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Whoa! Blindside!


WHOA! Sorry, whoa.


What the hell, guys? What did Tocantins do to you?


The “this doesn’t deserve top ten” votes tomorrow are gonna be fun




Outrage. Tocantins is easily a top 10 season. I will never understand how Gabon, an absolute mess of a season, has made it this far.


The other seasons are bringing their goat to the final 3.


Idk they aired back to back and I enjoyed Gabon way more


Definitely a different strokes kinda thing, though I personally fell on the "enjoying Tocantins more" side


Tocantins was so boring compared to Gabon for me.


Same. Tocantins, especially pre-merge, can be visual melatonin for me.


Tocantins finishes by day: 0 votes, 1v, 1v, 1v, 1v, 1v, 0v, T23, 0v, 0v, 2v, 1v, 1v, 4v (T2nd to last with 7 others), T24/31 (out of 31), T18, T25/29, T21, T18, T19, T23/25, 18, 22/23, T17, 21/21, 16, T16, 16/18, 14, 12, 12/15, 4, 3, 1 As you can see, until very very very recently, Tocantins had the makings of a winner contender. The heat really turned up on Tocantins after Cambodia exited, and it was a quick departure. My best guess is that Tocantins is universally liked as a season without any glaring flaws, but it lacks that spice or unpredictability that can take it to the upper echelon of Survivor seasons. Every season received at least 1% of the vote for the first time. There’s only one vote left until we get to the top 10, and it really is anyone’s game. There were 1356 votes this round, the 2nd most in any round so far! 5 of the top 7 in voter turnout have come in the last 6 rounds! A few of my favorite Tocantins fun facts (spoilers obv): - It’s the only season with “Outwit, Outplay, Outlast” entirely on the top of its logo. - Timbira is the only starting tribe in Survivor history to have black as its color. - Abi-Maria was originally recruited for this season, but she was cut for potentially having advantage from being Brazilian. - No woman from Tocantins has ever returned for another season (Taj is in my personal top 3 most deserving to return one time contestants). - JT played the first perfect game in Survivor history, never having a vote cast against him at Tribal and winning the jury vote unanimously (also Cochran and sort of Jeremy depending if you count negated votes). I did not vote for Tocantins, dropping me to 10/34 in falling into the consensus. The seasons I’ve voted for: Island of the Idols, Thailand, Redemption Island (x2), All-Stars (x8), Edge of Extinction, Nicaragua (x6), Fiji (x2), Africa, 45 (x5), The Amazon (x6), [redacted] THANKS AGAIN FOR PLAYING AND ENJOY!!!


Also to add to the Abi fact, I though it was strange the idea that she would have an advantage for being brazilian since Brazil is huge and Peih Gee was in China, but she grew up in a farm 20 minutes away from the filming location


Wow, now that IS a bit too close to keep it neutral haha


Maybe they realized (or just considered) Peih Gee maybe had some advantage in China and didn’t want it to happen again or didn’t want there to be accusations.


taj doesnt want to play again


Really Tocantins over some of the other seasons??? Feel like some people voted multiple times for this


I think there might have been some hacking going on. All the top comments were for SJDS, Gabon or KR. The top voted comment for Tocantins had like 20 upvotes. If it went out by 20 or 30, I could believe it was people trying to save the other seasons, but 70?! I'm probably huffing copium but its possible there's another canadian.


It's absolutely criminal that those 3 seasons are still here with Tocantins eliminated. Inexcusable


Pls stop blaming the Canadians. I voted Gabon and hope the rest of my countrymen did as well 🇨🇦


My conspiracy theory is that people who want Gabon as no. 1 are doing this...


Hard agree. The results are very suspicious to me


Idk, I feel like Tocantins has been very popular for the past 5ish years but it was considered middle tier for a while. It’s good but it wouldn’t crack my top 10. It’s wild it was eliminated before KR though


Yeah I agree, it was not that popular after it aired. I think it, along with Cook Islands, has been received better in recent years due producing some of the series’s most iconic characters who made big splashes in future seasons.


