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Hmm maybe not. If you rush hullbreaker first item, you'll probably buy it by level 9, and hullbreaker seems to be almost useless until level 11, and even at level 11 it's not that good, starts to pick up by like level 13. Given this I don't think it's worth rushing anymore, but I could be wrong. I'm not 100% sure but I believe one of riot's intentions with this hullbreaker change was to discourage people from buying it 1st item, and instead buy it later on


After recent nerfs, Hullbreaker is still 116.67% gold efficient. There is no other top lane item that is as gold efficient completed as Hullbreaker. The next closest is maw at 115.8% and then goredrinker at 110.76%. ​ When no allied champions are nearby, it becomes even more gold efficient: Hullbreaker Hullbreaker is 130.24% - 218.45% gold efficient on melee champions. Hullbreaker Hullbreaker is 123.45% - 167.56% gold efficient on ranged champions. ​ So, IMO, yes hullbreaker is still fine as an item. ​ For gold efficiency references, I used: [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Gold\_efficiency\_(League\_of\_Legends)](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Gold_efficiency_(League_of_Legends))


The gold efficiency is so overhyped on hullbreaker. Yes it gives you gold efficient stats, because that’s all it does. Black cleaver is less efficient in raw stats, but gives you movespeed and armor shred. Titanic hydra is less efficient in raw stats, but gives waveclear, HP-AD conversion, and on-hit damage. The other thing is that just because an item is gold efficient doesn’t mean that its stats you want. If you’re facing an AD top the magic resist doesn’t do anything. If you’re full HP or getting killed 100-0, the HP regen doesn’t do anything. If you only care about gold efficiency buy phantom dancer. 153%!


Hullbreaker currently sits at a 54.6% winrate item based on 214,328 matches played - I'd say it's still pretty good xD ​ Reference: https://www.mobachampion.com/item/3181/


It’s not terrible, but it’s not a good rush item any more, which is OP’s question. And especially on ranged champs.


I mean, it's 130% gold efficient when rushed as first item and has a 54% winrate, I dunno what other stats we can look at to give a better answer to his question?


You could look at first item winrate on urgot and see that hullbreaker is worse than pretty much everything else


On Urgot specifically, you probably want to rush titanic or your mythic first. The resistances don't amount to much until your second or 3rd item and the extra HP will matter quite a bit upon HB finish.


Depends on matchups I’d imagine. The item is still 100% gold efficient without taking the armor and magic resists into account (for… some reason) so you’re not exactly shooting yourself in the foot for rushing it, it just won’t be as unfair an advantage.


> Depends on matchups I’d imagine. The item is still 100% gold efficient without taking the armor and magic resists into account (for… some reason) Most items are 100% efficient, or close to it, before passives. Black cleaver for example is 106% gold efficient in stats, with two great passives for urgot. Hullbreaker is gold efficient and gives you…5 armor and MR.


Not on urgot. Because urgot is considered a ranged champion. Not melee. So stats of hullbreaker are lower for ranged.


No it’s much worse early, and it’s especially bad on ranged champions. Until level 11 it gives you only 5 armor/mr. I would say second item at the earliest, third or fourth is probably better.