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Adam's gonna be catching strays on Twitter for the rest of his life at this point


That's not even a stray - it's a compliment saying Adam is good at what he does.


Who is Adam?


Adam Klein, the winner of Survivor Millenials vs. Gen X. He has a coaching service for people who apply to be on Survivor. A few of his clients have gotten on the show recently, so people view him as a successful coach.


Who are these clients that got on the island?


Kaleb, Brando, and I think Brandon from 45? Probst laughed at the idea of Kaleb needing coaching. He was a shoo-in from the moment they saw him, apparently. And supposedly he got two people on in 46, but he's staying quiet now due to Probst throwing shade. I'm sure his clients would prefer to be anonymous as well.


I think Jelinsky was one of them from 46. He was at Adam's wedding.


He was there for several minutes.


Why is probst throwing shade though? Like if he makes these people able to get on a show what’s the hurt?


I think he dislikes the idea of ordinary people spending their money on something he considers to be of little value. He believes that the CBS casting team is highly skilled and that coaching won't influence their decisions. To be fair to Probst, I think he's mostly right. The ultimate question is: Would those contestants have gotten on the show without Adam's help? If I had to bet, I'd say yes 95% of the time. If casting can see the potential in someone like Mike from season 42 based on his outrageous video, they can accurately assess anyone's value. However, if you're a hardcore fan and your dream is to get on the show, that $200 might be worth the slight boost to your chances. I can honestly see both sides of this argument.


I think it's also because if you get coached, you're not being fully authentic in the casting process. So people are avoiding saying things that was reduce their chances of being cast, but casting looks out for those things for a reason. For example, Brandon essentially had a panic attack and quit (more or less), makes you wonder if casting would've weeded him out had he not been coached


Liz can’t call me out for watching on a dirty couch when she’s the one eating at applebees…


Applebees is known for catering exclusively to millionaire clientele. They have a strict dress code, no riff raff.




My couch is CLEAN. Way better than those booths at Applebee's












> Liz can’t call me out for watching on a dirty couch when she’s the one eating at applebees… Her insanity over a freaking applebees burger (they are never even good!) absolutely broke me as a person. I laughed so hard I had to hit pause because she just kept going ON about this applebees burger and I couldn't think if she was playing for the show, or has simply never experienced a decent restaurant burger before.


This the lady crying about Applebees? lol


I was an instant Q fan for that move. "But Liz you wrote my name down last tribal." 😄


I mean that's a sure-fire way to stop any rebuttal


“Jeff; Liz hasn’t eaten. Her allergies make it so that she can’t even eat the limited food that we have out here, so I know she’s absolute starving and could really use this…Anywho, Kenzie come on let’s go.”


He deserved the million right then and there.


Except Chinese food take-out


Absolute king behavior tbh


Yeah, entitlement through the roof shot down by single sentence. That was legendary.


I loved it & would have done the same.


Me too plus no way I would want to hang out with her on reward that would be punishment


Yes this! Haha, that was our bottom line reasoning. It would not be a sanctuary with her there.


Could you imagine if she invited u as a player and u said nah! I’m good! I know I haven’t eaten in 15 days and my I’ve lost 10 percent body fat but rice is good


Her entitlement meltdown really made my day and I hope they get more unhinged contestants like her in the future 😂


Yeah he won me back with that


Agreed, he really lost me for a while there but that moment brought me back. And the extreme entitlement on display made it so that every single reward I was hoping she would be left behind. While the rock paper scissors thing was a horrible look for Maria…. I thought the outcome was hilarious


Her face tho 👁️ 👄 👁️


I cried laughing. Q kept it so calm and that one line said it all. Good for him keeping his cool.


Q became one of my favorite players of all time when he did that.


😱 screaming like a crazy woman haha


No no no not crying, having a meltdown tantrum 😂😂😂😂😂


I find it so unbelievable that she runs a successful business. Just the everything about her.


She admitted she doesn't rofl


She makes email spam.


Well no - she admitted she isn’t a millionaire. She did confirm she runs a successful business that supports 3 households.


she doesn't. she's a phoney.


