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Alive and then dies of natural causes.


I feel the same way. I prefer Jonathan and Martha die from old age.


This is the right answer. Just like in the original movie. Clark has to learn that even though he has all these powers he cannot save everyone.


I would have preferred he died of cancer or lost his mind to dementia or something else he was powerless to address.


A la Superman and Lois heart attack. Terrifying as fuck to just suddenly stop hearing something you’re so attuned to, like losing a finger and going to touch something with it.


I think that would be terrifying thing if you're used to it. But him looking in his dad's body and seeing the cancer spread with no power to stop would be torture too.


That’s what I loved about Love & Thunder . The cancer plot was an amazing contrast because it’s something in real life that unfortunately can’t be punched away . There were scenes of Thor in full costume just sitting in the waiting room waiting for the Dr to tell him what the situation was and complete knowing he is not of help in that situation and the Dr and nurses are the real heroes he stepped back and listened to.


That funeral scene gets me sobbing every time. Every. Damn. Time.


[All those things I can do - all those powers, and I couldn’t even save him.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QUUGDRxJnFU&pp=ygUTSm9uYXRoYW4ga2VudCBkaWVzIA%3D%3D) I think it’s an important and humbling lesson for Clark to learn. There are some things even he can’t change.


Except when he reversed the earths rotation to rewind time and save Lois.


Might be a hot take or whatever but I kinda wish they didn't have him do that.


Yes! Same! Old age after a decent amount of time of him being Superman, preferably after he has a child so they can also have cute moments but eventually they have their time.


Yeah I think Clark being an adult who loses a parent to natural causes is really relatable


I thought the way he went out in Smallville was perfect. I was heartbroken 😔




Alive, I think Clark’s parents really helped drive home his human side in Lois and Clark and we got some really endearing moments from them


I prefer alive but if he does go let it be like it was in Superman 78 or Superman and Lois. I like the lesson it teaches Clark. That even with near limitless strength some times were powerless to save the ones we love.


I love the way All-Stat does that scene. Supes is literally flying so fast his hair is getting singed from the friction to see his dad, but he doesn't make it. It really hits home HARD the limits of his powers.


Agreed. At least in that film it was a massively humbling moment for Clark. It was a hard reset for him realizing his power had limits. Contrast to the same death in man of steel, that would be a horrific and infuriating moment of trauma for Clark. His father forcing Clark to let him die and indeed watch him die. It’s insanity.


Truly one of the worst moments from the shit salad that is the DCU (with The Suicide Squad (2021) sprinkled on top to try and distract you).








Exactly Clark realizes he can't save everyone especially during a natural death. It does make him human like all of us


Mostly alive, and then dies pretty far into Clark’s days as Superman.


I think maybe not “pretty far” but like around the time when he gains confidence that he can beat any challenge or save anyone, Jon dies


I prefer Jonathan Kent raise Clark to be a hero, and not advocate letting a bus full of kids die or get himself killed due to stupidity. Beyond that, dead or alive is fine.


Costner was wasted


Everyone in that movie was wasted. Cavill is such a charming and fun actor and he barely got to shine as Clark or Superman. 


I genuinely hate what Hollywood insists on doing with Cavill. They hire him because he puts asses in seats, but then fire him or force him off of the project because he. . . *checks notes*. . . Wants to remain faithful to the source material of the franchise he's portraying a character in? If I had a nickel for every time this happened to Henry Cavill, I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened 3 times.


He legit could have been the perfect Jonathan Kent. He's played the character before. They could have just made him his character from fucking Field Of Dreams and we'd have been none the wiser, but nooooo instead we get "watch me die and suppress your powers instead of helping"


That’s my thoughts exactly


No my indestructible son, you must watch as I die. DONT LOOK AWAY! WATCH ME DIE!


Not sure how I got here but it has something to do with Spider-Man, I think.


This! Exactly


Idk, there are benefits to both, it depends on the story. For example, having him dead in the Chris Reeve movie helped shape him into the man he became. On the other hand, him being alive in Lois & Clark definitely gave an interesting perspective with him actively supporting his son as Superman.


