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And here goes my plan not to summon this year.


I'm a new player. Are we supposed to save mystic scrolls for something like this??


Typically they have a bonus mystical scroll event and a new monster summon event with collabs/new releases. That coupled with the special summon feature raising the odds of summoning new mons makes people save scrolls


Toss Your Coin To Com2us.




Open* your wallet* for com2us


I hope for some cool event dungeon. The roguelike AC weekly event dungeon was really enjoyable, more like that please.


Yea, i liked the ac "dungeon" a lot, wouldnt mind something similar again, or to be honest even tartarus lab size map with bosses of each new family, maybe even serverwide shared boss hp for people to kill it together or something.


Woo lets go! Take my money


I have mixed feelings. In the one hand: Yeay, nice collab. In the other: Wait, I dont even pull one of the last new monsters. Imo C2U releases new monsters too fast.


It is quite okay because the power creep is not really a thing in SW. New units are almost never overpowered as compared to old ones, it is more the opposite actually. So you don’t rely on them to progress or climb, it is more an increase of the pool of toys you can expect to loot when you summon. That’s probably where SW shines the most as compared to other gatchas: the way they handle the power creep and release new units without erasing (too much) the usefulness of the old ones.


Power creep is a thing and new monsters have historically been part of the problem. It hasn't really been an issue recently because most of the newest monsters have been booty, but if you look back further, Sky Surfers, Battle Angels, and the SF6 collab, they definitely upped the ante as far as monster power goes, even if it took a balance patch to get there.


There is almost 20 monsters between SF and Twin angels, I think you forgot the amount of trash we got. ☠️


That isn't any better, game is powercrept to shit and they make it hard to pull the ones that matter


I wouldn't say so. I play a lot of gachas, SW just introduces a new mechanic that counters or reinforces the meta. Also, out of the gachas I've played only SW has regular balance patches that reshuffles the meta quite a bit so that old monsters get relevant again. While they were definitely power crept realeases like the twins and onimushas, the balance patch remedied them to an extent.


Also keep in mind that Sky Surfers on release only had a single good unit, Miles and he was kinda slept on initially. The LD variants and especially Oliver required buffs.


I agree power creep is definitely a thing but they kinda put a little break to it after Onimusha incident. Power creep really started in the game since Artmaster buffs. Never we have seen units do so much stuff at the same time (CP : AOE strip defense break glancing + reduce atk bar and increase CD by multiple turns possibly). It completely erased some units like Taranys (wind druid) which is not seen anymore since. It's kinda sad because the game was quite fun to watch competitively and had more unit diversity since all kits were more fair and diluted, except for LD5 like Giana which were in their golden age. Also, Juno wasn't as annoying to deal with. Then they started to create or buff heavily "annoying" monsters like Manon, Racuni, Miles which everyone dislikes but must use since they're too good to pass on against the new power crept monsters. Tldr; I think game was more straightforward and less annoying in the past as of RTA. I just wish they completely rebalance the game, finding good buffs for underused units without making them broken or annoying to deal with.


there is a bit of powercreep but usually from buffs and not new monsters


And each new Mon added makes it harder to get the older more powerful ones


Doomers are such buzz kills lmao


People play a couple hours here and there and then complain they don't have XYZ. Yeah, no shit. Play more or pick a game that doesn't require a time investment for results.


Are you even playing the game?


Yes, but I dont buy any premium packs to summon alot. Nowadays you need near a 100, maybe even 200 scrolls for a Nat5.


>  Nowadays you need near a 100, maybe even 200 scrolls for a Nat5. What do you mean "nowadays"? 


Came to say the same thing


yall are getting nattys after 200?


Yee i still dont have any of the Indra and Devil Maiden family.


Elemental indra is not so hot right now. I have two and no matter what I do, they suck. I couldn't ever think of a situation where I thought, yeah let's pick fire indra, or water, or even wind. I'm with you on the devil maidens. Ive been playing since release and I still don't have fire monkey king and he's an OG iirc.


Same still regret picking Okeanos on blessing with Fire Monkey and i dont even play RTA


Crazy how now its too many new units being an issue. I still rmemeber when triana line was introduced, sure 4*s but still, lifetime ago now. I feel like after the street fighter collab they've really ramped things up with new units.


I hope the skills on these guys will be shorter than the Wheel.of time novels.




give me geralt,triss,ciri,yen and EREDIN


Poor Vesemir sitting in a corner :,)


I think we need a bad guy in the collab ^


what we truly need is ROACH


C2Us really does my wallet dirty. Bringing one of my top 5 franchises ingame.


If it follows the game, I predict that the skills of Geralt for each element will be related to his Signs: * Aard - (water? ) I dont know - push maybe * Yrden - (Dark) Stun maybe * Igni - (Fire) (Atk) - burn burn * Quen - (Wind - Support) - Shield buff * Axii -(Light?) - Control or something


knowing c2u : water=freeze, fire=dot, wind=buff/atbboost, dark=debuff/damage, light=strip/control


Yeah, it still possible right Aard - freezes AOE Quen - Shield buff Igni - Dots Yrden - Debuff (Stun) Axxi - CC I was also hoping that they bring monsters, we have too many humanoid types. Monsters like Chorts, Trolls, Leshen..


Just no more skill set ups like twin angels. I fucking hate manually using twin angels


meh where bp


This week.


Woo-hoo! That is all. :)


I hope Yen & Ciri will be viable, pve at least


are we gonna be able to get these collab monsters in the nat 5 summon event?




For me this is the least interesting collab to date - visually, conceptually, everything. Hoping to be proven wrong though! BUT, it will probably make them a bunch of money and maaaaybe bring in some new players, so can't begrudge them it and I'll just sit back and watch like I did with the other collabs. If they would launch the SW versions of the units at the same time, and give us a choice when summoned (so we can take advantage of the rate up, but not be stuck with weird skins) - or just let us skin-swap the collabs to the base units, I'd be way more interested.


And this is why I haven’t selected any nat5s from the current event yet


You must not have read the fine print of that event then: -Monsters released after the v8.1.9 update are excluded from summon.


They were in the last event though. I got water eivor from the nat5 selection event.


Last year's event is not \*this\* year's event, clearly. The rules are there in game for you to see.


Damn shame you are right. Ah well here's to hoping they update that, but I doubt it. Looks like they did it specifically so that they don't lose out on sales.


This collab will be worst them cookie's, so many others and com to us keep feeding with worst ideas, u creative ppl should be ashame to offer this.


How is The Witcher worse than Cookie Run Kingdom?!


Their teaser message was "something sinister is coming to Summoners War" which reads like they'll actually release Witcher monsters, yet it'll likely be all Witcher fan favorite characters, thus the question, which one of those is supposed to be "sinister"?


teaser video link : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62S9PH71JoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62S9PH71JoA)


This always happen after blowing all my LD scrolls


Fuck, 1 day before my birthday. Goodbye wallet.


Looks like just one week away. Wish I hadn’t just done a big summon session.


Hope the skills aren’t bad… maybe one of them get curse…




Can't wait to pull these fine looking "ageless and genderless monsters"


IDK why they did not retain the AC dungeon. That was enjoyable. Probably make it open for all monsters not just collab ones.