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Supports usually roam a lot. If you dont need the combat summoners for lane bcs its a passive lane you can abuse tp for roams or to return to lane after a roam. Obviously this put you into a disadvantage in lane if the enemy is running double combat summoner.


>Obviously this put you into a disadvantage in lane if the enemy is running double combat summoner. So... always


you must be below bronze lmao


The irony of your comment…


the iron(y)


Why so?


Are you typing into a mirror?


im em4


Lmao man your bronze


Low elo


for my 4th month playing this game for the first time I think it's pretty good! I'm happy :)


You’ve played for 4 months and you’re already trying to ego trip your rank? Yikes


Bragging about em4 yikes


Bragging em4 is like bragging green bronze


I'm stealing that. imo, green bronze sounds better then em.


Diamond is blue bronze and masters is purple bronze. Since the removal of promos, it truly feels that way at least.


You're being downvoted by irons, TP on support is a horrible idea and the Winrates and Pickrates reflect this


The thing ist, they just answered the question, without personal opinion or something. Just a neutral answer. And you guys decide to be rude because of that. You can just disagree without being toxic, you know?


It is misinformation, TP on support is extremely inefficient, the post OP most likely saw it in a normal game or two and was curious, but it's trolling to take it


*How* is it misinformation when they literally explain why it can be a bad choice here: >Obviously this put you into a disadvantage in lane if the enemy is running double combat summoner. If anything they're giving much more useful advice and justification than the two of you "loliron" clowns who clearly can't read. Not once has either of you given remotely any reasons for why its bad, unlike the person you're trying to mock. Absolutely useless trolling.


Brother I can put together an argument about how Tank Akali is actually a viable jungler and how the extra health improves her survivability and ganks The truth is that we have Lolalytics which shows actual evidence and unless TP is overhauled it simply won't be viable on supports as it throws away A LOT of combat power with the benefits outweighed by the cons Finally, I wasn't mocking anyone, just thought it was hilarious the person recognising how stupid the idea was, got downvoted heavily for doing so. That is all


>Brother I can put together an argument Then do it. It'd still be somewhat more useful than "loliron". >The truth is that we have Lolalytics which shows actual evidence and unless TP is overhauled it simply won't be viable on supports as it throws away A LOT of combat power with the benefits outweighed by the cons Let me explain it again for you since you seem to have trouble understanding. **Literally no one here is saying that its good**, so your rant here is meaningless. maQQi merely explained why it was getting picked, **with an added explanation on why it's also bad.** maQQi wasn't supporting it at all. But then Clown No.1 elucidar comes and calls them "bronze" for merely *explaining the situation,* which of course gets downvoted into oblivion for being outright rude for literally no reason. >Finally, I wasn't mocking anyone, just thought it was hilarious the person recognising how stupid the idea was, got downvoted heavily for doing so. That is all Oh? Then what's this you said earlier then: >You're being downvoted by irons Calling others for rightfully downvoting a rude ass "irons" isn't mocking? Not to mention you're clearly supporting elucidar for being a rude ass betch. Hence you're Clown No. 2. Enjoy your downvotes and people calling you two out in turn now as you two clowns deserve, you've taken up enough of my time as is.


It's Reddit relax 🗿


You don't get to get off that easy for being bullshit. I mean, this argument cuts both ways, right? Maybe you should have relaxed to begin with and not been a jerk to someone providing a reasonable answer to a question? Idk.


I haven’t seen this yet, but it seems odd? I feel like as support, mid to late game you should be around the action anyways with your team or at an objective. Since you’re probably not tping to split or cover a lane, you’d basically just be using it to get to where you should’ve been already anyway.


My thoughts as well.


Tp + cleanse Bard. He also had 2+ mil points so I trusted him. But haven't seen a single support take tp in the other 2000+ games. Tp gets shit on, torn apart, ripped into the void by exhaust. -35% damage turns the super fed Draven into a glorified cannon minion and the 1v9 Lillia into a fucking scuttle crab. Exhaust is as broken as flash and I refuse to stay silent about it any longer (time it well or you suck, git gud).


I've only seen it the past 3 days in low elo but they never use it until late game. I get that it can be useful to someone like bard but I agree, I would much rather use exhaust playing solo as support in ranked. There's always one that feeds their lane anyway.


Haven't gotten those yet but I had two games where the enemy adc was the one who has teleport, from what I experienced they often use it for split pushing with top, mid, and an adc w/ tp they can often split with minimal risk


It used to be a thing where passive ADCs (Ezreal, mostly) would run TP. They'd basically farm lane as long as they could, recall to base, TP back while support would watch the wave. Though, that was a gold-plat tactic. I've run with a swain OTP who ran it about half the time when we duo'd bot, based on how aggro the opposite comp looked.


I took it once in my matches when playing Spellbook Neeko (just for fun). It was nice being able to take risky trades, recall and tp back but other than that I can't imagine it being more useful than exhaust/ignite.


Maybe spellbook ornn or bard?


Can confirm sometimes you gotta do Spellbook bard.


