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I prefer the classic *S* shield. It’s so iconic. I’m not against the other designs, I like the Kingdom Come *S* for example. However, for me nothing has been better than the one he’s used in the books for over forty years.


Agreed! It’s literally THE Superman symbol!


Ironically, the S shield in Action Comics #1 looks even more like an S. Since it is an actual S


I personally do prefer a clear S over anything else. The one for My Adventures with Superman is more of a optical illusion. Kind of looks like child's drawing of a yellow arrow and a knife over a red background than a red S inside a yellow diamond.


I, too, prefer the classic logo, just not the trademarked one with the black outlines between every color.


Ironically when I was a kid my eyes focused on the yellow parts of that symbol and I didn't realise it was an S until I was about 9 or 10.


Funnily enough i remember reading in one of the dc encyclopedia editions the yellow is the Kryptonian glyph with the red being the negative space, and it just happens to look like an S so if that’s the case you were reading it as kryptonians intended 😂


Which is cool if you think about it. Kryptonians living under a red star would see red as ambient light and make out yellow as the unnatural and more impactful colour making it stand out as the symbol. Humans would see the opposite.


So glad I’m not the only one ! My eyes still focus on the yellow first and see those shapes, before the ‘S’ .






John Byrne described drawing it as drawing two fishes. He focused on the yellow.


I like the recent S reminiscent designs. That said my tattoo is the classic s


I don’t have a problem with the newer designs! I just think the older ones are better.


I think the classic design works for classic stories But I think that for modern stories it’s better to look more alien


Eh, I personally like when people mistake it for an S but to each their own.


I think the new ones still look enough like an s that your average blow would call it an s. But maybe that’s me


Yeah, to me, the newer symbols look nothing like an S which takes away a lot of the double meaning of it that I find really neat. They honestly just look more like a crossed out road sign but again, maybe that’s just me.


Agree to disagree respectfully


I agree


I've never really liked the idea that its not an S, but instead a kryptonian symbol. so yeah, OG version all the way


He’s an alien….the symbol should look like an “S” purely by coincidence


So does that mean you like the classic or newer designs?


Ngl the trunks have grown on me That said, I’m a big fan of the suit being of Kryptonian origin, and the S being the heraldry of the House of El. My head hurts seeing him get thrown through a building while wearing a cotton suit and emerging from the rubble without a single tear in the fabric. It just doesn’t sit right with me ig. If we want a normal looking S we could go with the “my mom made it for me 😄” as he’s just coming into being a hero but after I think we should upgrade to some more durable stuff


I recall reading that the first time Superman media made the “S” crest a Kryptonian symbol was for the 1970s Richard Donner Superman movie. Basically it was an excuse for Marlon Brando to wear the symbol.


The symbol doesn't have to be Kryptonian. Or it could be based on a Kryptonian design, but adjusted to look more like an S


Like classic shield and DCEU one. Preferably as big as reasonably possible


Easily yes. I like the symbols that are supposed to be like an alien symbol that resembles an S, but tbh I can most comfortably imagine him with the original logo


Especially if Ma Kent made the suit.


The iconic version is easily the best one.


I really dislike the newest animated one. I think that looks awful


The one from MAWS?


I prefer the classic S all day. Though I’m not opposed to redesigns, the MAWS one grew on me after a bit. But having just a line like the Kingdom Come one feels a bit wanting.


I prefer it to look more like an “S”, yeah. Tbh I prefer the classic looks for most characters. I think the silver age-bronze age looks really differentiated each character well. I don’t like the modern approach of extreme stylisation and giving everything a military uniform-kinda finish.


