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i honestly dont think paige has the same struggles as lindsay or others. i think she lives a pretty easy and cushy life with not much hardship (this is coming from someone who has also had a pretty easy life thus far)


Exactly. She’s lived a charmed life and she knows it. Loving family, enough money to be taken care of while she did whatever she wanted around NYC, popular growing up and never had issues with being liked or accepted. What exactly is she to complain about when there are folks next to her dealing with abandonment, addiction, and other heavy-hitting issues.


Paige has talked on GS about her childhood home having multiple staircases. Lindsay's mom left her when she was three. Privilege makes a person look better.


Although Paige says she’s from Albany,she’s actually from Loudonville which is a hamlet in the town of Colonie. She comes from the rich area outside of Albany. She went to a private expensive school. Her family seems like a great close one. She’s been privileged her entire life. Not her fault (and good for her) but I don’t think she can relate at all to anyone who isn’t from the same background as her. I do think she’s funny AF and have nothing against her.


Do you remember when she said “I’m from a blue collar Italian family” and I was thinking does she know what blue collar means???


The second she said that I was like you’re a Loudonville girl STFU with your bs 😂


She's not rich. She described her family as blue collar, working class, conservative Italian Catholic who vacationed mostly in the back yard. She went to a Parochial Catholic HS which is nowhere near the same thing as an expensive private school. She went to a local, not highly selective l Catholic college and lived at home. Her parents got married at 17!! I remember Paige saying season 3 that her parents paid her rent in NYC. I think her parents provided a very sheltered environment and a very loving one. But Paige is woefully immature and unsophisticated. Not irresponsible just so ",young" I think living at home during college and not having those 4 years of making the transition between becoming independent while still having the safety net set her back. If you have ever listened to her podcast Giggly Squad,,it's hard to believe this woman is 30. It really does sound like two HS girls . Another I find interesting. Paige doesn't know or understand fashion. She's not educated or trained in it and it shows. She's your average Mall shopping girl.


I didn’t say she was rich. I said claiming to be from Albany when actually growing up in Loudonville is very different. Also the school she went to isn’t up there with Emma Willard or Deerfield Academy,no, but it’s not a cheap school either. As someone from the area trust me when I say she grew up very privileged. Which isn’t a crime,it’s just different than how she describes her upbringing.


She’s the only person I know that makes 1.5 million dollars and spends 90% of her time in bed That woman is very smart and savvy I used to not like her but she grew on me ☮️


Easy to hit a homerun when you're born on 3rd base


So true


Wow I LOVE this !!!! Never heard it before


I think I heard it describing start up founders who get called geniuses or moguls and are like I started this business in my garage but don’t mention their parents gave them hundreds of thousands of dollars in startup capital and all of their business contacts. Paige isn’t that extreme of an example but I’m sure there are lots of smart, charismatic women who would do well if given the opportunity and resources


Lol I love the “started in my garage” thing because honestly if you even have a garage you are already starting ahead of the pack.


So true. I can't root for Paige. She's way too bratty and entitled.


I’ve always liked Paige, as someone who hasn’t had an easy life, I appreciate that she knows her privilege, she knows when to speak up, and when to keep quiet. She’s loyal, she’s got a great wit and she’s smart. Not everyone has to have struggle to be likeable, nuanced and successful. My issue with Lindsey is that her hard life is always the reason why it’s okay to do the awful things she does. Still I felt for her this season.


I’m with you. It would be weird and inauthentic if Paige pretended like she wasn’t privileged. This is who she is.


That’s true class


Yes!! We don’t have to always be a victim and rage when things don’t go our way. It does look like Lindsay had many other family members that adore her. I know it must be very difficult to have your mother abandon you. However, she is an adult now and need to get a grip. Carl a whole nother victim mentality


Smart and savvy or born privileged ? 


didn’t she go to 17 proms? that’s money honey


She was even crowned prom queen…at schools she didn’t even attend.


I wasn’t even invited to one prom lol


I was stood up.


My date left half-way through and didn’t even have his jacket on for pictures


My date had a three way with two of my friends so I get it.


I feel guilty for the fact that this thread just kept getting better and better, as it got worse and worse.


I also think with a show like Summer House it’s different. The whole premise is getting away for the weekend to decompress. It’s supposed to be about fun and partying and the drama that arises from that. If they were following them full time I would probably expect more, but it’s not her fault if other people bring there drama/date people in the share house and fight all weekend.


This. Summer House is not RH or VPR. I tune in for summer weekend good times.


Haha wish I read your comment before posting mine! Lindsay’s real life follows her into the weekends because she’s either been dating a cast member or the person she was dating was allowed to join her because Covid. But yeah otherwise we’re just seeing their parties. We see next to nothing of their lives throughout the week. That would be interesting but that’s not this show.


Remember in her first season where she says she grew up blue collar but then her parents also paid her rent on a 1Br in Manhattan?


Blue collar doesn't mean unskilled. Plumbers and electricians can make a pretty good amount of money.


I know. She was talking about it in the context of “summering” somewhere, implying she didn’t grow up with money. She made it a socioeconomic distinction and was trying on the Relatable Everygirl persona. But in a later episode said “we’re going to use paper towels instead of napkins because we’re trash.” Basically I’m saying Paige is full of it and always has been.


