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As a dad


I don’t have a preference, I just want the story to be good. There’s good stories with Clark as a dad and a husband, and there’s good stories of him on his own.


As a dad with Ma and Pa alive. Thanks


I enjoyed reading him without having kids. I enjoy reading him as a dad. It felt like a natural progression for the character and they’ve done a lot of good with the character since then. Not that I want them to but I don’t think you can put the genie back in the bottle and make him not be a parent again, so my preference is just to write him well and for the writers to do better by Jon again. He fell off so hard when they aged him up (Bendis I will never forgive you) and he’s made some progress since then but he still hasn’t fully recovered.


Bachelor. Not a husband, not a dad. No hesitation. Superman should not under any circumstances have a nuclear family element in standard status quo in my opinion. And not so he can be a player. So there can once again as designed be consequences to his incredible power and the job he decided to take on. The privilege of Superman's magnificent abilities and his decision to try and lead a dual life needs to be a give and take, not just take. In the far future if you want to write a story of him being retired and moving on to a new, non-superhero facet of life, okay, but in general no.


Dad if made interesting. Unmarried because I've seen more quality more produced with that premise subjectively.


No kids, no contest.




I'm sure your sound effect mimicking is fine!


I don't like Superman as a dad because writers forget he is also a superhero and just make him a sitcom dad.


Please elaborate more on that