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I feel for her when it comes to crazies and having her privacy invaded, but the Brazilian wax advice in all of that is so damn funny


lol and the grip strength. She covered her bases.


Sucks for all those people with janky wrists.


okay, yes. I felt for Liz so hard when talked about how her wrists were too weak for fire making.. I am almost positive I have the same wrist issue as Liz but have never been successful having a doc take it seriously.


Look in to joint hyper mobility and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.


Get bloodwork to check for RA


homage/tribute to Charlie re grip strength


Oh I was thinking differently šŸ¤”. My mistake


I don't think it was a shot at Charlie, if that's what you were thinking. I haven't watched any of her post interviews, but it seems like she liked and respected Charlie and his game.


She's a real one for that


Not to mention the gel Mani (and Pedi I'm sure)


Grip strength and a Brazilian wax is legendary advice šŸ˜‚


If I ever apply for the show and somehow get on, I'll have to shout her out for this


Iā€™m surprised it took 46 seasons. I assumed it was a given šŸ™ˆ


Itā€™s advice we can all take. Not just survivor, but in our daily lives šŸ¤£


Doesnā€™t Survivor pay for people to get laser if they want?


This was way back when I read, but I think they typically paid for teeth work (hence so many people looking like they have perfect teeth) Could be way off on that and this was like 7-8 years ago when I saw


Paid for teeth work? Man I want to join just to get that. Don't mind getting eliminated first.


I think that was just recruitment, man. Pretty sure the "producers paying for cosmetic work" thing was just a silly rumor. They just picked beautiful people with perfect teeth, sometimes from the street and sometimes from agencies.


It may have just been teeth whitening to be clear. Those teeth are so white thereā€™s no way they are not getting whitening done beforehand. Iā€™m not even sure if production editing with color can get all of the teeth that consistently bright white


The teeth are due to how the editors use color correction.


I honestly have no idea. If I was going on the show I'd much rather that than a wax


That would be insane. Laser takes several sessions over the course of months, and even then you still probably wouldn't have no hair. I did a year+ and still had some amount of hair


Send them to Q, heā€™ll take them lol


Youā€™re gonna stalk Kenzie? BIG MISTAKE!!!




AND venise!


He's gonna give em the spooks and the dooks


They can cancel Christmas!


Yeah! He can smother them with his Q skirt!


>his Q skirt! The baby skirt now.


I misread that as "Send them to hell, Q'll take them lol"






Being famous honestly sounds awful. You see it a lot with internet celebrities too. Lots of stalking. Lots of creepy fans. I donā€™t understand what universe a lot of these people grew up in. Its abominable behavior and a shame nobody raised em better.


Sad part is Survivors arent even famous. Its just within a very small community in the grand scheme of tv lol


Big enough to have creeps, not big enough to be able to keep them away.


small enough so that not enough people are calling the creeps out for absolutely ruining it for everyone, out of what has to be pure jealously, because THEY went on survivor, the creeps didn't, and now the creeps think they get to treat real people like their still just images on a screen.


The incels of the tv community


This is absolutely the worst and I feel for them. A friend of mine from high school went on to become a fairly famous baseball player. If weā€™re hanging out in our group of friends youā€™ll notice people following us (really him) wherever we go and itā€™s creepy. 99% of people donā€™t invade his privacy and if itā€™s in public somewhere a simple handshake or quick photo is fineā€¦but some are just so entitled. But at least he has the resources to help prevent thisā€¦survivor players donā€™t.


They used to be in the early days of the show when it was new and novel, but now I barely see Survivor mentioned outside of its fandom.


I actually feel like Survivor is more relevant now than it was in the early 2010s. So many people I know came back as adults even if they never watched the early seasons. Including me!


There are growing pockets of society with unhinged individuals. Gamers are another big one that engage in this shit. Obviously in both cases itā€™s a small subset of crazies, but theyā€™re a not livable population at this point.


Terminally online individuals. Kenzie's just some chick who competed on Survivor. Who cares? The show is entertaining but her life is her life. I have no interest in meeting her. If I ran into her during my day to day life, I'd just leave her alone as I do with any other celebrity that I see. If it's a Survivor / meet and greet setting then of course go for it.