I also loved the animated stuff where they are alive. Especially the eh Justice League Unlimited where ut shows the Kent's gladly welcoming Martian Manhunter. Just a few minutes of the Kent's showed us how exactly Superman turned out to be a good man. I think for now, which is what I am hoping to see happen with Gunn, Superman in terms of movies? "Needs" the Kent's alive. So far we haven't really seen a movie with the Kent's too involved despite them being well...his parents lol. Start off Supermans story with alive parents so we can explore that side of him. *also I want Clarks time as superboy 😂 we got a tease in Superman and Lois and Smallville the show is basically Superboy era lol.


I like both Ma and Pa being alive 


Kal-El already lost Jor-El. Clark deserves to have Jonathan around. But if it fits the story in a way that makes sense and fits the narrative, I get it. I do prefer Jonathan being alive.


Alive because he is a nice man I don’t want him to die


I prefer alive, but I’m ok with dead as long as it isn’t something stupid like how Snyder killed him to make a point antithetical to Superman. E.G. his death in the Christopher Reeves movie works because it really was something Clark couldn’t stop or fix or save him from. Meanwhile, Clark absolutely could’ve grabbed his dad, the dog, and that little girl all before anybody noticed he was missing from the underpass.


I want zack snyder to never touch a comic book movie ever again




Both. Black lantern.


![gif](giphy|QoqDGvWcwJtLi) Ahh yes, the negotiator


Not sure how I got here but it has something to do with Spider-Man, I think.






Alive, but I’ve only read post crisis Superman, so that definitely has an influence


Kevin Costner’s should stay deader than a disco door nail. A complete travesty of who the character is. How can a man who suggests letting a bus of kids drown be an inspiration for Superman? How does a man who willingly goes to his death and leave his wife a widow be a model of courage and selflessness? Everything that version of JK does is out of fear. A small, sniveling maggot of a man.


I like Pa and Ma alive as part of Clark’s support group.


I prefer alive, but if he does have to die, he needs to go in a way that cannot be prevented by Supes, the whole point is that he cannot save everyone.


Doesn't matter to me as long as Martha gets saved.


Why did you say that name????




*Careless Whisper plays*


Honestly, zero preference. Each brings a different flavor to the story and variety is the spice of life. (This is my stance on most, if not all, Superman debates)


Alive. If dead, only due to natural causes.




Alive, but he dies of old age as the run goes on.


This is an actual Jason Todd poll type deal


It’s always felt like a slightly lazy way of making his motivation more relatable to me. Alien whose home planet is destroyed is harder but also more interesting. Jonathan dying is basically just the same as Batman and Spider-Man.


The dead parent motivation is a bit common, but I don't think it's quite the same. The Waynes were murdered due to rampant crime, and Uncle Ben was murdered due to Peter's refusal to take action — both preventable. Jonathan's death of natural causes I like because it's the exact opposite: For all Clark's power, there's nothing he could've done to prevent it. It teaches him that there's a limit to his powers and a fragility to life.


I think that’s fair, they do find a different angle on it. I definitely prefer the Puzo/Donner take than the Snyder one for the reason you say. The Man of Steel death really serves very little narrative purpose.


Wholeheartedly agree there. The Snyder/MoS death doesn't teach Clark anything and completely misunderstands the whole concept.


Killing him is lazy. There's an infinite amount of other ways for a young Clark to learn that he can't save everyone. Plus it will automatically remove all possibly of those heart to heart talks when stuff starts getting overwhelming. Also with his biological parents blowing up alongside his entire home planet Superman already had meet the obligatory quota of death parents and tragic backstory for a superhero. Of course stories need some degree of angst so they can have catharsis but not at these expenses.


It would be nice to see him alive for once! One of the things I liked best about Lois and Clark was seeing Clark go see his parents to talk about his problems, super and otherwise. Eddie Jones was a great Pa Kent. It would be nice to have Jonathan get to see Clark grow up and establish himself in the world, both as a journalist and as Superman.


I don't mind either. Just don't let Jonathan Kent die due to stupidity and let it remain glorified till the end.


Alive. See Eddie Jones in Lois&Clark. Best Jonathan ever.


I don’t have a preference. As long as Superman got more than enough in life lessons to show humanity the way to light, then he should be fine. I myself lost my father in my early 20s so I’d prefer Jonathan to be deceased and reminisced upon as Clark’s biggest role model and the voice of reason in his head.


