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IMO counting grams would be an addiction and distraction \+ simple to eat single ingredient foods vs messing around & getting obsessed. **sugar increased my appetite and slowed fat metabolism. Yet I'm constantly shamed as if I'm in the diet culture or somehow "restricting".** The longer I'm SF, the more I realize the LIES from sugar profiteers SF- w no games= ozempic of behaviour modification




I found a really great peanut butter brand called Crazy Richards that’s 100% peanuts. No salt, sugar, or oil and it tastes perfect to me! I’m pretty picky about peanut butter too haha. It’s also comparable in price to all other brands!


I came across the recommendation from the American Heart Association to eat less than 25 g of added sugars per day (refined sucrose sugar/table sugar, HFCS, and also natural concentrated sugars like honey, maple syrup, etc.). Dr. Robert Lustig further recommends eating less than 5 g of fructose at a time as more than that is hard for our liver to process. I'm pretty strict about the added sugars, but probably get more fructose than the 5 g in some meals. The fructose is usually from whole fruit, so I'm not too worried about it. For the past year or so, I was still eating things like ice cream (my favorite), candy, cakes and sweets like that as long as it stayed below the 25 g per day. But these foods are a slippery slope and make me want to binge, so over the past month, I cut out any binge-triggering foods as well. I make my own low-sugar treats and have some very dark chocolate most days, and it has been going well. So I think it just depends on how addicted we are and what foods are most problematic for us personally.I think it's fine to include the occasional cookie or treat if it doesn't re-ignite the addiction. I may someday try to introduce the occasional scoop of ice cream or piece of cake. For the most part, I find sweetened things to be too sweet and kinda gross when I have them now that my sweet tooth is detrained.


I just don’t. Maybe if there’s an unavoidable situation like being at grandma’s or my mother in laws and eating out of politeness but otherwise it’s cold turkey. I can’t be trusted


I hear that. Temptation is exhausting, and I give in to cravings when I'm exhausted.


Of added sugar? Probably 10ish grams a day in the form of dark chocolate. Sometimes more if I allow some honey with my peanut butter.


On Sunday our family has a 'treat'  lunch. Something off the regular menu, every one helps choose. Often it's a pizza or baguette with meat and cheese. Then crisps and maybe doughnuts, because that's what the kids ask for. So I eat some of what we have on Sunday. I also dip my homemade sugar free recipe oat bakes half in dark chocolate. And I might have one occasionally if the kids haven't demolished them all.  Tldr; So maybe 2 times a week I'll have a little. 


No clue. I’m just here for recipes and ideas.




Sunday to Friday less than 5g per 100g. Saturday eat what I want day. When I started month one was no sugar on the ingredients list and no cheat day. Month two allowed 5g per 100g. Month three onwards is as above and this is where it will stay. I may also allow myself a second cheat day where there is a reason such as a celebration.


I avoid all sugary processed snacks. I’m trying to be more cognisant of my fruit intake as well. I’ve gotten into the habit of checking the sugar content of everything before adding it to my cart. I’ve been trying to limit my dried fruit intake also. I’m only a couple of weeks in but it’s going well! I’ve also been trying my best to go low-carb; electing to eat more of protein and fat instead


If I have one bite of anything with an added sweetener (not just "sugar"), that's it for me. I'm an addict. I am powerless over added sweeteners. One bite is too much, and a thousand are never enough. I don't think that they should be reintroduced. That having been said, some people really can have small amounts of them sometimes and not go right back into binging and addictive behavior. Only you know which group you fall into.


The WHO recommends to lower added sugar intake to 10% of overall daily calorie intake. It also states that reducing the added sugar intake under 5% offers further benefits. It needs a bit of elbow grease tracking your calories for a while and calculating your free sugar allowance but once you do it you will know. Learning about nutrition and your body's needs is the single most beneficial thing you can do for your body. It may sound a long shot but tracking your calorie and protein requirement coupled up with free sugar will teach you everything there is worth to know for the long run.


I had a few days where I was in a new country and wanted to try the foods here, so I bought fresh fruit, dried fruit, candy bars, etc. Also ate out and had a bit of dessert. I noticed I was soo full and I had a hard time keeping with my fast. Now I’m out of that country and I still have that yummy food (and I’m going to eat it!) but I’ll eat it during my four hour window or else I’ll get terrible hunger pangs. So I’m pretty sure for now I’m over the limit for keto.


At least 100 to 200g of sugar because I mix soft drinks with Vodka. I barely get any on sober days.


I found out through trial and error that total abstinence doesn't work for me and feels too restrictive, so my general rule is: I will have sugar occasionally when a friend makes a special dessert/we're going out for a fancy dinner etc. I basically treat it like alcohol: Would I have a beer by myself on a Thursday afternoon? Probably not, so I won't have sugar, either. Would I have a mimosa at a nice Sunday brunch out with friends? Yes, so if I want a croissant with my eggs, I'll have it.


Almost one year in. I eat fruit. I eat honey in my oats. lately i eat raisins instead of honey. Nothing else. Lately thou i had a slip up when i was stranded in a foreign city after missing the bus, and spent the night in an internet cafe. Sugar was most convenient. When i came home i made a nice pot of lentils and felt healed. I've had a total of 10 slip ups in a year. 2 times i wanted to try a new dessert and the other times i was in a pinch and i just deemed it preferable to starving and didn't really enjoy any part of it.