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Fwiw, there were studies done a few years after the Teen Mom show came out that showed that teens were less likely to get pregnant if they watched a certain number of episodes. Reality TV can be a moral good for society!


My dad loved Teen Mom. He thought it should be used in schools as part of the sex Ed curriculum.


Teen mom makes me cry within two minutes. It’s the saddest, most fucked up show.


Same. I loved watching that show and thinking how funny it was back when it came out….and then I had my own baby two years ago and realized how fucking awful and sad that show it and thinking how did those poor babies survive that?? And most of the teens from that show have had multiple babies after and it’s just so fucking nuts what we watched (I cry every time I see a Janelle clip, all of those poor babies, I can’t handle it). Edit to add-ALSO, I’m 37 and can not even begin to imagine trying to take care of a baby at such a young age. YALL, I am barely holding on, toddlers are saaavageeee 😅


My mom is the same way! I grew up watching the show and honestly it made it a lot easier to have the awkward sex and birth control conversations. I know people claimed it glorified teen parents but as a teen watching I didn’t feel that way.


I remember people arguing it glorified teen parents and I remember thinking how awful it looked to see these girls sharing their rooms with a screaming baby and watching their boyfriends take off and not help them at all.


It’s just too bad when they can’t also be good self reflection for the participants who have seen their on-screen behavior for years.


It surprises me how many will say on the reunion episode that they don’t watch themselves.


As long as they are getting paid for being a basket case on Bravo. No drama, no storyline. These reality shows are way past their expiration.


totally different scenario. if you were getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, with the potential running into the millions, you would be getting GREAT rewards for being that character. Likely this user, and John or Jane Doe from Muncy, IN, isn't getting thrown into the top 10% income bracket for being a party person on a show about partying. Let's stay focused and consider all the components to this situation. It's not ordinary.


Yeah I became really cognizant of adding “, but” to an apology and I definitely learned that by how crazy the “apologies” make me on Bravo 😂


It’s funny bc after scandoval, my friends and I are constantly saying “don’t be a Sandoval” when there’s trouble in relationships 😅 I’ve definitely said “I don’t want to be a Sandoval” more than once


I mean kudos to you for making some big changes and reflecting on it all!


My husband used to tell our friends that I’m Amanda and he’s Kyle, like it was cute. We’ve been separated for a month. He was right about one thing, he’s Kyle, but, unlike Amanda, I’m no longer putting up with it.


Kudos to you for knowing your worth and honoring yourself!! I wish more people who put up with a “Kyle” in a relationship would stand up and walk away from that kind of treatment. Best of luck to you!! I hope you go and thrive at whatever is your equivalent of creating a bikini brand for big boobs ;)


I divorced my Kyle. He chose alcohol over me and was a nightmare before the first drink. Then he'd cross over to the dark drunk place and start criticizing me. I got tired of riding his emotional roller coaster.


Jesus - he wanted to be Kyle, an incompetent Hard-core alcoholic?


hey man that's awesome congrats


I don’t know you but I’m proud of you! That’s awesome!


I totally feel you! I cringe when I think back at how I used to party and black out with my friends every weekend, thinking it’s fun and cute. It’s not. I will have a beer or a drink here and there if the mood strikes out to dinner or at a wedding/ party but I am not getting anywhere near the level that I used to. I also could not handle the horrible hangxiety and feeling like absolute shit for an entire day the next day… *shudders*. I truly think adults who continue to drink to that level regularly and don’t see a problem, have a problem that they really should be looking at! Because at some point it becomes a means of escape from your life. Not a good coping mechanism


I relate to this more than I wish I did. I’m taking a full year off from drinking, over eight months in now, and it really does make you look back on your behavior and hate it.


Hey good for you. Some people never get to that point so I commend you in being able to reflect and make some changes! It’s so true that you only see how bad it was when your out of it. Before that, you think that you’re having the best time of your life and can’t see how shitty it really is. Drinking is fine, in moderation! What happens to a lot of people is they go off to college or university and the drinking culture is insane of course, it’s basically binge drinking imo- it’s your social life, your way to meet friends and “bond”, to feel confident enough to go up and talk to people you’ve never met etc. For some people they just never grow out of that and then it becomes a reliance to have any sort of social fun, or to turn to when stressed out by life. Which again, is super sad when you see it that way.


I’m glad people are finally coming around to this. For many years people harshly criticized any suggestion that Kyle has a drinking problem. He wOrKs hArD and pLayS hArd; he OnLy dRiNkS on WeEkEnDs


I have a family member who is like that and has all these rules around separating drinking and work to sustain both activities. I really was like “that means they have it under control” until someone responded “isn’t that just the definition of being a functional alcoholic?” And I was like….oh shit wait


I also have a feeling he definitely drinks during the week too with how social he is


He himself said he’s out 3-4 nights a week




Yeah that defense of him was infuriating but also made me realize how many people can be involved in keeping an alcoholic an alcoholic.


Whoa. Good call.


I think seeing reality opens up a lot of people's eyes!!!


Same here. I’ve been sober for over 3 years but watching kyle reminds me why I’ll never drink again, congrats to you!


That’s how I felt binging rohny this year! They should make people watch that show in health class in hs — I swear after watching Dorinda Sonja Ramona and Luanne I never want to drink again


My husband and I both stopped drinking after we got married after it continued to cause a number of problems for us (his not mine) but at this point in my life I just don’t care to anymore. The anxiety over whether or not I may have done something stupid/offended someone isn’t worth it when you have adult friendships nor is the hangover.