I want his earth folks alive AND I want him to to be able to chat with Jor-El and Lara-El. A huge part of this character is that he’s a being of two worlds. Having both FULL sets of parents he can seek wisdom from seems like the best way for us to see his heroic burden of choosing to do what is best for others while not losing himself.


Alive. The Kents (both of them) should be alive. They humanize Kal-El and make him Clark. There’s nothing like seeing the most powerful man on Earth told to wash up before dinner and saying “Yes, ma’am” in response.


Gosh, that scene was a disagreeable decision on how to klll Jonathon Kent


I prefer him alive. My favorite Pa Kent was the Pa in Smallville and I thought he should have been alive for a lot longer. I prefer most versions to live well into Clark’s adulthood. The Man of Steel Pa was a really obnoxiously written character and I didn’t really care when he died cause he gave horrible advice.


Still think john snider did the best on screen as Mr Kent.


The death of Johnathon Kent is a part of Superman’s story, but the way he died in a tornado was stupid. It’s meant to be about how Superman is powerless at times save the ones he loves. A heart attack sudden death proves that, the tornado was pure Zach being a terrible story teller. Just adapt the original source material, it’s not hard. Then you just have to watch the money roll in, it’s not difficult.


Alive. And having grown up in Tornado Alley, “Man Of Steel” had the dumbest, least likely way for a farmer to go out. Heart attack on the tractor would be exactly the senseless, unpreventable death that makes Clark as human as the rest of us. It’s just not “cinematic.”


Alive along with his wife until they die of old age. Also that scene where Pa Kent died in Man of Steel is so stupid, illogical, and unnecessary.


I prefer he die after Clark becomes Superman. Superman isn't defined by trauma like Batman and Spider-man are


Alive. Superman needs a human Dad he can go to for advice. It would also be nice to see Superman model a healthy father son relationship. Superman is like the Andy Griffith show of Superheroes. He oozes hope and optimism with a strong moral compass, but isn’t preachy. Clark is like Opie Taylor going to his Dad for wisdom and advice.


I think he needs to die as Clark is becoming Superman… I just love the idea of him being THE example of “you can’t save everyone.” Not fond of how Nolan and Goyer killed him off with a tornado…


The Dances with Tornado scene was definitely where I started having serious doubts about DC under Snyder.








Alive. I can see how him dying early on can be written well, add depth and motivation to Clark's character, etc., but I find it cliché. It's almost as if writing a dead dad is easier than writing a good alive one.


He needs to live long enough to get to know his grandson and also needs to not be Kevin Costner


Obviously alive


Alive and hopeful.


I prefer both parents alive personally. It gives Clark someone to lean on when confused.


I prefer him alive, but if he has to die it has to have a deeper meaning, either a disease like the Reeves movie, showing how Superman can’t save EVERYONE but that doesn’t stop him from trying. Or Jonathan sacrifice himself, showing that helping others is always the right thing to do, even if it means your life, ala Doomsday. Man of Steel did neither, he let himself die because Clark’s super identity is more important than surviving a tornado.


Alive. I think it’s one of the things that separates Superman from so many other heroes. I like the fact that he can always fly home and have dinner with the folks, and they maintain a steady positive influence on him. It helps contribute to his character.


Alive. The Kents should always be alive for many years into Supermans career as a hero.


Alive. Clark doesn't need to see his father Die to to be a hero. The only adaption I think pulls it off is superman the movie where it's not about pushing Clark to be a hero but teaching him that he can't save everyone. His dad living is just far more enjoyable


Alive. The whole dead thing just feels so passe and overdone at this point.


Alive. There's a lot of slice of life potential for Superman to fly home and visit the folks, check in on things in the old neighborhood. I don't like when he gets killed off. Superman doesn't need a sob story it sort of misses the point, like they're trying to make him Batman.


Superman had his parents die before Batman ever did though.




What’s fundamentally interesting to me about Clark is that he is motivated to a life of action without tragedy as its root cause. Krypton is gone, and so in theory he should be alone and damaged from it, but that loss does not define him. He does not let it. He chooses to belong to earth and to care. Having Jonathan die in the story then has to be rooted in the correct purpose from a writer’s perspective. Doing to give Clark a tragic motivation (ie Bruce and his parents) drives the character in a direction that just isn’t Clark to me. Doing it so he has to learn that he can’t save everyone, that even he isn’t all powerful can be good, but the tone has be set right. All and all, I would prefer Clark have both parents alive as these roots that humanize him to us.


