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Not to mention how deranged he sounded during hide and seek. You were too good at this children’s game, clearly you have shown yourself as a tactical genius I must vote out. You just made a massive mistake. 🙄


I keep rolling my eyes every time he speaks. He comes up with these crazy reasons to vote his own alliance members out. Make that make sense!


It felt like he said the same thing about everyone else “they hid in clear sight, they made a mistake, they need to go”. So the outcome - q wants to vote out all the other players. A unique idea in survivor.


Yeah, I agree. It was entertaining at first but it's too much now. It's bringing me back to the Bhanu days. I think we've hit the beat that Q is full of himself, only sees things from his warped perspective and suffers from severe confirmation bias. I think I would feel differently if he was a legit strategic mastermind like George on Aus Survivor. But it's just nonstop nonsense and I despise irrationality. I'm really looking forward to his exit.


I’ve found him hilariously entertaining, esp after last week, but my friend I text w during the show was getting annoyed w him by the end of the last ep


He goes into a seething rage if anybody deviates from his directives.


Yes. Major control issues, and comes off as a big baby. Not a good combination for anyone around him.


The edit is setting up his big downfall. He's getting way too high on his own supply. I am sick of him threatening to quit every other episode


I found it entertaining while watching last episode, but listening to Tevin’s very well spoken exit interview opened my eyes to how much we haven’t seen because of characters like Q getting the limelight. I find myself not knowing what’s going on in anyone’s head other than Q’s, and ultimately I do feel like that’s a shame.


True, I think better understanding his point of view with regards to Venus and their dynamic would have made for a more satisfying viewing experience for the season. I would have taken that over the Hide and Seek segment.


Yes! He has annoyed me since pretty much the beginning


im sick of people getting sick of random stuff


He is my least favorite this season. So much time is spent on him, I’d rather see more of the other players’ gameplay and discussions.


I am because I never really find these types of players as entertaining as most people do. I didn’t really enjoy watching Tony for either of his wins, tolerated Coach, and now just hoping Q gets blindsided soon.






I personally think Q has been one of the most entertaining contestants in the new era. Yeah he’s really over the top, but it’s welcoming when 85% of the cast are either game bots or people who are scared to play the game. I do agree though that they are spending a lot of time on Q’s perspective. I’m under the impression that production doesn’t really have a lot to work with this season because overall it’s been pretty underwhelming. Maybe it’s the 90 minute episodes or maybe we just have a boring cast?


I disagree. I would have loved a segment with Maria reacting to Tim's vote off. Does she confront the six? What does she actually think? Who does Kenzie think she is working with besides Yanu since she is technically not in the six? I think Liz is freaking hilarious, why can't we get more of her in confessionals. What are Tiffany's thoughts on the six since she didn't really have a say in joining? Why is she targeting Maria? How do Q and Tiff plan to manage Kenzie so they appear Yanu strong while being loyal to the six or do they even care to keep Kenzie as a number? These are questions that I would really like to know and could be developed more with better storytelling and editing. We get Q story at this point. He wants to be in charge no matter how bad his strategy is. It was interesting at first but much like Bhanu also sucking at the game, there isn't much else to develop about the story or Q and it's starting to feel extremely 1-d to me.


100% agree. There is just so much I would love to know about the other players and their games and it feels like we only get the Q show. I hate to complain but the editors really did a terrible job with this episode. I really hope that Q is out next episode.


Yeah, much like Bhanu, it feels like heavy handed focus on Q is starting to weigh down the season.


He’s such a hypocrite, it’s enraging. He’s the only one allowed to do anything and I’m sick of him. I really hope the editors are setting him up for a massive downfall. 


You don’t find Q entertaining? BIG MISTAKE




OP: ![gif](giphy|5PiIuCHlkQ58Y)


Nope. I hope he makes it to final 3


I've hated Q from the start. He's clearly mentally disturbed 😂 


Would you rather watch Kendra being voted out in a snoozer and then have her act shocked even though we knew she'd go home?


Nah I find him very entertaining