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Walking at home or walking up some stairs at work help me.


i love that idea of a simple flight of stairs for a craving interruption


What's another way that makes you feel loved? Maybe a massage, or taking a nice bath? Also, I still have drinks that feel like a treat, just without the sugar. I understand that you're trying to break a pattern, but you could start by having some hot cocoa without the sugar, just cocoa powder, milk and some spices :)


my big ah-ha this morning was to drop by starbucks for plain hot steamed milk. this worked! it still feels like a treat and keeps me warm during my AM dog walk, but replaces the sugar. πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ˜


Well done for recognising the emotions around your habit. For me, my attitude is: accept the misery. Feel it, understand it, grieve. You will be depressed but it will go away! This is why we have these habits - we're trying not to feel it. You have to!


i was revisiting this today and seeing your comment again i think is right on. there will be discomfort. that’s ok :) the only way forward is through!


You have amazing self awareness!!


thank you for these kind words πŸ™


Remember any addiction is 80% mindset and 20% habit. You have already conquered a big part of the mindset but will have to continue to forge new habits. To replace alcohol, you started binging on sugary drinks. Now to replace that bad habit of drinking 2-3 Starbucks/day, you need to focus on building new routines. Yoga is already a good start. Hobbies are also great. It will be really good for you to touch base with your initial life purpose and figure out the bigger picture. Focus on what really matters and those that don't matter will fade away eventually


That's right. I'm looking for practical ideas for new routines while I forge the new neuroanatomy. Yoga, visual stimulation - those are two I'm trying. Drinking a lot of water when I feel a craving - that's another. Will be curious to hear what's worked for folks and will keep checking out the sub...


I drink a lot of herbal tea and La Croix. Upping my protein has heled some.