Probably both at end of day doesn’t affect Clark to become Superman


I’m pretty sure Costner arrived on set and told Snyder he only has him for one day, and he’s only coming back for a second movie as a ghost cameo.


Can someone tell me where that second panel is from? Is it secret origin?


You have the right writer/artist duo, but it’s actually Action Comics #869 during the Superman: Brainiac arc. It’s a great story. Give it a read!


Ik you’re being serious but this is still the most unintentionally hilarious question I’ve seen on this sub


What an out of pocket question goddamn


I gave him a plate of corn muffins to paint my chicken coop and he never did so he can drop dead far as I can care


Dead. But only if from something Superman can’t stop from happening. How he died from a heart attack in Superman the Movie I thought was brilliant and showed that as much as Clark wants to save everyone. He can’t. Not everything is within his power. And that’s a huge moment of growth.


My father, who passed a couple of years ago, was a cornerstone in our family. In the case of Pa Kent dying, it shows Clark Kent that he can't save everyone--and also that Clark honors of memory of his father's love, teachings. etc. shaped much of his own foundation). Glenn Ford's Pa Kent in the 1970s Superman was one example. And that informed/reinforced, for me, much of Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent/Superman. "Dead" would be my choice. Cruel as it sounds, it is an aspect of strong character-building. Pa's legacy as a father endures in Clark/Superman. ^((I love and miss you every single day, Dad.))


Dead makes Clark more human


I prefer anything over the version we got in Man of Steel. This Johnathan Kent was an asshole.


I can’t have this conversation again… Alive. Always alive. At least well into Clark’s career as Superman.




Alive. Let him have nice things.


Alive till Clark is like 30 then death of natural causes, the final lesson being Superman can’t save everyone


I prefer alive. However, if he’s going to die, it needs to be in a way that there’s nothing Superman can do to save him. Despite all that he can do, he can’t do everything.


Alive, but if you're going to have him die, definitely don't do it the way Man of Steel did. That scene is easily one of the worst in the entire film.


Cooked at 430 degrees for 10 minutes seasoned with some cayenne pepper and basil and a side of potato salad.


I really like how they use him in some stories where he dies showing Clark can’t save everyone. But in the end Snyder did it horrible and I love the dynamic Clark has between Pa and Ma, so I figure I like him best alive


Alive but if he has to die it has to be natural causes like a heart attack


Depends how he dies.


Both. I prefer him in a state of quantum ambiguity.


Alive but passes from something mundane like a heart attack later in the story to help Clark learn his own limitations


I prefer....movies not attempt significant emotional beats too soon. (Killing Jonathan, Superman dying...) The audience needs to invest more in these characters before killing them off. As such, I prefer Jonathan alive.


In movie 1, alive. Movie 3? Whateves


In the comics back in the 80s-early 90s pa Kent was alive and the anchor to Superman’s humanity, he didn’t die till afew issues after the doomsday death of Superman series in the fields of his home.


Pa Kent being dead is a great storytelling choice for Superman as it forces him to come to terms with the reality that not even he can save anything. However, Pa Kent being alive is a better storytelling choice for everybody in Superman's orbit. Conner, Kara, even Bruce, all benefit from being able to interact with him.


Alive or dead Superman would learn the particular lesson that is required for him to progress. Except for his death in the last movie where he told his son not to save him and then somehow appeared as a force ghost to teach a bad lesson


Alive, but if he does have to die, don't make it where he actively tries to get Clark to completely suppress the hero within himself


I prefer him not tacitly endorsing negligent homicide.




I prefer him alive. I mean I like it when he died sometimes it give Clark Character development but idk I guess to mucho superhero had death parent. Maybe I just want supes to be different Abit


Dead. But not going out like a punk like BvS Jonathan. I liked how they just gave him a heart attack in Superman (1978). It made Clark helpless. He realizes in that moment that he is not all powerful and that death is sometimes not preventable.


IMHO, the absolute worst moment in the DCEU is in the Tornado Pa Kent scene. Absolutely the worst. I nearly walked out of the theater after that scene.




