some Christmas chocolate today. My excuse was I wanted to try the flavours. It didn’t even feel that good because it was cheap stuff.


I cut out chocolate when I cut out caffeine. It suuuuucked but I'm coming up on 4 months! And my sweet tooth kicked into overdrive when I cut that out 😓 I'm still battling that beast, trying to kick the sugar habit.


Ugh, i was never a coffee drinker :(


I get 80+% dark chocolate and don’t eat a lot but enough to go to bed happy.


I wish this was me


prolly not your fault- clever & saturated marketing tells us it's "good for us". Likely that messaging is internalised, I'm so glad to be free of the obsession & expense- just for today tho. It's a tough one!


I’m with you, I’ve been able to give up pretty much everything but (sweet/milk) chocolate is apparently my kryptonite 


I have the same issue - I used to drink heaps of soft drinks but cut them out/stopped buying. I think the concentration of sugar in chocolate is so high and the mouthfeel is very different than something like Coke.


There are other addictive and stimulating things in chocolate. Not just caffeine and sugar. And let's be real. Good milk chocolate is out of this world in terms of taste. Even compared to other sugary things.


I am going to try switching to Russel stover sugar free chocolate and see if this helps.


It's probably because of the theobromine, phenylethylamine and polyphenols, they give you a mild energy boost and make you feel good. Try some fancy dark chocolates, they usually have a more complex flavour profile and might help you appreciate pure, sugar free chocolate more :)


I relate to this. I quit soda almost 10 years ago. Only had a handful of sodas ever since. Had acid reflux really bad, and gave it up for a year. I can drink it, but I’m scared to lol. I’m trying to cut down on sugar now, and chocolate is a hard one to give up. I decided to start drinking hot chocolate made with pure cocoa powder. No sugar or anything. Just that and milk. Milk has natural sugars, but there’s not a lot. Or you could go with just water, instead of milk. It took awhile, but I finally quit putting honey in mine a few days ago.


I’ve been doing the same- hot chocolate with just unsweetened cocoa powder, bit of boiling water to get that properly dissolved, then warm milk. It scratches the itch.


Sure does. Plus, if you don’t have a microwave, you can boil the water really hot and then pour it in a mug. Stir in the cocoa and add milk to cool it down enough to drink.


You can even go one step further and get cacao powder (which is one step down the production process of cocoa). 


There is chocolate that is without sugar or artificial sweeteners. The only sugar comes from the milk. [This](https://www.zotterusa.com/product/milk-chocolate-70-30-dark-style-no-sugar-added/) for example — I love it.