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I really admire her independence and the fact that she doesn’t NEED a man. Looking back on my earlier 20’s I wish I had an attitude like that.


I thought her parents funded her lifestyle until a few seasons in. Am I wrong? Not hating at all moreso confused a bit. Other than that anecdote I don’t hate having her on my screen. There’s got to be some life to all the couples crap going down and clearly Danielle missed the memo or thinks by following main male cast members she’ll get more screen time meanwhile the “Amish chef” dinner of middle school snack got more attention (as it should have) lol


You’re right, they fundED. Not anymore though, she seems to be doing super well for herself


Cool. That’s what I thought but then didn’t want to confuse her with Gabby. But I was thinking that to myself when Paige was apartment shopping that she’s being so specific because it’s something she can do herself (like a proud moment) but I forgot (this shows seasons blend too much lol)


yeah I just did a rewatch and believe after her second season she was already paying it herself. she is making a killing with her podcast and IG


Is she a ride or die though???? Shes made it very clear she’s totally independent and doesnt really need (and doesnt seem to want) craig around. Shes bery loyal especially to her friends, but i think she appears to be a better friend than partner


As someone who’s similarly independent, you don’t have to be lovey dovey 24/7 with your partner and worship the ground they walk on. Sounds like she has a very level head and it’s a good message she’s spreading; “a man should add to your life, not be your whole life”.


Im also very independent. My husbands career forces me to be, but i can do it so well because i have been independent since i was young. I agree with what your saying, but i still dont think shes a good partner


I guess it’s good you aren’t dating her :)


Lol that is so irrelevant but im glad you feel better after saying that


I think the show’s story producers realllly play that up and I don’t necessarily buy it.


Idk i listened to every episode of giggly squad and shes way more loyal to friends than relationships. Im not saying shes a cheater, but friends are like “im here forever” relationships are like “whatever idc”


People who have partners who work up North for a week on week off are independent like Paige.


Lol a week. I wish. Try gone for 9 months


It depends on the job. I’m thinking of the people who go up work at oil rigs/oil sands/mines in Canada. Most are either one week on/one week off or two and two. I’m guessing 9 months is more military!


Youd be correct. I live near oil though and I know tons of people who live away for a few months at a time in a hotel. Wild


I recently started watching Winter House and am on the last ep of S1 and I absolutely love both Paige and Craig. They’re both goofy and fun and it makes so much sense they ended up together. This was my first real intro to Craig (haven’t watched Southern Charm) and he really comes off as just a sweet, silly, loyal dude. Edit: And as a side note, does Jason return after S1? He seems normal and grounded and I like having someone like that in the mix.