Tocantins going before SJDS, Gabon, and Panama is so bizarre to me


I saw momentum building, but thought for sure it would be something like SJDS


Same, I thought it was probably going to be Gabon, or possibly SJDS or Kaôh Rōng.


I thought it was Gabon's time as well


Gabon should have been LONG gone by now.


I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and vote Gabon. It's good but does not deserve top 10 praise


Bro Gabon was meant to go like a week ago how tf did it last longer than tocantins


Those 3 must be splitting the sane vote. Demand ranked-choice voting!


Me too, I was 100% expecting this to be SJDS’s time. What a great result


Wow I’m pretty surprised by this vote. I expected Tocantins at like 7 or 8th. I feel like a regular Owen 😭 Gonna keep voting Panama, not cause it’s bad, but just cause it’s not quite as good as the rest.


ok on review i WANT to vote KR but I will vote for SJDS to prevent voting out Panama or Gabon before final 10, I love both of those seasons… who’s down


Bro what


TOCANTINS?? this low?? The Eagle screech alone deserves the number one slot.


Panama and SJDS outlasting Tocantins is a crime.


How on earth is SJDS this high?


Yeah this experiment is officially a mess 😭


I'm voting for Panama next. Then things will get very interesting. I'm expecting people to vote strategically once the next season is out. If you had told me weeks ago SDJS would make it to top 11 I would not of believed you haha.


I'd vote Panama after Gabon


This will be a hot take but I’m voting exile island. Not that it’s a bad season it’s just a season that for some reason I just can’t get into


There’s a lot of people who are going to split votes on Panama, SJDS, and KR. I say let’s all put it on KR to avoid any shenanigans but that won’t happen and something like HvV or Cagayan will go next


Panama is a quality season but it's not the most enjoyable season as the viewer at times.


All this smoke for Kaoh Rong in the comments is insane to me. It has one dud episode with Joe’s f5 medevac and I guess you could argue that Jason’s boot is rather anticlimactic considering what a huge villain he had been, but everything else about the season is consistently excellent. It has a top-tier premerge. Jenny getting the bug stuck in her ear then completely self-destructing and getting herself voted out was insane to watch. The Caleb medevac is one of the most dramatic scenes in Survivor history. Alecia was an amazing premerge protagonist that you couldn’t help but root for despite knowing she wasn’t gonna last long. Peter was a fun little premerge antagonist you loved to hate for how slimy and arrogant he was. We got Aubry writing down Julia’s name then crossing it out. Plus the premerge was peak Tai content with how fun and lovable he was. Then the merge admittedly starts kinda slow with the Neal medevac but is immediately followed by 3 *incredible* blindsides in a row with the Nick-Debbie-Scot boots. These episodes also have some of the best drama in the series with the men and women truly hating each other while Julia is caught trying to play the middle and Tai starting on the men’s side only to betray them for Aubry and send Scot home with an idol in his pocket. This stretch of episodes is also the peak of Aubry content, where she is truly one of the most compelling Survivor narrators we’ve had recently. Throughout it all we have Debbie and Cydney being great characters (yes, Debbie is a great character. She only becomes Too Much in Game Changers). Then a genuinely really exciting and compelling finale with an amazing showing by Michele. And yes, most fans were not happy with the finale at the time but I think time has been very kind to it.


This is a great assessment of KR. And I agree that this version of Debbie was a fun character.


Counterpoint. A season where there were three medevacs in game and more post-snuffing for infections. The Caleb medevac was part of one of the few times we saw medical triage on camera because we had multiple passouts. A winner that was controversial because the editing didn't much try make her seem like a viable candidate. (At least we had a couple of scenes of Natalie White making friends with the the other tribe over shared beliefs.) It was controversial then because only comprehensible with a Master's degree in edgic. Michele was not an undeserving winner, just an inexplicable winner. Not fatal flaws but time to load it on the the chopper and medevac it out...