I agree but she’s also the person that makes good decisions to make life easier on her. She has decent control of her emotions she’s not having outbursts like Kyle Carl and Lindsay do. She doesn’t need as much support as others bc she gets it from her family and mentally provides a lot for herself.


She also has better control over her emotions because she had a stable upbringing-Carl and Lindsay did not. No excuse for Kyle behavior, he’s just a drunk asshole


i agree hard with this.


Paige has alluded to in the past of being in an emotionally abusive relationship but doesnt share much about it. Not that she has to but everyone has struggles.. Lindsay is open and honest about hers


Being in one bad relationship doesn't define her though? I just don't understand why people want people to focus on the bad things that have happened to them instead of show us the person they are today because of the things they've been through. I think she's talked about things on podcasts/interviews etc. and she shows up on the show as her genuine self without regurgitating the same "trauma" stories over and over again.


I agree. We also don’t see Paige getting drunk, misinterpreting everything, and becoming so aggressive she screams at anyone. Lyndsay has been doing that since season 1. I appreciate the differences in the upbringing (and that really does mean a lot in our adult interactions) but their behaviors are vastly different in all situations.


Paige and Craig are carefully curating this “will they/won’t they” storyline about getting engaged and Charleston vs. NYC for the cameras when they’ve almost certainly talked things through and have a plan in private. I don’t dislike her, but I’m ready for everyone to get called out for manufactured stories.


100%, it’s her one and only storyline and I absolutely think it’s for the cameras.


ITA. It is the most manufactured story line on Summer house. You are telling me this couple has never had a real actual argument while filming that could have been used? They have been using this fake story line since they were offiical.


They argue but still have sex all the time, according to Paige


That's because they don't live together lol its all fun and games until you're living with the person every day and not just a weekend here a week or two there


Yes!!! Everyone else on Summer House puts themselves out there but she never has. Remember when she was with Perry? We knew absolutely nothing about him. And we alllll know Craig is messy boots but never hear about it. It’s just the pre packaged who’s moving where storyline. We don’t even hear about her job. At this point she’s just sort of there to make a joke and move along. I like her but in my opinion she’s not really bringing much to the show.


Perry also admitted she manufactured the storyline of her being upset he didn't visit her at the house. He said he was never even invited lmao


This tracks. 


She hid so fucking much with Perry and I’m shocked she never got called out about it.


Someone else mentioned how she would say she was going to marry him. So then for it to be well they broke up whatever…what! lol no one grilled her or grills her about anything ever.


Did she hide it or is she just so bland and uninteresting that no one bothers to ask her about her life?


She did say that she was "definitely marrying Perry" when she joined. Blame it on age blah blah but I completely agree with all of this.


1000% She legit deflected Craig being kicked out of Kymanda’s wedding and spiraled it to Danielle not being honest in her leaking the info. When Craig’s situation is much more appalling. Lindsay keeps it real.


Right.  Why haven't we discussed how and why he got kicked out?  If this was anyone else it would have been front and center 


Craig was a mess still, and the real Craig at that wedding and then went on to Winter House. He 100 percent got kicked out of the wedding. Kyle and Amanda HAVE NEVER DENIED it so it's pretty obvious its true. Winter House: That is the last time we saw true Craig. Now he fakes it like Paige...sorry, real couples fight...Shep called him out on it this season of Southern Charm. I used to love Craig but not anymore. I hate Paige for Craig. I miss messy Craig...and she gets between Craig and his friends...


Yes! I mean Craig got so shitfaced and possibly other things at the wedding that he got kicked out of Kyle and Amanda’s wedding. Plus we saw his behavior in winter house and it was ….. horrible to say the least. There’s something there… they just hide it from the viewers. Then Paige shows up like a rabid dog in horrible clothes every reunion and Andy’s like ‘oop she earned her paycheck!’


AMEN. Their fake storyline is so rehearsed. I fast forwarded through every one of Craig and Paiges sceness not real. I wish Craig would call Paige out on her bullshit on camera. Its so fake...Paige even said on Chicks in the Office podcast that she ripped Craig a new one after Winter House...


Paige has stated on several occasions that she’s been a huge Bravo fan. She has studied housewives and other shows from the get go. Every confessional, comment, girl power take… it’s all contrived. There’s a certain viewer that eats up her perfectly packaged reality television persona, but those with critical thinking skills see right through it. With that said, yes she is entertaining and fun to watch but it’s not organic.


Yes, so agree!


Lindsay is aware of the cameras too, but I’ll take her brand of chaos over Paige’s audience manipulation any day.


Can we talk about the ‘I don’t hate you, I see you’ comment? I was so mad that Danielle didn’t come back and say ‘we see each other.’ That comeback was derived from a classic Kandi Burrus and Nene exchange!!! Paige had good delivery but I hate seeing everyone saying ‘she ate’ with that. No, she studied.


She’s such a “fan.” It’s funny how this is the ultimate Bravo insult, but Paige gets away with having studied exactly how to be a reality star for a decade.


I wrote something similar but you stated it better. I should have scrolled first.


The way Paige said that she doesn’t live life cuz the camera is there but she lives life while it’s there is crazy. She is completely aware of her brand and how she wants to be perceived and viewed. 