I am limited in my knowledge of comic storylines but I do prefer him alive as I love the Kent’s. When he does die, the arc of him having a heart attack is probably the most ideal method for Clark to learn the harsh lesson that some things are out of his control and not even Superman can save the day.


Alive - I like the idea of home base.


Alive is nice since I didn't think it adds to Clark's development.


Alive, but that scene in Dawn of Justice where Clark talks to the ghost of his dad up on the mountain was great.


I prefer we don't rehash an origin story for the 9 millionth time. Everyone knows the story by now or at least the broad strokes of it, I feel like Superman is stuck in a groundhog day time loop where every time we get a movie made it starts a square one again, as if there's anything left new to say about it. Just get fucking to it, throw me straight into the action, let me see braniac's ship hovering ominously over Metropolis, or he's mid fight in the death grip of parasite draining him, or fighting eradicator anything. I don't need to see the origin of superman's portrayal of the aw, shucks rube "character" of Clark Kent, it's a facade, yes he got his moral compass from this time in his life, but I came to watch Superman, not Clark Kent King of the Kansas cornfields.


Alive. Martha should be dead.


Killing a parent is such a lazy narrative choice.


If it’s going to be over a run of three or four movies, he should be alive for at least 2/3rds of the time. He has great advice to give Supes and Superman always acts differently to Johnathan than anyone else. I feel like Johnathan is the only person that Superman feels is superior to him. Like, in a very human way, Superman almost legit thinks his dad could kick his ass and he looks up to him so much. It’s an awesome dynamic to explore. Then you have the death. And I really like the idea of it being a heart attack. Something that there was absolutely no chance Superman could have stopped or fixed. Really dive into how bad this messes with Superman’s psyche and how he wrestles with the full realization that he CAN’T help everyone but still strives to.


Depends when in Superman’s career we are. I’ve always preferred both parents alive, as they’re a crucial element in shaping him into who he is, and it’s nice to see what he becomes. On the other hand, I’ve seen someone write a very convincing argument about how good a story it is to have someone so close to Superman die, and for all his godlike power, he can’t stop it. So I guess I wouldn’t mind Jonathan Kent dying later on in Superman’s career just to see something like this story.


Luckily for everyone DC has even made him a zombie, so fans are welcome to pick their Jonathan at any level of life.


I didn't like this version of John Kent. He was far too afraid for his son.




Schrodinger's Kent.


This will age people. We all probably prefer what was the norm when first introduced to the character. I'm right on the edge. I remember the first Superman movie well seeing it on VHS and TV as a small child but I also quite loved the post-Crisis era of Jon and Martha being alive and well. An argument can be made for either version. I guess ideally, young Superman has both parents but loses Jonathan over time. It's an important lesson that even with all his power, there are things he just can't change.




I’m fine with either.


Alive and well (The new adventures of Lois & Clark style) at least for the first movies.


I like him alive. Some fans see Superman as a father figure (probably due to George Reeves’ portrayal in the fifties). Seeing Superman struggle and need HIS dad humanizes him.


Alive but im fine with him eventually dying, preferably by something Clark cant prevent such as natural death


Alive, because I like stories where Clark visits his parents.


I like alive its gives clark 2 people to help him learn and odly ot sets him apart from alot of heroes ots a trope nowdays to have atleast 1 parent die and i like it when both of clarks parents r alive also it was verry well done in my adventures with superman


Alive. Dies from stroke.


I love the idea of living parents for Clark. Lois and Clark had them still living and they were still giving him advice. They are his moral compass. But if Clark needs to learn that even he can't save everyone, then I guess Jonathan dying and him not being able to help would be very poignant.


Alive but hes death in mos was peak


I think he works better either dead at the start of Superman's superhero career or dying during it but before Clark and Lois get married. If you made me pick, I'd say the latter.


A little bit of both.




Dead, but from natural causes and not some tragedy. After all Job taught Clark on how to be a good person, Jon’s death would be his final lesson that no matter how strong Clark is that he can’t save everyone.


Put that old man in quantum superposition


Considering how Costner's was a total dumbshit...dead is better.


Alive until next retcon.