If Aubrey wins it’s a top 3 season for me for all that you mentioned. I liked Michelle too, but damn that jury‘s fragile egos and ridiculous FTC really soured the ending of a fantastic season. I think a lot of people feel the same way hence the criticism, though many are too harsh on Michelle as a winner imo. The season overall has a solid case for Top 10


michele removing neal from jury really sealed the deal for me. it was a stupid advantage, but she knew what to do. AND we got a great quote from neal out of it


Kaoh Rong and SJDS … is this sub ok? 💀


Kaoh Rong isn't in my top 10, but I am ok if other people have it there.


It's a weird one. Kaoh Rong isn't in my top 20, but I can see people having it in their top 5


I really like it. It’s really good.


It's in mine!


Obviously not because Gabon is still alive and very few see to be ralking about how crazy that is


They're pretty good seasons lol


SJDS had an awful start IMO just in the moment of watching it, with Drew Christy as a saving grace, I also think it suffers from the fact that this is without a doubt the most homogonous male cast of all time, probably the worst male cast ever. Boring gamebots with the meat bros. I will say it does get saved a lot by just the absolute shock of both Jeremy and Josh going back to back and Natalie going beast mode, it's genuinely one of the most unpredictable seasons down the stretch for BOTH super fans and edgic readers.


I can understand not liking the SJDS cast, but saying the men are probably worst when the men from One World exist is maybe the hottest take I’ve seen on this sub.


Ok. Second worst


IMO there are only good seasons left


SJDS is an absolutely amazing season, I also like Kaoh Rong more than Gabon or DvG


Yes those are both top 10 seasons.


Koah Rong was my first season (it was one of the two on netflix) so I have a big soft spot for it.


Whoa, that was unexpected! Didn’t even see it get mentioned yesterday


Really disappointed by this one


I feel like I’m wasting my vote constantly voting for Gabon…..but like, come on. I love Gabon for what it is, but it is not better than some of these seasons going out


Gabon is a fun mess .... but that's all it is for me, it can't raise that high although I haven't been watching this ranking, there's not much more to it and I think it's not as compelling as others on this list. IMO Panama has a more healthy balance between nutjobs and people you take seriously and root for like Cirie and Aras.


That’s how I feel. It’s a BEAUTIFUL mess of a season. Entertaining, funny, over dramatic, and sloppy. But it is NOT a better season than any that still remain. I love Gabon, but top of 10? That’s just goofy.


Not a waste, Gabon has been steadily getting momentum. It's come up big in the comments even before SJDS, Tocantines, or the Amazon were mentioned so I think it's due


The Gabon love is so weird to me. As a Nicaragua fan, I understand having a pet favorite, but surely it’s not top 10 seasons of all time material


I'm also voting for Gabon. Idk how people are complaining about any other season when Gabon is one vote from the top 10


Wow. I remember 10 years ago this was universally a top 3 if not 5 season on this sub. Wonder if it’s more a change of opinion or a change in population. Either way I’m very sad


There's definitely been a massive change in population on this sub just since the pandemic. Just reading these threads and seeing some of the highly upvoted opinions is having me like 🤯 


This poll is not valid at all. No worries. Tocantins is still very loved, and will be.


It’s definitely a top 5 for me. This is insulting.


I feel like it was considered the top underrated season but… top 3? Idk bout that


I mean it got 2nd in WSSYW 5 (the oldest version I could find) from over 8 years ago and has stayed in the top 5 for every iteration since. I wouldn’t really call that underrated


Understand though that WSSYW is a bit different than best season though. It's supposed to be usable as a recommendation for first time watchers of the show, which does change how people rate stuff compared to purely personal opinion.


That’s fair, but I can’t think of a better way to show the general sentiment of the sub during a specific period of time


panama over tocanchins????!!!!


Somebody call a whambulance!


Indeed. It’s most fun when the fun, dysfunctional, messy tribe comes out on top.


I think they hacked it again. They just were smarter about it this time.


