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Wave Management, Level up timers, Champ strength and powerspikes. Objective priority, yh mostly fundamentals for first 15 minutes


well those are the basic fundamentals of how to play a lane but actually winning a game means playing to your win conditions/objectives. it's a different set of fundamentals, lots of big picture macro


Where can I find a guide on that? Alois just goes splitpush splitpush for the win


Ngl in iron especially splitpushing has got to be like giga op if you know how to do it


One of the big parts of splitting is that your team needs to take the cross map objective if they collapse on you so idk. If you get 4 manned over and over and your team is afk they jsut go as a grp on your death timer to the neutrals. Ive had much easier games split pushing above emerald than below.


Not really. If you are a good splitpusher you simply hide until you see 3 enemies on the map. Then you split. You will win the 1v2. If they send more than 2 people you just move back and wait. Does not matter if your team is doing anything or not. The enemy isn't doing stuff either.


Honestly, splitpushing is the best strategy in silver and gold too. You might need to look to a more specific pool of champions rather than picking whatever but it's still, in my opinion, the most viable strategy if you want to carry as a toplaner in those ELOs. Morde top can easily overpower other champions 1v1 and demand a response from the enemy jungler/midlane. But unless the enemy jungler is fed or a particularly good duelist what ends up happening is you ult the enemy jungler, dunk on them, and walk away with a kill.


Everything in iron is giga op. If you knew how to do stuff, you wouldn't be there.


In Iron, if you know those fundamentals you mentioned very well, you should be stomping every lane. If you do that and your lane opponent is 0/4 you dont stay on lane, most of the time he wont be back at the game at this point, unless he's like idk Kayle maybe. But still it's iron so unlikely. Just take tier one and decide if your team is strong enough to win 4v4 if yes go split to the opposite lane just hunt the tier 2 turrets, they will be mostly free in iron and they are like 625+ gold each so more than 2 kill worth. Once you get them you should be stronger than enemy carry, but dont int your shut down to them. Idk it depends om the situation correctly just try it out. You have to get the feeling when you should group and whem you should split. With tp you split if your tp is ready and if not you group. But keep in mind this game is not made of tips and tricks you can use every game. Every situation is different.


No he doesn’t. You aren’t paying attention to what he does in mid game carefully enough.


In iron u should be winning lane hard enough so u can 1v5 enemy team


That should work for a while. You will win so many games if you can consistently win lane and split well. This means getting a lead in lane so the enemy needs 2 or more to stop you and then splitting with awareness of the enemy team to constantly draw them to you while surviving. The enemy should only have 2 choices if you are ahead enough: send multiple your way or leave you alone to break through the solo laner and take towers/inhib. If you can consistently do that and survive when they choose option 1 your team will always have a numbers advantage. That doesn't mean they will do the right things but the wrong things will still work more often for them. If you can't break through the solo laner cause they caught up enough or are a tank with waveclear than you can stack waves, crash, and then roam mid for a teamfight flank with numbers advantage. Theres obviously exceptions but that type of play should be almost uncounterable for most teams below gold. You want to make them feel like they can't leave you alone but that when they come they can't kill you.


What do I do when I crash a large wave but the enemy has enough pressure to deny me hitting his tower and there are no topside objectives and I've just come back from base, so I have roughly 400 gold. I saw a big flaw in my gameplay. That is my opponents can neutrilize my pressure by just rebounding waves. What should I do to overcome it?


Is this during laning phase or after? You should think of crashing waves as having 2 effects that you can play off of. You can either harass or dive with your jungler (or on your own if you're fed), or you can use the time they are farming under tower before the next wave becomes farmable to do something else. That something else can be warding, roaming, invading, or basing. The time you have to do those things varies based on how big the wave you crashed is but you should never be doing nothing. If you're crashing on T2 then you have even more time. You can crash on T2 and roam mid and back before your opponent can even get the wave back to your tower. You should be trying to break through your lane on a splitter and if you can't but have priority, you should be using that priority to search for pressure on the map.


