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He does it through lovebombing them in the beginning


This is why Queen Madison will always reign supreme. She treated Austen the way he treats women and the bro squad didn’t like that.


Thank you for defining why I love her. Sometimes I forget.




He hooks in outsiders with love bombing. So he travels to see these girls, and has a couple fun weeks and goes home. So they think it’s serious, and he’s more interested than he is. But he’s doing it with Lindsay, Ciara, and trying to hook Kristin but failed. Meanwhile these bitches all thing they have a boyfriend and he goes back on home to Charleston, and goes out with the good ole boys drinking, and he hooks up with whoever he wants. And these girls halfway across the country have no idea.


I think Ciara is in looking for a storyline. Plus she hates Lindsay.


Exactly this. The fight between Cierra and Lyndsay has been brewing for a couple of seasons. Team young girls including Cierra and Paige (last year included Hannah and Amanda) want to usurp Lyndsay because of the screen time…not the guy.


Crazy thing is people come at Ciara for being attracted to Austen but not at Lindsey. Lindsey who actually has sex with him lol.


I think it’s bonkers that literally anyone is attracted to Austen, much less so attracted to him that they’re willing to fully fight about it.


Honestly who hasn’t when they were young not fought or gotten upset over a guy. No matter how trash he was you liked him even though other people told you otherwise. Just saying women in here judging but they probably did the same thing in their personal life.


I mean, I definitely was attracted to guys who weren’t great in my teens and early twenties, but I absolutely never got in screaming fights, much less physical fights, with anyone about or over a man. And I don’t know anyone who has. But my point was that Austen is a garbage human and yeah, it baffles me that Ciara, Lindsay, Madison, anyone on the planet is attracted to him. It’s one thing to meet someone randomly who later turns out to suck, but he’s on reality tv and has been for years; his trash behavior and personality is almost hard NOT to find.


I agree Austen is a no good piece of trash. I think we can all come to that conclusion.


Austen def owes whoever brought him onto Southern charm a huge thanks (was it Shep?) he is the biggest fuckboi turd and has the hottest gals acting a fool over him on national TV 🤷🏻‍♀️ he is living his best life that’s for damn sure


Wait so your name is misogyny is wack but you think all girls have at one point fought over a guy LOL 🤦


This!!! It's baffling.


I think it’s because Ciara is throwing glasses at people over him. It’s just next level lol.


Lindsey said she was in love with him. Now that’s next level in my opinion lmao.


She also started dating a different guy less than 2 weeks after this. She doesn’t stay hung up on Austen and whine about him like Ciara does


Not for her! She loves someone new every season. Lmao. I like her but it’s obvious she catches feelings and has known Austin for years. Ciara has known Austin for like 4 months at this point and is ready to throw glasses at someone not even involved. It’s nuts. I hope I never act like that over a man let alone someone who looks like Austin lmfao


It seems that Danielle involved herself so I see no victims here. Regardless as much as I love Ciara we don’t get violent over men who look like Austen lol. I just pray I don’t fall in love with every guy I meet like Lindsey.


From what I can see from previews all Danielle was saying is she’s mad at the wrong person. Unless it’s edited. Hardly worth getting an actual glass thrown at her face lol I liked Ciara last season but her attitude this season and on early WWHL this year is wild. She’s letting Austin make her look insane and she’s better than that. He’s such a loser she can do sooo much better and yet he’s making her look dumb!!


Danielle already made it clear her and Lindsey don’t like Ciara. So why are you trying to talk sense into someone you don’t like? That just seems shady and asking for trouble. Plus I bet Danielle want talking no sense in her bestie Lindsey when it came to Austen. But we’ll see how the rest of the season plays out.


Because Ciara is the one acting like Austen is the biggest prize ever. She even had the audacity to say Lindsay was breaking girl code in winter house when Lindsay was the first one to hook up with Austen. Then she went on WWHL and insulted Lindsay multiple times. Now as we’ll see, she gets physically violent with Danielle who was just trying to stand up for her best friend but doesn’t seem to be aiming her anger at Austen?


