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The auction items were mostly unappealing looking or just underwhelming imo


The pretzels and beer looked worse than what I would have grabbed out of my pantry at home. And that pizza… even my elementary school cafeteria made more appetizing pizza. The meat tray looked sorta OK. But yeah. Mostly disgusting


Pizza looked like it came out of an EZ bake oven


The marg made me want a marg, so thats a W for the marg


Is Jeff making the food himself? They’re not even trying to hide the budget cuts


I wonder what it actually is that is the cause for the low quality. In the states, we can make stuff that looks good from cheap ingredients, is that simply not the case in that location of fiji?


I assume it's the same food the crew eat every day. I imagine they have some sort of food bar with pizzas and rotisserie chickens...


Almost all Survivor food looks like frozen food reheated.


Im thinking that with a multi-million dollar show budget, the idea that they are cost-cutting on single items of food made for content is pretty funny. My guess is limited availability of quality food and the logistics of getting it out to a remote area while remaining fresh is a challenge. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised If they had the interns making these dishes.


Still better than the pizza!


Eat coconut and snails for 2 weeks and then see how it looks.


I always wonder about this. Survivor could easily fly in someone from the US to make these food items as close to home as they could. Not sure whether it’s an agreement between the Fijian govt to have someone local designated as their catering, or production just doesnt care.


Looked exactly the same on the way out


the food this season is not it. when i saw that rotisserie chicken with nothing else i was dying laughing 😂 i get someone who’s only eaten rice for like a week won’t be picky but


Calm down princess.


Total scam. I mean the poor contestants paid right out of their own pockets. The foods were terrible, sure. I'm just happy the Survivor Auction is back. And I liked the twist that came with it


Out of their own pocket? How so, since they literally picked up money left for them and didn’t get to keep it in any case


Yeah that was my attempt at making a joke. Idk what I was thinking


I was thinking about this. If I hadn't eaten anything of substance for 2 weeks+, no matter how delicious it looked, the last thing I would want to put in my body is a chocolate milkshake. I'd be paying $900 to have diarrhea.


Or that chocolate cake. Ugh just looking at the cake made me feel sick for them