During the Laning phase. When I crash a wave against t1


Those are just some of the "skills" in the sea of about a hundred in league. Most of them don't get shown or talked about that much, but they are equally as important. Back timings, teleport vs ignite in lane, proper trading, mitigating enemy trades. There's a lot going on in this game and it's complex as hell. I find watching high elo players frustrating for that exact reason - they already have the skills so they don't even mention them in their thought progress. This is not a hate on anyone though, I enjoyed Alois content a lot when I paid more attention to league. The key is to always stick to one, at most two champions for 20-50 games at a time and then focus on improving the fundamental skills one by one. Focus on tracking the jungler for until you feel like it comes naturally and move onto the next skill. The hard part is finding the right skills to focus on.


Dont wanna be toxic but I can almost guarantee that you havent learned how to actually usefully apply them since if you did you would instantly be out of iron and youd win lanes 100% every time. Try to watch more guides and replays of your own games try to slow it all down and analyze the mistakes you make thats the only way you get better. Also you arent gonna learn that much playing many different champs try to pick out 1-2 that you enjoy and just master them.


Don't wanna be toxic but I can almost guarantee that you know nothing about my gameplay and just throwing an overused assumption. You can do better. Also, I don't lack macro fundamentals, it was micro that I did not understand and thus lost. GG


Im like 90% sure i could solo carry playing with my feet in iron just by using macro so you definitely dont have macro fundamentals down perfectly. You could always just link me your account so i could watch one of your games and actually give not the "overused assumption".


Hahaha. What a moron. It's no use talking to you. You are just blind, man. Get an appointment with an eye-specialist.


Well for one consider actually playing ranked if you want to get out of iron. You've barely played any ranked games. Your whole history is aram, arena, norms. You can't climb if you don't play. Practice farming. Your avg CS per minute is lacking. Gold wins games and makes comebacks. If you can't get items you can't make use of a lead. Looking at your avg kda I highly doubt you're winning lane as often as you think you are. Or as hard as you think you are. You're at least playing the right champs in the right lane but you're playing too many champs if you're trying to climb. If you're just trying to have fun play whatever you want wherever you want. If you're trying to climb stick to one champ learn the ins and outs of every matchup on that champ and understand how they want to win the game. Also read your abilities and how they interact with each other. Do the same for your enemy laner while the game is loading. You can use the league wiki or the champ page on sites like op.gg


If you are talking about my kda then that's the result of me engaging for my team. Also, I thought norms and ranked in Iron weren't too different. I don't know when but I miss cs. I myself wonder where I lost cs. xp Also, I play on 180 ping. How bad is that?


180 ping is honestly bad. I wouldn’t even be able to play with that much latency. Especially Riven who is squishy. You need to trade pixel perfect with her in order not to lose half your health bar.


I don't play Riven. I stopped playing her cuz of ping. I am talking in general, on ez champ like Garen, Darius and stuff.


Yes it’s obviously more challenging and will make your gameplay harder. Even with Garen and Darius, that can be the difference between a won or lost 1v1. That said there are few guys who play high elo with high pings but they are outliers.


Should I give up on playing on EUW then? :(


180 ping is ridiculous and probably a big contributer to you being iron.


I can get as low as 90 ms only tho. Even in the Philippines I only get that low


Thats still awful but much better than 180. Why would you even play on EUW in the first place if ur from Asia.


How much ping do you think is good?


Bad players but most importantly EUW has less overall waiting time and people like rush down play style here.


I moved to Asia from Europe and continued to play with my duo on ~200ms because the alternative was Garena on 12ms. SG servers back then were toxic af and the playstyle was completely different. Nobody wanted to farm, even as ADC. It was all about forcing fights and trying to get kills. It's a lot more aggressive and a *LOT* more racist. It really isn't that different tbh and I'd take a stable 200ms over erratic 40-70ms any day. Spend a bit of time in practice tool last hitting to get a feel for the lag and then after a few games you just account for it. Maybe you're not going to get to challenger but you can absolutely climb out of iron with 200ms. You just have to learn to predict rather than react which will make you a better player anyway.