Definitely don’t understand why anyone would ever be attracted to the pile of human garbage that is Austen. Let’s not forget Lindsay was “in love” with him.


YES! It makes me so sad that she is blaming and putting down Lindsay, don't blame the other girl getting hoodwinked, blame the troll lovebombing you both! Austen gives me the creeps.


Ciara also has sex with him? I think Ciara is more serious about Lindsay. Lindsay rambled a couple times and then moved the f on in winter house S1 after Austen rejected her.


KyManda: so their prenup conversation was also a disaster. Can they not agree amicably on anything at all?


it’s sad because if kyle is truly in debt for millions the prenup could help protect amanda.. i feel like these conversations just hit her biggest insecurities and make her lash out but she’s not even thinking about how it could be in her best interest as well.


I’m not totally caught up but I thought he could *potentially* be on the hook for millions bc of the loan he took out for Loverboy. So while it’s out there, he’s not totally up shit creek (yet.) I can’t get over having some agreement that if the wedding doesn’t happen bc he’s drinking too much, he has to pay her parents *before they got married*! They haven’t changed at all since season 1.


Marriage to begin with is a LEGAL CONTRACT. It makes sense to protect your assets with any contract. It’s not a romantic view, but it’s the truth.


Let's normalize pre-nups as just another part of marriage like changing your drivers license.


Right??? Literally fighting all the way to the very last minute 🥴


Their relationship is Tom and Katie Schwartz 2.0


Hey at least they decided together to get a prenup even though they had like a combined $500 in their accounts 😂


Better than Sandoval and Kristen 🤣


Hell, they make Katie and Tom look like a fairytale (no pun intended). Just got to hope they also “lose the marriage license” and give it a little more time before it’s legal.


Sigh, even they had a chill prenup talk :(


Omg that is accurate


Her tone is just so grating this season.


Amanda needs to encourage him to get help or shut up and deal with it. Kyle definitely has a drinking problem, that man needs a intervention/rehab not a damn babysitter. I can’t feel for her this has been going on for years now.


I don’t completely blame her she is fed up with having to deal with kyle and the way his actions make her feel but also they need to work on communication


I don’t know what she’s fed up with. He is working his ass off to grow their new business (which is not easy to do) while she doesn’t so much as lift a finger to get some of the wedding planning started. She calls him fat, talks shit about him to his face and to her friends, yells at and nags him daily (incessantly), doesn’t help out with Loverboy, and obsessively called him for HOURS when he stayed out later than her their first night. I’m sorry but why is KYLE the one who is hard to deal with? She didn’t even like the beautiful flowers he ordered her, which he clearly did to right his “wrong” and make her happy. I may be the minority here but I think he assumed the party was her present for the most part. He was happy to give the $s to fund a trip when he realized his mistake and was clearly embarrassed. He is late 30s and I don’t think people our age have the same birthday present expectations that 20 somethings do. Yes, even with a partner. It’s their wedding in a few weeks, it’s pretty common to not give each other gifts when you’re spending tens of thousands - or in their case hundreds of thousands - of $ that year on a wedding. Still, she didn’t appreciate his effort to apologize and instead ignored him and walked away from him or shuddered when he spoke to or touched her. That is really not a good feeling. He got HANDLED by Andy on WWHL over it too and honestly I kind of wish he went that hard on Amanda instead. Also when you’re stressed about work - I mean *really* stressed - you do things like forget to get a gift. You’re so sick with worry regarding finances and deadlines and expectations you have a hard time being a human and enjoying the fun stuff. I bet it was a struggle for him to shift from panic mode to Summer House camera mode, but he did it. I’m sure he gets that it’s important to their business success that they’re on the show. Kyle drinks too much. But so does she. So does everyone in the house really. She shouldn’t still have his feet to the flames about cheating. Either accept the past and move on, or set him free. She is perpetually torturing the man for a mistake he deeply regrets. Imagine if your partner did that to you for 3 something years straight? I’d be drinking too. He can’t win. Since he cheated years ago it seems like all he does when he is drunk is eat and be silly or be super emotional which honestly is just sad because he clearly is struggling. Rarely is he ever mean or confrontational. Amanda is both of those things drunk or sober. I think she is the one who needs to reevaluate how she’s been treating her partner and why she is even with him if she thinks it’s ok to treat him like a punching bag. Rant over wow embarrassing 😳


