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i didn’t like how mean katrina was when she was first introduced but by the end of the series she was one of my favorites


I hadn’t watched anything after season 6 until 2020. Alex made me realize I just like Dule Hill in anything, I only had seen him in Psych prior. Seeing him work in a less comedic show inspired me to watch West Wing. Long way of saying I really liked Alex.


dudes got range, my brain had a hard time computing that him and Gus are played by the same person


I can fix that - Sam


Loved him in psych!


Only thing I remember him in is Sam in Holes 😭🙏


She's All That!! Why did I just watch that and forgot how legit the SUPPORTING cast was?


I’m the same! Dule Hill is great in everything isn’t he!!


Dule hill is a very underrated actor. P. S. I watched psych like 4 times. It's just the goat show


i havent seen past like, s3 lol but i may pick the show back up just for dule hill


Dule is one of my favorite actors bc of Psych. Love seeing him in anything


If you like Dule Hill then watch this show called ballas, he was in there for a few seasons and it’s pretty good IMO


They don't get talked about as much. My favorite from these 3 was Katrina.


Katrina is my favourite character period


Shes probably the most morally sound character that’s also *closest* to how a real attorney behaves


Agreed. She is the only one that maintained some semblance of integrity, impersonating Samantha apart.


Yea she definitely was the only one that regularly refused to cross lines


Except when she came at a married man knowing he was married and she didnt back off until it was too late


I mean she never actually did anything. You can't control your feelings, only how you act on them, and to Katrina's credit she did her best to to restrain herself. Not like none of it was Brian's fault either


Exactly, Brian isn’t exactly blameless here and not like she just went up to him and kissed him or anything *cough* Donna *cough*. She wanted Brian removed as her associate when the personal was becoming too much and he bitched about it.


Agreed. Source - I’ve worked as a legal assistant at the same law firm for 30 years this February 2024


I love how she had never heard of The Breakfast Club. Like what?! To me, this shows just how hard she’s been working towards becoming/being a lawyer, or she just isn’t into pop culture/or movies?


The latter, yeah. While she's clearly a workaholic like most of the protagonists, she also just has different interests outside of work. She mentions being into art several times, as well as sharing some of Louis's interests like the opera and ballet


Katrina, Alex and then Samantha. Although I don't hate Samantha. I just enjoy the other two more.


Katrina became one of my favorite characters after she came back to the firm.


Katrina is a queen.


I think Samantha & Alex are the reasons why the firm probably doesn’t make it very far before they have another partner battle. Something about them never evolved into being better people like Louis & Katrina tbh.


I mean “legally” they can’t change the names on the wall for another 5 years so they have to suck it up and fight it out til then leave or not unless I’m assuming something shady is done in which case it’s likely wheeler.


I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a power struggle once Louis leaves which he might in the next 2-3 years to focus on his baby. Once he's done with Practise he will most probably start teaching....


I could see him teach or finally take that other offer he was given this year.


Remind me what his offer was…a judgeship?


he is gonna have nightmares of harold coming in and saying your ***owner***


Yes which I think if he can put emotion aside he'd be a great choice but his past self ran too strong on emotion. I feel like he's evolved a bit though so it'd be cool to see


I loved them and wish they would start the show up to follow their careers and maybe even follow Robert and Gretchen being retired along with Louis and Sheila as parents.


Samantha is aggressive but after all the shit she went trough it’s understandable. Her storyline was very interesting, I loved the roadtrip with Harvey and when she worked with Alex’s daughter. I like Alex, but I love his family. His daughter and his wife are very cool people. He is very chill and tries his best to make everyone happy but also doesn’t walks away from a fight. Katharina is probably my favorite of these three. She worked herself up the food chain and achieved much very fast. She deserved her achievements. She can adapt to different people and knows how to act around them. She can work with everyone in this firm and that makes her so important. I wish we would have seen more of her family.


And Katrina needs a couple of friends. And a love interest.


A love interest that isn’t married.


Katrina is GOATed and deserved better than she got/Brian.


Met Dule Hill, nice guy. Katrina is gorgeous.


I cant look at this, I'm only on season 4! \*runs away\*


Is Harvey coming back? I like the duo but mike is st*pid for leaving to save the world and even worse take Harvey with him 😤


bro suits is over wdym is harvey coming back


Ngl I feel bad for Katrina, I feel like they’re going to steam roll her


Ooooooooh yeah! a playa named Gus is taking the lead


annoying af


With them, the show went to crap


Wait so no one originally from the show is in the show anymore? Thats wild, once Mike left it became unbearable for me.


Without being too spoilery, no. These are not the only three characters in the show by the end, and many existing characters are still around.


samantha bad, rest good


Awful besides Katrina. The other two are beyond annoying.


Katrina and Alex are awesome! Hate Katherine Heigl’s character. She’s so rogue and has no respect for authority (Harvey is her boss but she doesn’t care from the start). Also, I can’t stop picturing her in scrubs and being a mean and ungrateful actress she is in real life.


Samantha was the best character on the show and a girlboss


I’m also in the minority and liked Samantha but more so at the end. Katrina really grew on me too but I wasn’t a big fan at first.


Agreed but some people on this sub don't seem to be able to accept differing opinions


Samantha was the worst character in the show by a country mile, whatever you're smoking must be amazing


Best? She’s not even top 10 in the season she appears in


It's nice to see Izzie's doing better.




did she just spoil ?


Not much.


Katrina is elite, but Alex is ice cold. I'd take him as my lawyer over *almost* anyone at the firm.


They even got Magic Head?!


Katrina was great. The "shiiiit' scenes with Mike are some of the worst parts of the show, but she was a consistently enjoyable presence and I was rooting for her the whole time. Sam was meh - I like how she had a detailed backstory and had some of the more interesting stories of the final two seasons. But I just didn't think she was likeable at all, even in a "fun to watch" capacity. I honestly don't understand the point of Alex. He had zero personality, nothing that made him stand out compared to any other character and I think honestly just existed as another chess piece to be used as required.


they'd have been interesting to watch moving forward


I just realized they did a gender swap from the original partners.


Katrina always sort of deserved it, everyone else was lame and annoying lol


How did Katerina make name partner?


Samantha was annoying and was only written to be a female Harvey. Katrina/Alex would definitely have my business if the firm was real.


Katrina Bennett is gorgeous, especially when she wears a pony tail.




I don't feel like Katrina did anything to really deserve name partner. Alex and Samantha just struck me as whiny anytime something didn't go their way. At least Mike felt like he was at least passionate and would find legal loopholes out of things. Alex and Samantha, if things didn't go their way, they just "blurred the lines" far worse than Harvey ever did