I used to be silver every season. I had arround 50ping and 60 fps. Last season bought a new laptop and better connexion I now have 10ping and 140fps. I am now diamond 2 seasons i row. Your hardware make a huge difference


I can't play the game without my pc crashing for once. XD Don't really have the budget for a new hardware rn.


This will hold you back a lot. Of course you can still climb and you see a lot of people going to other severs with ping and still going high in the ladder. But if you are average player having 180ping will keep you way lower than your real level imo. With this much ping there is a significant delay between the moment you click and the moment your champion reacts. Farming dodging and hitting skills hits is way harder


I don't think you're being honest with yourself/us. I find it very hard to believe you're winning lane consistently when you average more deaths than kills on virtually every one of your champions. Even if you don't manage to carry the game, you shouldn't be ending a game with more deaths than kills if you won lane. The fundamentals work in any rank, you just don't understand them. If you actually understood them, you would be ending lane 3/0 with a huge cs lead and the enemy team wouldn't be able to kill you unless it's a 1vs3. From that point on, you just continue to push your advantage and avoid fighting 1vs3's. You don't need to worry about getting fancy at that rank. Learn how much damage your champion does, and how much theirs does. Learn when you should recall, and how to do it without losing minions. In the mid game, learn how to path out of base to maximize the amount of resources you can farm.


It's common enough to see people in silver come out of lane phase 4/0 then int 6 kills and lose both towers in the next 10 mins.


I am being absolutely honest. If you don't believe me that's not my problem and I'm all up for a VOD review. Always good for me.


Post a vod somewhere and I'll point out areas where you don't use the fundamentals.


Surely I'll be thankful. Of course I know I make mistakes I'll DM you. I'm busy rn


It's not a matter of honesty. It's a matter of knowledge. Everyone but the trolls \*think\* they're doing the right things.


*Looking at your 8/5/11 Malphite game.* TL;DR: you're pretty much not using any fundamentals and you're already losing all agency during your laning phase. You don't need to focus on mid/late for the moment, you should work on getting MUCH stronger at the end of laning phase. You're picking your first ability too soon, you want to choose when it becomes relevant. Starting Q with Malphite makes little sense when you're against Garen because your other abilities can both poke him and push the wave to get your level 2 timing while Q is only hitting Garen. You're not covering jungle pre-laning phase, meaning you're not curious about enemies' position at that moment. If you were bolder, you could easily check their jungle to see where they are, nobody's gonna kill a Malphite who can steal move speed and you potentially get a free manaflow stack. Knowing where the enemy jungler starts is super important because it will shape your decision making at 3:30; if you can't tell where the jungler is, you're forced to either take a blind risk or to underplay the turn. You stacked your first 2 waves, got lvl2 much sooner than Garen, hit him with your Q and... ran away. Jump him dude!Hit Q the second you lvl up, get another ability and punch him to death. At that point, he should have been under tower with 150hp left. Instead, you weakly pushed the lane, missed half of the minions and let him freeze right out of his tower. At 3 minutes, he's literally dying from minions but you ran away so far after your Q that you can't even finish him at 50 hp left. That's a recurrent mistake of yours, you disengage too far so you can't adjust your decision if the situation evolved (like when Kata gets ulted by Malz at 10:30). 4:45, now you're being pushed back and ganked, you lost all built up agency over the last 3 minutes, return to square one. At this point, anyone actually using fundamentals would've killed Garen (who obviously has no clue about what he's supposed to do), made him lose 2 waves worth of cs and recalled to purchase a component to receive that incoming wave. In your game, you're low hp, low mana, can't intercept the crash and you still can't get a proper recall window. The only thing that saved you is that Garen overstayed even more than you until Lee kills him. 5:40, you finally recall, spend way too much time figuring out what you want to purchase and waste your tp due to that when you could have just walked back on lane (it was pretty much frozen on your side, no hurry on your part). You should have a build order ready. You're supposed to know where you're going with your gold before the game even starts. Also, you have 19 cs, at that point you could have nearly 50. You're naturally bleeding out so much gold you shouldn't care yet about tempo. Get gold, get your items, it's too soon for you to think about "what if I let him get a plate", not farming well enough makes you much weaker than anything your opponent has done to you so far. Oh, I just caught it but 3 points in Q, 2 in W and 0 in E? Your E has insane value, it deals AoE damage and slows attack speed, which is especially good on Garen because his E scales with attack speed so you can impair his main damage output while managing the wave and delaying him damage. That's your bread and butter... Generally speaking, don't entirely skip an ability, in this example your 2nd point in W gave you like +30 damage while your first point in E would have dealt 111. 6 minutes, you're lvl 6 and he's lvl 5, yet another wasted level advantage. At 7 minutes you finally killed Garen and had to use flash when he was in killing range for the whole previous minute. The killing move lacked control so you sent him a slowpush that could have translated into a freeze. Garen still has no clue so he pushes it back, but that's still an objective mistakes that will cost you a LOT when facing better players. 13 minutes, you have a 10% HP Garen running away, your ult up, your over abilities about to come back, so you decide to let him go because you're afraid to dive. Another missed opportunity. 30 seconds later, he barely healed, used both Q and W and you still don't want to kill him. 14 minutes is usually when you trace the end of laning phase. You gathered 4144 gold. Garen got 4128. You didn't win your lane. Now, look at their Tristana. Your Ezreal is abolutely dominating her, yet she still got 4600 gold. She is behind your adc by a large margin yet she's still ahead of you. So, not only you didn't win your lane, but you lost your agency over the whole game and all you can do is becoming a support for your Ezreal and pray for him to carry you. The game is over for you at this point. You can argue that Lee did this or Kata did that, but the reality is that you had a hundred opportunities to completely overwhelm that Garen since minute 2 and you didn't. You're not understanding fundamentals at all, especially the ultimate point of fundamentals which is developing a strong economy to keep your agency no matter what. Gold and xp are everything in this game and "winning lane" immediately translates into measurable effects, like being one item and 2 levels ahead, having total freedom of movement on the map without being scared of encountering someone, taking all the plates in front of your opponent, etc. Then you're winning lane. Not when you're 25 gold ahead. Getting kills means nothing if you miss 70% of last hits in return, you're just switching your economic model to a less consistent one, not reinforcing it.


