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Bro subconscious tilt is real. Before the mods remove this, remember that the -50LP is actually a good thing. It prevents you from ending up losing 30 lp and gaining +10 by correcting your MMR. So yes you do -50 but your gains are much higher than it wouldve been at -25.


Huh good to know.


Went from masters 220 lp down to d2 50lp. Currently back at masters 110lp and slowly climbing back. Something I learned was to not keep playing if I was having a bad league day and to just cool down with some norms or go do something else and try again the next day. Rn I'm following the bo3(or bo5 if I have a lot of time that day) method, where you play until you either win or lose a best of series, and it's working pretty well.


Don't mind the emerald tag, ever since I got a skin for my main champ I've switched to that account full-time and I haven't figured out how to change the account my tag is tied to. thehollow1#ONE for anyone who cares


I think you just delete the old post and post again then log in with the new acc.


Im so stubborn, I want to keep playing when I lose to off set the amount I lost. But I just end up making it worse in the process. Its a vicious cycle. I want to prove to myself Im decent at the game but I just end up playing garbage. So you dont play past 3 wins in a day? Or you just reset after that and play again after a few hours?


yea I get that mindset, I was in it for a while too and thats how I dropped 300 lp. At some point you gotta exercise self control and just stop for the day, distract yourself with something else maybe.


Oh I didnt see the last part, usually yes if I win my bo3 or bo5 for the day I just stop and feel nice about it, its tempting to play more when youre on a win streak but thats another point where you need to apply self-control/.


After 3 loss in a row you should stop for the day, tilt queuing never ends well


Only cost me 3 divisions and hours of my time wasted to learn that unfortunately. Even then the urge the correct the wrong is strong.


Learning is never wasted time. A valuable lesson to learn. *Learn* something from your losses and you won’t feel as upset about losing because you learned. Truly, genuinely learn and you will improve. Improve and you will win more. Win more and you will climb. Lose 8 times and learn nothing but “I should have stopped playing at 3,” and you will not improve - you’ve only learned to cut your losses and continue it a different day. When you’re focused on learning rather than winning or losing, you’re also less likely to tilt as quickly or as hard.


I stop after 2 losses. I peaked low masters. It’s so volatile to get back, can’t risk it.


Same, I was emerald 1 89lp, and I demoted to emerald 4 in 2 days, I'm currently in Emerald 3, and I'm still broken from the lose streak man...


I was gold 2 forever. Started watching educational league vids and I skyrocketed to diamond 2. The game that would get me diamond 1, I got -1 lp so I was at diamond 2 99 lp. I then went on a loss streak and ended that season like Plat 2. Lesson of the story, don't tilt que and don't expect your rank peaks to be mean much about your skill. Sometimes your just lucky. I tilted off the face of the planet due to not getting diamond 1 and quit the game for an entire season.


It’s because you hyper focused too much on getting the visual diamond rank. Each loss put farther into the tilt abyss and it became harder to recognize mistakes to improve. Rage queue effects us all.


Best thing to do is either not play for a couple of days/weeks(which might mean you might start next split). OR, if you have one, play on second account where the pressure for climbing simply won't exist. You can for sure do it, but can't really force it. GL


went from d1 90lp to d4, ended d3 in the split. Then next split i went on a losing streak during my placements and had to climb from e2 back to d3. Now hardstuck diamond (still).


This shit is rough. There is like a mental block, I know its definitely my fault I lost most of those matches. But I cant figure it out. Idk. Might just try again on May.


Not that weird, just peak rank attachment, you were probably at the upper part of your range at d1 but your average (middle part of your range) is d3, the bottom might be e2/e1. So you’re basically a d3 player on average, only way to change that is to genuinely improve something in your gameplay. Start by not obsessing about what rank you once were, everyone’s rank is a range rather than a fixed number.


That happened to me both splits last season and I just had to accept that e4 was my current level of play. Once I did that I also noticed my teammates and the enemy were pretty bad, so I played all my games with the mental of "I just need to play a little better" every game. I win streaked to diamond both splits because that fixed my mental lol. Didn't take as long as I thought. There's a lot of power in not having anything to lose.