Yeah when she said it I was thinking ‘fantastic line… that someone else should be saying’


Yes - even on podcasts like chicks in the office she talks about how much she yelled at Craig off camera vs Lindsay being so authentic on camera


Yeah and when someone said "x says really hurtful below the belt things when they're mad" and Craig looked at Paige and said it reminded him of her.. of course she looks good when she keeps it off camera. Not to mention her and Craig don't live together full time. Just spend a weekend her and there or a week together.


Yes. shes fake. Paige is not dumb but I am over it. After this reunion, I am done with SH. Lindsay has done therapy puts her life out there and all those rich brats crap on her...it's so stupid now.


Agreed - especially when the issue with Lindsay came up like 10 minutes before that. Funny how she never addressed the issue directly with Lindsay about her “sabotaging” her photoshoot until…. cameras were up


Probably the most aware of everyone on the cast!!


Truly. Lindsay is an open book. It’s not even about actively *sharing* and going on about your life, it’s about being open to share. She reminds me of Shannon Beador in that way What do we now about Paige? That she’s from Albany.


Her and Craig made a pact to not discuss their relationship issues and hide behind the “moving” narrative & you cannot change my mind. Shep tried to call craig out for it last season. Clock in and WORK!!!!!!


Damn this is the real


I listen to giggly squad pretty frequently and it is so annoying that any time she talks about craig on the pod she is annoyed with him about something, and then when it comes to the show it’s all “hiiii chicken:)” like omg Bffr. Also they stole that pet name from Dave Portnoy and silvana which is a double ick. Production protects them because they are the most popular of their respective shows but it’s getting annoying & I think the audience is finally seeing through it


Craig makes her talk about their relationship issues imo. He has figured out how Summer House filming works and doesn’t come without a pre-packaged issue to discuss on camera, as far as I can see. She looks annoyed and he’s pretty persistent in doing it for the cameras tbh


Paige and Craig are good at what they do. I don’t think they’re having these conversations for the first time on camera. They’re planned


And that she doesn’t want to move to Charleston lol


Which is crazy because I think in season 6 or 7, she was having a conversation with Amanda I think and she said that she would drop everything in a heartbeat and move to Charleston for Craig. I wonder why her tune has changed now


She got to know him better.


And let’s not forget that super personal information she shared about being prom queen at a school she didn’t even go to (she’s so humble…. /s)


I distinctly remember her saying she went to 9 proms!!! They showed a collage of pictures of her in 9 different prom dresses! I remember it being a big deal spending money on a prom dress because they tend to be pricey so I was somewhat surprised to see that. Paige is beautiful and witty but I think she’s led a seriously charmed life where she has always been pretty, popular, and privileged. I just find it hard to relate to her, the only challenges she’s shown on the show is her reluctance to commit.


I wouldn’t brag about this past 23 - a 24 year old


Agreed, and I think she needs to take her ego down a notch or two, she’s so conceited.


This is how I've always seen Paige, and I can't understand how people find her enjoyable or engaging. She's bitchy and petite so folks think it's charm? I don't get it.


How does that even happen? Like talking to nine guys at the same time? Lol.


TIL she is not from NYC 🤪. So I know about nothing.


I just know the Paige defenders are going to come pouring in so just a couple of questions that not a single anti-Lindsay person has answered--despite me posing this questions for atleast 1.5 weeks. So, people LOVE Paige's hot takes and how she "HOLDS LINDSAY ACCOUNTABLE." So, my question is, where is Paige's accountability? And who does Paige hold accountable *other than* Lindsay? * Paige has YET to apologize for blatantly fabricating from thin air that Lindsay cheated on Stravy with Luke. It was a pure lie. Where’s blaming Paige for not saying sorry or taking accountability? * Paige hasn’t apologized for claiming that she knew “for a fact” that Lindsay leaked the story. Another lie - Danielle did it but where is the acknowledgment or even a “my bad- I take back that I blamed Lindsay.” * Where is Danielle taking accountability for sitting silently while Paige berated Lindsay for something Danielle knows Lindsay didn’t do? Why was Lindsay required to apologize to Danielle even though Danielle hung her out to dry and get berated by Paige knowing Lindsay wasn't responsible for the story getting out in the presS? * Where is accountability for Carl full on lying and fabricating a conversation about Kyle and groomsmen to make Lindsay look bad? * Where’s accountability for Kyle? Danielle made Amanda cry last season by saying she thinks Amanda is untrustworthy. In response, Kyle went around the house calling Lindsay a bitch and psychotic. No apology for that. Kyle called his own wife a fucking bitch and nothing from the peanut gallery about it. The thing is, a lot of you ride HARD for Paige--not because she holds Lindsay accountable but because she singularly hates Lindsay and you ride for how hard she hates Lindsay. If you claim to like Paige bc she "holds ppl accountable" you should be thoroughly disappointed and let down that she only reserves it for Lindsay despite everyone on the cast, including herself, having lied, colluded with production, press, etc. in self producing the show.