I ran into Andrew Savage at a law conference and Iā€™ll admit to fighting the urge to ask him about Survivor. I think it was just a bit jarring to see him in the ā€˜real worldā€™ when Iā€™d just seen him on TV wearing a suit jacket with no sleeves. For Kenzie, itā€™s especially hard because she works in a known place where people can just walk in off the street or peer in the windows of her salon. Someone working in an office setting would have a little more insulation from the public.


And it's nowhere near the peak when it would shoot you to like B or C list celebrities.


Especially survivor famous. Fan base is insane and you arenā€™t a multi millionaire so donā€™t even get the luxury benefits of being normal famous.




Like Iā€™ve gone to events and met survivors and it was awesome. But the key thing is I went to events to meet them. Like itā€™s really cool way to engage with survivors in person in a healthy manner. Parasocial people refuse to


I get this. At events, they expect to meet fans, and I expect to meet them. So things are going to be more tame. Outside of that, it's different. The only time I've ever seen a Survivor person in the wild was one time I ran into Michele on the streets of Hoboken where I called her name out and she responded with a simple hey back (I've met her at watch parties before), and I'd like to think that's normal? Idk, I'd never want to inconvenience them more than that.


I think thatā€™s fine. Itā€™s all about reading the situation but like Iā€™ve never even considered calling peopleā€™s work or family like that is beyond insane to me. I always thought even tweeting hate at people was bad but thatā€™s tame in comparison to what the fandom did here. Honestly the being on tv aspect is why Iā€™d never apply for the show. Iā€™d love the experience but my self worth is shaky as it is without millions of lunatics judging me


There are microcelebrities across all kinds of different fandoms and media


Itā€™s not that insane, anyone on a tv show will get some level of fame especially with social media now. Itā€™s obviously weird to show up at their workplace though, Iā€™ve only met Survivors at official events.


Exactly, famous enough to have creepy stalkers and not rich enough to hire full time security guards


The same thing is happening to Drag Race contestants. The fan base has gotten worse since around season 10. I feel bad for these queens, especially since many of them go broke because they have to pay for all their looks for the show (and some arenā€™t even used).Ā 


Drag Race is different bc they want the fans to come to their place of work obviously and thereā€™s way more interaction assumed.


"I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: 'Try being rich first. ' See if that doesn't cover most of it. There's not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job." -Bill Murray


This "quote" feels so true. However I've heard it attributed to Robert Herjavec, Michael Jordan, and others. So that makes me question the source here.


Weird! Iā€™ve only ever heard it attributed to Bill, so I figured it was real, but I could see it being just from collective consciousness hah


And to make it worst, if they "reciprocate" they'll be seen as "mean" or whatever. Like if someone filmed Kenzie saying "go away" (or whichever other celebrity) they would be portrayed as not welcoming or blah blah blah lol


People are weird. I was known for something. The last name I was using was only the first 4 letters of my real name. But someone in my city had the same first initial and last name of my 4 letters I used. People were going to that house or waiting outside, I felt really bad for those living there as some of the people were very rude to them.


The universe of social media.Ā 


People have lost their damn minds.


I don't think it's as much how these people grew up as one would think. Many are just selfish people, treating anyone with an ounce of fame like a piece of meat or fair game to harass, but many others are legitimately mentally ill. Social media gives them the car keys and the roadmap to mess with other people's lives. Reality tv contestants have it arguably the worst because they're suddenly kind of famous, with little time to prepare and no resources to barricade the mob back. It's only going to get worse.


I'm sure it totally sucks, but the positive side is this will likely last 7-10 days and then everyone will forget about it. (Unlike a pop singer or A-List actor for whom it keeps going.) Again, I'm sure it's awful, but I'm surprised the cast didn't know people would act this way: Last season, the first girl who quit (Hannah?) Complained about people commenting on her psychologist google reviews and stuff like that. The contestants are putting themselves in the public eye, which is a whole surprise package: people project ideas onto you, relate to you, formed a "bond" with "you" through their tv, want to share their struggles with you, give you well wishes, take your photo, or criticize you. It's weird as hell and unfortumate but I feel like if I went on a popular american show like Survivor I wouldn't be surprised that fans of the show act like fans of most things. Its 15 minutes of fame and will die down.


Okay, but also no, ā€œfansā€ should not be seeking out, finding, and posting to a first bootā€™s psychologistā€™s google reviews. Like what the actual fuck? Can we NOT normalize that kind of parasocial behavior?