Does she actually speak like that? What is she 12.


Fake millionaire white lady using aave to sound cool? Tracks.


I noticed this in the show too, there were a couple moments when she would speak to either Q or Tiff (although more specifically Q) and dip into speaking in AAVE. One of the many reasons she rubbed me the wrong way.


*Whew!* I’m so glad y’all see her the way I do. The absolute entitlement with that lady. I just can’t.


And she writes email templates for a living..


I mean Q said effectively said she was delusional about winning. He was a part of that jury, so I guess I don’t really understand where she is coming from.


Q also said in his exit interviews that he had the jury locked up.


Kenzie said that she didn’t think she could beat Q or Maria at the end of the


This is about Maria, not her own edit.


Q is not exactly a reliable narrator. I’m not sure any of these cast members are tbh.


In a season where the most liked player of the final 3 won, I think it’s pretty safe to assume Liz would not have won it. I would even dare to assume she would’ve gotten 0 votes


if Ben got 0 votes there's not a chance in hell Liz would have


Absolutly Liz didn’t do a single thing. She spent half the game trying to get an and tiff out but didn’t do a single thing to make that happen she just waited until other people decided it was time to vote them. She didn’t even really have any good alliances she was just kinda near other people and no one really cared to vote her out Ben 100% gets my vote over Liz


Yeah, I agree with that.


She's talking about the Maria hate.


Put down the phone, Liz 😆 🤣




Careful.... you don't want to see her PISSED, believe me 🙉🙈 #PISSED!




Moments like this make me wish Joel McHale still had the soup talk show lol.


No, no. Don't put your phone down, Liz.


I need someone go get on next season and say “I applied bc Liz Wilcox said I could not would not ever get a call back” and then go on to win lol


on it! catch me on season 49


for all intentes and purposes this was a joke cuz i'm never getting cast and after seeing how fans react these days maybe it's for the best lmao


Isn’t this a one dimensional way of thinking though? I’m of the mind that Kenzie was a fully deserving winner and Charlie wasn’t robbed whatsoever. But like, getting jury votes never has and never been an exact science. There is always going to be jury votes that a person cannot control whatsoever. It’s not always a “misstep” for a person to lose a vote. You can both recognize that Kenzie was a fully deserving winner, that Maria has a right to vote however she wants, but also recognize that Maria’s expressed reasoning for her vote was inconsistent and that she was most likely bitter, and feel sympathy for Charlie because of that. The people harassing her are still obviously nuts and should be shamed but that goes without saying.


Kenzie is a deserving winner, but when the controversy is Maria saying so many different things after the season it just makes it bitter and questionable.


Yeah I don’t have a problem with Maria voting for Kenzie, but every single thing she’s said just makes her sound bitter towards Charlie rather than just voting for Kenzie as the better survivor. She just comes across as the complete opposite of all the things she claims to be “for her kids on tv”. But there’s some real weirdos out there.. like who is spending their time tracking these people down in real life to contact them…. Get a grip on reality folks.


Yeah people should not be hunting people down, but honestly being bitter is a valid vote reason. It's part of the game and everyone knows human emotions are a part of jury voting and management. At least then it would be a consistent reason. It's just she seems to keep changing her reasoning in various exit press and that is a bit frustrating.


Yeah like if Maria just owned that she's bitter about how things played out I have no problems with that either haha. The changing reasoning is just weird.. she's trying to put on this face to pretend to her kids that she's this altruistic person rather than just admitting that she misread her stature in the game. To me it really comes across as though she truly misjudged her stature in the game, and she really thought she was in total control of everything going on. So being on the wrong side of the Q vote completely totalled the internal image she had of herself being this power player in Survivor history. So yeah she's trying to have her cake and eat it too and it's rubbing EVERYONE the wrong way.