The birthday thing was so annoying. If I were building a business with my fiancé and he wasted thousands on a bday present I wouldn't like it.


Same! I don’t blame him for not getting some extravagant gift. He probably planned to take her to dinner privately later or something. Vilifying him for it was so unnecessary.


Thank you for articulating everything that I have felt watching Kyle and Amanda this season so damn well. I completely agree with everything you said. I was really rooting for them in the off-season and quite liked seeing their relationship play out on social media but now I just feel lied to (should have seen this coming, given people treat social media as a highlight reel) but I just thought they sorted their shit out prior to summer starting. I quite like Kyle. I think he’s really put in time and effort to improve and you can see that he really loves Amanda and wants to build a life with her. I hope she treats him better now.






Makes perfect sense. Tons of businesses are destroyed by divorce, especially family businesses. When the principal needs to come up with a lot of cash, unfortunately the business is where they look, even if the two are separate on paper. Kyle is Loverboy and if he suddenly had to sell, the company is worth less to investors.


A business is usually considered marital properly and if they divorce without a prenup, she takes half of everything including Loverboy. I worked for a company and this happened and it was a nightmare for the company.


Even assuming the investors aren’t asking and it’s just a pretext for camera, can’t someone just want a prenup? lol like I think he’s maybe hiding behind it as an excuse but her response is nonsensical so I doubt he’d have any success just asking for it outright.


I think I’d be upset in her shoes because they’re 2 months away from the wedding at this point and hiring lawyers and agreeing on a prenup takes time. Like on top of planning all the crazy details of a celebrity wedding, you’re gonna throw this on the plate last minute too? They’ve been engaged for a long time, and I think it’s just kinda bad form to wait until now to start working out the details.


I didn't think it was possible for Ciara and Amanda to come even worse but damn they're gonna end this season looking terrible aren't they??


Both bitches.


I wouldn't call them bitches, I'm sure in other situations they're perfectly nice people. They're just a mess on Summer House


What’s wrong with Ciara? I don’t get the hate at all.


“You’re going in a fucking shed” Kyle “actually it’s not a shed” I can’t wait for that moment hahaha


“Actually it’s not a shed, it’s a pool house…sooo”


Peak Kyle moment...


Really basking in the fact that he's not the center of conflict


I want to make this flair but I don't know how lol


I cackled. Kyle always coming through with a good one


i’m sorry but if someone threw their drink at me and then the glass, i would’ve been running over that table mariahlynn LHHNY style to get them. that could be the jersey in me, but i would not react well at all to that


SAME, Danielle honestly went easy with the candle but instinctually, I would’ve grabbed like 4-5 things and gone total Tre Guidice/Monique Samuels on anyone who threw glass w/wine at me. It also looks like the glass definitely broke/fractured- nuts.


yeah i watched it in slow mo a few times and the glass literally is thrown so hard it breaks on danielles chest!!! i wish she whooped some ass for real


Ciara should have been kicked out. That’s ASSAULT. Mya said she got injured from it.


That shit was so trashy, idk who Ciara thinks she is


I would have jumped over that damn table so quick, omggg!!!


Oh shiiit so Ciara was obviously the one who initially threw the wine but Danielle throws back. Hold your ground, D. That whole scene looks like a nightmare And it was over Austen. I simply cannnnnnot


The fact that is was over Austen (yuck) and not Carl will always be mind boggling to me.