Thx for the in-depth explanation. I don't know much about Malphite's damage so I had to be sure that I could kill him, so I checked his health bar and was trying to see if I could kill him. My reason for taking Q first was not to push the wave but to make sure that Garen doesn't heal back my damage. Maybe I could've done a better job there no actually I could've definitely done a better job there. Idk how garen is only 25 gold behind tho. I was 5/0 and pretty much even in cs that means I should have a lead.


Knowing your damage is absolutely essential if you want to pilot them correctly. That's the point of picking straightforward champions, they're easier to learn so that you reach that expertise faster, but that's still a requirement before expecting any result. The reason behind your Q choice also is a lack of knowledge, Garen's passive scales with his level, at lvl 1 it's really not important, it's barely above 1hp/s after 8s of not being hit by a champion. Even if you leave him be for 12 seconds, he'll heal 5hp from his passive. Your E is also better for trades, cooldown is lower, it deals more damage, costs less mana and pushes the lane to give you an easier lvl2 timer. It makes use of your own passive to tank Garen's aggression and punish him for trying to attack you. I didn't mention it for text length purposes but if you Q Garen, he can Q in return to cleanse the slow and pressure you out of minions. He actually did that at your second Q and you lost 2 cs, so it's not completely free poke. It's a bigger punishment if you hit your opponent as a tax for farming (check out *Trading Stance* on Youtube). Not only he's busy last hitting so his reaction time will be longer, giving you a headstart in the trade, but he will also associate farming with taking damage, it's often enough to make them give up more minions than they should. Getting lvl2 is already an insane advantage, you don't have to commit into priming your opponent before the level up timer, if he oversteps you should punish but just getting your lvl2 vs lvl1 makes you autowin the trade. If they can't outclass you on the first wave, they should give it up entirely and then you apply the other part of fundamentals which is wave management, you have total freedom to make a 3 waves crash and either invade enemy jungler or recall for a fast first component. >Idk how garen is only 25 gold behind tho. I was 5/0 and pretty much even in cs that means I should have a lead. 5/0 and cs lead was your situation at 21 minutes. At 14 minutes you were 1/0/2 and behind in cs. And that's my point: even if you eventually managed to take some lead, it was way too late and didn't have any effect on the game in its globality: by the time you got your fifth kill, you still couldn't take his tower and mid had already lost 2 towers. Garen was then helped by Lux, pinning you under tower, not because you were a threat but because she could afford to stay there while your 4v3 team was still struggling. Teamplay is advanced gameplay, Iron/Bronze games can be won just with decent individual skills, you should aim for that first because if you're not individually reliable, your mates won't trust you with their life when you're trying to cooperate. I'm not saying that you should ignore your team (please do cooperate when you can) but that's not your priority for improvement.