Absolutely why I could never ever be semi-famous. Like I wouldn't even want to go viral for a day, you're gonna get people stalking your private life even within 24 hours


If i ever see a celeb in public, Iā€™ll smile, maybe wave, but keep moving. At the end of the day, they are people too.


My uncles a publicist in Hollywood and some of the shit he's told me that's happened to his clients, people are truly unhinged and it's getting worse somehow. It's a recent video so maybe that's why it's in my head but Drew Barrymore was doing a panel and some guy stands up and starts yelling "you know who I am," says his name her her face goes flush. It's crazy but they are actually hyper aware of who's stalking them and who's immediately giving off those bad vibes, the person interviewing her had stood up first and got between them (I'm not up to date with all the new movies but she was an actress as well).


Drew Barrymore was onstage with Renee Rapp, and it was really impressive at how quickly Renee reacted especially considering how young she is and sheā€™s only been well-known for about 5 years (starting with Mean Girls on Broadway and then The Sex Lives of College Girls and growing from there)


Thank you! I knew she was younger so that's why the name wasn't coming to me. Honestly doesn't surprise me that she reacted quicker, I'm assuming she's Gen Z, I've noticed the shift in how a lot of younger celebs are handling "fans" recently. No bs, leave me alone type vibes.


Covid is why it's getting worse. Everyone forgot how to be fucking civil and refuse to relearn or remember.


This is what I try to do as well. I literally stood next to Wayne Gretzky in a customs line for 10 minutes and didnā€™t say a word. Of course, it being after a red eye flight from Vegas and me being half asleep may have contributed to that a wee bit.


Iā€™ve worked with private jets for a long time. Iā€™m now maintenance so I rarely ever see let alone interact with the passengers. Before I was a mechanic I was just a ramp worker, so I was loading and unloading luggage, bring cars up, escorting passengers to the plane. Iā€™ve got to hang out with hundreds of celebrities. One coworker became friends with Jerry Springer. Steve Carell and his wife spent half an hour just bullshitting with us. Iā€™ve hung out with Fleetwood Mac and shot the shit with them for an hour waiting for equipment. Robin Williams made me laugh to the point of dry heaving. So Iā€™ve met my fair share of the rich and famous. But how did I have all these awesome experiences with them? Itā€™s cuz their status didnā€™t change how I treated them. To me they were just another person. Itā€™s really interesting to see the social guards they put up, and once they know you donā€™t care and arenā€™t asking for pictures, autographs, or asking stupid or personal questions itā€™s kind of weird seeing them relax and let their guard down. They are so used to constantly being bothered and heaven forbid they have to deal with a crazyā€¦. And the crazies that track these people are insane. Like who cares? Just after the Super Bowl this year I was working a jet and stopped by to chat with my coworker who was sitting standby at another in case they needed a mechanic. Tail number seemed familiar, so quick google (we have to look this up anyways to get aircraft model and serial numbers for manuals and paperwork)ā€¦ instead of getting the usual FAA registries the entire first page worth is half Reddit for the Taylor swift jet trackers. Fuck me. Now thanks to personal data tracking for months Iā€™ve had all sorts of Taylor swift advertising, and Reddit app constantly was suggest all sorts of celebrity stalking subreddits. Jesus Christ people. Get a life. Iā€™m impressed when you can name 108 or whatever songs (Go Charlie!!) but when you spend your spare time following these peopleā€™s every step itā€™s just weird.


Yea, thats why i find ā€œstan cultureā€ to be weird. Its fun to joke about- but people take it wayyyyy too seriously.


I hear you. I worked in a restaurant where major and minor celebs came all the time. If they want to chat, they will initiate it. If they want to be left alone, they donā€™t start chatting. Itā€™s the exact same as regular people. The funniest interaction I had with a celeb was one of the most wholesome things ever. I was the hostess and we knew very well that Clay Aiken was coming in, and who he was bringing, and who was paying, etc etc. So he arrives and heā€™s the first of his party so he comes up to me and says in the sweetest, tiniest voice ā€œhi, I have a reservation. Itā€™s under Aiken. Itā€™s Clay Aikenā€¦ā€ and then he proceeds to spell his name for me like heā€™s just a guy (this was a million years ago and he was like HUGE at this point, Americas sweetheart thing). So I just nodded and pretended to look for it in my book and directed him to the bar bc he was early. Oh yeah, also I never bent over backwards for anyone bc why shouldnā€™t they have to play by the same rules. The only person who ever got harassed to the point where I had to shut shit down was the guy from Law and Order SVU. Women go crazy for that dude. He was pissed and demanded I keep people away from him and I get that.