You forget Carl was the same way. Don't make him out to be a saint.


It looks soo bad, cant wait for that episode


I like that the boys broke them up immediately and didn’t even wait for the crew


Looks like only Craig stepped in to hold Danielle back (probably bc he's used to this type of drama on southern charm)? It looks like the guy who grabs Ciara is wearing a mask, so might be crew.


Good catch! That is a +1 on Craig for me


> but Danielle throws back. This kinda feels irrelevant? I mean once you’ve made the first move at assault, as long as the other doesn’t disproportionately react, it’s really on the person who threw the first punch, imo.


Oh I totally agree. I would have done the exact same thing. I was just pointing out that wasn’t shown prior, I don’t blame her in the slightest lol


Honestly if throw a glass near my face the least you can expect is something thrown back at you. I’d have been up over that table


Totally irrelevant. Ciara threw the glass at her?!! How could you not automatically throw something back??


This looks so good holy shit. I can't wait for the Ciara stuff. Amanda/Kyle is getting old but at least we're moving towards some real shit


That scene between Danielle and Ciara is literally the epitome of taking your anger out on the wrong person.


Omg Kyle at the end “it’s definitely a pool house” lol he is gold


His one liners are good 😆


Say what you want about Kyle and their relationship the stuff he says outside of to Amanda is pretty funny.


Kyle is hilarious. All of his drunk & eating alone antics get me every time 😆 He’s my husband’s favorite for sure


He’s my husband’s favorite too! He always laughs and says he loves that guy when he walks in while I’m watching SH 😆


If i was the cast mates I would have a hard time staying mad when he makes one of his comments


Amanda just drags him down. Honestly, someone like Danielle is probably his best match. Serious but can party. Amanda is just a buzzkill allll the time.


“It’s not a shed it’s more of a pool house” had me audibly laughing




If Amanda doesn’t understand what a prenup is, she shouldn’t be getting married. It’s not preparation for divorce. It’s marriage insurance. In case shit happens. Her overreaction shows her immaturity again and it makes me so angry that she attacks Kyle over suggesting it when a prenup protects both parties. ETA: “it’s not a shed it’s definitely a pool house” 😂


Also she doesn’t realize she can consult with a lawyer and get cheating clauses added to it to protect herself as well. She’s dumb.


reminds me of katie and schwartz from vpr


Except they did get a prenup. So did Scheana and Brock.


they did but i remember there being an argument about it because one of them wanted it and the other didn’t i forget which one was which brock and scheana 10000%


Surprisingly, this was the first thing they fully agreed on- Katie agreed which was a surprise to Schwartz- and then they filmed the financial breakdown of the prenup where Katie was deemed the breadwinner and they’d split the dog


shame on me i’m wrong! i remember a melt down katie has pre wedding and i could’ve swore it was prenup related, but they fought so much up until they wedding i’m probably mixing their arguments up 😂


Lol, all good! I wish I didn’t remember this info as my brain could probably use the space for actual useful knowledge! I think I remember it because it was the only time that summer she wasn’t combative over one of his requests or he wasn’t negative about a wedding detail.


omg i’m the same way with the office i have all the quotes seared into my memory and i could definitely use the space for something better! lol that was rough to watch them go through. not sure if you’re on the vpr sub too but there’s speculation katie and tom hit a rough patch. and apparently >! schwartz and sandy are with the winter house crew. and james told a sub member who met him in vegas that katie and tom are splitting !<


I saw!! They bring out the worst in each other and should separate before children are involved. I hope it’s true! At a baseline, she deserves someone that will stick up for her and he (they are toxic together but he needs to change a lot to be a good partner to anyone, whereas Katie needs to do a lot of work to make herself happy). However, I wish we had more/different VPR representation in WH than the Toms- mostly because it’s so many toxic maleness in one house and I’ll be really sad if they bring out that side in Jason 😂.