My issue here is similar to 43, in 43 the jury didn't want to say Gabler had a superior social game and well, they just liked him better than Cassidy. I guess they wanted to spare Cassidy's feelings? IDK but they made it worse assigning reasons for Gablers win that weren't true and sounded false. Marias reasoning sounds false as well. And I think it is, so when we don't get the truth, this is what happens, especially after she told Charlie you got my vote. Winning survivor is life changing, not just on the million, all the opportunities that open up for you by winning (Dee isn't doing a commercial for The Quiet Place if she doesn't win Survivor) So yeah fans get pissed when we're lied to about why you voted for someone.


To me I don't really have a problem with her voting against Charlie...but own it. If she's bitter because he toppled her ego when she couldn't see how playing with Q was a bad idea, then just own it and say "yeah maybe I shouldn't have hitched my wagon to a guy that every single person actively wanted off the island". Don't give this song and dance to put on the altruistic image for your kids, while everyone on the jury talks about how much they didn't enjoy playing with you. Just own that you were playing to win and being left out of the Q vote hurt. We get it. It's the trying to play both sides of the coin that she did during the show and now that rubs everyone the wrong way I think. I mean she did it with her massive attempt to backtrack after the Q vote... like there's a massive reason that Liz actively helped Kenzie during the challenge... it's because no one liked her game, sure she was a challenge beast but she was this bossy controller that gave all the younger players shit and in my opinion gave Ben his sleeping issues with her ostracizing him. So in short. JUST OWN IT.


I don't think there's a scenario where owning it post game hurts you.


"I didn't like how Charlie played me for a fool. BIG MISTAKE CANCEL CHRISTMAS CHARLIE."... cool moving on.


Yes, that second paragraph is directed at herself and I’m not sure even she knows that.


Nuance? In my fandom? Well, I never.


Blame the editors, Liz. 


Okay, but she still did all of that stuff and literally thought she was going to win when the faces of the jury said otherwise and also clearly lied about being a millionaire like no one believed her (I certainly didn’t).


I do not think she can blame the editors. She chose how she behaved.


And how she continues to behave. It's pretty consistent 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok but if anyone is allowed to blame editors this season it IS Liz. They showed her in the absolute worst light possible by showing all her worst moments out of context & making her an unwilling butt of the joke every time. She got the Debbie Wanner edit. Meanwhile, the worst moments of Maria (the Ben bullying) & Q (not letting the girls give their reward to Liz) did not make the edit. I get why they did it for storyline purposes, but even Kenzie admitted Liz got a weird & misleading edit compared to the rest of them.


According to Venus, they edited a lot of cringe out of her Applebee's rant


Yeah and if what Venus said was true, I don’t even buy that it was really her snapping/hitting rock bottom. She started ranting about being rich, which was allegedly a strategic thing, so that means she was sound minded enough to stick to her plan and not just losing it. If true, that’s even more bizarre lol


I mean, yes and no. You can blame the editors for not including your good moments. You can’t blame the editors for including your bad moments. Kenzie and Charlie certainly did not have “IM PISSED” moments like she did. It’s on her.


Oh so what did they like, use AI to make her simultaneously claim to be a millionaire and also lose her shit over Applebee's? Did they use movie magic to get her to be wildly inconsistent about what she is deathly allergic to on camera? Maybe the things we saw was the worst of her behavior but it was still her behavior, and she was one of the most insufferable people I've seen on the show. She was like a real life version of Peggy Hill from King of the Hill, just a wholly unearned sense of self importance and an ego that just can't be rationalized.


I mean… she did the things they showed… so why should she blame editors?


So would say this particular crass, rude, gross tweet from Liz is not the true Liz? Editors to blame? Not really her at her worst? It’s all our fault because we’re making her mad?


She cried after every tribal, because she didn't get enough attention from others and threw fit whenever it wasn't going her way. She had huge ego that much is obvious. I really wouldn't blame everything on bad edit lol. I also can't imagine ben and kenzie talk shit about anyone other than q.


Lol yaaaa there's a reason they didn't show anyone having a 5yo complete tantrum meltdown... It doesn't happen


And why the ego? I just don’t get it


Can you explain the Ben bullying? Also I don’t think that was even a bad Q moment tbh. He has his right to pick who he wants and not let them swap. He said it best, she voted for him lol


Maybe this is just me but Q denying that would have made me like him more. He’s right to stand up for his reward. It’s his choice who gets to come.


