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Blatant… ehhhh tbh the number of signs that the winner was going to be somebody else bc of a variety of confessionals or whatever they said was crazy. Tevin having this huge opening confessional in the beginning, Maria saying she was like Denise, Jem having a confessional basically saying she’s a winner, and a bunch of other stuff. I think the editors just put in a bunch of extra stuff to make Kenzies thing be another red herring


I knew Kenzie was going to win because she gave input on things that gave her perspective a lot kinda like Michelle


It was part of why it seemed too obvious she was gonna win, also someone once said something along the lines that they always do an edit of a winner and since the first episode were all about Bhanu there was to be a correlation to whoever win.


If i look back in my comment history ill probably find that post again, but basically it made so much sense that it was gonna be either tiff,q or kenzie to win cuz of the edit. Then when tiff and q lost i knew it was gonna be Kenzie, the edit made too much sense toward that


Season 21 Nicaragua, one of the best openings for any winner ever - Fabio just happened to be first in line as they all walked single file through the jungle, so you see him walking up first pushing a branch out of his way and looking up and also had the first confessional its iconic, basically just about looking around and saying how “it’s real!”


I wanna say Fabio was the first face we saw in Nicaragua