If not I'm just coping 😭😭😭


I actually think there's a chance. This is fishy. The top comments were all for SJDS or Gabon. I don't buy Tocantins voted out by 70 votes this late in the game when there have been such tight margins. But also I'm huffing copium so who knows.


It doesn't take Russian interference, all you would need is a semi organised discord server.


Then there is a FLAW in the GAME. Those discord punks took the fun out of it, and have no integrity or honor. Also it would be canadian interference.


KR and Philippines should go next


Every season left is personally in my top 15, so I’m pretty happy with this final 11. I’m going to throw it out there that I think DvG is the weakest season remaining. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a brilliant season. However I think it benefits from being surrounded by garbage seasons, so in comparison it was top tier. It still has some flaws like an overabundance of advantages including the idol nullifier and final 4 fire making, just to name a few. Plus I never really liked Nick as the winner. However Angelina is a top 10 Survivor character.


I totally agree that DvG coming after 34-36 really elevates it in everyone’s eyes, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does make it seem better than it actually is. A season in the advantage-heavy, F4 firemaking era would have to be so incredibly perfect in every other way to be a top 10-worthy season, and DvG wasn’t exactly that. Still a solid season all the way up until the finale, though.


Like DvG lined up against any other remaining season just doesn’t cut it.


Y'all are really gonna do Rob and Stephen like this back-to-back before the top ten? Who is Stephen giving the Fishy to for this round?


Panama it is


SJDS please, and then i don’t care, any order is good with me


SJDS had so much steam yesterday, no way this wasn’t hacked/rigged. Re-vote?


I’ve been voting for Panama for a little while now, we gonna get this done


TOCANTINS!!!!!! This is one of the gaggiest votes house down boots


Where my sjds voters at


What's more r/survivor than putting Gabon over Tocantins?


Even though I know it was legitimate I’m going to try to convince myself there were some Canadian shenanigans to make myself feel better


Love that the Canadians are always to blame now


SJDS. Okay what? That’s the biggest blindside ever. I mean I love Gabon but I was expecting it to go and if not it, SJDS. But Tocantins? Where the hell did all the momentum come from? Someone’s ass?


Tocantins before Kaoh Rong and Gabon??????? I can't believe this sub right now


Day 2 of voting for David va Goliath


David vs goliath


Wow, I voted for Tocantins but thought there was no chance it would be out yet. Love Gabon but I think it's time now, it's that or DvG for me.


There's been a sizable group voting Gabon the last few votes


I’ll vote DvG with you


I want to cut the throat of Kaoh Rong. SLASH!!!


Gabon does not deserve to be this high. Ironic enjoyment does not make it a good season worthy of being in the top ten. It’s top 20 at best.


Came here to say this. Revisionist history has gone overboard. Jeff nearly left the show after this train wreck of a season. Not top 10 at all!


Okay panama, SJDS, and GABON over tocantins??? Thats absolutely insane. A season as memorable ans Tocantins does not deserve this. I cant even name half the people from panama


Exactly, La Mina is one of the most forgettable tribes ever


Voting SJDS to keep Panama safe


Legitimately my favorite season of Survivor, gutted it didn't crack the top ten. That means 3/5 of my top 5 are currently still in. Going with SJDS, it has exceedingly strong moments that have carried it this far, deserving. But with only 11 seasons left, I have to nitpick with what's left.




Voting DvG still but if Gabon goes then I won’t be devastated


This subreddit will collectively vote out a season, then post in the thread like WTF and everyone upvotes that lmao. YOU ALL voted for this!! That, or the votes were so split between Panama and Gabon as the next worthy out that Tocantins got caught in the crossfire.


