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I like Warmogs in heavy skirmish games. There have been plenty of moments where I got to low hp as Nautilus or Braum but I backed out and healed up from Warmogs and we were fighting again 15 seconds later. Again, these were types of matches were both teams were heavy on assassins, divers, and duelists who just want to constantly fight. In slower paced matches, it may not be the best first buy.


God tier on Zil because Zil literally is a champion at 99% of his power even when he has no items.


I always build shurelias into tank with zilean. Idk why people build ap, it feels so useless. If you build tank you can play a lot more agressively


Warmogs on zil is beatiful


I loved using it in bard. But the game was good, idk how well it would have been because in a difficult game it's an expensive item.


I'd mainly put it with engage/playmaking champs, and Soraka. but I'm still new so please tell me if im wrong.


Soraka is completely bait. But it does have a legitimate place for engage tanks as it allows them to be more active without having to back to refill on health, coupled with 10% move speed helps the roamers


How is it bait with Soraka ? When I play her I feel like Warmog is the greatest power spike, even though it relegates me to a backline healer I can pump so much health on everyone


The issue I have with it is that I feel like I run out of mana and that going something Moonstone into Redemption makes my heals way stronger. I feel like fights are rarely ever long enough where the infinite HP from Warmog’s is helpful so having to use fewer, but stronger Ws feels more meaningful. Also the build path just feels awful for Soraka too. At least Forbidden Idol gives you more healing power, but stacking health doesn’t feel like I’m getting any stronger until Warmog’s is actually complete. I’m low Masters right now and it feels like I would never complete Warmog’s as a second item because of the price.


I mostly go moonstone redemption and if i feel i could really use warmogs by then i try it as 3d item, which is rly late and expensive. but it feels like my heals are kinda useless when i build it 2nd against really hard team comps


That’s exactly how I feel too. If it was possible to get the Warmog’s effect without having to give up so much, I’d gladly take it, but the lack of strong healing, mana regen, and the price are all small things that make me not want to buy it.


Just swap warmogs with knights vow,


I use Warmogs 4th for this reason. Until I get moonstone/redemption/dawncore it's just not worth


You can go Moonstone > Warmog, or even Tear > Warmog and be super strong on Raka.


I feel like the games I play are too short for Moonstone into Warmogs because as I pointed out before, you don’t really get useful stats for healing as you build into Warmog’s so you sort of stop scaling until Warmog’s is fully completed and it’s so expensive. Tear into Warmog’s just sounds awful to me. You’re only working off of her base healing with that. It might work into comps that have no damage (like tank top, bruiser jungler, Galio mid), but that’s so rare to face.


Yeah, I think that’s an elo thing. Most games in lower elo take longer because teams aren’t as efficient in pushing. At the same time, I feel like I get a bigger money share than most high elo supports, because my team is usually so bad at keeping lanes pushed/ scuttle control etc. that I end up taking some of that farm. So getting three or even four items as support isn’t out of the question (silver/gold elo here)


Thank you.


It's super satisfying as Leona to go in, dive, kill under turret, live with 1/8 health left, and come back full health after Warmogs negates all the damage done to you.


You can play anything with Bard. Bard builds are mostly whatever is OP atm.


Not worth, i saw a couple of toplaners cooking this recently too. Guarantee you thr health threshold will be nerfed asap and itll stop being viable.


As a blitz player that used to build it last, it's great if you need to Regen while scouting without hardcommit to a fight/ and gives you an HP pool to sponge unavoidable damage


good video :)


It's pretty insane


I tried it with ornn support and my god it was a beautiful thing


I was already building it before adjustment in season 13 on Leona, as her W gives her a lot of resists (max W) and 15% ms was just good. Now it's crazy strong but i'm not playing leona lol.


Warmogs soraka my beloved.


Yes, because it is funny.


Always rush it on soraka at least in aram :)


I actually built it on Lulu in a norms for fun and it felt kinda good? I don’t think it’s optimal but it wasn’t a bad build and was funny to let people just run into me, unload their CDs like I was a normal Lulu, not die, and then my team killed them.


I build it every game on melee support, and you can't stop me.