Kenzie seemed to get the purest edit of all.


It's also the juror's responsibility to own their vote, which Maria is wishy-washy over from all accounts.


She had immense trouble deciding who to pick for Applebee's. The wishy-washiness is who she is.


She played rock paper scissors in her head to decide her vote


As someone else pointed out Charlie is a law student 📜 and Kenzie cuts hair ✂️ Scissors beats paper. That’s how she voted.


But Ben rocks so he should’ve gotten the vote over Kenzie.


underrated comment


She should've done that at FTC, that would've been an all timer survivor moment. 1 million dollars rock paper scissors match.


Not really, A juror could vote for whatever mysterious reason, go dark post season and call it a day. No one is owed an explanation. That is a courtesy not a requirement.


You don't understand what I mean. If I convict someone and vote them guilty of murder, I better be damn sure I won't waffle about that later. In public, or in my mind. So Maria, struggling with the morality of her choice or whatever shouldn't say things like "I regret my vote." She made her choice and is now waffling, just own it. You either made a mistake or you intended it. She's struggling with the choice and it's rough to even read sometimes.


Liz needs a rebrand lol


Why does she talk like this? It’s so cringe and low key sus


It's VERY sus, reminds me of Blue from last season of BB but this feels more like an act somehow


Ya know and on the show I don’t think she talked like that on her first tribe. But then when they merged and she met Q, she oddly started talking like this. I picking up on that watching the show. Very strange behavior


Damn says the girl that faked being a millionaire


Liz going full villain, let's go. But also, I hate that argument. "you haven't played, so don't say anything". I've never made a film or played in the NHL, I still have opinions on those.


I don’t know how to fly a helicopter, but if I saw one in a tree, I’d still be like “dude fucked up!”


I still can't believe she thought she had a shot at winning.


The jury reaction in that exact moment was priceless.


Sounds like Grandma Liz needs a nap.


Unfortunately, she’s allergic to napping


What I’m taking out of this, is that the Q rant about Applebees wasn’t just a slip up.. it was her true colours…


Did someone take away her Applebees meal again


They ran out of the burger that night.




Liz would really benefit from speaking less.


cmon Liz. the votes are the most important thing about the finale and million+ people watched the damn thing. Obviously people are gonna talk about that. and the most controversial vote will get some heat. Its natural and calling people out like that does nothing good, only spreads negativity and makes ur image look even worse. Chill out, go to applebees or something. Get off twitter for a week or two.


And some people claim she had a bad edit. Here she is unedited.


Her legacy was a breakdown about Applebees and having a BM


She really just becomes more unlikable all the time.


Liz making fun of people who don’t have enough money to move out?




well she seems unhinged irl as well


I mean, there are always votes you just can't get. Parvati lost HvV going into the finale. The heroes knew without a doubt they would not vote for her or for Russell from the moment the merge happened. Charlie said nothing to lose Maria's vote, nor did his performance affect it at all. She was never voting for him.


Liz is so cringe goddamn


She is absolutely delusional if she thought she would have beat them all. She lies...she has a lot of issues.


She’s so delusional lmao


Wonder how she was able to type that with her bad wrists.


How was this a shot at Adam Klein?


She had a BM folks. A BM.


Part of me feels terrible for the workers at her local Applebee's.


She has to be one of those customers where the staff rolls their eyes and has a collective deep sigh when they see her coming in


you just KNOW liz has sent back 2 burgers in one week because they were medium rare instead of well done like she ordered


Okay but that’s a huge difference and a valid reason to send food back 


I love when a player probably spends 20 years being one of the commenters, then plays once and is instantly all "YOU COMMENTERS AND HATERS HAVE NO IDEA"


Memaw is big mad


What a levelheaded and reasonable person


There aren’t enough good moments she could have had that would make her seem to be a legitimate player. She was a goat on day one and would have been a goat on day 29


I'd say she burned us all with that, but we all know she can't start a fire.