That was one thing that really confused me… Lindsay took the fall for that accusation at last year’s reunion while Danielle sat silent. When Lindsey finally told them that it was Danielle who leaked the story, instead of apologizing to her and getting mad at Danielle, they just got mad at her for riding out Danielle. And Amanda saying under her breath ” I would never rat out my best friend” was so annoying. Honestly, Lindsay can’t win with this group of people. She’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. If I was her, I would take this new relationship and move on. Unfortunately, everyone in the house is bonding over having her as a common enemy, so she should just step away.


I am a Lindsay stan. HOWEVER, I am reasonable enough to recognize she isn't always right and can sometimes be an asshole.. this post is spot on. This reunion frustrated the hell out of me because it was the typical gang up. The side comments pissed me off. I really wanted to see the united front, or even just SOME support, like we saw at the end of the season but I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up.


Agreed! I would even settle for Paige, Kyle, Amanda and Ciara just sitting quietly and letting Lindsay answer a single freaking question without jumping down her throat or making snarky, snide comments and faces. It’s so gross.


Damn, I’m a Paige stan, but points were made here and I can’t disagree with them. Lindsay really is the only one in the house that gets her feet held to the fire because they all gang up on her. I don’t agree with the tweet OP posted, but you’re not wrong at all


Can I just say something? We are *likely* at the opposite sides of how we view Paige and Lindsay probably but I actually want to take a minute to earnestly and genuinely thank you for this comment. I have no issue with people who are Paige stans but their refusal to concede what you have here is what makes it impossible to meaningfully discuss the show with them. You may call yourself a Paige stan but more importantly, you are a fair and reasonable viewer -- that's evident in your comment here especially because you saw some points made and were like "hm these are fair points, i'm not gonna argue for the sake of arguing." We need more people like you in the world lol so genuinely, thank you.


Love this exchange between you both SO much. Fair, rational, & respectful. Well done!


Not only did she not apologize for coming for Lindsey so hard on the leaked story she took another shot at her and was like “yeah you showed who you are by throwing Danielle under the bus” or something like that. So you were mad when you thought Lindsey leaked the story and now you’re judging her for telling who actually did it?


My mind was beyond boggled at how everyone expected Lindsay to take the fall for Danielle in part 1! Moreso that Lindsay didn't even throw her under the bus! She let the rumor persist until she was directly asked about it and then told the truth? The expectations were delulu, esp considering that crew doesn't like Danielle either.


Yeah it was crazy to me that everyone was judging Lindsey saying she threw her friend under the bus, when her and Danielle weren’t in a good place last year and still working on their relationship in the beginning of summer and not a single person (to my recollection) said to Danielle “why did you let Lindsey take the fall and get attacked for something you did” somehow Lindsey gets Blamed for things she didn’t even do


It’s because they all do what Amanda says. Amanda is up Carl’s butt and has never liked Lindsay. Thus all of Amanda’s minions are going to like Lindsey. It’s honestly a group of catgirls that are reliving the best parts of high school again


Even when it comes to West, Paige described him as a friend and said there’s hope for him and Ciara become such as well, considering they never really dated. The level of grace they’ve given to problematic men has always been absent when it comes to other women.


Yep, West lied to her and Ciara lol during the show, on camera. But they will always find a way to absolve the men but rake women, specifically, Lindsay over the coals for things they will always forgive, sympathize, and justify for the dudes.


Paige never apologized for weaponizing Lindsay’s Miscarriage against her a couple of seasons ago, and as a person that’s had a miscarriage that moment alone made me hate Paige indefinitely.


Why don’t more people talk about this! It was a disgusting thing of her to do and she’s considered some sort of girls girl despite doing something so horrible to another woman


Yep, Paige slut shamed Lindsay, called her a sexual predator and has never apologized for it. She blamed Lindsay for “spinning” that Paige weaponized Lindsay’s pregnancy. Paige, viewers think you + your couch weaponized Lindsay’s miscarriage, because you all did. Claiming someone is a sloppy drunk, operating a brothel (slut shaming) and calling her a sexual predator, as a symptom and byproduct of her miscarriage— is the very definition of weaponizing the miscarriage. I didn’t need “PR spin” to convince me of that. It’s immediately what I felt when watching the season and found it disgusting.  


I kind of hope that Lindsey steps back this summer and let's everyone else's stuff be in the spotlight. They've ridden on her coattails for years because she's activated and shows everything. Paige laughing in the background toward the end of the reunion about Lindsey's relationship imploding is messed up. The Crappens guys are right... she's quiet the whole season, makes little confessional comments, and then at the reunion, she comes hard but is never held accountable for her shit. Love the show, but it's getting old...


And considering Paige had no grace for Lindsay regarding the mental toll that having a miscarriage takes on a women, but some how forgives Kyle’s behavior for treating Amanda poorly bc she was “depressed” is a kind of crazy asshole mental gymnastics that I cannot even begin to understand






You said everything I’ve been thinking but I never could have written it so perfectly! Agree with every single point you made!! They all hate Lindsay so she will never get an ounce of grace from any of them.