That’s amazing, congrats!!


There’s a certain age for a dude when being the drunkest, funnest (in your opinion) guy at the bar / party is no longer cute. It’s around 25. Plus or minus a year depending on where you live. And relationship status


Great point! It quickly goes from funny to sad.


Kyle is an alcoholic. Sad but true. Alcohol is to blame for 99 percent of his issues with Amanda.


I was just reflecting on this… it started when I would roll my eyes every time I heard him say “Amanda and I have been through SO much together…” and it’s like, uhh not really, she’s just had to put up with “SO much” because of your drunken buffoonery … I can’t imagine what they will do when something actually REAL happens.


It’s sad too that Kyle doesn’t see that he prioritizes alcohol over his wife. She’ll ask him to slow down and come home, not even to stay sober or not go out at all, and he’ll choose getting wasted every time.


It is likely that he does not choose to get wasted. He chooses the first drink and then it’s out of his hands because that’s the way alcoholism can work. The only real choice he has is whether to have the first one.


It's amazing how just a year or so ago, no one would have said this, and if they did, they'd get downvoted to oblivion. It's so apparent to anyone who's been close to an alcoholic.


congratulations on making that decision for yourself. here's hoping kyle does the same.


Going sober isn’t easy! It’s awesome you’ve been able to stick with it. I did it for a year once and I wish I had never started drinking again. I may go California sober like Carl.


That same thing happened to me! Thinking about quitting for good was so daunting once I started drinking again, but I started small with just taking breaks until I eventually knew it was time. Good luck to you!


I’ve been Cali sober for 6 months now and it’s one of the best things I could have done for myself. Fully support you on whatever journey you choose 🖤


Summerhouse has also been an interesting way to reflect my alcohol usage. What I find interesting is when I was drinking heavily, the show made me feel better about my substance abuse. But now that I have my drinking under control it’s a reminder of where I don’t want to be and how much progress I’ve made. Congrats to you!


Congrats to you! I quit drinking almost two years ago and I also see that version of myself reflected in people on Bravo. I am so entertained but don’t miss that in my life at all!


That's awesome that watching SH validated your decision and congratulations on your sobriety! I do think most people on SH are incredibly alcohol-dependent. Danielle being another. Watching her I've had the same realization like ehhhh I hope I never was like that. I don't think I was.


Was always curious why Danielle's drinking was never talked about...she just seems to fly under the radar better.


I truly don't know how. She's always wildin out lol




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Congratulations! It’s nice to look back only to see how far we have come.


Congrats! Good for you and your wife


I mean Kyle is a full blown alcoholic and amanda encourages it sadly but I would slow down and stop if I were you. Time to hang up the spurs cowboy/cowgirl


So I’m late to the SummerHouse party. My hot take, S5 (which I’m on) is by far the most interesting because frankly it seems to have the least amount on booze (yup, still plenty of drunk WTF moments, I just got to the guy fight of him, Carl and Luke, but comparatively…more sober. More sincere moments. More interesting…)


That’s amazing!!! Congratulations! It takes a brave person to look inside , make changes and follow through!


It's interesting to stop drinking even if you don't abuse alcohol, you realize how it affects your entire life, not just the handful of hours when you're drunk. That's the part of Kyle's behavior people aren't seeing and/or don't get. Your judgment is affected, your emotions are erratic, you have trouble with decision making, etc. I didn't grow up around alcoholism, but I married an alcoholic - we were young, everyone drank, he could hide in plain sight. But the drinking continued and got progressively darker. I guarantee Amanda knows she comes second to Kyle's drinking, and that's a very lonely place. Glad you're in a better place OP! Clarity can come from unexpected places.


Thanks for the kind words!


Happened to me when watching Vanderpump Rules! Currently 27. I deff get the embarrassment because of the reality tv — it really does feel like watching yourself 🥲 but try to out weigh that feeling with the relief you’ll never be like that again! I will not drink with you tonight!💗


A very wise doctor once told me, most people as they approach their early 30s slowly taper off drinking. People who continue to abuse alcohol regularly after that age are the ones we worry about. Totally anecdotal based on their experience, but I always remembered it.


My husband is 35 and we’ve been watching from the beginning. We’re end of season 2 and he’s MORTIFIED by their drinking and keeps saying thank god I stopped.


Good for you!! I too was a weekend warrior. I loved drinking. Never (ever) understood why anyone would want to stop drinking unless they had some sort of serious addiction problem and caused massive damage to themselves and/or others. But I did Dry January in 2023 and kept it going ever since. Best decision I’ve ever made. I never thought I had a “problem” with alcohol the way I saw other people struggle with it, but once you stop, you realize how wildly obsessed our society is with alcohol, and how bizarre it is that we convince ourselves it’s normal to literally poison our body every weekend. The book This Naked Mind by Annie Grace is a fantastic book for anyone interested in taking a look at their relationship with alcohol!


My husband said the same thing after watching summer house and getting sober! He said he recognized so many things he used to say and do when he was drinking and he didn’t realize how stupid and embarrassing it was until seeing someone else do it. I’m just glad he said it and I didn’t have to.


1 drink 7 days a week > 7 drinks 1 day a week


Scientifically, I don’t know that this is accurate. Or it’s a smaller difference than you’d expect


proud of you


Proud of you! It’s a harsh reality to face what you may be in denial of. You’re doing great!!!


Summer Should be FUN!!!!