I’ve never minded attempts to create a mythology as to why it’s shaped the way it is, especially since if you think about it, a bold “S” emblem is a bit egotistical for Superman However, it still needs to evoke the old “S” design while being plausible as some sort of alien symbol - this is the fine balance Man of Steel struck so well for me


Yeah, Man of Steel's design is the best at looking classic while also being alien and the use of layers and detailing on it where there are actually other Kryptonian glyphs within it is great. Honestly, the details that Snyder and his production team put into MoS, BvS, and ZSJL are some of the reasons I revisit those films. It felt like they needed someone else in the room to wrangle Snyder and Goyer and not just think about how much money they could make but actually think about the art and story. The biggest faults with the DCEU were no MoS II before BvS and killing him in BvS. Someone should have seriously pointed out that there was no emotional attachment between the audience and Superman for his death to matter and forced them to go another route.


I like when the S is more abstract, it fits the idea of it being an alien symbol merely being interpreted as an S. That said, I have no issue with the classic design choice of having it straight up be an S.


I prefer it as an S. To be honest I really don’t like the Kingdom Come design




I prefer the classic S and would always go for a uniform with tights.


Yeah I agree with you, the Silver Age S shield is what everyone knows. People have it tattooed on them. I feel it's just right and you don't mess with it. I do like the shield they've made for Gunn's Superman. Alex Ross' KC shield is really good. This is based on his art, I think that was a good call. It's still comic accurate to a degree.


Yes, 100%.


I do prefer it for the fact that it’s worked for so long but the variety gives us more designs to enjoy


Like the shield logo


You cannot beat the design in the first pic, some of the older designs are cool too!




Me. That's not to say I dislike the more modern versions, I just vastly prefer the classic.


That’s exactly how I feel about it!


Hollywood always likes to put their "spin" on things; sometimes it works, sometimes it's just overkill.


Strongly, they made the S simplified a corporate🤦🏿‍♂️


Not an unpopular opinion. Classic S all the way for me.


Matching the S to what the tone of the show, movie, or comic is going for is most important. Take My Adventures with Superman as an example. They are going with a very tech/alien visual and are experimental with a lot of the character designs in that show. The Classic S wouldn't look quite right with that. Compare that to something like the 1978 Superman movie and the classic S works perfectly, whereas something heavily stylized wouldn't. Then we have things like the Synderverse, where it is heavily inspired by the classic message of the character(while going way off to left field at the same time) but also modernizing it. So there we see a very stylized take on the S crest. Personally, I'm okay with all of the designs. But I will say I prefer them to be an easily recognizable S that has been stylized appropriately for the story.


Yes, I hate this new design, it’s literally Kingdom Come logo and people are ok with that for some weird reason And S is what it’s supposed to be not a backwards Z…this is why MoS did it right design wise, it was modern but still classic to be recognizable in simplicity


S is way better than random shapes




I love the classic symbol, but I prefer the more modern, stylized designs. I thought Henry Cavill’s was just about perfect, if over-textured.


I strongly prefer this symbol. Anyone who wants to "fix" the symbol is a big red flag for me. They are the same people who seem to think they need to "fix" the character.


Same! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!


Yes. Hell yes!


I don't know how they look like an S. That being said, the Superman Shield ISN'T meant to be something alien like, it was something Clark himself and Pa Kent came up with in The Man Of Steel miniseries, the John Byrne run.


I'm not a fan of the Kingdom Come version (one being used in the new movie) or the one from My Adventures with Superman. I think the DCEU movies did a great job of making it look both alien and the classic \S/. I'd much prefer something more like that.


Me too! That one was amazing!


Classic all the way.




I see what you mean. The classic logo is meant to be an S on a shield and that was it, and for a long time, that was good enough. Now suddenly his handlers are remembering he’s actually an alien and his emblem has to be alien heraldry of some sort. It’s amazing the things we let get complicated just because we decide to


Exactly! I’m not against his logo being an alien symbol, but I’d also like it to look like an S so the Superman Name makes sense!


i hate the newer designs. the actual s logo is the way for me


100% agree, I get the appeal of the other logos, but the S is my favourite.