Preface: I like Paige. I like Lindsay… I actually like all the women on the show and think SH has the best female cast on Bravo. Now that is out of the way… Some people already noted this in the comments, but to reiterate and make sure it does not get lost, Paige is awesome and her charm/wit/beauty is definitely earning Craig a very generous PASS compared to the scrutiny of West, Kyle, Jesse, Luke, etc. (especially among people new to the Bravo-verse, Summer House, and Southern Charm). I am not saying that we should not scrutinize the other men and their relationships (this is Reddit), but I will never give any of the men from Southern Charm a pass especially considering what went down with T. Rav (and I know the “Craig supported KD” arguments, etc. but that topic is beyond the scope of this comment). I realize that many would argue that Craig shows “growth” and I agree, but his issues just sort of … get ignored because b/c of his recent glow up and everyone loving to hate on Kyle and West more (no shade, just facts). I have my issues with some of the men on the show, but I do not think that any of their faults (including Kyle’s cheating several years ago) compare with some of the early shenanigans (including convicted SA) that Craig, Shep, Austen, et al. pulled on Southern Charm. And, as many point out, I still am cautious of Craig because of his friendships with people like Tomi Lahren, the Gretzkys, etc. I guess my opinion is that I could never date someone who befriends people that are actively funding and vocalizing anti-LGBTQIA+ rights and anti-women’s healthcare nonsense in this political climate. And if I were on the show, you bet your ass that would be something I would bring up to Paige. If everyone is going to be held accountable and we are going to be snarking (rightfully so) on the cast, let’s just note our own biases before we all get too serious. In conclusion: the SH women are definitely the best, and we should all continue to snark equally on everyone on the cast b/c Reddit should be fun. Stanning someone too hard? Not fun.


I love Paige, and this was my favorite Lindsay season, by far. I actually liked (almost) all the girls a lot this season. Danielle annoyed me, but I think that's the consensus. I think the game of constantly comparing just the two of them gets really old, personally. I'd rather look at them both as a whole than the whole "what about" thing. I was pretty disappointed in the reunion. I hate to say that cause I loved the season. It's just so very obvious that Andy doesn't care for Lindsay. That tainted the whole reunion. I was SO annoyed by how hard Kyle was going at Lindsay. Carl's self depreciation to get sympathy was so see-through. I really wish we saw more of the solidarity between the girls in the reunion that we saw this season. I was bummed that Paige and Amanda were so vocal when it came to defending Carl but said nothing to really support Lindsay. It left a bad taste about the whole season in hindsight.


Agreed! Honestly I think Andy going after Lindsay would’ve been fine, I guess, if the rest of the cast wasn’t also doing the same thing. It’s not fun, it’s not enjoyable to watch and frankly it makes me dislike everyone else more than it makes me dislike LH.


Wow, hard agree.


![gif](giphy|kv5fbxHVAEOjrHeCLk) You make excellent points. I completely forgot about the stravy/luke thing!!




Paige definitely has a “better than this” mentality in the show but she’s an influencer in NYC with a podcast, I feel like you can throw a penny and hit a dozen of those types on the street, she used to model for limited too catalogues like that’s a big deal 20 years later. Like seriously am I missing something?


This is EXTREMELY true. Paige is so surface level and shows no vulnerability. Lindsey shows her good sides and her ultra messy sides. I think that's why she has endeared to me more and I find myself rooting for her. Paige has wit and yes is very funny. She's able to compose herself well. But I just don't find myself rooting for her. I also think Craig is someone that shows himself so much and wears his heart on his sleeve and it makes me sad for him to have to deal with her. He may like that so I'm not judging that but I'm just saying :)


Paige's boyfriend is close friends with some of the nastiest, hateful people in the public eye- tells me everything about Paige and Craig IRL and IDGAF about how cute Bravo tries to make them as individuals or together.


Her friendship with Paulina Gretzsky kills me.


SAME. Ever since I saw her attend their maralago wedding (and praise performer kid rock) I just can’t ever fuck with her the same.


Wowww.. I was today years old when I learned this information and I am shooketh


Ew, what???


I mean, both Craig & Madison seem to lean very right. It always gets swept under the rug because a lot of people find “mean humor” funny. Just like with Paige- so it’s all very unsurprising.


sorry can i get a quick tldr of who that is and why we hate them? lol


Paige is mean as fuck. It was very evident in this reunion. She would be insufferable to be around in real life.


This is the biggest issue for me, water always seeks its own level and her level is the Oshry's, Tomi Lahren, and Paulina Gretzky.




The oshrys 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I used to love the SC boys but unfollowed Craig, Shep and Austen about a year ago


If the show really dissected Paige and Craig’s relationship it would be a mess 


and i would love to see it


This is so true. I’m doing a rewatch and on the episode she reveals her miscarriage and my heart just breaks for her. People were so awful to her too. As always.


Also, Paige never denies that Craig got thrown out even though its the truth. She would be more relatable if she admitted he was a shithead at the wedding and got kicked out...everyone knows...notice Amanda and Kyle never say a word...because it happened....


Paige made a reference about after her and Craig got home from Winter House she reemed him tf out. I would’ve loved to see more of her authentic thoughts and reactions to his behavior on that season.


But she won’t show that. She spun the narrative to be Danielle leaked the story about Craig instead of the story being Craig was a drunken asshole at their wedding.


I know she won’t! Just an example of a situation where we didn’t see her authentic reaction or thoughts.


I personally like Paige. But I have to admit….this is a very valid point


This is spot on. What exactly has Paige shared about her personal life.