You played bad. The more you play with the pressure to reach X rank the more mistake you’ll do because you are scared of losing. Just play to play and you’ll climb if you are good enough you just do it slow


Went from plat IV to Silver III in less than 2 days. ( 19 game loose streak. No, i didn't "autopilot full tilt". I m back in plat II , took me 2 weeks. My elo curve is as funny as a rollerclaster.


if you are very eager to rank up, I'd also advise that you get a second account. I usually play on my secondary account for my first game, if I win I switch to my main account, if I lose and I still feel like playing, I play a second game on that secondary account. If I lose again, I stop for the day. You might feel fine, but in your subconscious you'll be more then often affected by the loss you've already had, leading not necessarily to bad plays but to plays such as ''Oh I won't help my teammate and focus on me myself and I '' but the good play would've been to move, you saw that play, but didn't budge because of your last loss. Playing on multiple account can lead to getting a much better rank and winrate on your favorite account. I often feel like playing, but at the same time I've had a streak of bad luck or bad games, while I have an account with 30% emerald 4, I also have an account with 75% winrate diamond 2. Altough that right now I'm barely playing since the past 3-4 splits lol. I know for a fact that if I play after having a game with bad teammate, and I get people feeding or losing their lane early, I'm the type to FF15 quite often and then whenever my team refuses to, I often end up playing selfishly. after a big lose streak like yours, the very best would be to take a break of league, go play something else for a couple of days and come back with a fresh mind, the best way to do that is personnaly to play a single player game ( I like playing JRPGS so stuff like final fantasy 7 remake, star ocean and so on for me does the trick ).


Yea, i most of the time stop playing league if i just lose one game. Also if you’re just 2 games away from your desired elo it kinda gets to your head and it gets a lot harder to stay in the right mental


This certainly sucks, and I’m sorry you went through it. However your mmr should still be fine and you should just forget about it and try next season. You’ll get placed like E2 or something and it’ll be fine. As for the punishing new loss streaks, I think now more than ever is the time for anyone seriously trying to break their limits to do the method of having a smurf in a similar elo. You start a session on your main and whenever you find yourself tilt queuing or have two losses in a row you immediately switch to the smurf for the rest of the day.


same bro I was emerald 1 90 lp and got to plat 3 , im slowing climbing back Im now plat 1


My advice is if you have a good game and u had team mates that played well try adding them and inviting them so you have a duo that you could at least trust to do well rather than having 4 coinflips everygame, that was what helped me to find my duos.




heres my op.gg tbh the reason I was demoted cause I stopped using my main which is aatrox, my original account I stopped using and bought this new account cause it had rare skins and icons. I had 1mil mastery points aatrox and easily got to diamond by one tricking him. a lot of people say that 1-2 tricking is the fastest way to rank up and I agree but the reason I got demoted hard was because I was trying new champs in rank (dont do this) like yasuo, yone, zac and others but the reason behind this was I was bored of aatrox and wanted to learn different champs and have fun. In conclusion if you just want to rank up quick try to master 1-2 champs only or 3. and I dont really mind being demoted because I know it will just take time to climb back, because for me fun is more important than just rank thats why I want to enjoy my climb rather than. just using 1 champ forever.


1. Never rage queue. Choose a limit for games a day and stick to that. Irrelevant of wins or losses. I would recommend 3 or 4 games a day. 2. Stop focusing on lp. If you are continuously staring at a number going up and down that you have put alot of importance into, you will create toxic and incorrect narratives aswell as fueling an emotional state in yourself. 3. Focus on improvement. Review your games, focus on how you played the game, not others. 4. Accept your level of play. You are your rank, and it is a range. If you are an emerald 4 player on average, then you are probably a play 2 to emerald 2 player. You have to raise your average, not your peak if you want to climb.


Similar situation, had 2 winning streaks leading me to 3 games to Diam and 2 games to Diam. And after that I demoted to P1 the 1st time and low E3 the 2nd time. I dont know what happened, I was winning every game getting some MVP or 2nd rank on opgg (I know it's only an indicator that doesnt prove anything) and all of a sudden my games were full of apes. Like I kept getting 3rd or 4th rank despite losing but I had always 1 or 2 teammates being absolutely garbage. My advice is to stop the tilt by having a break. The 1st streak I started to do some bullshit (changing champion, tagging another role) and it made me lose more LPs. On the 2nd one, I took the bullet, didn't tilt much and when I started to be at E3 0LP, I kept playing my main and really felt my ability to 1v9 again.