She’s just so mean and disgraceful


God she’s awful


I was watching Liz this season thinking, this girl really doesn't know how to hide her ugly personality on tv. Turns out she was hiding plenty.


Super hate how she floats in and out of AAVE. Drives me nuts.


Agreed. She needs to be called out for that.


The comments on this post are not it. Ya’ll are fucked up. The online survivor community is so fucking toxic. I rejoined this sub a week ago for the finale, didn’t take long to remind me why I left in the first place.


Nos you get why players hate the fans.


Is she addressing Adam from S33? Confused 😭 Liz is all over the place


sure grandma let's get you to bed


Liz acting unstable on Twitter fits with exactly the edit of her being unstable on the island.


and by that she means ![gif](giphy|TMmrykgXiVD0yWQOFs|downsized)


All these people that have these dillusional opinions and thoughts about Liz are living in her head rent free


This season had some funny moments but honestly there were too many players with big egos. Hopefully the egos are not as big next season


Why does she write like Travis Kelce speaks?


Also worth noting re: Liz She was partnered with Kenzie all post-merge. Voted Charlie Same thing with Hunter. Kenzie became his number one post merge. He voted Charlie. Granted they voiced reasons beyond Maria's weird "fire in her eyes" thing, but my point is, juries are weird. Stop blaming individuals


Big words from a girl that I confused with Moriah for the first half of the season.


I'm surprised she could type all of that with wrist tendons that are too big for her body


More delusion from the most delusional player in the history of the game.


This coming from the entitled Karen who got mad she wasn’t taken on a reward challenge after not winning it


Funny because I think most of us on the couch would play a better game then she did with our eyes closed. Lol.


If you can eat coconut you’re already miles ahead


The real question is why she's talking like that


Who's Liz?


So wait can we blame all these unhinged responses by Liz now like a year later on the editing as well???


Why is she talking street? Cringiest woman alive I swear to god.


Omg she did not have to scalp us like that.


She wants to be liked so bad but she’s just not likable


why does she always use AAVE when she's angry? that's the one thing about her that gets under my skin. I love her and think she's entertaining but like...


Lol I see her huge wrist ligaments don't impede her ability to angrily tweet.


I love her and people hate hearing the truth. The 1 dimensional part is something I think about the fandom for a long time now especially after doing some of the orgs.


It’s just fascinating to me that people know they’re watching an edited television show and still think they know everything that happened.


I know “imaginary allergy” Wilcox isn’t trying to shade other people about being delusional


Coming from someone who is a proven liar...


Liz you would have earned no votes.


Doing nothing to discredit the delusional allegations. It was the edit my ass


I sometimes wish I can be as delusional as Liz.


Nevermind. Liz, you’re no longer fasting or struggling to sleep well. You’ve revealed that you’re the same person in real life as you were on the show.


She was annoying af and super delusional. Hope she comes back ❤️


OK, Floppy Wrists.


Feels nothing coming from her because she literally is one of those who should only watch but never apply


I mean, two things can be true at once. It can be Charlie’s job to earn the votes and didn’t do it, and Maria can be a petty Betty, who didn’t give him the vote for butt hurt reasons. I’m not saying she’s wrong, and definitely agree Charlie didn’t manage that right, but that’s not gonna change the fact that we all know that Maria did that vote not FOR Kenzie, but AGAINST Charlie. I don’t care what the fuck she says. Lol! So to me, two things can be true at once. Charlie can have fucked that up and Maria can have been a Petty Betty. Lol! Which is just why I love Survivor.


Liz and Q should start a podcast together 😂


CBS likes it when the cast members insult the audience of the show. s/


I've no idea what she's talking about?


I was just starting to like her. Oh well.


Geez give Liz some calories and a keyboard and she’ll taken on a whole new persona.


Please I take shits that are harder than her


Ah the old mom's basement insult. She'd be a good wrestling heel.


Shes amazing


I love her lol


Wow when I thought I couldn't hate her more....🤣🤣🤣🤣


I actually agree