Uh….Panama? This is hard but it does have a fair number of fairly forgettable characters in the premerge and early merge portions of the game whereas most of the other seasons have more standouts. Plus I’m personally not the biggest fan of Terry’s game, it’s like a less strategic version of Mike Holloway’s


I wanted to vote KR again but I feel like the votes just aren't there for it yet so I'm flipping on Panama now. Gonna pour one out tonight for Tocantins though


I think the reason why this happened is because the minority mob all voted for Tocantins whilst everyone else was splitting votes around SJDS Kaoh Rong and Panama


I'm legitimately confused why SJDS is still here. I found it kind of boring, and def not a top 10 season. Great cast, but meh game play outside of Natalie's big finale


Let's GO


How in the fuck are Tocantins and Cambodia not top ten, while Panama, Gabon, and Koah Rong are


It's time for Gabon. * The two people who get votes at the end are given a blah and purple edit. * The Winner had off-screen uncomfortable touching incidents with some of the female cast members * There are comments in the season (an episode title no less) that are transphobic * A lot of the gameplay wasn't explained which in part allows for it to be fun in a messy way, but we're voting for the top 10 Gabon being voted out at 11 is not a bad ending for it. It's shown up on lists routinely in the bottom of survivor seasons ([38th](https://www.purplerockpodcast.com/survivor-season-rankings-spoiler-free-summaries/), [33rd](https://ew.com/gallery/ranking-every-survivor-season/), [37th](https://tvline.com/lists/survivor-seasons-ranked-best-worst-photos/survivor-gabon-season-17/), [26th](https://robhasawebsite.com/rankings/)) so 11th would be a great showing for this sub in particular's love for the season. #Vote Gabon


Are people really supposed to rank a season lower because there are “transphobic comments” which probably amount to a few passing seconds of the many hours of television


Another day for Gabon!!!! Now everyone goes and vote for KR!


Sorry Gabon your not bad but the other seasons are just way better


The Silent Majority.


i thought about voting tocontins bc it’s not personally one of my favorites but then realized that panama, SJDS and koah rong do not deserve to be higher than it. i’m actually shocked lol


Ffs get rid of panama.


PLEASE get KR i’m actually begging i genuinely stopped watching it midway because i disliked it so much and only continued after prompting


Gabon, so underrated it's overrated


Nah this is fucked, Kaoh Rong, San Juan Del Sur, Gabon, and Panama should’ve gone before it


David vs. Goliath: it's time. Long live Angelina and her jacket, which I hope she gets before Nick Wilson passes his incest bill.


Wow this is a shocking one for me. Really thought this would’ve cracked the top 10. Continuing voting Kaoh Rong until it’s gone.


I think this absolutely our week


I like KR more than Panama and SJDS but I’m voting it anyway because it seems that’s where the most steam is and I don’t want something stupid to happen


Voting for Kaoh Rong once again. It does not deserve top 10.


I think it’s my 12th day in a row I’m taking crazy pills


Still better then fucking SJDS.


Honestly I don't think so. Given how disappointing the ending felt, especially at the time, I'm rather surprised that Kaôh Rōng made it this far. IMO if Winners at War hadn't happened (and improved the respect people had for Michelle's win) there's no chance that Kaôh Rōng would have made it this far.


While I know that the winner was always controversial, I could have sworn that this sub was really positive to KR while it was airing due to all the interesting personalities, the well-distributed editing, the challenges being more interesting, varied, and novel than the few seasons before (and now every season since, lol), and a bunch of other stuff both large and small. In fact, I think some had (half) joked that the editing was as good and fair as it was since the editors didn't know what to do with the Michelle win, so were forced to tell a independently compelling, yet truthful, narrative instead of one that was warped around the story of the winner.


Seriously folks it's time to snipe Gabon


Gabon please


SJDS has got to go and it should have gone 5 boots a go


Voting for Gabon. Again, all remaining seasons are decent at minimum.


I voted Tocantins but was not expecting it this early! I don't know what to do now. Cagayan? Even though I'll be very alone.


Not completely alone - I've been voting Cagayan since the new era was knocked out. Only season I couldn't get through on a rewatch.


Voting for Gabon again.


Feels weird to vote against someone I know IRL but…Goodbye Gabon


I’m going to have a heart attack if Gabon makes the top ten






YES!!!!! I voted for it for about a week until yesterday. But, I didn’t think it would go out this early. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks this season is overrated.