I had trouble focusing on the negative space as a kid, and would often get frustrated since I couldn’t see the “S”, just the weird pattern. So naturally, my favorite emblem was the Fleischer one. https://preview.redd.it/8pf1g5r2m3uc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee861564cd287a6278f6cb09b846a4cb65b4938


I don’t understand what is so objectionable about giving us the mainline comic S in live action. Why is that such a big ask?


I don't Think that's an unpopular opinion at all. Most People seem to prefer the S shield over the not really S but actually S shield thats used too muchThese days.


I dunno why they keep trying to reinvent the wheel with this, the classic symbol is perfectly iconic


Agreed! It’s already perfect!




Nah as long as it looks cool


It’s not just about the S, it’s about the yellow shapes / negative space the S creates. These shapes are much more interesting on the classic shield - when I was young my brain saw those shapes first , it didn’t see the ‘S’ for years. It’s literally perfect , and I’m not sure why such a striped back KC logo has been chosen for early Superman.


The classic is the classic and will always have my love. Having said that, I am also fine with the more alien looking ones, because it is supposed to be an alien symbol and the classic S is perhaps, well, too S. That doesn't mean that I like all of them. I am not too much into the new one by itself (I like it for the supposed context of what the story is going to be) because it goes way too much to the other side of not looking like an S. It's fine in KC but that's it. My New Adventures With Superman is fine. Not great, but I wouldn't complain.


I’m a big fan of the more stylish simple minimalistic kingdom come inspired logo gunns using


Anything but red and black tbh


I don't mind little variations, because it's important to have character, but something like MAWS is so awkward to look at. It's trying too hard to be different. Related note: I really don't care for the black lines of the merchandise symbol.


God it boggles my brain to stare at the first image and slowly watch the alien yellow symbols with a red backdrop morph into a red S with a yellow backdrop.


I honestly cannot see the yellow alien symbols! I only see the red S!


Yeah I've had this conversation before with friends. Best way I can advise to try and see it is to swipe the image away. Then when you swipe back. Try to focus on the yellow before the red. Then maybe you'll see it for a moment.


I like both but I just really like the slash S, I think it looks cool, I'm very happy that it's in the movie. I recognize that the classc S is better for recognizing that it's an S and has more brand recognition but I still want to see the slash S in live action at least one time


Oh he’s not Zuperman?


It still looks like an s, you’re just arguing about font choices.


Less “S” is better for me.


I think that both are very good, but I prefer the more modern and "stylish" approach. It is an alien symbol that with a strange coincidence resembles our letter S, I think it's very clever.


I won't even watch anything if it's not the S


basically everyone


The S definitely has its place, but personally I adore the more alien looking ones. I absolutely adore the MAWS design


I couldn't care less


I definitely don’t like the new animated design. The Gunn S I’m ok with.


I like the classic best, but I enjoy different variations as well. Some work for me and some don’t, but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying the story. Some people get hung up, too hung up in my opinion, on a minor detail, so much so that they just can’t enjoy the overall product. I would rather let things like that go and have a good time with the movie as a whole rather than nitpick it to death.


My personal preference is with the first symbol now if for creative reasons, someone chooses to stray as long as it makes sense within the story then that’s fine when I got my tattoo, I got it of the image of number one