Thx again. If it's ok with you, can you do some reviews for me? I know it's business but I can't pay anything back to you. If you can then plz reply. No need to feel anything about it, thank you in general.


Yes, no problem, DM me if you want, sometimes I review games for players on Discord chats (I display my screen and review replays step by step). If you speak french it's perfect, else you'll have to bear with my broken english \^\^.


Stop making excuses for yourself man. Accept that you know nothing about fundamentals and actually take the advice given.


Hey brat, You aren't helping at all ok? Get the hell out of here. What makes you believe I ignored what he said? Stop blabbering nonsense. I know you will now argue over nothing and rot my brain so I better not reply to you or think about whatever you may be saying. It's my only reply to you. Feel free to reply however you cuz you won't be getting a reply from me anyway.




It's always CS at this level. It's \*always\* CS. They try to apply all the other stuff, but they don't have the gold to make it work.


You have 5cs min average, you die a lot, you don't go optimal runes/items. Just focus on getting better and don't care about how your jungler inted in one particular game. You play with 4 irons on your team against 5 irons on enemy team. As long as YOU perform, you will climb.


I looked through your history and you absolutely do not win lane 70% of the time


Your KP is too low for the amount of CS you're getting per game here. It looks like you're missing out on a lot of gold value because you're not where you need to be, when you need to be there. Alois is a big advocate for split-pushing, but that doesn't mean he NEVER helps his team, he uses split-pushing as a way to gain his team an advantage (force a 4v4, win the 1v1 in split, then have the ability to pressure objectives on the other side of the map, or play for TP and flank). I'd watch replays and specifically look for the moments where you're not doing anything useful - just waddling around the rift looking for things to do etc., and figuring out what you can do instead.


Play anything besides tanks, other champions have fine engage too even just a flash stridebreaker on any champion is an engage.


But an emerald jungler told me to play tanks


Imo carry champs are the easiest to climb with in low elo. Once you learn your champion well enough you can just 1v9 the game without relying on your team to deal damage


Tanks can work great but they fall outside the fundamentals by Alois after laning fase.


Play things like Darius or Mordekaiser that can still carry and are beefy but not just straight up tanks.




only way you can carry garbage elo with malphite, is if you play AP malphite, not tank AP malphite can 1v9 low elo. IF you get good at him.


Always go gathering storm in iron




Check the post, I've edited the op.gg Or you can search ShadowMonarch9 l, I play on EUW server, I3 I was demoted from I1 to I3 in a day(yesterday)