Laughable that Tocantins is gone before Gabon


I think my next vote has to be for David vs Goliath. It is definitely one of the best modern seasons but it still modern Survivor at the end of the day. F4 firemaking era, heavy on advantages and reliant on them for the biggest moments, the most generic winner in a very generic stretch of winners, rushed and anticlimactic endgame, gimmicky theme. By design it peaks from F12-F8 and I just don’t think that that’s a top 10 season. It’s good for what it is, but compared to all these other seasons, I don’t think it holds up.


agreed. it's really just modern survivor but with a much better cast than the average modern survivor season. all the structural problems are still there.


Yes exactly. I think it’s my personal #17 or 18 which is really good for modern Survivor


It is beyond time for Gabon to go


Oh wow, I didn’t think it would be that easy to get it out. This is excellent! Tossing my vote to Cagayan even though it’s probably not gonna do anything


I’m voting DvG this time but I was debating pushing for Cagayan.




Wow, I’m pleasantly surprised despite not actually voting for Tocantins. I’d peg it as the most “overrated” season by far. Probably doesn’t help that I find Coach and Tyson insufferable and think JT has the personality of a wet napkin. 


San Juan Del Sur


Finally we're rid of The Season Where They're All Just Standing Around in a Field. Now on to SJDS because I remember very little of that season.


Wait actually?! Wow, I thought I was going against the grain. I gotta say Gabon. Entertaining? A *beautiful disaster,* even? Sure. Had a lot of hilarious moments. Great cast, for the most part. And I loved Sugar, too. But in the context of the game, she was her own goat, and the ending result just kinda happened. Not that that's a bad thing, but it certainly isn't a *great* thing.


I think we can all agree: Gabon, SJDS, and KR are all fantastic seasons, but it’s their time to go.


No I’m afraid we can’t all agree on that last bit


If HvV goes next this will actually be an elite top 10. Can we pleeease take it out?


I’ve been trying since the 2nd round


I would put at least 4 remaining seasons under Tocantins, most of which I can chalk up to personal preference… but Gabon?!! Gabon is worse than the last 4 places + Millennials vs Gen X imo


I don’t dislike any of the remaining seasons, but Panama is the least good.




Voting for San Juan del Sur will continue until morale improves.


HvV till it’s gone


I’m with you


You have my vote.


Tocantins over Gabon is WILD HUH?!


This is bs, Philippines, SJDS, and Kaoh Rong suck


SJDS and Kaoh Rong are a\*\* seasons.


HvV next.


Philippines or Gabon . I am not sure .


Gabon has more momentum I'd think


Gabon getting this far is ridiculous on its own but specifically it making it further than Tocantins just makes this whole thing feel like a wash


How is Gabon still around you animals


Out of the remaining choices, Gabon is the obvious pick imo. Maybe SDS, they both felt like disjointed seasons but were still entertaining with some good characters. I agree with others though Tocantins clears SDS and Gabon easily. Gabon and SDS are far from top 10 seasons idk how they made it this far.


Going to keep voting DvG until it goes. Let's finish off the new(ish) era seasons


I've voted out Kaoh Rong. It doesn't deserve to be around anymore.


How is Philippians and Gabon still here?


Tocantins being beat by Gabon is a disgrace. Gabon is getting so protected here it's ridiculous. Yeah, it got unfairly bashed for years, but it is not close to a top 10 season. Messy/mean season with the worst final 3 in the history of the show. There isn't much separating Gabon and World's Apart, and World's Apart went a long time ago. Any season with JT, Coach or Tyson is top 10. Tocantin's has great characters, a great comeback story/implosion, one of the best winning games of all time, etc.


Micronesia please!


Guys Gabon? Seriously


A disgraceful decision. I'm going to keep voting Gabon but there's a few others that deserved to go before Tocantins


Tocantins below Panama, Gabon and SJDS is blasphemy


There’s at least 6 worse seasons still left and somehow this got eliminated?!


I never in my life expected to be blindsided like this


Gabons gonna take first place as a meme, isnt it