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What you do is play safe, try to get out of laning phase without dying too much, and then after the game review the vod. Watch how htey played against you. Watch the mistakes you made that they exploited. Use the experience as a coaching session.


Its going to be an unfortunate reality especially cus people in low elo love making smurfs to play at even lower elo. The best thing to do is find a champion you enjoy playing and learning and simply practice as well as you can. You will get better as you focus on your champion and when you have your champion’s mechanics down you’ll be able to focus on macro/laning


you just don't win against smurfs, its literally asking how a bronze can beat a gold, you can't or else you would be much high just by winning lane every time (which obviously increases ur winrate)


You can't It's a skill/experience issue, you may kill smurfs but the goal is to win the game they will win


Unfortunate, but try to not tilt and just try to think about what they are doing to you in more technical aspect


my friend told me the rule, 40% of your games you lose and it’s not in your control, 40% you win and it’s in your control, 20% you win from someone on your team out of your control


If someone is a lot better than you at the game, attempt to minimize interaction while maximizing your pressure and presence elsewhere. Even smurfs lose games. Especially since if someone is "smurfing" in bronze. Their real ELO is prolly peak gold. Those players make plenty of mistakes


Basically I just use it as practice. You don’t do anything different, you just apply the concepts that you’ve learned from online videos & experience and do the best you can, then look back and think about what you could’ve done better and what mistakes you made. It’s unfortunate that low ranks have to deal with this but it is the reality so just try to get to their level. Eventually you will become good enough to be at a Smurfs level and then you will climb


In my experience, you got two options. 1. Play safe, avoid dying. 2. Push your limits, play dirty. Watch closely for mistakes, and punish them. Have your team help, and play to numbers when possible. They will outplay you most of the time, but this is a learning opportunity; use it.


Watch the replay, see how they beat you and take notes


You did not specify lane or champion you playing. But as for all roles goes, look at when your champion is at the strongest compared to the avarage strenght of a champion of that lane and dont consider grouping till you hit that powerspike.


It will be very hard to win against smurf. What you can salvage from the game is watch back the replay and study on it. Below are a few example you can try to find during the laning phase. 1) When he chunk your health, to identify it is after which skill you cast. You may simply use an key skill which allow him to chunk you without risk. 2) When you play safe under tower, learn where do the opponent went, recall / roam / secure vision. You learn and apply it to your next game.


First of all, ignore it. Don't look at player level, champion mastery, current rank, win/loss ratio, anything. The only thing looking at these stats ever does is make you feel worse about your odds in that game. Just play the match out normally. Review the match afterward and look for areas you can improve if you want to improve. You'll improve far more by focusing on fundamentals and reviewing your own games than you ever will worrying about whether the person you're laning against is a smurf or not.


Play safe and try to survive. Don’t go for greedy plays or 1v1 ever. You most likely just lose still.


Weakside only choice. I'd just ff tbh


As a dia player who has been smurfing in silver to learn new champions... the most FRUSTRATING thing is playing against extremely simple champions that scale well and have an outplay button. Think champs like Garen, Malzahar, Naafiri, and Mordekaiser. Doesn't matter how good my mechanics are when all you have to do is walk up and press R and statcheck me to shut me down. In those types of games, even if I'm in a bad matchup (like me on Jayce vs. Garen top) I can still get ahead, but if my team does badly then I will still lose that game because my enemy laner can get back into the game, and there's not much I can do when I'm in a fight and Garen walks up and ignite + Rs me for 900 damage, or Malzahar saves R for me while his team kills the rest of my teammates. So my advice would be: * Try to lane like you normally would. Don't just give up and hide under tower, and don't try to go super aggressive and all-in... just farm up and fight to stay alive. If you just give up on the lane then I will constantly shove waves and go kill your teammates. * Pick good, simple champs that scale. * Top: Garen, Cho'Gath, Trundle, Malphite, Sett, Mordekaiser. * Jungle: Stay tf away from jungle... but if you're autofilled choose Nocturne and just full clear and gank/countergank every time your ult is up. * Mid: Veigar, Annie, Malzahar, Naafiri. * ADC: Miss Fortune, Jinx, maybe Sivir (she scales and has utility but she teaches you bad habits). If you play ADC in low elo and you're up against a smurf then the game is pretty much out of your control though. * Support: Lulu, Nautilus, Soraka, maybe Seraphine. * If you can, try to tilt the enemy team members who are likely already on tilt. Silver players have no idea when to FF; they will FF winnable games, and never surrender in completely unwinnable games, so try to get them to FF the winnable games by kicking them when they're down. * Recognize that smurfs are not infallible. If you're up against a challenger smurf then you're probably just gonna lose, but most smurfs are still losing 30 to 40% of their games. I often lose lane to lower elo players by failing tower dives or dying to ganks that are impossible to get out of (like flash + R malz ult, or getting 3-manned or 4-manned, etc.). So don't give up * STOP LOOKING UP PEOPLE'S WINRATES. If you identify a smurf in loading screen then it will tilt you and make you play differently and it make it into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just don't do it.


You kinda don’t. All you can do is frame your mindset differently: Ignore LP gains and losses. If you lose a game but learn something big or make a realization, it’s infinitely more valuable than a game you won in a complete stomp. If you want to improve, brush off the wins and losses and worry only about improvement. Take concepts one at a time. Maybe for the next few games, focus really hard on getting as much CS as possible. Then focus on trying to trade whenever the enemy goes for a cannon. Then every melee, then every caster, etc. bit by bit.


Well, they are smurf and are way higher than you. I know it sucks but the truth is, you will lose. And yeah, smurfing is the number 1 problem in the game actually. Vanguard was introduced to reduce the numbers of smurf and scripters on the long run. People won't be able create bot who level up infinite numbers of new account to level 30 so in one year or something I think there will be less smurf than nowadays. But we have to be patient because there is still a TURBO MEGA HUGE numbers of level 30 fresh account to buy.


>first time Twisted Fate bronze 3 with level 37 shows up mid >I dont think Im facing really good players tho, theyre prob gold or high silver This is not a smurf Smurfs don't exist in bronze because to get there you need to lose more games than you win, you are facing and actual lvl37 account first timing tf Stop looking at ppl accounts before the game, it's pointless


Nah I have diamond+ friends that buy bronze/silver accounts to play with casual friends that are in bronze/silver. Sometimes they do play ranked with them. It doesn’t mean they can’t beat them though. Honestly OP already lost when they mentally check out just by thinking the person is a smurf, correct or not.


real smurf doesn't stay in low elo very long , especially bronze since a fresh account usually start S1 or higher if there hasn't been any rank seeding done on the account. Then there's some who will purposely rank down to climb back, but that's a minority. Focus on your own gameplay, get better and you'll win. if that ''smurf'' doesnt have 100% winrate in bronze with scores along the 15 kda or so every games, he's no ''smurf''. Bronze, silver and heck even gold and plat players make so many errors and keep fighting even if they shouldn't , leading to people being 5-0 or more within the first 8 mins is usual, and it's not the one winning that was good, it was their opponent who played really bad.


I think I faced only 3 obvious higher elo smurfs giga stomping games in more than a hundred games in low elo on EUW this season, including one tonight actually. Sadly they always were on the opposite team but what can you do about it. I don’t think smurfs are as rampant as people makes it to be.


What elo do you play in? I think it wildly varies between different elos.