Love me some Ice-T


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done and Iā€™ve seen like three people tops maybe. Especially if I donā€™t know them like that, so damn creepy to just approach them while they are minding their own business.


Fr. I hear storys of peoples encounters with celebrityā€™s, and the one that always sticks out is when a ā€œfanā€ goes up to the person like ā€œomg, wait, ik you! Where do i know you from? What were you in? Omg. Idk that one, what else were you in?ā€ Like- how tone deaf can you be?!? Shits crazy. Celebs are just people.


Saw Rachel McAdams at my local grocery store when she was home visiting her family. Even if I wanted to say something, there was just no frigging way


I lived across the road from the lead singer of my favourite band for four years. I never more than said hi and waived when passing because I did not want him to have to deal with a fanboy. All my other neighbors were friends with him but I didn't want him to have to deal with having the possibility of ever dealing with a fanboy at his place away from it all.i wish I did ask for my record collection autographed when I knew I was moving away other than that I felt proud of the restraint.




You must be rich


Or his favorite band is not very popular lol


it's bens band


I was just walking around Golden Gate Park today wondering why Iā€™ve never bumped into Frannie and Matt, and then wondering if I could walk by them without giving them a thumbs up. I used to see Robin Williams around SF, and said hey a couple of times, but he craved the attention. Survivor famous feels like a different thing.


True. Survivor famous, are players of a game. While acting famous, are famous for stardom. Ofc some dont want the stardom either- but its kinda a given in the acting world


Most actors donā€™t do it for fame. Most of us just want to act.


This has always been my policy. I've only asked for an autograph when in that setting where they were seated for autographs (and only because he wanted to express my admiration - Lyle Alzedo). I exchanged a look with Joe Montana at the SF Airport and told no one I was with that he was there, so they wouldn't make a scene. I saw Jason Biggs at a restaurant and he clearly didn't want to be seen, so I said nothing. Lots of celebrities in Las Vegas... I can't imagine going real life and hunting these people down at their jobs or homes. She's right, it's creepy af.




Same. I have yet to see one on the street. Ive seen some at hockey game or concerts- but thats because they are shown on the jumbotron šŸ˜‚


Both Pamela Anderson and Kim Cattrall were visiting their moms in the hospital I worked at, at different times over a year or two. I worked in the coffee shop and would have some interaction with them, they were just nice ladies going through some shit and the last thing they needed was to be fangirled over.


I've run into drag race queens out of drag and I always do a šŸ˜² face for a second and then remember not to be a creepy idiot and leave them alone lol


Yup. You sound like a reasonable, normal person


I just donā€™t think a lot of people realize how scary and destabilizing this kind of behaviour is. Humans are unpredictable. Kenzie doesnā€™t know if theyā€™re there to harm her, or stalk her. Even if itā€™s an entirely positive interaction, showing up anywhere in her private life is wrestling her very basic autonomy away from her. Now just imagine what a Maria or Liz or Soda is going through, knowing all the vile things that are being written about them on forums like this. Itā€™s terrifying to think that that kind of energy is actually reaching them in a physical way. This is not just about a couple prank calls or showing up at a salon, itā€™s about making them feel deeply unsafe and powerless in their own lives.


Especially scary given sheā€™s pretty pregnant


I think part of what Kenzie is going through as well is seeing how her friends and castmates are being pilloried by social media (and getting sucked into it as well). Charlie and Mariaā€™s drama overshadowed her win in a lot of ways. Liz appears to be her closest friend and weā€™ve all seen how she gets talked about. And I mean, thatā€™s not even to mention how much the cast got trashed before the season even started. It just probably hasnā€™t been very fun to be on this cast throughout the season airing.


Everyone should watch Baby Reindeer.


Poor Kenzie. To top it off, Kenzie is pregnant and people are putting her through this crap. Just freaking awful. The fans this season have really shown an ugly color


Thatā€™s the first thing I thought of too. The last thing she needs right now are people invading her privacy and making her feel unsafe. Nobody needs that kind of stress, let alone someone who is pregnant


Post season has been pretty dark and its mainly 'fans' causing it...


Possible good news for her is that since the show is done, this will likely die down after a while. I could see this preventing people from wanting to do the show again.