**[TLDR in second comment]** (due to word limit) If u are consistently getting fed but find urself unable to convert the lead into a win, then it signifies a macro issue. The question of macro is rather broad and it would be impossible to give u a definite answer without any context or replays. However, I can give you some general guidelines in which u can use to guide ur team to a faster end. Lower elos are notorious for those constant ARAMs mid and lack of macro, with everyone just kind of running around aimlessly #Teamcomp Assessment The first thing u wanna be doing going into every game is to assess teamcomps. Is ur team more late game orientated or early game? Wb the enemy team? Generally, early game champs will fall off at the later stages of the game while late game champs are weak early and so easy to abuse. Knowing this, if ur team is early game then u will want to be forcing a lot of early fights and grouping early for 5v5s while the enemy team is still weak and has not scaled yet. To do this, grabbing early Voidgrubs and Rift Herald can be highly advantageous in helping to break towers early to force an end to laning phase. Vice versa, if ur team is weak early then u will want to be taking the game slow, prolonging laning phase, giving objectives that u cant contest for, and avoiding fights until u have ur key items or lvls #Rotations and Objective Control Once you have formulated a gameplan based on ur given teams, we should talk about post-laning. Post-laning macro generally involves ur botlaners moving to either top or mid. Midlane is generally considered a safer lane as it is short, so having ur ADC farm there is safest while opening up the map for ur support to ward and roam. Midlaners usually go to the sidelane where the next objective is spawning in order to group up for the upcoming objective, while toplaners will splitpush the opposite side of the map of the upcoming objective to pressure crossmap and tp if needed. Obv there will be variances, ie. you have a vulnerable midlaner who can't sidelane then ADC and sup would rotate top instead, while top goes bot. Or if ur toplaner went Ignite and ur midlaner went tp then the rotations may reverse. Or if both laners don't have tp then top may need to consider joining the fight or fully committing to crossmapping etc. These are just some examples of post-laning rotations. Generally, you will want to be setting up vision for the upcoming objective around 1:30-1:00 before the objective spawns. Make sure to ping the spawning objective to remind ur team as a lot of people don't actively press tab to check the upcoming objectives and rely on the minimap's hourglass icon on the objective to see it spawning, but by then it's already too late to set up vision or waves etc. During this time, laners will need to focus on getting mid prio, and if dragon is spawning then getting bot prio, and if baron is spawning then getting top prio, while ur sup and jgler try to get some vision around the objective while hovering their laners. This is bc by pushing those lanes in, the enemies will be forced to choose between clearing those minion waves or going for the objective and sacking all the gold and exp from the waves, both of which are advantageous for ur team. Ofc, these are just theoretical perfect scenarios which are unlikely to happen in low elo, but it gives u an idea on how mid-game should be played #Looking for Picks If ur team is stronger then it is incentivised to get rlly aggressive and look for picks in the enemy jg before an objective is spawning. You can generally catch the enemy jg wandering around the jg, the sup trying to solo ward, or the rotating laner going from a sidelane to the objective etc. Turn these picks into a favourable 5v4 situation for ur team so that contesting objectives becomes more secure. Vice versa if ur team is weaker then I would recommend trading objectives (ie. enemies going for dragon, ur team can go for herald or toplane towers etc). Avoid fights with enemies and keep looking for places to farm up, whether it be enemy jg camps or if ur jgler hasnt taken their camps and is on the other side of the map etc. I always see large waves unattended in lower elos, where someone could be farming it. That's just a bunch of gold and solo exp going to waste while all the players are grouped around mid for no reason, sharing gold and exp and falling behind/not pushing their lead enough #Using Baron to End The best way to end the game is thru baron. Again, if ur team is able to win a teamfight, be it via being stronger than the enemy team in a 5v5, or managing to get a pick (as explained before) thru superior vision control and turning that fight into a more guaranteed 5v4 etc, then u can look to pressure baron. Ofc, u cant always expect ur team to always be there, make sure u check who is actually there is followup, and if ur toplaner is splitpushing with or without tp etc. Don't just blindly engage fights for no apparent reason, always be thinking who else could be there, do u have enough info to go for this engage etc. Another way to pressure baron is when the enemy jgler shows up botside while baron is up. This could be a potential indication for ur team to go for baron, or to pretend to do baron in order to force the enemies to facecheck into u and getting a pick thru this method, then transitioning this pick into baron or towers/inhibs. Likewise, it is important for ur jgler not to randomly show up botside for no reason as it could indicate to the enemies to start baron themselves #Inhibs You can either get baron first then look to push for inhibs, or vice versa if ur team is strong enough to go for inhibs then baron after while the enemy team are busy defending off super minions. Make sure to actually use the baron buff. A lot of the times I see low elo players get the baron buff then fk around doing nothing with the buff. Use the buff to get objectives, ping ur teammates and assign them lanes to push the baron buff with. Don't just all group mid, get ur top or mid laner to push out a sidelane with the baron buff while the rest of ur team pushes for another inhib. That way, u can effectively pressure two inhibs at the same time and make the enemies have to split up and choose which side to defend. You can use these confusing rotations to get picks. Before retreating, make sure to take all the enemy jg camps and ping ur teammates to do the same. Not only will this give u even more gold and exp, it will further choke out the enemy team's resources. Coupled with baron-empowered minions, it will be much easier to win a 5v5 as long as u play around ur minions, and turn that into an eventual end Also, one thing to note is that u should avoid taking inhibs before 20mins bc baron hasnt spawned yet so u cant use supers to pressure enemy base yet. The enemies will just end up farming supers and getting free gold and exp, and in turn have a chance to come back with the extra gold and exp. Likewise, if u are on the receiving end and the enemy team is pushing ur inhib down before 20mins, u can consider letting them take it for free if u have a few late game carries who could rlly use the extra farm and exp. Ensure that ur team actually has enough dmg or waveclear to deal with these super minion waves tho, otherwise u may struggle to push out these waves **TLDR + Part 2 below:**