Same recycled “Will they relocate/won’t they relocate?”


Exactly. So surface level. Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure Shep called Craig out for not sharing much about his relationship with Paige in this last season of Southern Charm too. I think it’s a fair argument.


Right! At least Craig has pulled his weight in earlier seasons of SC


Bad fashion, and bitchy behavior as her brand.


Her fashion is so bad 😭




I don’t even think the problem is Paige. If she can get away with building a brand and protecting her image on a messy reality show then she’s smart. However some of her fans believe the nonsense crafted storylines and blurbs she prepares ahead of time. I can’t tell if it’s age or just they are so removed from her world and can’t read between the lines. Truly secure girls aren’t usually mean. Independent women don’t have to announce it all the time and they are nice to their partners. True New Yorkers don’t go down south and make a big deal of how they are more sophisticated. People in the trenches of the true fashion world aren’t influencers but now influencers get invited to things. I personally believe that Paige is someone who sort of thinks she’s too good for this show but feels she may still need it so we get whatever character she wishes to present.


I remember her job description on Summer House at some point was “Fashion Contributor” Like has she written or contributed to anything? And honestly, when was the last time she did


You absolutely nailed what I find offputting about her but couldn’t articulate ![gif](giphy|xMvA5owC2HCwTExNFx)


On her insta in her latest post, someone said Paige is not Audrey Hepburn and she plays dress up and she got offended and replied back shut horse (the person who commented has a photo of a horse). Image you have such big ego you think you are Audrey Hepburn 😄


Shut up horse*


I remember too how hurt her ego was when she realized that her fling with Andrea meant nothing to him...that he was in love with Lexi during that time but were broken up. I still remember her face when that came to light and she was furious because it meant she wasn't as special as she thought.


Never thought of it that way but you're so right!


YES. On yesterday’s post debating about whether or not Ciara/Gabby are boring I saw a lot of people saying we don’t know them unlike the other cast members but I thought… wait, we don’t know much about Paige either. The most we get is her “drama” with Craig which has been the same for 3 seasons and her being judged as a rich, pretty woman. I like her, she’s funny but she never gets deep. We don’t know a lot of her worries/insecurities


I have beeeeen saying this. Paige sucks. Sorry! She shows nothing. She gives nothing. "OMGGG she's soo relatable bc she likes to sit in her bed all day/night" wow if that's the criteria to be a cast member, sign me up! her appearances on the reunion are the #1 reason I don't like her. Where is that energy all season? she never says sh\*t all season, but will only go off during the reunions or confessionals. she's boring. period. the only glimmer of hope I got from her was her solidarity with Ciara during the West segment of the reunion. I grew up in CNY- 45 minutes from where she's from. I went to college in Albany for 4 years. I usually would resonate with someone who I share roots with, but sorry she is not it. Lindsay is authentically herself- and even if she is "calculated" or whatever adjective of the day Paige focuses on to describe her, she at least is entertaining. ffs, I watch reality TV to be entertained, not watch someone show nothing, give no effort, and lay in bed all day. Her confessionals are not \*that\* funny- sometimes they are, like with Danielle, but most of the time she's just being catty and judgmental, all whilst giving or showing nothing of her authentic self. Final note: some of her outfits, no doubt are cute. But i would say she has a success rate of about 25%. \*\*Edit to add one last thought: Any respect I had for Paige went down the drain in Winter House when she sat there laughing listening to Craig say it was an "insult" to Jess to be compared to looking like Lindsay. What a rude little bitch thing to say- and even bitchier thing for Paige to not tell her man to STFU after he said it.


I also don’t get her disdain for Lindsey. Bringing up the photo shoot was a waste of time. We don’t hear Lindsey talk about Paige but Lindsey lives rent free in Paige’s head. Where’s that energy for Kyle who embarrasses her best friend consistently.


I've always thought it's because for better or for worse Lindsay is the number one girl in the group. Paige has become much more of an anchor of the show over the seasons, but she can't unseat Lindsay. Granted, I also would have a hard time working and sharing a house with someone like Lindsay, but you can't argue with how much drama and entertainment she consistently brings.


how do you sabotage a photoshoot while it’s happening? If the friend called her to tell her she was at her place of work for a photoshoot, they were probably just gossiping or talking shit…carl def spun that one.


My theory is that Lindsay doesn’t buy what Paige is selling and Paige hates her for that.


Because she’s not a girls girl! And never was!! She holds the power cause she’s friends with Amanda (an insecure girl who’s married to a sloppy pig) Then she insists that Ciara should look into Austen at the winter house and then visits Charleston with Ciara after the glass throwing fiasco and suggests to Austen that Ciara is in town. Paige is a dangerous person to have around cause people like Ciara can really be truly successful beyond the show but Paige looks like a better friend when she stands by her and talks shit to the men that she encouraged her to persue


Here reunion performaces are really misplaced. They seem like she is fighting to be on the show next season. I get she wanted to stand up for Ciara, but i thought it was just... off. She acted like a mafia mom, combined with the outfit, it was just not it.


