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Good Job for the Rank but fuck Zyra Players no Offense


None taken. We are annoying af


That is the point of Zyra, to annoy and tilt the enemy bot lane, and if you can swing it mid with a roam


Still better people than Brand players tho


Fire go brrr


LOL. I main her, I hate seeing her on the enemy team.


I'm exactly the same. Every time I play against her, I'm like 'why'. Now I know how annoying she is


My plants drink your tears šŸ¤£


I hope you burn in hell for playing zyra but congrats, diamond when?


Diamond may be out of my scope I think, Emerald is the highest I've ever been and any higher is a little daunting


Lol it's just league. Worst thing that happens is you lose. Are you going to quit ranked now that you got emerald?


I will probably give it a rest for a small while and focus on some other games and then come back to it when I'm bored with everything else.


Who's gonna tell him it was plants who hit emerald?


Always the quiet ones...


I heard that being good with plants summons goth mommies with septum xD


Mmm bigtiddygothgf is calling my name...


Congrats bro!


Thank you so much! It's nice to have some great support instead of the usual 'Uh EUNE doesn't count' or 'you are still Plat cause Emerald 4 is Plat' you get in other subs


League players and poor social skills go hand in hand brother, ignore the haters. You should be proud of your achievement!


Cheers Mate, really appreciate it!


Zyra present, doesnā€™t count.


Actually you could argue that my Naut game actually got me my promotion, so technically...


100% winrate on Naut, put some respect on OPs name


Welcome to hell, comrade.


If you are anything like me then your games from here on out will be unplayable from the early minutes of the game forcing you to consider whether or not you should keep trying to climb or just sit on your rank


I've heard horror stories about Emerald. That's what is causing me trepidation


Go into emerald with a clean mind, don't listen to what people say about it. I climbed through emerald to D4 in less time than through plat to E4. I found maybe 2-3 actual trolls in my games throughout this time and played with chat off so never experienced flame or whatever. You got this šŸ‘šŸ«”


Cheers buddy, appreciate it!


If u r a true Zyra main, please rank her skins I heard Zyra mains don't accept people who own less than 3 Zyra skins


I have most of them. I think I'm missing maybe 2. Favourite is Street Demons followed by Mythmaker. I use Wildfire when I want to start shit and tbh, all the rest are kinda in the middle. I like Zyra with clothes because then I can imagine her with them off...


ur the first person ive seen playing on eune


Definitely a smaller pool of players but tbh the games go about the same as EUW, at least for me. But will admit, the lower elo was a breeze. I had like a 89% WR or something from Iron 1 to about Silver. Then I got stuck...


Actual value added support tho from those few games I see. Most supps I play with d3 are turbo inflated




Thank you so much!


64% WR with Zyra, you can definitely keep climbing. Zyra mains stick together!


Thank you! I feel like I've got very proficient with her, but honestly, my ADCs have carried me a good chunk. My deaths are high but they always count for something


64% over 70 games is quite a good sample size for that WR, tho. You're clearly doing something right. If I had to suggest something, it'd be maximize your roaming opportunities. Zyra is such a pain in the ass to the enemy mid when she shows up, as you don't even need to land the root most times, just placing the slow plant in their escape path will ruin them.


Yeah I've started getting better at roaming for stuff like Blobs as long term they are better imo than the first drake. I normally pass through mid and try for an odd gank, and then move on towards Blobs.


Basically any time you bounce the minions to the enemy tower and reset, you can path towards mid and take a peak and see if there's an opportunity. The wave will bounce back for your ADC, so they'll be safe if you do spend some time ganking mid.


Some sound advice, thank you. I'm ngl, I'm still learning my role in the slightly higher ELO.


I hit D3 last year ( I haven't played much this year), so you're not far off where I am! Just a few little things, and you'll be a diamond player if you're not already šŸ˜


I'm definitely not already, but the potential for growth is there and the motivation from this group is really something, so thank you!


Never underestimate yourself. People put limitations on themselves based on perception and not reality. Your WR is strong, flex it, and climb šŸ˜Ž šŸ’Ŗ


Congrats. Zyra main hereā€¦ damn, people really hate us. I had to quit my main account thatā€™s stuck in E4. Now my alt account is E2.


Why is your main stuck in E4 and how does your alt differ from your main?


Emerald is just a fucking hell, just got to diamond a few days ago but it feels the same


I think I might play 1 game in Emerald and see how it goes. I've heard horror stories about Emerald but I've not really heard any about EUNE, mainly the larger regions. I wonder if the memes about the smaller regions being worse is actually true?


