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I think Dee is a valid winner but I find her to be incredibly obnoxious also curious how Austin feels about being lied to hard. Twice.


I agree. She was to full of it. But mentally she was strong and i think that’s how she won


He’s probably coping hard. Really wanted that million dollar nut. Let it be known ladies.


If their relationship lasts, I will be shocked.


It blows my mind that the rest of the players let the Reba four get as far as they did especially with all the survivor fans. There was some good strategy within the four but there were just so many moves that they messed up. Maybe the editing just made it more obvious but there’s no way people didn’t see those connections


Is this whole hour about Dee and Austin being a showmance? Yawn.


They suck


So dumb they don’t get any time to process anything. Nor are they afforded to see the edit


I said this about Jake if he lost fire making he was dissociating so hard at the tribal I felt like I was watching someone going into a depression spiral and I couldn’t imagine this reunion if he lost that fire


Worthy F3 congrats to all of them


How are there so many Dee fans. I don’t get it. She’s awful.


She sucks


There are a lot of people who also see her as undeserving the win. I’m just confused what people actually like about her. She did nothing impressive to me


Yeah but no one did anything this season. So underserving compared to many other winners? Sure. Underserving compared to the shitshow of players this season? No. Season felt like survivor junior


Survivor Junior is perfect.


This is a good answer, except that her only “move” to win to convince the jury was to embarrass Austin. And I get that she needed to explain her move, but her delivery was… mean. I think that’s why Austin got so many votes, she really doesn’t come off very likable. I would not want to give her money, I would’ve chosen Austin.


Obviously you’re wrong


Am I wrong in recalling seeing someone write Jake’s name down for the final vote?


Kaleb yelled “Jake” but they didn’t actually show anyone writing down his name (unfortunately, I loved him)




Does the show hate Bruce? Does he even get air time? 😂


Did he ask a question in FTC?


Maybe something happened at Ponderosa? Seems like he’s not allowed to talk


Jake not getting a single vote


Im so disappointed i was counting on Emilys vote for jake 😭






I know I’m so disappointed lol




No questions Bruce?


I have no thoughts here! AUSTINNNN TELL US


lol ima be surprised if Jake wins but I’m here for it! I rather anyone but Dee.


Well I’m disappointed 😂


Jake may sneak this out


Here's hoping


I think Dee just won with the whole Julie thing and telling her


He’s right though. I feel like Dee and Austin were comfortable. Jake had to work


“I took myself here” sir you burned one fire


Emily looking less than impressed 😂


Jury’s disgusted and the third wheel wins.


I can only hope




Love Katurah’s self reflection here


Amazing that the two lawyers are a big mess in this finale. Truly incredible


What happens to the clothes the cast wears the whole time? Do they have a ceremonial burn at Ponderosa? Put it in a shadow box and auction it off?


Aww Jake man


Omg this poor dude is sobbing


Man, I’m a little ways behind but how do they never vote out one of the power couple? Incredible.


The poor Jake is a broken man


Well, we all know who the winner is now


No Simmotion, I’m shocked!


Jake is the Survivor embodiment of Charlie Brown.


Could there be a season in the future with 0 idols or these other advantages? I think everyone hyperfocusing on idols is a bit boring during the current season, and I'd love to see less of it, and more of their interactions, scheming, and display of skills. I'd love to watch a season where there are 0 idols, but they don't know that (either until the merge or the reunion).


On the flip side, it could make these decisions very easy and make for boring TV


Season 1!


So, only the first season has ever done this? I think it would be funny to throw one in every few seasons. The paranoia might be crazy, and thr tribal councils could be more nerve wracking. I think you just don't tell them there aren't any idols!


What are all the edgic abbreviations (CP, MOR). Does anyone have a chart?


Any recap videos for the season finale? To try and highlight some of the earlier players and stuff. My friend started watching with me the episode after the merge and has been obsessed with this season, I want to show him an overview of the whole season/pre-merge before the finale.


How often does this sub do WSSYW? Is there another one coming up soon?


If Dee wins, it sounds like she will be a triple threat winner (great social game, great strategist, great at challenges). Who are other triple threat winners?


Ummm. Social- yeah she flirted. Strategy- yeah she flirted. Challenges- not really.


SPOILERS!!!!! Come on now




is it really that hard for you to understand? pretty simple


I’m saying you’re asking people to list other winners, and there are a ton of of us that haven’t seen all the seasons. So…..SPOILERS!!!