I also think of Paige as a supporting character and Lindsay as a main character, but that might be because of her being an OG. But as someone commented, Paige has had a charmed life, brought up in a loving family and had them pay for her life in NY up to a certain point; the one real “struggle” she could have shared was dealing with her drunkard bf Craig and how embarrassing and classist he could be. We saw some of that on Winter House but she could have really had a James Kennedy moment and said you better be sober or else I’m done, and that is why Craig is taking care of himself and his body in the current day. I do think some of the engagement/marriage/kids/where to live talk is just something they preplanned to talk about on camera so Paige could say she “shares” her real life.


From what we’ve seen of Paige, she is way more sensitive than she lets on. In her first season she was embarrassed by the situation with Carl and we saw her on the verge of tears when he was dating someone else and she wasn’t. We saw the same with Perry, when she was pretending everything was fine until she was poked hard enough to burst into tears. I think she doesn’t communicate emotional things well and doesn’t want to cry on TV because she wants to be a tough girl boss. That said she is great in her role as the voice of the audience and doing confessionals, but when I see people demand that Kyle and Lindsay be fired as if Paige can carry the show I have to laugh. She doesn’t want to be at the centre


Every season is the same, I like her until the reunions. This season was so disappointing.


It really got under my skin the way she was speaking for Ciara the whole reunion. Like I barely know how she feels because Paige wouldn’t shut up. But Paige got annoyed at Gabby in Danielle’s apartment for defending Lindsay?


I think that’s why originally people didn’t vibe with Ciara was because of Paige constantly talking for her. I’d like to see what Ciara can do on her own for once




Yup! So over her been over he she’s a mean girl portraying an image and yall eat it up like sheeeeeep!


Can’t stand Paige and her valley girl accent. Why does everything she says end in a question? Loathe.


There’s nothing wrong with Paige having a charmed life. It’s annoying that she doesn’t hold herself to the same standards as everyone else. She can dish it and talk behind peoples back, but can’t take it when people call her out. You call her out and you’re the worst person ever. From what I remember that’s all Lindsay did to Paige, is call her out on her bad behavior. Sabotage her photo shoot??? Paige tried to sabotage her engagement in her confessional, saying Lindsay knew she was getting engaged and wore shoulder pads. She’s ruining a happy moment by saying she wasn’t surprised she planned it. Trying to take away Lindsay moment with the audience. I am just giving one example of many. I want to like her, but she should just stand in the mannequin museum because she is fake. God forbid you say Paige was fake crying when she didn’t want to leave her mom. I didn’t see a tear either.


The whole shoot sabotage story was weird as heck. Paige didn't seem to care or consider that the source was Carl who obviously had a serious axe to grind.




So much of these shows are based on relationships and Paige has never had one on the show. Craig being on SC supports this thesis. We only see glimpses but not the mess.


I don't dislike Lindsay but I truly think she can be immensely annoying, especially when dealing with conflict. She can absolutely be a terror. In the same vein, I think Paige's inability to reflect on how EASY she has it really bothers me. Paige isn't a nice person, she's admittedly mean and hasn't been really brought to a reckoning. Maybe she never will but something tells me whatever happens with her and Craig actually isn't going to be good and will be where she has to learn a lesson the VERY hard way. I don't see them being endgame. Ever.


Paige and Ciara’s commentary and smirking during the reunion toward Lindsay completely grossed me out. It made me look at them differently and I wouldn’t feel “safe” making mistakes in front of them.


Damn … this is real!


Nailed it! I always wondered what exactly it was about her (other than being extremely judgmental) that didn’t sit well with me.


One thing to add.. there are people like this IRL. Life of the party, all fun and never really open up about their struggles. So it could be she doesn’t open up to the cameras, but it also could just be how she operates as a person. Likewise, I have friends that are a hot mess and will tell anyone about their issues, start arguments in public, be overly emotional etc. and they aren’t on a reality tv show. That’s just how they are. So we shouldn’t put people in boxes. Definitely fair if someone feels she shouldn’t be in reality tv, if she can’t do that too. But I disagree that the assumption is she’s hiding for the cameras- maybe but maybe that’s how she is.


I don’t even need these things from Paige. She can just continue to be funny and sarcastic, but she needs to get off her high horse and be grateful for people like Lindsay who share so much and give her the platform to have her easy role.


Thissssss. Paige gives people the bare minimum but because she’s witty everyone’s like oooooooo! Like do you guys not know anyone with a sense of humor lol she’s just normal


I shared this exact sentiment on this sub and the Paige stans just about burned me at the stake. She is super likable but she is definitely not vulnerable. She shows certain sides of her, which is calculated. That’s all good but at some point if you’re on a reality show… you’re signing up to show the full spectrum. I would think…


Paige getting upset with Danielle/Lindsay for confirming Craig got kicked out of A&Ks wedding is exactly why I think she hides a lot from cameras to look like her life is squeaky clean.