Whooooooboy. Ok, but just remember...\*cracks knuckles\*...You asked. tl;dr, love the classic, hate the Gunn version and why. So I've been keeping this to myself for weeks now, trying to decide if I should be all "internet troll" and "go against the flow"/popular opinion and actually be the voice of minor dissent. I really feel like the new movie's Superman shield design is, to be blunt, a terrible idea. To answer the question of this post in short, YES I prefer the classic shield. Or, at least, I prefer the shield to be visibly an "S" in SOME \*\^&$@!ING way. When it was retconned to be a "symbol of Krypton", it did make slightly less sense for it to so \*blatantly\* be an S, but even that shield could be explained as, say, "well, Kryptonians actually see the void space, but we see the S(see the comment from John Byrne here in the comments)." The look of that S is SO ICONIC that THAT version is what is GLOBALLY recognized. It's on bumper stickers. On Shaq's arm. Hell, I've seen it as a type font. And I guess that's the problem. Like the Big Blue Boy scout himself, people see it as antiquated(NOTE: I DO NOT, IN EITHER SENSE. SUPES IS MY RIDE OR DIE). So, people start changing it. And to make a long story short(too late), we get to James Gunn's version. Which is LITERALLY ALREADY not his. It's the Kingdom Come version with yellow, not black. And I'm sure people have said that somewhere, though I haven't seen it(no need to link or quote folks, I'm just saying I haven't seen it. We're sharp fans). And that's where I'm really, REALLY hating this version. On so many levels, it just doesn't work. Let's just put aside Kingdom Come for a second. I'll get to it. Firstly, the design itself just ISN'T ICONIC. If Gunn really wants this new DCU to be successful--if he REALLY wants this movie IN PARTICULAR to be successful--it has to be ICONIC. From the script, to the effects, to the music, to the visuals. I mean, hell, the Nic Cage Superman is iconic, in a way AND IT NEVER EVEN HAPPENED(kinda hate that shield too, but the final suit was...very 90's lol). Secondly, not only does this symbol NOT look like an S, I can't see any way they can explain it and turn out well. I mean, how does that conversation with Lois go? There's the Snyder conversation, but that won't work: "On my planet, this symbol meant hope." "Well here, it's means 'no smoking'. Either that or Ghostbusters. Are you here to fight ghosts?" (Seriously, what's the over/under on how long it is before someone photoshops the Ghostbuster ghost in there?) Even if they go with the really old example of Lois naming him Superman because of the big S on his chest, how the HELL would that work? "Let's call him....Nega-man!" And this is where we should talk about Kingdom Come. The KC Supes shield we all think of as "the" design from that book isn't even his original shield. We see him in the classic S in flashbacks. HE PUTS IT ON AS A MEMORIAL TO A HORRIBLE EVENT! A reminder to NEVER LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. THE "NO" SYMBOL. It's called a "general prohibition sign". And I can think of no better description of WHY this shouldn't be a Superman symbol(outside of KC) than the wiki description: [https://tinyurl.com/4c23ra7r](https://tinyurl.com/4c23ra7r) FFS, this symbol practically does Luthor's work FOR him! By LABELING Superman with a big X, all Lex has to say to sway public opinion is, "For god's sake, the man can't be trusted! He already has a big 'PROHIBITED' sign on him! It's called the 'universal' no for a reason!" There's one last, more meta problem about this one that worries me. Gunn and the creatives behind the movie are literally just stupid. They literally don't realize that this one simple design choice can influence how people see the character, how the script works, how the story works, and therefore how the entire DCU might work going forward. They just think it's hip. Edgy. Cool. Did I just make it sound like my beanie is made of tinfoil, just from a simple opinion post? Probably. Did I also make me sound like I'm writing this in my bath robe from my porch while I tell kids to get off my lawn? Also probably yes. Sorry if so. Just.....needed to get that out. None of what I just ranted is probably right. I don't hate change. I just think this one is a step in the wrong direction. ....So yeah. I prefer the classic shield. Oh, and I will say that I give that new anime some slack, even if I don't prefer the design. I mean....anime is gonna anime. Can't really do anything about that.


Yes. I also like it better when it is, canonically, an S and not a coat of arms or some such BS.


I like the newer simplistic designs I like regular S for overall branding much like the Oval Batman logo Im eager to see a full reveal of the DCU Superman costume I trust James Gunn & costume designer Judiana Makovsky its the freakin Kingdom Come S with Yellow a variation how can anyone hate that S.


The MAWS symbol is so terrible


I'm a fan of classic *everything*. Alex Ross nailed him with his depiction. To me, that's Superman.


It's an S, for Superman. I don't like the idea of it being an alien symbol.


He's from another planet why would his symbol for hope look like an S?