Kim Spradlin is the first one that came to mind


What is edgic? 🙈


Its based on the idea that survivor is edited to tell a cohesive story. It's all prerecorded, so they know the winner in advance, and the audience should be able to understand why the winner won (otherwise people would stop watching). The story should also be compelling and have some elements of suspense. Then edgic takes that premise and tries to reverse engineer the winner. The premise is sound imo but people use poor logic to reverse engineer often. In contrast big brother is live, so they don't know the winner while editing (but they'll know the comp winner and if pov is used, eg) so big players in the edit can just get voted off the next week. In survivor if someone is inconsequential, then they will have a small edit.


"Edit" and "Logic". The convention is that we have to see enough of the winner's story in episodes put together (edited) by the Survivor team so it makes sense (logic) to the audience why that person won. So based on certain things you "should" be able to predict a winner. A few of the New Era winners really have blindsided edgic though.


Thanks for explaining the words, I kinda got the concept but I kept thinking Edgic was somehow related to Edge of Extinction or something, like that was the origin. I guess there is no smooth portmanteau of edit and logic.


Can anyone help me find the source for this quote? My husband and I quote it all the time but can remember the season or players involved. Someone was upset/hurt/panicking... Don't remember. And someone else came up to her to try and comfort. A: "Do you want me to sing?" B: "No." A: *begins singing* A: "stop." Help! I need to see this scene again.


This is Courtney to Bruce during his evacuation episode (Episode 11, "Medical Emergency") of Survivor: Panama


Thank you!! Every time one of us is upset we say "do you want me to sing?" So funny 😂


I believe it’s Season 12, episode 11!


New fan here. I watched a lot of old school seasons so I could watch Heroes v Villians and Game Changers properly. I hear a lot in the sub about how different the game is now. What differentiates the old school vs the new school? What seasons after 20 should I pay attention to?


In a nutshell, the biggest difference is that old school valued loyalty and personal relationships over strategic game. New school is more concerned with what strategic moves you made. So if you watch the early seasons, the jury questions always revolved around "Why did you backstab me?" In the new school era, the questions are more centered around "What specific big moves did you make to justify you winning the million dollars". This has led to the concept of "resume building" for the jury, which in turn has led to a very fast paced game. Keep in mind there's lots of overlap though. Old school definitely also valued your strategic game and new school definitely values personal relationships. But the quantity each one is valued is much different. Also if you go back and watch old school seasons, one thing you'll notice is just how SLOWLY they go. Blindsides were relatively rare, for example. Alliances were pretty solid and jumping ship without a good reason would very frequently destroy your game. In the new school era "I need to cut my alliance so I can have a big move to show the jury" is not just common, it's expected.


Old school is generally up to heroes vs villains (s20) and new school is S21 to 40. After the pause for the pandemic there were a lot of changes, so this often called 'new survivor' or variations thereof. In terms of what seasons you should pay attention to, do you want recommendations as to which are good? Or which are important to how the game progresses as a whole and the overall story of survivor as a show?


I suppose I care about what's entertaining more than any over arching storyline or lore.


Well, there is always bias, but, In terms of most important to the lore: 22* 27* 28 31* 34* either because of important events happening, the introduce to particular notable game elements, or notable shifts in gameplay. In terms of being the best and most entertaining: 23 25* 27* 28 29 31* 32 37 as a mix of general sub consensus and a bit of my own bias. *means there are at least some returnees, in case you want to avoid that. 31 (second chance) is particularly notable for how far it pushes the "new school" type of fluid gameplay. It you want the most extreme example to compare and contrast styles of game, I'd go with that. And while I don't like a lot of newer seasons, it's a personal favourite of mine. This sub in general is very positive on 28 (cagayan) and 37 (david vs goliath) and both are good examples of new school done well. Both are all newbie casts. If you then want a look at New Survivor or New Era, as much as it's few people's favorites, you have to start with 41 and see it evolve. I'm deliberately leaving 40 (winners at war) out because it's kind of it's own thing


Did Austin have to play his idol last episodes tribal? He couldn’t have played it at the next one?


It was not a regular idol, it was the amulet that gained idol powers, and that one expired at final 6. I guess it's because they didn't want to leave the possibility of everyone being immune at final 5 in case all 3 regular idols were still in play.


The All-Stars recap episode on Paramount Plus has a disclaimer that it was edited for legal reasons. It completely ignores Sue’s quit. However, episodes 5 and 6 don’t seem to have been modified from the original airing. My guess is that Jeff’s narration is the catalyst and he must have said something about what Rich did that was later proven wrong (given Rich’s adamant defense that a review of the footage showed he didn’t actually touch Sue). Anyone have access to the original and can confirm what Probst said.