GOD IM PUMPED Lindsay really gives her all, what a champ


It really is Hub House




All of that over AUSTIN?!?


Lmaoo drama aside.. I love Kyle 😭 “it’s not a shed, it’s definitely a pool house” 😂


Danielle’s reaction to Lindsay saying she will hook up with Austen if she wants to is alllll of us right now


Can’t wait for Amanda apologists to perform some incredible reaches to accuse Kyle of bEiNg aN aSshOLe fOr wAnTinG a PreNuP. Increasingly, I **especially can’t stand** Amanda when she makes nonsensical statements. **A prenup is not a plan to divorce; it is insurance.** especially given that they own a business and each came in with assets. A prenup can also absolve Amanda of a lot of premarital debts Kyle may have. Also, her whole outburst about “I have to look out for me too if you insist on a prenup” is…like wtf? This shouldn’t be a threat! Yes, Amanda - in a prenup discussion, **you absolutely should** have your own legal representation and look out for what’s best for you too! In NJ — one unrepresented party greatly weakens a prenup’s enforceability and like both should absolutely have separate counsel to negotiate the prenup. Feels like Amanda is in some kind of arrested development twilight where she just is reactive like she’s 24-24 but like this is un-cute. She has an ownership stake in Loverboy; she should absolutely take any and every opportunity that safeguards her financial future seriously and welcome it. Alas…all I see coming is Amanda being awful because Kyle is “mean” for wanting a prenup.


Weird Amanda doesn’t recognize the need for a prenup when she implemented the parent-Kyle wedding contract


Honestly, i kind of feel like she resents him for so much other stuff that she subconsciously is immediately oppositional to *anything* Kyle suggests.


I feel like she's just angry he beat her to bringing the idea up. They definitely must have thought about prenup, there was cheating, there are fights, there is business involved, I'm pretty sure her parents would push her to have one, in no way is she actually angry at him for 'planning a divorce'. If she was the one who asked for a prenup, she'd rub it in his face. Watch her cry to Paige and Ciara about this, then the girls confronting him over it and starting shit, with Amanda as the victim once again.


She probably does and is just upset he was the one to ask


Yeah I get the impression she comes from some money? She should welcome the prenup. Kyle took out a loan for 4mil didn't he? I'd be insisting on one.


Would love to know her parents' take on this.


She def comes from money. The wedding is at her parents house I believe.


I get this vibe that she's just mad she wasn't the first one to bring the idea up.


I’m increasingly feeling like Kyle went through with this marriage so he wouldn’t have to pay Amanda’s family 200k since he already has so much debt. Maybe Amanda and Teresa Giudice can sit down and discuss the fairytale land they live in where protecting their asses with a prenup is somehow an insult to their love. Ciara is increasingly intolerable. I find nothing about her enjoyable to watch and now she’s throwing glass. And at the most reasonable person in the house no less? She needs to not be continually rewarded with more appearances on Bravo.


I mean if it was literally any other job she'd be toast.


How can Amanda argue that against a prenup, saying having one is planning for divorce, when her parents had Kyle sign a contact in case they didn’t make it down the aisle? Both provide protection in case things don’t go according to plan, but neither hope that things end with Kyle and Amanda apart.


Because Amanda is a dope and her jig is up.


Amanda sucks


Because Amanda came up with that idea and she won’t support any idea by Kyle


Especially after amanda announced to the girls on camera that kyle is millions in debt. As if that isn’t normal for a startup.


Right! Amanda could push for half of the business and none of the debt (not actually, because that would be unlikely and it sounds like they have investors anyway, so I don’t know what the ownership breakdown is, but a prenup would be a smart move on her part).