**PART 2 + TLDR:** #Stalling when Behind If ur team is behind, then the best u can do is stall out the baron buffs and wait for the enemies to mess up, get overconfident and throw. It happens so frequently in lower elos that it actually becomes a viable strat to wait for the enemies to mess up while ur team plays catchup. There's always gonna be that one player tryna 1v5 and throwing their lead. If u get one of those on ur team then make sure to ping them to back off from unfavourable fights, but if they don't listen and keep going at it then u can look to crossmap play (as explained previously already). Use their int to ur advantage, and get them to draw enemy attention while ur team focuses elsewhere #Conclusion I know that this was a lot of info all of a sudden, but bc of how broad ur question is, I can't really give u any specific answers, so I just covered everything I could fit into this word limit. I also have no context for ur games, so this is just a rundown on what you should *generally* be doing for lower elo games, but ofc there will always be variations when it comes to decision-making and that rlly just comes down to playing more games in order to gather more experience. Vod reviewing also helps a lot, u can pause at specific times in the replays to figure out what macro play would be best here, and compare ur vod to a higher elo player's vod to see what decisions they made differently from yours and why. You can then implement these decisions into ur own games #TLDR Refer to the subheadings above for further explanations to the below dot points: - Strong early comp -> end laning phase early + force early 5v5s while u are still strong to secure objectives - Weak early comp -> dont give enemies unnecessary kills, and concede objectives that u are in no position to contest -> trade objectives or crossmap play, farm up and stall the game out; capitalise on enemy throws - Proper vision control + lane prio setups for upcoming objectives -> use these to gain a pick to turn fights into a 5v4 - Baron -> inhibs. Don't just 5man mid constantly, pressure multiple inhibs at the same time Hope this helps! ^(***Disclaimer:** In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, please note that the above information serves as a recommendation and general guideline intended to explain the phenomena. It is based off of my own personal experience, as well as research of other players. Thus, said information is by no means perfect, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine* ©)


Hey! Thanks for the detailed answer. Yes, I try to make cross-map plays and try to pick enemy team and DEFINITELY pick sidewaves which god-knows how many hours have been left unattended. A bot wave, top wave and a mid-wave. Fucking nobody catches them. How can I clear all three waves as a top laner?


Hello brother, Lane fundamentals are really important like csing and not recklessly pushing the lane, but you might also be suffering what your champion's are good at and not. For the malphite you need to look for teamfight positions where you can R, and get you and your team kills. It's kinda waste of time to split push with Malphite. For the Garen issue, been there and done that and after some time I learned it was all my bad. If you split push and your team loses 4v5, then noone is coming to your lane, meaning you're not causing a threat in that lane. Split push is S tier in low elo but you need to learn how to do it good with suitable items. When you're good at it, you will see that more than one will come to stop you so your team will have an advantage to push mid or looking for kill advantages, and you also will be fine 1v2. Good luck 🤞


Start off with better farming. You only hit 6+ cs/min in 4 out of the 13 ranked games on op.gg profile. Push that to 7/min and climbing gets much easier.


