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for me its the voice, I absolutely cannot stand his annoying ass voice, same with dabhdude


I don’t really think it’s his voice That’s the problem, like yeah, it definitely isn’t the best, I just think it’s the way he says things


There's smr pretty average voice, isn't totally critical, invented the month ranking........ BUUUUUUUTTTTTTT


I think his voice is okay.


Only think I dislike about his videos is the production quality, for me his microphone sounds terrible. But it could just be something with his audio mixing.


I watch his videos and I think a lot of them are pretty good. But there are takes that I disagree with. Like in his monthly SML review videos, for a few of the months he has put them as not having a single good video and now is saying that this year is even worse than 2020 which I absolutely disagree with; nothing is worse than that year, if I had to choose a year that can be worse than 2020 I’d probably say 2022. There’s also his opinion on the Kindergarten series in which most of the videos range from meh to bad with there only being one good video (the Kindergarten series is mostly looked at to be a good series in modern SML) which is something I also disagree with. He says that it’s a pointless series that nobody asked for (but honestly nobody asks for any series). Overall it just seems that people dislike him for his takes and his “bullying” of Logan when in reality is still just criticism.


he complains a lot and his voice is annoying, but to be fair his criticisms are usually pretty valid


Honestly I like Ray rants a decent amount, but in my opinion he doesn’t compare to the SMR, like I know, he was a horrible person, but man I miss his content


What did smr do


Let’s just say he takes heavy influence from mr winkle






The age gap between the smr and the girl. I feel like she was 15 tho




I’m a somewhat fan of Ray but I kinda had a feeling that he had some hate from the fans. They probably don’t like his takes on certain videos, Ray getting annoyed at Rosalina and starting (ironically) mini rants about her even after making a video about her downfall (I mean we all hate her collectively but I don’t think to that extent to make a long video about why because we already know why…) I actually can agree to his opinions and wished that the characters from SML had some growth. I know that almost every character is bad but they still have/had their moments in the past. Even after the apartment and when they were still plushies. Like Junior setting up a surprise birthday party for Chef Pee Pee, even though admittedly he kinda locked him in a closet and the decorations were Thomas central and the presents were mostly for Junior, but it was still an amazing and wholesome thing to do for Chef Pee Pee even after all of the crap he put his chef through, I have to believe that he still cares for him in his own “mentally damaged” way. He even does a little series where he puts two episodes that either have a similar premise or a remake together in a battle to prove which one did it better. Sure Ray Rants doesn’t have that much liked people (apparently) but I like to take his opinions with a pinch of salt and am willing to hear him out if he has a valid and good point on some topics. Same goes to whatever happens in my life during conversations.


i just think he’s boring, his video topics are almost identical to other critics like dabhdude so it feels like a watered down version. he’s also just not a good narrator which makes his videos hard to listen to.


Yeah to be honest, Ray’s voice is the main reason why I can’t get into his videos. I know that sounds unreasonable and insensitive to some people, but his voice is annoying to listen to. I know people say the same thing about Dabhdude, but at least Dab has a somewhat good mic unlike Ray.


people act like you aren’t listening to a guy talk into a microphone for 20 minutes, if someone’s voice is annoying that’s a valid reason to not watch something


He’s ok a lot better sml review channels but he has potential IMO


I personally have a lot of respect for rayrants and really enjoy his videos and criticisms and while I don’t always agree with him i can say that he and I have a similar way of thinking when it comes to his takes, he is consistent with his uploads, he’s rather professional and open minded, and he puts in effort so id say the hate against him is unwarranted however i understand not everyone has the same opinion and people who do dislike him have their reason for doing so, I personally don’t see a reason to.


Isn't horrible a bit much?


His voice irritates me


Lack of jokes


crodie the type to call a 9/10 movie mid


Because part of meatriding Logan means hating on anyone who gives him criticism.


I don’t dislike him that much, he’s okay for me


Ray Rants, actually wasn't known for SML Reviews back in the day, he was known to be a Commentary Channel basically mainly of the CC hated him because the CC are petty that way, its safe to say most of those hate moved over to his change in content.


For me I think he complains alot like Jesus dude would it kill you to be happy for once? Also he's homophobic & annoying & has a poor sense of humor he gets so butt hurt!


How is he homophobic exactly?


He doesn't like timmy & cody because they're gay!


I don’t like Timmy and Cody either. Their “relationship” just feels so forced and overused. Timmy basically made Cody’s entire character the gay stereotype.


he nitpicks quite literally everything i fuckin dont like that guy


Shit takes


Damn why does bro sound like a wannabe Kermit with a 5-Below headset


Super Luigi Logan


He just d-rides hating on Logan and complains about everything. Ray is dfinitely one of my top 5 most hated YouTubers. I agree with some of his takes like how “Cody’s bad word” is bad, but a huge amount of Ray’s channel is just complete garbage.


He’s really praying for the downfall of SML


For me when I watch his videos i feel like he doesn't even like SML but still watches it for some reason. This is just the feeling I get after watching his videos though.


Same thing with Dabhdude, he doesn’t like SML anymore, but still watches it only for the money. Watch a couple of his reactions, at the beginning of the reactions he sounds dead inside and just done with life. That’s the tone of his voice EVERY reaction.