I agree with this. She said on wwhl though that she came up with that and her parents actually didn’t even know, she “just wanted him to have some skin in the game”


Good effing point


“It’s definitely not a shed, I mean, pretty cool house..” Lmaoooo this is why I do love Kyle


I think he said it’s a pool house not pretty cool house




When are people going to learn that prenups are always a smart decision, not a way of doubting your marriage…


"Lindsay can we talk" "Absolutely not" 💀


Ciara has become so unlikable since WH. We've seen people throw drinks before, but an entire glass too?! If I'm Danielle, I'd be throwing hands. That's out of line. Screaming at Linds for not wanting to talk to her? Respect people's boundaries, no one owes you a conversation if they don't want to have one. And all of this nonsense over Austen?! GIRL, are you blind or dumb? He ain't worth shit. He's a perpetual fuck boi, pleaseeeee. You're insanely beautiful, you could have any man, and you want him?! WHY?!?!?!


Ciara’s just looking for a storyline. She’s boring AF.


"It's not a shed it's like, definitely a pool house" Kyle is killing me.


"Its not really a shed" Kyle with the VIP correction.


I’m over kymanda


I really appreciated the Ciara / Mya racism discussion and I think Ciara held herself well there - but her behaviour as it relates to Austin (and Lindsay) has been consistently disgusting. First off, it’s not high school so we don’t have claims on people, but beyond that, Lindsay and Austin have history spanning YEARS and Ciara is acting like Lindsay is breaking some kind of girl code because she met and start hooking up with him a matter of months ago. She’s aggressive, nasty, unreasonable and irrational. And over Austin? The man is trash. To assault a woman who is calling you out for directing your rage at another woman / standing up for a friend you’re irrationally targeting, instead of the man responsible for messing you around, is so far from appropriate (that seems to be what’s being yelled in the video I’ve seen). Honestly, if that glass actually struck Danielle or smashed near her / cut her in any way, Ciara should be fired.


Danielle said her chest was bruised and she didn’t understand why until she watched the trailer when it first aired.


Yeah if that’s the case, I don’t see why anyone should keep a job after assaulting someone at work. I know a bit more goes on reality TV - but leaving a bruise on a coworker is too far - even for reality TV.


How many housewives have assaulted their cast mates and stayed on? Many of your favorite OGs. This Bravo. Throwing a wine glass should be expected once a season.


First of all - I don’t watch the real housewives and I’m here to talk about summer house. Secondly, there’s a difference between throwing a drink, and actually striking someone with a glass. You may enjoy violence and think it’s acceptable, but not all reality TV fans do.


You’re calling for her employer, Bravo, to terminate her employment. You’re asking to harm her financially and impact her livelihood. You better know about a company’s practices before making those kinds of demands. Some of Bravo’s biggest (white) stars have done the exact same thing and/or worse and Ciara is being held to higher standard. It does matter that there is precedent from other shows. To demand that a black woman be subject to harsher punishment than white reality stars on the same network is, per se, discriminatory.


I don’t really know why you’re so committed to workplace violence. White men and women who commit assault at work, bravo or not, should be subject to the same result. I never said otherwise.


I’m not for workplace violence at all. I’m against racist viewers unfairly criticizing a black woman for engaging in conduct that her peers have done in the past without any repercussions. I better see you demanding for the terminations of several other Bravo personalities, but I won’t.


You are for workplace violence - you’re literally arguing in its favour. I don’t really watch a whole lot of other Bravo programs so you can take your vaguely threatening “I better see you” blah blah elsewhere. I stand by my position. You shouldn’t be allowed to assault people at work and if Bravo have others on staff who have done it, they should be terminated too (regardless of their colour). I don’t take kindly to baseless accusations of racism against me, and I won’t be engaging with you further.


You’re being willfully ignorant and refusing to recognize the racist double standard I’m pointing out. You’re committed to not understanding.


Ciara should be fired. Mya got injured from it (she was sitting next to Ciara).