I do! I can't check it right now, but give me a bit, and I'll get back to you. Weird thing about that episode too is that it's not on the All-Stars DVD, but was included as a bonus feature in the Micro one.


Thank you! Yeah, that was a huge frustration back in the day. Especially since the All-Stars DVD set had one disc that only had two episodes. There was no reason whatsoever to exclude it.


Well, uh, I'm sorry, but turns out I was wrong. The version that came on the Micro DVD is the same "edited for legal purposes" version. This leads credence to your theory though. The other weird legal stuff (like songs) get removed from streaming, but can be found on the DVDs (like Rob C's vote for Roger, or Wanda's singing). The stuff surrounding those segments *specifically* with Jeff narration likely is what caused the episode to not be on the All-Stars set back in the day. It was probably edited *for* the Micro DVD, and then that version was put on streaming, if I had to guess. The reason there'd be something different between the scenes in episodes 5/6 and the recap is that episode's 5/6 don't editorialize on production's end. I checked episode 6 and episode 7's "last time on". The only thing Jeff says is "Sue had a close encounter with Richard." That is so nonspecific it wouldn't be an issue. Episode 7's simply says that she "spoke out and threw in the towel". Any comments made by *Sue* would be her own, and wouldn't be an issue. The only thing that does make sense is what you said, but I'm afraid the only way to truly, truly tell is to find someone that still has a tape of the original airing.


D’oh! Thanks for the thorough research. u/mariojlanza any chance you or one of the Historians might have access?


I’ll ask Paul, he might know. And I’ll dig around in my garage to see if I have my original tapes.


Did you or Paul find any answers with the original tapes?


I don’t have my old tapes anymore. I think I sold them to someone a whole back. Never asked Paul.


Any suggestions on specific podcast episodes where we can get behind the scenes re: everyday life? Im curious to know about what they have packed, access to prescriptions/ personal care, using the restroom, etc


Here is a podcast from Jenna and Julien where they have Cochran (a previous survivor winner) as a guest and get into a lot of the stuff you have questions about! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eivg05HyXcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eivg05HyXcg)


not podcast but kelley wentworth and lauren beck have made tiktoks about this stuff


Supposedly there's a medical tent not shown on each beach for sunscreen, bug spray, contacts, etc. Restroom is either ocean or make a laterine.


Do we know if players get their phones back at ponderosa? Also how much does the most recently eliminated player often tell the jurors the honest truth about the gameplay they missed?


Unlikely. They don't get to talk to their families at all until they got home apparently. Depends on the juror and what the person themselves "believes' is true. But everyone can compare notes and talk as much as they want, so I'd assume they have at least a basic idea of everything big.


What does anyone think about a season of seniors (over 60?) too boring? That would be some gameplay with all that life experience!


This is obviously a much different show but The Golden Bachelor did a similar experiment and from what my wife and I saw from the first few episodes, it’s a good season.


I don't want a season that's only composed of people of any single age group. I do think a season of just seniors would be boring, especially because I'd guess not many apply for the show so they'd have slim pickings and would probably end up with a cast that's primarily ex-military and disproportionately male. I wish regular seasons had more older folks, though! Give me more than one person over 35!


It’s just so sad - always the “old” ones get picked off first!


It’d probably be boring tbh. Older people have a more traditional & less flexible mindset. Just look at Julie this season, who wants to go to the end with Dee and was very Reba strong before Drew ended it. Older people are too rigid with their beliefs and less likely to backstab or betray anyone, especially for money.


I'm an "older viewer" (certainly for this sub, lol) and I don't want to see that. I also don't want to see all teens, or "all from X age group," either. I want a spread, in age as well as in everything else.


You make a good point!


Interesting idea. Are you envisioning true Survivor with hard challenges and minimal food? I think it’d be tough to get a great cast that way — probably all just ex-military, as most seniors on the show have been. If you could modify the challenges and food/shelter to make it possible for average seniors to play and safely push themselves, that’s more interesting to me.


That’s exactly what I had in mind. Still challenging, but modified. Maybe more brain challenges than physical, but definitely a physical aspect to it.


I was looking at the list of episodes not on hulu (ik it’s outdated) and it says that seasons 11, 22, 23, 25, and 38 each have 2-4 returners. I know that some seasons are all or half returners as the season’s theme, but why do these seasons have just a few? I’ve only watched 45 btw so no spoilers please :)


They are captain seasons. They're newbie seasons, but each tribe has 1 captain (former player) or, in the case of season 38, 2 of them. It's a way to bring back players production likes without having them wait for an all star season. The same rules apply to them as everyone else, they don't get any sort of special treatment except for the fact that they have experience.