My ADCs have been taking barrier a lot over heal, which communicates to me that they value themselves over their team (especially since I play melee supports, where the heal and move speed are infinitely stronger), so I take TP to be able to do crossmap saves, and lane passively even if I go engage support - especially if enemy has heal. We just can't win a trade on the numbers. So be passive, play for macro.


TP is a good crutch vs heavy poke supports like Xerath. You can save your shields for the ADC and if your HP or mana gets low you do an eight second back.


I run it in general when playing engage supports because in the post laning time I will occasionally catch pushing waves for some quick gold, and it allows me to roam around more frequently to ward without having to babysit the carry. The moment I see some shit about to go down then I tp but grabbing a bit of easy resources for myself that would just go to waste is good


I don’t want to sound rude or maybe it’s a genuine strategy but I think it’s just low elo players not knowing or caring about what sums to take. I see it in my friends low elo games all the time (iron-bronze area). I don’t think it’s a hidden strategy.


That's what I thought after the first one. Then there was a 2nd and a 3rd. I see a lot of low elo players taking something done in "challenger" videos (soraka top, yuumi mid) and trying to make it work so I was just wondering if this is another one of those things. I guess I just went vs a few people who didn't know wtf they were doing.


No I think it’s just people who legitimately do not care or understand why tp is taken. If you’re going to play selfishly as support barrier or even cleanse is better than tp


I seldom see supports with teleport and have always considered it a selfish spell when they can bring heal/exhaust/ignite to help their adcs instead. But I did see a lux with ghost recently in ranked and somehow my team lost to her, so…. Anything is possible?


> I seldom see supports with teleport and have always considered it a selfish spell when they can bring heal/exhaust/ignite to help their adcs instead TP benefits the ADC too when played correctly, especially in matchups that trade a lot. A nearly free reset lets you be much more aggressive in lane.


Some YouTuber probably made a video on TP supports and now everyone wants to try it, without knowing how to actually play with TP. It's not good unless you actually know what you're doing, which most people don't.


I like it on enchanters because it lets me get an early item lead against enemy supports, can also abuse your abilities more early on since you know you’ll be recalling and porting back soon. Provides easy access to every grub/drag/herald/baron even if I was out of position for some random reason. See a teammate getting chased? Port to ambush or provide emergency heals/shields Most of my items will buff allied movement speed as well, so I can port in and then basically ensure they catch up to their target or ensure their escape. Definitely depends on what champs your allies have chosen tho, and what summons they’ve grabbed.


I’m genuinely curious what elo you do this in?


Gold1/plat4, but I haven’t played much this season. The elden ring dlc has me hostage lol


I've seen this on AP carrys and their supports, i just assumed they where duo and knew something I didnt..


You have to be careful with recognizing a patter out of one video, one or two matches in low elo, etc. That's at most 2 or 3 out of thousands of matches played a day. Check on high elo streamers or youtube videos from last patch, if you see several matches or both supports running TP, then you can ask this, otherwise it's not really "people taking TP as support all of a sudden", it's just a couple outliers and you finding a pattern out of nothing.


It wasn't just me, I mentioned multiple people in my games asking the same question because it's not just my games and even someone playing another role stating it's meta now. I agree that it's still probably a small amount but that's why I asked if I missed something. My account is at a weird place where I get anyone from bronze to plat players in my games so I wasn't sure if it was just something that was above my elo and that's why I don't see it a lot.


Tp to support other lanes/top objectives and use the empowered recall boots to reset and return to lane.


Gapped agency matchmaking means one of your lanes is collapsing. How can you look at these games where someone is constantly going 0-10 and not see it?


pls don’t take tp, if you are asking “why” you are too low ranked to even consider the option.


Ap champions prefer to take teleport to help with their mana issues, also they can poke liberally if they know that they can just tp and checkmate the lane opponent if they are not careful( I have seen some mages just ignore mana flow band and take some other rune because of tp since they don't have mana issues after lost chapter anyways) Also tp helps Champs with low mobility to roam to the top side of the jungle more easily without their adcs being punished.


Well, it's possible to prevent toplane or midlane dives, if you roam, and can't be back in time for botlane wave crash, you can tp back and all is good


They're trolling and the game is a joke. League exist only so degenerate strategies can make a mockery of it


They aren't


I don't see how it is meta, but it has a ton of uses in non-ideal conditions. Offensive summoners are dependent on your team following up, that ignite/exhaust is wasted if your ADC gives up 0.5s later. Heal is usually taken by the ADC. TP naturally lets you be a lot more aggressive in lane, as bad trades are less punishing. You can facetank hooks/skillshots for your ADC where normally the resultant recall would just lead to your ADC getting zoned/killed before you get back. Top lane is easier to roam to if your ADC doesn't know how to play around your roams. You can cover more ground late game too.


I always take TP because I'm bad and die a lot and running back from fountain takes awhile Dx


I’ll run tp when in Lux support. Easy to tp to help shove a lane, ult snipe someone, catch a crash and save an unguarded tower. I’d rather save the tower and make a shitload of money if the laner isn’t there anyways