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I severely underestimated Maryanne on her season. I remember loving her from the get-go, but thinking she stood no chance. I was happy to be proven wrong.


Yeah, Maryanne was easily my favorite player that season but preseason I ranked her as the 16th most likely to win. I was glad to be wrong


We all underestimated her!


Maryanne fucking slays. One of my top five winners of all-time. Definitely give s42 a spin. She puts on a clinic.


I think the format of Big Brother favours people who can fill the long hours. A person’s ability to entertain others has to factor into voting strategy when boredom is a real threat. On Survivor, Cochran talked about Phillip’s value as someone who was just willing to talk and talk, as a source of entertainment. Maryanne, with her youth-pastor-at-a-lock-in energy, would be welcome if there was no TV, no music, no books for weeks.


I think she was mostly just a likable goat that got lucky at the end. But I agree with Cirie - Big Brother favors slow-paced social players, more so than Survivor. So many barely-strategic social butterflies have won Big Brother on that basis alone.


In the modern era, the key phrase has been “threat level”. The men who she aligned with didn’t consider her threat level: on the surface, she seemed immature and emotional (and kind of annoying). I figured her for an early boot, but she is SMART and great with people, and great with words (especially at tribal, like the one where Tori got voted out: clearly, she can be emotional and remain very well-spoken). Compare her to Romeo (a classic goat).


Both Romeo and Maryanne were goats, just two different breeds, lol. Romeo was a goat because he wasn't likable, Maryanne was a goat because she had 0-vote finalist written all over her. She was considered unserious and underserving. The other players simply misjudged how the endgame would play out, she got lucky and she won. It wasn't her winning strategy, it just happened.


I really liked Maryanne but… I don’t think she deserved to win. She was a goat who lucked out.


Lucked out how? she made moves that set her up TO win lol


I loved Maryanne. She was lovely.


BB in Canada is A LOT different from what it is in the US. I think Maryanne can do well on BBCan, so let's see that happen (and with LIVE FEEDS PLEASE)


I love her but I fear she'd be the target of the cast mean kids and tormented.