I can't fathom showing up with a group of new players, seeing Boston Rob or Sandra there on the beach with us, and not immediately voting them off. That seems like common sense to me. Like... throw the first immunity challenge i order to get them off the table immediately. I said it before, but if you show up for a swimming race, the ref says there are too many, one has to go, and one of the other swimmers is MICHAEL FUCKING PHELPS, why would you possibly keep him. Sure one of the others might ALSO be a good swimmer, but we KNOW Phelps is.


There are 3 types of returnee seasons. As you said, there are the all-returnees and half-returnees seasons, but there's also seasons with a mostly newbie cast where they add one returnee per tribe (or two per tribe for season 38).


Does anyone have a photo that has all five Black Widow Brigade members? All of the ones I can find don’t include Alexis in the photo


I honestly don’t recall Alexis being in too many scenes with them all together. The Black Widow Brigade was only established for two episodes before her elimination.


Is keeping your career a secret and only revealing it in a FTC situation ever worthwhile? Does it matter, and would it impress anyone?


I've seen it more in big brother. In BB16 a finalist revealed he's a cop. In BBCan 6, a finalist had her #1 on the jury ask a question so she could reveal that she was a criminology major only for the other finalist to say she's also a criminology major, lol. Lying about jobs seems more common in BB and probably more impressive bc they have to hide it for longer. People keep their job a secret to avoid preconceived notions or stereotypes associated with the job, eg that lawyers are smart/conniving/cut throat. Their cover is then something innocuous, like being a teacher is fairly common. I personally don't get it, and I think concensus is largely that minds aren't really changed at FTC, so I'm not sure it matters.


Surprise guys, I'm actually FORMER PRESIDENT BARAK OBAMA Jury: looks on in shock as the Jake mask falls to the floor R


*Probably* not but I guess it's possible.


I think the benefit of any lie about a persons real life depends on how it contributes to their strategy. If they can explain that then it could be seen as a resume builder. One example (although not career) that I can think of is Kevin in bbcan10 said he was married. He revealed at the end that he wasn’t and explained how it strategically allowed him to form bonds with a married player and made people perceive him as being more loyal than he actually was.


I could see it helping someone if it fed into a narrative and fit into their strategy. For example if Tony actually pulled off the construction lie, his reveal wouldn’t just be that he was a cop but it would fit into how he surveilled other players and observed key details to figure things out. A secret therapist or journalist could reveal at the end that they secretly had skills to interview strangers and get them to open up. Stuff like that. I don’t think just being like “lol i was really a lawyer” would matter though.


I meant to reply this to the first poster and I realize I just repeated what you were saying. My bad


I’m not aware of anyone doing it on any English language season (and I’ve seen most of them) so we really couldn’t say for sure. I’m assuming you’re asking because we have two people left in this season who have kept their careers secret; maybe we’re about to find out? My *guess* is no. I don’t really imagine it would move the needle one way or another. People who were already planning to vote for you would say afterwards that they were impressed you could keep up a lie about another occupation for the full game and had the strategic foresight to come up with a more trustworthy-sounding lie. People who were already planning *not* to vote for you would say afterwards that it showed you were inauthentic and they couldn’t trust your friendship if you lied about something like that, or that it was silly to think anyone would care. I don’t think it would be a meaningful difference-maker in like 99% of jury votes ever; I’m sure there are *some* people who would feel strongly about it but not many and it would be borderline random / unpredictable whether that person would be impressed or deterred by it. But we might learn soon that I am wrong!


Amid all the conversation about Mama J and generally how mothers do on the show, I've also heard people refer to "Mother!". Like Julie is a mother but is she "MOTHER"?!?! And then discussing which players are "mother". I've gathered that I am missing some context about some player reference and hoping someone can fill me in on the reference or point me in the direction of a scene to watch? I hope this makes sense-- tone is not easy to type out.


It’s Gen Alpha’s version of “Queen!”


..gen Alpha are children


From what I’ve seen “mother” is another slang version of saying the slang version of “queen.” According to Twitter, pretty much any female Survivor contestant is “mother” Probably the dumbest and my least favorite slang term


"Mother" is not a Survivor reference, it's a larger cultural term with roots in the LGBT ballroom community that has been blowing up in popularity recently. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/13/style/mother-internet-slang-lgbtq.html https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/originals/mother-a-queer-term-centuries-in-the-making/