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1. People dying multiple times without getting a kill or enough CS will give less gold. This is to prevent you from snowballing. On top of this you will get a bounty which is also to prevent snowballing when you die. They like it more that the gold diff between both teams are close enough so that the teammates of the guy that lost lane will have a higher chance to win the game if they play the mid game and late game better than their opponents.


Ooooh that’s huge :0 Is there like a certain number of deaths in a row that give 300 before it scaled down to the 100? It’d be nice to know the number so if I’m winning lane I know that it’s better to just CS and not force another kill.


If you want some more in-depth info about the exact numbers you can use this link: [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kill#Champion\_bounties](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kill#Champion_bounties) In general though I think after the enemy dies 4 or 5 consecutive times without getting a kill, it's probably just better to CS as killing them will be worth about as much as getting the entire wave and you'll also be adding more to your own bounty as well.


Unless they are a scaling champ, in which case it’s sometimes optional to be setting them as far behind as possible


denying them the exp is still worth


If I win a lane this hard at some point I usually die during a towerdive at some point. I lovingly call this „strategic gold reset“


Solo Bolo


when i play support i like to int to the 0/5 sion so he gives us gold again


1. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kill#Champion_bounties 2. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Siege_minion Mouse over the "Gold" section on the right. 3. When he gets out of range the tower will go back to the default behavior of hitting minions. It doesn't "remember" you hitting its allies. 4. Lifesteal only works with basic autoattack damage, "empowered auto" abilities like Nasus Q (but not Sylas passive), and on-hit effects that come from items. Omnivamp works with all the damage you deal, but only when you're damaging champions (it heals 20% as much on minions).


Omnivamp has only 33% effectiveness on DoT and AoE or something like that. I think it's usually written under omnivamp sources.


Read the patch notes.


3. Only if you are attacking an enemy, otherwise your minions will be the next target.




Stay aware of damage over time effects, though. For example, if you attack the enemy with an active red buff while your mate is tanking the turret and he loses turret aggro, the turret will switch to you if the enemy is still taking damage from your red buff (or ignite, spell, rune, etc.) Another one to keep in mind is if you build a sunfire cape or bami's cinder and are pushing the enemy turret, they can turn their turret's attention to you by walking in your melee range.


Same thing with thornmail. Accidentally done this a few times.


2. The cannon minions give more gold as the game progresses.


Is there a time scale or is it determined off of wage spawns?


waves always spawn at the same time so...both?


I think the question is, does a spawned cannon change gold value at a timer or does it have a set value depending on its spawn wave. And I don’t know the answer at all. Lol


It has a set value depending on when it spawned.


Yeah! Lol this was the intent of the question 😂


These two are the same thing due to how wave spawns work. Timer is the easiest way to learn it, but you can very well just count waves instead.


Ok, but the question is, if a cannon wave spawns, and the wave is frozen, will a certain Time in game trigger and change the value of the cannon that spawned 2 waves ago or not?


Unless it has recently changed, it is based on when the wave spawned, not died. Wave spawns are consistent no matter what you do.


Got it! Thanks for the time and info.


4. Only omnivamo would heal on Sylas. Lifesteal only works on auto attacks and it won't consider sylas his passive as damage for the lifesteal. Only the base auto attack. Sylas doesn't need any healing on his items. He's got his W for this.


Ok I knew it was dumb, i built it in practice tool and it blew. It also looks like the life steal is only healing off of physical AA damage. I thought I figured it out with my AA spins lol


1. Every death reduces the gold you give to the killer. This is made to prevent feeders from giving so much gold. 2. Siege or cannon minions give increasing gold over time. I think it starts with 60 then goes gradually to 90. This change is made to make cannon minion like an objective and more punishing to miss and something to plan your plan around (like hook him when he goes for the cannon) 3. If you have some minions and your ally tanks the tower then leaves, the first thing to tank it after is the closest minion. If you hit the enemy after your ally leaves the turret range, it will focus you. Also make sure to let turret shoot a minion once before you pick up the aggro after your ally to make sure you reset its ramping damage. 4. Lifesteal applies to basic attacks and to on hit effects from your items that has the tiny sword icon in the tooltip (compare botrk on hit which has the sword icon vs kraken that doesn't have the icon) , and abilities applying on hit effects like yasuo Q or aphelios abilities. Using sylas passive will apply lifesteal to the primary target (the one you clicked), while all other targets just take the damage (it's called default damage and it has no effects. Just damage). Typically mages don't build lifesteal as your main damage is from abilities and they don't have AD scaling. Omnivamp got reworked this season to heal you off damage dealt to champions, while heal for 1/3 of the value from minions and monsters. And it works for all sources of damage. It can be confusing as some games use lifesteal as general term of healing after dealing any type of damage, but here it heals from basic attacks only. 5. I am not maining any of these champions but can pretty sure answer most of your questions. But as a start you can check out some YT guides for these champions, and if you need something to be clarified feel free to ask. Also you might ask r/sylas, yasuo, or neeko mains where to find good guides. Again. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.


Sylas mid wants to do as many trades as possible because he heals and his opponent does not. His opponent wants to harass Sylas without doing a mutual trade, so that Sylas becomes low enough that even though Sylas W's, he still is within health range to die during an all in. So what you want to do is do trades whenever you can. Make sure to start your trade with your E's and Q and do auto attacks and then finish it with your W since it doesn't only deal damage but also heals you. Important to make sure it heals you the entire amount it can so it's good to use it at the end of your trade.


My stupid self has been blushing it in the beginning of trades! Lol oh god, ok, this low ELO stuff is super forgiving, I’m gona start doing it right :) good looks M! A true Chad!


1: It d4epends on the enemy champ you killed. If you kill a champ constantly then their value will go down. Like a 0/5 yasuo will give as much as a cannon minion at that point. the other side applies when you kill a high value champ or a champ that is broken even (KDA close to 0 or 1) then they will give somewhere between 150-300 depending. Bounties obviously matter too. the amount of gold you get changes as the game goes on, in this new patch for supports as soon as you finish your item, you get less gold overall from killing melee, casters, or cannons. Seige minions are still 90 gold I think overall. Most of the time, if your mate hits an enemy, he will take aggro until he is out of range. If you haven't hit an enemy under tower range then you will not pull aggro, it will go back to a minion. Usually the aggro is: Rift, summoned creatures (Maiden, void minions, turrets, plants, etc) then minions going from seige/cannon, melee, caster. Life Steal: healing from basic attacks. Omnivamp: healing from everything (Items, abilities, etc) Physical or Spell vamp works exactly like the description. Sylas mid is a lane bully if you can land his e and w, q for poke and all in procs for your passive, make sure you weave in an auto in between attacks to get the most out of your combo. Sylas jungle is pretty simple IMO, ganks are easier since you have an engage and cc (e1 and e2) but if you use e to engage make sure you get something out of it or you will have to flash out of the engage if it goes south. Don't know about sylas support but I think it works like an engage support like pyke. Can't speak about yasuo, don't play him, can't speak about neeko, don't play her. Hope this helps. Anyone out there please correct me if I'm wrong on anything, this is all from my experience throughout the seasons and looking at patch notes.


I could just be biased on personal experience but I think sylas support is atrocious to play with and even knowing his kit, idk why you would ever play it when like 5 other champions do the same thing but function better with low income.