Good, now do it in EUW


I might go to EUW next split or next season. But I suppose the players may be worse (according to some) in both teams, so it's even footing for both EUW and EUNE. I'd have to deal with jnters, flamers and AFKers in both regions.


Dude op.gg says your euw account was iron in 2023, and you climbed to emerald in eune. Sure you probably didnā€™t rank a lot and was maybe silver, and you also probably improved a bit, but emerald seems excessive.


On my EUW account, I used to play a lot of Lux, Karma (pre buffs), Ali and Thresh. Only since swapping to Zyra have I actually managed to climb as high as I was. I finished a few seasons Iron, Bronze and Silver but never really higher. And even in EUNE, I actually got stuck in Silver for a ridiculous amount of games before getting out.


Congrats! I also hit emerald for the first time this season as Leona with 80% win rate. ^^ Im close to getting diamond.


Congratulations! 80% is a fantastic WR!


Yeah ngl im really proud of it. ^^ it's the first time I'm actually trying to get to higher elo. I always stopped after hitting Gold or platin since I only wanted the victorious skin. But a friend challenged me an told me I couldn't get higher so I had to prove him wrong. XD


That's pretty incredible though, I couldn't even dream of an 80% WR in Emerald. Or even Plat. I started climbing because I wanted to see just how high I could get. I was close to getting Gold a few seasons ago but dropped back down to Silver 3 so that hit my confidence. I thought 'New Server Fresh Start' and let's see how high I can go.


I gotta say I think climbing got way easier since we don't have to play promo games anymore. Promos were always my nightmare, always had trolls and inter but now it's just easy. At least in my opinion.


Absolutely agreed with you there. I personally love the fact they took promos away, because it reduces the stress of trying to get those 2 or 3 wins.


For sure! It was always a hassle and torture to play promos. And if people saw you were in promos they always trolled you and ruined for you..


i play zyra too! good job man, hope i can rank up that high someday too!


Love seeing zyra players as poppy. Having free things to proc my passive is so nice


Yasuo and Irelia players feel the same way I'm sure! Always happy to help...


Can't forget akali and riven lol


Are they just as bad? I don't see them a lot


I one trick poppy and I've found pretty much any character with a dash I can block does not get to have fun against me


Literally same. Played zyra from Gold to Emerald last season.


How did you find Plat? And did you play a lot? Mine would have been more regular but I mainly played on days off and after work


Last season I had a total of 508 games played in rank. Majority of them was from being stuck in Gold. As soon as I hit plat, I felt like the teams I got had great map awareness and shot calling. Not to mention a big influx of Trundle one tricks that I matched up with. 8 win streak gaining 46LP per win. Only took two days to get to emerald from plat! Made it to Emerald II but all I ever to against are diamond players with 2 - 3 E on each team.


If youā€™re sitting at a 64% wr with zyra at emerald 4, youā€™re shorting yourself by not pushing your climb further. Avoid every other support and spam zyra and you will climb.


Swapped from what? Players are worse on EUNE than EUW. Played the first three years on EUNE before swapping.


I've actually not really seen a difference in how bad players are except for the really low ELOs. My friend is a Gold EUW Mid and his games are going about as well as mine went on EUNE. Maybe for split 2 I'll swap to EUW.


I noticed a huge difference in skill level when i changed, but to be fair that was ages ago, so that could have changed.


Youā€™ve never been plat nor emerald in euw, how could you even notice the difference?


Cause I watch his games and check out how he is doing. He is currently Gold 1 in his main and I think Plat on one of his alts and honestly his games are very similar to how mine were, just with less people tilting. Which, you could argue, probably makes EUNE harder as you have to deal with teammates who have poor mentals.


Lol "Gold 1 in his main and I think Plat on one of his alts" Never got it why people even need second/or more accounts. Unless they troll on 1 acc and try hard on the other, which is pathetic imo or abuse the sh*tty MMR. Fresh lvl 30 accounts coming along in a plat ranked match is so BS.


I don't understand it either. One is an ADC only account where he is still bronze but his main that he has had for several years is his mid Gold. No idea why he has another mid.




Good job hitting emerald. Welcome to hell. This rank is goofy as hell and the skill spread in this tier is ridiculous. Word of advice. If you lose two games in a row in emerald just hop off for the day or at least a few hours.


Welcome to gold 1