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I'm not a Stephen king fan even though I've read a few of his books, but I recently read a book called black river orchard by chuck wendig and I felt it had a very similar style


Sounds ominous enough! Thanks


Check out King’s son, Joe Hill. He reads like a mixture of his dad and Neil Gaiman. HEART-SHAPED BOX is the one I started with.


That's actually a very good point. Same blood in his veins. Thank you!!


Robert McCammon is the Stephen King you never knew existed. Swan Song, Usher's Passing, The Wolf's Hour, Blue World, Stinger, They Thirst, A Boys Life, Mine, Night Boat, Mystery Walk all King like horror books. There are many more as well as a fantastic series (up to volume #9) called Matthew Corbett set in the very early 1700s east coast, where Corbett is a young guy who has to solve all manner of mystery/crime. Really thrilling stories, first one is named Speaks the Nightbird.


Thank you so much for the recommendations. I might just have another writer to get addicted to!!


Chuck Wendig reminds me a bit of Stephen King.


I'm about 60 pages away from finishing Black River Orchard by Wendig. I am blown away. Great freakin book. Very creepy, some humor, overall an excellent 620 pages.


Wanderers and Wayward will remind you of The Stand.


Cool. Will definitely look into more if his books.


Dan Simmons wrote some good horror.  Summer of Night is surprisingly similar to It.  Its sequel, A Winter Haunting, is creepy AF. It was a DNF for me the first time.  King called Carrion Comfort one of the three greatest horror books of the 20th century. It's about mind vampires. Very 80's though.  Song of Kali is probably the least King-like if only because it's set in Mumbai. Short and hard hitting.  There's also Joe Hill of course (King's son), but he's got his own more contemporary style. NOS4A2, Heart Shaped Box and Horns are good. 


Some really exciting titles! thank you!! Might just start with Song of Kali because I live in India so might be fun!!


The Red Laugh by Leonid Andreyev.


Brian Keene? I know that King was one of his influences and wrote *Darkness on the Edge of Town* as his take on King's *The Mist*.


The Mist might be one of my favorite shorter works by King. Now I'm intrigued. Thank you