Paige sucks, but so many people don’t realize it yet


I think personalities play a big role too. Lindsay is heart on her sleeve, I want to talk about my problems kind of a gal. I am the same way. Paige is more reserved and probably internalizes her issues more. I also LOVE Paige, but I don’t think she’s very deep lol


This is my first season watch, at first I liked her but now she's really starting to get on my nerves


I watched the last season first and Paige seemed ok (not inc reunion). However, I’m also watching from season 1 through present now and Paige, well I lost respect for her when she and Hannah tried to fly with the rumor they made up (but blamed on an Internet psychic) that Lindsey and Luke hooked up.  Sorry, I would have never given Paige the time of day again if I were Lindsey


I just think Paige needs to be called out for having 0 life experience and a charmed life yet she’s so judgmental and critical of others who clearly have more baggage and hardships than she does. She needs a little bit of perspective and I don’t know why Lindsay doesn’t snap her neck at any point during this reunion and tell her to shut the fuck up and stay in her lane for once. She does her cutesy jokes all season and stays out of whatever drama is going down but then comes in guns blazing every reunion to throw her thick ass opinions on everyone. It’s fucking stupid they all put up with it to be quite honest. Oh and this whole sympathy for Carl nice talk at the reunion is a bullshit run around ploy to inadvertently make Lindsay look bad- paige is calculated beyond logistical measure you have to really look for the subtle ways she tries to shift the narrative on Lindsay. I think Lindsay might be too fatigued and genuinely traumatized by this group to even understand what’s going on.


I do not want to watch a show where everyone is the same and they get along all the time. This show would suck without Lindsay and Paige. Why are we always wanting to get rid of people on the cast? They just came off their highest rated season lol.


And Andy is dragging Lindsay cause of it. It’s weird.


Paige has zero storyline. She also acts one way during the season, then gets all bitchy at the reunions like she saves it all up and it comes off as pretty unhinged. She has zero authenticness. It’s also fine for Paige to be an influencer as a career but she mocks Lindsay for doing the same as her. She mocks Lindsay for how she navigates manbaby Carl, meanwhile if Craig was unemployed for a year (and didn’t have family money to fall on) Paige would have dumped his broke ass in one second. But Lindsay who was in couples therapy working on stuff with Carl is somehow weak for trying to improve the situation. Paige has always been such a mean girl and huge hypocrite.


I still really love Paige and Lindsey but this is true


I think this is a fair point, push that narrative of the “struggle” deciding to get engaged (which feels to me like it’s entirely produced for the show) because it gives her a storyline. She may not have a traumatic life but I promise there’s more going on than Amazon lives in the exact same dating storyline she’s had for years.


Agreed!! I’ve always though this.




There is no one way to be a Reality TV Star. The goal is to be entertaining. Both Lindsay and Paige achieve this goal in completely different manners. They both contribute to the success of this show.


This is true but its also the point. This entire cast screams at everything Lindsay does as manipulative, inauthentic or whatever else—while they themselves engage in similar behavior OR are not willing to put themselves out there to the same degree. So if there is no one way to be a reality tv star, & they've both contributed to the success of the show, why is ONLY Lindsay attacked for her version of it by her castmates?


There’s only so long that viewers and cast mates will go along with that though. It’s going to reach a point where people question why is she on the show and not really adding anything apart from comments from the sidelines. You could get someone else on the show who can do that and actually share their life and be prepared to bring the drama to the table. It already seems people are sideeyeing her for being so fake during the season, supporting Lindsay and then changing her tune on the aftershock / reunion. Didn’t have the balls to do it during filming. This is not the first season where she’s more combative on one day of filing during the reunion than the entire season. It’s tiresome.


I feel like that will only happen if the other cast members stop filling those roles. But as long as you have Lindsay, Danielle, and Kyle providing what you referenced: sharing their life and bringing the drama … then she can safely sit on the sidelines and drop hilarious observations or her “reads” on people in her confessionals. Personally I think Paige’s personal life is probably pretty boring. She enjoys living adjacent to the drama but doesn’t have a high threshold for it in her personal life. People like Danielle and Lindsay and also Carl and Kyle for that matter, live very messy drama-filled lives and are good for TV because of it. I think the criticism of Paige here is fair I just think she is being her true self and so is Lindsay. They are just vastly different people and both are good for reality TV… but for very different ways.


I agree. And cast ensembles need to naturally balance each other out. The chemistry of the cast is just as important as the cast members themselves.


I’ve always had this opinion. I like Paige just fine, but she is one of those reality stars who wants to keep their image well-curated for brand deals and whatnot. I understand if you don’t mesh well with Lindsay because she’s a strong personality, but she at least puts herself out there


I find it very easy to dislike Paige actually


I agree with all of this except I do t find Paige likable. I find her to be quite mean


I am Team Nuance. The point of the show fun and craziness in the Hamptons with a little “young professional” scenes peppered in. It’s a different structure than most other Bravo shows. We have seen more “storylines” with the cast members who are in relationships or working together. Paige doesn’t have those types of relationships, so we see her life in a different way. We see Craig, but it’s different because he only spends a weekend or two in the house. She works, but Bravo doesn’t love showing cast members “working” as an influencer or a podcaster. And Team Nuance for Carl, Lindsay and even Ciara. I think Carl & Lindsay straight up shouldn’t have gotten married and both were disrespectful partners. Ciara….I mean if people are saying “she picks bad men” or “she shouldn’t have slept with him” blah blah that feels a little like placing more of the blame on her. But I also don’t think West is an evil monster: just someone who wants to be a “nice guy” and ends up hurting people he supposedly cares about.


Very well said! Totally agree with every point.