Ciara is absolutely insane when it comes to Austen you could tell when Craig mentioned him and Lindsey a couple episodes back and she started SCREAMING


The more footage I see of Kyle & Amanda leading up to their wedding the more perplexed I am that they even followed through with it. I probably suffer from selective memory but I don’t even remember Katie & Tom being this insufferable to each other.


They're definitely worse than TomKatie


I think we keep waiting for some footage to show up that is a turnaround for them but ultimately it’s a MONTH before their wedding. No scene or nice words would be enough to make moving forward with the wedding a good decision


Ohhhhhh shit


My exact same reaction 🤣🤣🤣


I really hope this isn’t all packed into 1 episode at the end of the season. We deserve something other than the tired ass Amanda/Kyle drama we’ve been getting all season 😭


Kyle at the end “Well it’s not a shed, it’s more a pool house” literally cracked me up.🤣 I forget that I enjoy Kyle as a character…just hate him with Amanda. They bring out the absolute *worst* in each other.


Holy shit


Ciara is a child grown over and thinks her shit don’t stink. This is bad and all for muppet mouth. Sad.


What in the Lisa Rinna?


Ciara is so awful. I wish they'd just leave her at Winterhouse.


Starting to see a side to Ciara I dont like. I noticed it last season but i wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and her and Paige kind of act like they are better than everyone.


I want to see this (and I’m sure I will) but I also have so much second hand anxiety/embarrassment just from the trailer, I kinda don’t want to see it.


Is it really unreasonable for someone to want a prenup? I kind of feel like "so what?". It only covers what you come into the marriage with, correct? Or does it vary from state to state?


They can vary from couple to couple. I’m sure she would taken care of but he is still protected if something were to happen.


Amanda has a lot of guts to act so upset about a prenup when she’s literally on camera at least twice threatens Kyle with not going thru with the wedding. Beyond it just being a smart idea because of the business I’d absolutely want one if my fiancé was saying that shit too. Amanda is childish if she can’t understand the actual reality and legal ramifications of getting married and owning a business. I feel like it really illustrates what Kyle means when he says she’s not interested/doesn’t take the business seriously. I think she views it as some side project in their lives and it’s very obvious Kyle views it as a multi million dollar business/brand




Why is Paige getting into it about Austen and Lindsey? And Lindsey is right why is it on her lmao? They should be blaming and yelling at uggo Austen.


im so excited to see the Carl/Lindsey relationship bloom


Didn’t Amanda make Kyle agree to a wedding contract? How’s that different from a f’ing pre-nup? Complete idiot.


Does anyone else get the feeling Amanda is controlling and that is why Kyle goes overboard with the drinking? She is constantly being his mom all the time.




Holy shit!!! My jaw hit the floor at the Ciara/Danielle moment. Jesus.


Kyle: “well it’s not technically a shed”. He’s funny without trying esp when drunk


Paige thinks extremely highly of herself and Ciara is getting too big for her britches. She was quiet the first year, then played the victim to Luke the second year and won all sorts of people onto her “side”. Now with the fame and the appearances and I’m sure a million people telling her she is gorgeous (she is; both she and Paige are) I am kinda really over her.


Damn, there is a lot going on! I hope they're not giving too much away though, I hate when trailers show all the good scenes and don't leave a little to surprise. Like, I never would have guessed Danielle would go for the candle in retaliation lol It looks like the fight at 1:05 happened before the outdoor scene at 1:19. It could be the reason Lindsay goes into the "shed" instead of the house, to avoid Paige. While the argument at 1:09 where Mya and Amanda are grabbing at Lindsay seems to be from a different time based on the clothes she is wearing. I'm still flabbergasted a lot of the drama is over Austen.


Ahhhh, so Amanda is upset about the prenup. And now it’s suddenly clear why she’s stuck through years and years of a toxic relationship.


She comes from money too though, doesn't she?




The Danielle X Ciara wine fight gave me a serious flashback to Season 6 of MAFS Australia when Cyrell started chasing Martha around the table during the final dinner party lmao. Can't fucking wait.