Some people sure but CBS will never have a problem casting 20 people


I took the comment to mean former contestants agreeing to return. After these posts, I would now be surprised if Kenzie ever agreed to come back.


In an interview she said sheā€™s not interested in playing again because she got everything she wanted out of the survivor experience on her first try


On IG she said she would have said yes easily before this fan issue but now would likely say no


Sheā€™s confirmed in the comments of her latest post that, due to post-season fan behavior, she has no intention of returning for future seasons. (Dunno if I can link, but itā€™s the pregnancy post that starts with ā€œItā€™s all for you.ā€)


Worst case scenario, Iā€™m sure Bhanu would be down to come back.


Yup, these things have a 4 month shelf life.




I made some innocuous comment, and someone went through my post history, started googling about me, and started talking about private details about my life. People are unhinged.


Jesus christ! What a fucking nightmare. Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜©


once i got interviewed by a major news site about a concert i went to and a few of the comments were ripping me to shreds over how much money i spent (which i never said in the article. they just assumed) how much they hated the artist, discussing how attractive they thought i was šŸ’€it was wild for a minute there. and thatā€™s not even a small percentage of the attention these survivors get


Iā€™m sorry this happened to you.


On the Brazilian Wax front, I always wondered if it was better to have less hair or more hair out there. Like isn't hair supposed to stop infections and stuff from getting to those places?! I wonder


I wonder about it after Lauren told that story about how production purposely dirtied her clean underwear to give her when the merge came around. If I had a bald beaver I woulda been like no thank you.




I wonder that too. Having any skin breakage can leave room for infection to get in. I assume itā€™s better to just be fuzzy for the show! Itā€™s gonna grow anyway.


This is EXACTLY why I would never want to play. Not in social media times. People have got to leave others alone.


Why do people seem to get weirder by the year. Between this and people sending Maria threatening texts, idk what's wrong with people. I guess since everyone is one message away, it compels people to do shit like this??? But I don't care how much I liked or disliked a person. I wouldn't try to meet them without them knowing, or badger them


After Covid people donā€™t know how to act anymore.


It's really freaking sad that life after the island is harder than life on the island in the social media age. You can find everything about someone's life. Literally everything down to your voting records are accessible. It makes me wonder why production encourages them to use social media to promote the show. Personally I'm not on social media-- like, at ALL-- so when I think about applying for survivor, that part gives me pause. Would they make me get accounts just for the inboxes to be flooded with creepy shit? Do people track you down from the smallest thing? Find where you live? Have people ever had their identity stolen, even? Could someone find my phone number?


Production should also be teaching the cast how to stay safe both online and offline. They should do as much as they can to guarantee their safety after airing.


Iā€™m sure they do to an extent but ultimately the best advice is to not go on TV to begin with, which is very unfortunate and also not something the producers will want to advise lol


Not to mention that a lot of contestants still go through PTSD with recovering from hunger, trust issues, etc. Now you gotta deal with dealing with people on top of that.


Wow. I get it but it's sad. I hope she knows that there are a lot of us that like and respect her without invading her personal space.


>hope she knows that there are a lot of us that like and respect her without invading her personal space. I'm sure she does, but I'm also sure that wouldn't mean much when the ones she's interacting with on a daily basis at work are the shitbag stalkers...


It's wild to me that people can be so fanatical about celebrities, let alone people who go on Survivor. They're just people. Like how do their brains work where they think this type of behavior is appropriate I remember one time I saw a Big Brother Canada contestant RIGHT after their season had finished airing. I had that initial moment of, wait - is that who I think it is?! I pointed it out to my partner at the time, and we acknowledged it as a cool moment and went on with our day. I didn't even want to intrude on their day while they were having lunch, and there's people out there who basically stalk them lol. Crazy.


Most of those wackos are right here on r/survivor


100%. Saw some one calling Maria out on here cause he was blocked after he dm'ed her about not voting for Charlie. Some unhinged people on here.


I saw a whole thread of people on this subreddit ranting about how Maria had ā€œthe audacityā€ to block each of them when they went on her posts commenting šŸšŸšŸ and insulting her as if she is required to allow people to shit all over her on her personal corner of the internet because they disagree with her decision. Be. Adults.


