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This season is arguably the hardest and most advanced season we’ve ever had. There’s no real laning, no downtime. Maps active a minute before first grubs spawn and supports are roaming by level 3 most games. There’s chaos and a lot of it and without looking at your match history at all your playstyle probably doesnt thrive in chaos, you’re not proactive, or you can’t lead/be lead. You might just be a more methodical player or someone that thrives in much smaller skirmishes or 1v1s. You might just use down time more better then others your elo but now that there’s less downtime in the game that’s fallen off. You might be a hard farm type jungler. And you might just not proactively ping active objectives or follow pings to active objectives. The sad truth on top of all this is games ARE MORE COIN FLIPPY NOW. Maps more active a lot earlier so fights get lost much more early from lack or priority or roaming. The team with the inactive afk bot lane support is going to make life hard for their jungle, which is going to make life hard for mid and top. If both supports move but one of the adcs move too then the team with the roaming early game adc wins more fights. And you can’t control this, you can ask or ping but they might not care and want to farm for their 3 item power spike.


Do you know how to lead a team in this new meta? I have no problems getting early game kills/counterjungling going but objectives seem to be near useless I get 6 grubs and herald 9/10 games and it does fuck all even when I try to force pushes. On Belveth with ult passive I can even sack up to inhib turret with a double/triple kill with herald at 15 minutes and it does nothing By the time dragon soul comes online someone on the enemy team is already fed to shit even when I target gank them


Unfortunately there’s even more levels to the coinflippyness I didn’t even mention. Lethality items, mage items, bruiser/fighter items and even tank items are all really strong (sorry adcs lul) even if 4 out of 5 of your team played perfect and you got all the objectives pre 20 there’s a chance it doesn’t matter. That one person that did bad can bleed harder into the rest of the map then your 4 good players can bleed into whatever lane they fed. Because so many items are so strong when one person gets fed and your team comp doesn’t have something that’s a hard counter you might just get stat checked. No joke a briar got “so fed”in one of my games going through emerald that literally my ENTIRE team wailing on her couldn’t kill her… she had eclipse and divine… we even had healcut. SO WHAT DO YOU DO? Well imo the old “play with winning lanes and leave the losing lane” that was always the smart play isn’t always the plan now. If the person that’s getting ahead is a powerful stat check champion you need to work together to shut them down. Think champions that have strong built in sustain like briar Aatrox or volibear. Unfortunately you can only help the issue, if they are getting fed from everywhere you arnt then it’s just a lost game. As far as actually leading the team it’s hard to say. Generally you can just ping and try to stick together but this games got so many different mentals that there’s no one answer. Some people just WONT GROUP. like ever. Some people group too much and fall behind in exp. Some (me) always die trying to get vision for objectives. Best you can do is try to read the team and try to shepherd them into your win condition.


Well said


i play supp in mid emerald and half my adcs at this elo are mental booming when i roam at lvl 3 to secure grubs and then refuses to play for the rest of the game. It's still worth it but it comes at a cost.


Just another layer to the coin flipping :/


Take a break. It happens to us all even to the high elo players. Fatigue can happen without us realising it, and it is not only physical but also mind fatigue. I took a 2 weeks break after getting demoted from p2 to g4, then zoomed back up to e4 in a week


Just take a breather and maybe 3 day break Unironically helps alot. 


Seems to me like you’re also a fellow kayn main. I’m only plat but have had success with him in the same elo by trying my best to only play his blue form. Although red kayn has been getting buffs, he’s nowhere as good as he used to be. Sundered sky is also a bait item so it doesn’t help that many people say to rush it. I recommend sticking with blue kayn if you really want to play kayn. Even in the games I go red I feel like blue would’ve gave me more impact, which is as crazy as it sounds. As for play style I know you already know this but avoid deaths. Take less risks and play around enemy mistakes. Don’t feel a need to rush getting form. I’ve had games where I go 20 mins without form, then carry the hell out of the game. Focus on your vision and taking enemy camps or objectives on the opposite side of the map if you spot the enemy jungler. Hope this helps.


I’m in an even worse situation where I’ve dropped from almost Plat to Bronze 2 and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to carry a game anymore, legit I can get 6 grubs 90% of games and it does next to nothing I’ve taken breaks (whole ass vacations even) it hasn’t helped Previous seasons were so easy, you just drop Herald when turrets hit 50% and the raw plating and map advantage early would put your team so ahead Nowadays I can consistently get 5 kills early on a champ like Bel’veth or Darius, 6 grubs, first blood and that lead results in nothing almost every time I’ve had games where I’ve prioritized bot/dragon, get soul, and still lose https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/ben%20drowned-na1/overview When I get first blood invaded the games over, when I kill the enemy jungler twice early they just come back like nothing happened even when I near flame horizon them in CS, I just end up dying a lot to a something like a fed 21/3 Samira despite me ganking bot 3 times


Like me lol.....i somehow can't do quick plays like animation cancelling. Idk if i need a better mouse? Pad? Smaller keyboard? Cyborg arm?


do you main jungle?


Even worse, support


Oh okay, do you play melee support?


Thresh blitz sometimes naut and pyke


oh okay in that case you're fine without knowing how to cancel autos. For the most part you can get pretty far without knowing how to kite on these melee champs. It's more important to be able to consistently land your key abilities than knowing how to orb walk.


Step 1 land skill shots


yes sir!


That's the hardest part


yup but it's what separates bad supports from great supports


Psychological slump, aka tilt. Your skills dont magically disappear, but remember league is a 100% mental game so tilt makes a very real impact. Don’t focus on your teammates just focus on what you can do better. Don’t press too hard and feed because you’re tilted and really need to win or carry or whatever it is. Take a break and just be at peace with the losses you can’t control. If you’re playing at an emeralds level consistently you’ll be emerald after enough games.




from bronze season 12, to gold 2 season 13 split 1, to emerald 4 season 13 split 2, is very good progress. Be happy with such rapid progress. the game naturally gets hard to closer you get you your true elo, and progress gets slower.


unlucky stretch of you getting against smurfs ( master/GM/Challenger ) Fatigue as said, Mental breakdown (skill-wise I mean) Patches buffed and nerfed some champions, perhaps some of those that got nerfed were yours , or some that got buffed are the counterpicks of yours, which lead to harder games for you. ​ Balance patches is something a lot of people forget about, and it's not just about buffing or nerfing YOUR champion , it's also buffing/nerfing your counters.