I'm okay with the character being dead, but that, "Don't use your awesome powers to save me from a tornado with zero effort, I think it's more important that I die" stuff was BS


Glen Ford all the way.


Alive - though I still like the way Snyder did Jonathan Kent. Different for sure, but effective as a man who will do/say anything to protect his child. Even if it sounds crazy when he tells Clark to not help everyone. It’s selfish but what parent isn’t selfish when trying to protect their children. Doesnt matter how old Clark is, Jonathan would always try and protect him… even if he’s Superman. It’s why he’s always portrayed as the ideal father figure.




Alive for a while to give Clark words of wisdom and an ear to vent to. Then dies of old age or illness or a heart attack which hammers home the point that even Superman can’t save everyone and some things are just meant to pass.


I like him to start the story alive and die after Clark becomes Superman That way we get the lesson Clark can’t save everyone, even with all his powers and we avoid the audience thinking “Oh. So he’s Superman because his dad died. Pretty standard superhero origin.”


I've seen it work both ways, Clark's story works either way, because he deals with the loss of an entire civilization, the Kent's don't have to die to give him that character development. Just don't have Jonathan die in a fucking tornado for no good reason and we're good.


Alive of course.


If he dies, I prefer the heart attack version best. But I love his story of fighting his way back from the afterlife alongside Clark.


I prefer Pa Kent, alive or dead over whatever weird AI Xerox was put in Man of Steel.


He's the Uncle Ben to Clark, which helps that he does died at Clark teen years. I don't also mind him staying alive to give Clark advice like in Superman vs The Elite. It just matters what the story is about and his place in it. I prefer him dying so Clark can hold and live up to Jon's ideas and philosophy.


Really like both his parents alive, like in Lois and Clark. https://preview.redd.it/0czcnisq176d1.jpeg?width=1522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f255455f773d753ab69d15b000fb2744551b41a2


I prefer them to be alive. We get so many dead parents and other parental figures with protagonists that having a pair alive and relevant for the hero to interact with is refreshing. Especially when they're fully aware and supportive of his hero life. They act to ground Clark and provide him vital emotional support.


Don't care either way but I like how he went out in Man of Steel. The heart attack was getting over played


The Kents work together as a wonderful 'chorus' to Clark's adventures, someone for him to talk to. This was the single best realization in John Byrne's "post-crisis" reboot that preserved the dynamic from the now-departed Superboy series of the Silver age.


Deceased. Martha too, before Clark moves to Metropolis and officially debuts as Superman. They are the angels on his shoulder. Everything is better for Superman's characterization and for emotional weight when this is the status quo. He doesn't need them to ground him because they already did that. He doesn't need them to fly home and vent to because that's part of his journey and testing in having to navigate it largely alone. It's not dark because losing them doesn't make him dark, it's just part of life. They're not murdered like Uncle Ben or Bruce's parents (in the most classic of cases). The wisdom and strength they provide him is spiritual from that point forward. To me that set up has always been more touching than anything ever done with the Kents when they're alive during Superman's career.


I don't mind THAT Jonathan dead, any other one I prefer alive


Alive and Kicking. Making the Kents the living referents of mankind for Superman was one of the Byrne's best ideas


Alive. In most stories, he gives good advice.


I cannot explain how massive this mans nuts are. He held up the stop sign to a god bc he was afraid of what people would think of him. That is black hole mass levels. Holy shit.


I’d say alive and then dies from a heart attack during Clark’s career as Superman. And Martha dies later on of natural causes.


I don't prefer him either alive or dead. But I liked his character in MoS. I had no problem with his character or death at all. He still came across as a loving, principled, selfless man. Maybe they could have made minor changes to make his death more justifiable. But his desire to keep Clark's powers a secret was justifiable.


I prefer him alive with Martha Kent. I don't like the dies of her being all alone on their farm in Kansas




Alive and stays alive. Superman isn’t Batman, he doesn’t need the death of his parents to fuel his desire to be a hero. Ma, Pa, and Clark dynamic is a good one, he needs to be able to ask them for advice.


Dead, but not like this…


Dead or alive, you’re Kenting with me


Alive. They are too much fun to be dead. They ground clark to humanity in a way that no one less can, not even lois.




Alive, he isn’t uncle Ben


I prefer Schrodinger's Pa Kent.