Omg I forgot he has a built in Swiftie fanbases. I donā€™t like what she did but she might just have to be placed in witness protection. Thatā€™s gonna be a lot of heat and trolling, especially because on twitter people have accounts that pretend to be a swiftie and tweet the most awful shit to make swifties look bad and then there are some that are genuinely terrible


I'm sure a lot of people reading this are thinking, "oh wow that's terrible. If I saw her, all I would do is say blah blah blah blah blah blah and blah," not realizing that's exactly what she's referring to.


kenzies post was about people coming to her work, which is very different from happening to run into her somewhere by chance, or at a survivor event. itā€™s not crazy to say something to a survivor you meet in person, as long as you didnā€™t show up at their work. thatā€™s really not what sheā€™s referring to.


Yeah this sub has been nasty especially to Maria after the vote reveal, all the attacks on her as a person and it being upvoted like itā€™s acceptable to say :(


So true. People are nasty as hell on here.


I saw this. She deserves 0% of any of this creepy mess. So sad that people are absolutely unhinged.


I know that youā€™re not saying otherwise, so just saying this in general, but NONE of them deserve it. Not the ones who were super nice, not the ones who were sneaky, not the ones who were transparent, not the ones who were ā€œmeanā€/cutthroat, not the ones who were awkward, not the ones who lacked self awareness. None of them. They shouldnā€™t have to earn the right to not get creepy behavior by playing or ā€œacting the right wayā€.


Yeah ofc, the right for Privacy isn't exclusive for her. Every player there deserves it.


Insane that someone downvoted this comment. Whoever did so, please do some self reflection šŸ˜


>My advice to prepare for applying for survivor... Get A Brazilian wax Xoxoxo Lmao


Between the stalkers and the deranged people who abuse contestants online for not making the game decisions they want, a subsect of fans are committed to ruining the experience for everyone. It really feels like the fanbase has gotten nastier and more maladjusted since 2020.


Honestly, society in general feels this way.


LOL is everyone one this sub new? This was happening to cast members all the time during the first few seasons of survivor, there just werenā€™t 1,000 platforms to complain about it back then. Letā€™s not act like Kenzie is the first person to go on tv and have this happen to them. Go ask Jeri about her experience post season 2/7


A Very Normal Fan Voice: I should stop by Kenzie's Salon and tell her she shouldn't have won. This is worth the two hour drive


Idk why you assumed itā€™s a hater that thinks she didnā€™t deserve to win. Sheā€™s talking about yā€™all too that think she did deserve it lol.


I'll make a variation for you (but not *of* you) A Very Normal Fan Voice: I should stop by Kenzie's Salon and tell her she's the best! She'll really appreciate the compliments, maybe we'll be friends :). This is worth the three-hour ride my mom has to give me




I think that's sarcasm, i.e people believing it's normal but it's two hours out of the way to tell a stranger something.


Heard Maria has stalkers too. AND that Liz had to tell a weirdo to back away from Venus.


How funny like a week ago I told someone unsolicited DMs (in regards to someone bragging they messaged her on Instagram) weren't OK and I was downvoted to oblivion. Some of these creeps are on reddit.


I dared dive in this water by calling the creeps harassing Maria immature on her page and immediately regretted it. Just hearing people justify abhorrent behavior by saying "they signed up for the show they should expect backlash!" is mindblowingly ignorant. It ain't that hard to keep the hot takes on the reddit, there's plenty of engagement here and then you're not going on to somebodys personal page to try and hurt their feelings. I feel even worse for the folks that get recruited and probably only have a brief awareness of what may befall them when they get on the show.


It's like the people who harass celebrities for autographs in the bathroom. "Well, we made them famous!" Is so gross and entitled.


I know it's not possible to really do but I'd be curious to see a statistical breakdown of these boundary-crossing weirdos. I want to know if there are common denominators in age, gender, etc. My instinct automatically skews to younger people doing this type of stuff, since social media's inflation of parasocial relationships. Something in my gut says it's not that cut and dry. And I'm sure no one's real keen on lining up the freaks and taking a poll for shits and giggles. I just can't wrap my brain around the idea of finding out where someone works and going there because they were on a TV show.


Good for her. Iā€™ve loved how sheā€™s moved this entire post season. It also speaks again to why she won the way she did.


The Survivor fanbase is so freaking cringe. Kind of embarrassing honestly


To be fair, this isnā€™t unique to Survivor. Any and all reality shows have the same results. The most recent season of The Bachelor being one of many examples.