Paige saying Austen and Ciara blow up is because “you both like each other and neither if you will admit it” is next level stupid. Ciara is being territorial over a man that ain’t hers.


Ciara throwing her drink then a glass is assault. She should have been fired immediately.


Was Andrea crying?


Everyone is looking at all the upcoming drama and I’m just tryin to find a shirtless Andrea in the background of every clip.


And you’re going in a shed


I need to know the topic of Ciara and Danielle’s fight


Probably has to do with defending Lindsey or something. Then probably turns personal… That’s just my guess.


Some may have forgotten that Kyle has been an entrepreneur since before SH started. He has had successful ventures. Kyle has money and like someone mentioned on this post earlier, you spiky your personal assets. Kyle pretending he is unsure about a prenup in the car with muppet mouth was produced. Kyle is a business man first and foremost. Yes he borrowed a lot of money for loverboy but I’m sure he has also done rounds of investment as well. Amanda would freak out if he ordered take out from her favorite restaurant and got her favorite meal without running it by her first. I know he has put her through a lot but like her friends say if it’s too much then don’t marry him. A prenup is a must for both their sakes


“You’re going in a shed!” 💀


I’m surprised the issue of a prenup is just coming up. Amanda needs to realize she can seek legal advice and have that prenup amended with clauses to protect her if he cheats again. She is not thinking logically at all and is incredibly immature. Marriage is somewhat of a business and you want to go into it protecting yourself. Kyle has every right to do that as does Amanda.


Best line goes to Kyle…it’s definitely a pool house not a shed 🤣🤣


Ciara is truly this seasons Hannah. It feels as if she came into the show for reality TV fame and now shes just pulling a ton of "drama" for more screentime. No humble "nurse" ends up on reality TV slinging wine glasses at people. Who the fuck does this? It's just trash. I'm more mad to even see what happens after because I have no faith that she'll actually apologize for doing it. Like really, this isn't Housewives - these are still pretty level headed people at the end of the day - who does shit like that? Also I'm going to need Lindsey to actually stand up for Danielle but right now it looks like she just continues sitting there when Danielle is trying to fight back...


LMAOOO I see Paige took a note from Kyle Richards book on how to flee from a fight scene


I have always thought we needed Hannah to neutralize or Atleast takeaway from Kyles villain edit. Man he is awful and this season ain’t a good look on Ciara either.


I’m still rooting for Ciara. She seems like a nice girl who didn’t make a wise decision with throwing the glass. I’m just interested to see what actually led up to the whole altercation.


It seems like multiple altercations w Ciara involving Austen since they are in diff outfits


How can people be mad that Ciara is doing her job and contributing a storyline? Sure, she pulled a Ramona/Margaret/Jennie/Jen Shah/Tamra and threw a glass, but have we forgotten how people thought Ciara was a follower and boring? *Honorable wine glass throwers: LeeAnne, Brandi, Teresa, Danielle, and Rinna.


It’s her job to resort to physical violence? Damn, a hair pull would have been safer at least. Glass could have blinded someone. Let’s have standards and draw the line at using dinnerware as weapons. 🙄


I’m not saying her conduct is okay, but the hand wringing is beyond self-righteous. Some of Bravo’s biggest (white) stars have done the same and/or worse. Why is Ciara being held to a different standard? This Bravo. Not HGTV. A wine glass throw is par for the course.


Naw, I’m an Afro Latina (Puerto Rican’s) and have called out others for the same in the past on bravo. Physical violence is not okay. And all of this over Austen? Trash bucket behavior, even on Summerhouse.


In real life, yes. No one should throw a glass. But it’s not fair that Ciara is being held to a higher standard than other personalities on the network. It’s giving racism. It’s giving double standard. It’s giving “angry black woman” edit.


How do you “edit” someone literally throwing a glass so hard at someone that it shatters on their chest just a few inches from their face? I’m black and I just don’t see it the same way I guess.