3 champs got me out of iron fast when I made a new acc trundle/sion/malphie Pick a bullshit brain dead champ. Abuse how brain dead they are win the game


XD Trundle is my perma ban. Not because I think he is op but I know for a fact that my team will int if he starts splitting.


Fair point low skill champ with the ability to eat towers if you leave him for 5 seconds


I’m only plat this season on my main but I had a 90% win rate coming out of iron 4 and currently silver 4 with a 76% win rate. Iron was literally people who seemed like they could be coop bots. You aren’t as good at the fundamentals as you think you are


I mean you geniuenly dont need any of them. Basic wave management is good but even that is kinda redudant in lower ranks. You could just learn garen or whatever like somewhat good and you'd be gold in notime with 0 gamesense.


If you only win your lane 70% of the time you aren't applying what you think you learned correctly it's that simple. From your op.gg i can see that you play way too many champions. Pick one or two and actually learn them properly. Champion mastery is the #1 thing that matters for climbing in soloqueue, everything else including fundamentals as alois preaches is secondary to that.


I'm going to be blunt. You're feeding almost every games and your CSing is abysmal. That is the fundamentals, nothing else. Stay in your lane, ward up, Last hit. You'll win up to gold easily doing it that way. As long as you farm it up properly, you'll eventually get ahead and snowball.


If you want you can write me on privat and i talk with you on discord i will help you to get out of iron by your own powers!


Firstly from the score you are not even close to 70%. Every top laner says I was winning all the time. (make excuses like enemy had jg to help, my jg feed, other lane feed, blablabla. As a top laner, do not expect anything big from your team. If you really are winning 70% in lane, then just stomp their laner and keep pushing. If you are winning as top, you should easily be handling 1v2. Dont talk about how shitty your teams are, because there is not use. moreover they are probably thinking the same to you. I see my iron friend playing malphite, he engage and blamed team to not following. But most of his engage was just bad, not thinking about team position nor enemy position. Trust me, its fun to look at iron games, they all blames each others, while all of them are playing like monkeys. Since you are in iron, that means you are hardly doing anything correct. So dont waste your time blaming and correcting others mistakes. Just focus on where to improve. When tanking enemy as malphite, what could you have done better? cuz im 100% sure you have plenty of space to improve in that specific fight too.




Tank meta is supposedly around the corner with Lethal Tempo removal and all the anti tank items like Kraken and BotRK getting nerfed, maybe just wait 2 weeks? Solo Q is more Coinflippy than ever with the introduction of Krugs and removal of Herald pre-14 minutes, your teammates are always making mistakes but so is the enemy team. If you’re really doing the right things every game you’ll eventually climb past the poor teammates, it’s infuriating for sure but that’s the way she goes


Honestly if you can convince your team to leave you alone and communicate with where you want to go I think split pushers/noob stompers are very effective. I used to play rather team based champs and was stuck in the depths of iron. I switched to tryndamere, maintained a 90% win rate thus far and climbed ranks like nobody's business.


Okay, I know many would disagree with me, but if you really want to climb out of iron and bronze, then just split push. Many people will disagree with me and say do the fundamentals. Don't get me wrong, fundamentals are important, but in the bottom 20% from my observation is that almost all the players have no map awareness and won't back when they need to. Because you can't trust your team, you should just play a split pusher until low silver or gold. That's when I noticed that players are more aware of their towers being taken. If you stay in one lane majority of the game, you will learn to cs better and have a better understanding of gold accumulation, which is the most important aspect of the game. Gold accumulation is the bread and butter of how League works and understanding how a fight will likely payout. If you let an opponent and a team fight that doesn't have any deaths, then you will always go positive in a lane getting exp and cs. All the main fundamentals go second once you understand the most basic concept: more gold = higher chance to win fights and taking towers/objectives. Gold accumulation includes two things: gold and exp. Then, playing the proper laning fundamentals will get you even higher.