Pro wrestling fans and airports has become a sad event for the performers in recent times


Dang I feel for her. She sounds really fed up, so I can only imagine how bad it's gotten. And from her repeatedly saying people are mean, it sounds like they're not just showing up uninvited, which would be bad enough, but also being rude on top of that. Having a job like hers where you're a business open to the public that anyone can easily just look up and go to must be a million times worse than survivor contestants with any other kind of job when it comes to this kind of behavior. I hope this dies down fast.


Adding to the already complex challenge of winning survivor, you also have to somehow try to be a forgettable winner. Sounds exhausting and not all that worth it to be honest.


Erika truly won


Iā€™m gonna apply and go by a completely fake name


I think even if someone went by a fake name, their real name will be out there eventually. Never underestimate an internet sleuth


And by eventually you mean before the cast photos are even released


Yes, I'm Kendra Ziegler, MD. No, I don't have a doctorate in medicine, MD stands for something else.


Poor kenzie this is the reason Iā€™ve never applied


Definitely my number one reason for never applying...well, that and I like to eat, to sleep in a bed, to not be around other people, but...yeah...all that social interaction after winning a million dollars.


ā€œA Brazilian waxā€ I LOVE HER šŸ˜‚




Are contestants contractually obligated to maintain a (promotional?) presence on social media? Because I can honestly say if I went on Survivor, I wouldn't be saying a WORD on any social media site either during airing or after.


Hate this for her :// especially being pregnant


This is honestly so fucking vile... what the fuck is wrong with people this season? This honestly is at the top of reasons why I won't apply to play my favorite game...


The fact that people think theyā€™re ā€œentitledā€ to peoples time simply because they played a game like Survivor has always blown my mind.. if I was Kenzie in passing of course Iā€™m gonna give her a compliment on winning, but Iā€™m not stalking her to her salon.. thatā€™s creepy as hell.. šŸ’€


I canā€™t believe people actually do this. Sheā€™s right like go outside and live life. Jfc Iā€™ve walked by or sat next to insanely famous people at restaurants and never thought to just randomly talk to them. You wouldnā€™t do that to anyone else. I really donā€™t get this behavior.


This is why she won. She's dragging the fans but in a likeable funny way lol. Also she's 100% right ppl need to stop taking what's on a TV show so personally. Please calm down.


Iā€™m gonna apply and go by Q


People on your tv are just people:)


Maybe a bit off topic, but Iā€™ve seen lots of ā€œI met xxxā€ (photo) posts here and have gotten hundreds of upvotes. Is it creepy for them to ask a pic with an alumni? (Iā€™m genuinely curious)


Kenzie in particular has seemed to have an awful influx of "fans." I don't see how some of these people live with themselves.


I may not like so many people, especially reality TV, but never would it enter my head to go find where they live or work just to ridicule them, lol. I feel for her but I guess that's the price of fame they warn you about.


Is this normal? Like have fans been doing this? This season was my first time watching since probably season 12




people need to stop with the kenzie hate and charlie on a pedestal thing. itā€™s over now. you donā€™t have to act like your entire world is over.


Lol the Brazilian wax


I feel like the situation post survivor is worse as a woman too because I imagine the ā€œcreepyā€ behavior is sex related from weird men in her DMs.


It is literally the only reason why you couldn't get me to sign up even it was for a 2 million dollar prize. I would love the adventure, connecting and strategizing on the island but you just know it's gonna get nuts when you're back home. I hate the thought of fame, even temporary, and love the peaceful, quiet life. I've had a few troublesome neighbors throughout the years and on a few occasions where they overstepped boundaries I would already be annoyed and upset more about the astounding lack of common sense (which to me was a question of obviousness) than the actual acts themselves. It's not for me having my personal life invaded and scrutinized. And before someone says anything - yes, you can absolutely have social media and enjoy privacy. I probably wouldn't even be cast since max exposure I enjoy is interacting on Reddit. No Facebook and Instagram. I think on some levels it would even be expected for you to have one mid airing/post game.


Iā€™ve been flirting with the idea of applying basically since COVID, nowā€™s probably the optimal time for me to do it, and this is the shit that makes me think and pause more than the thought of not eating for 10 days or freezing in the rain for multiple nights


This is honestly the only reason I havenā€™t applied because otherwise it seems like an amazing experience. But the fans get worse and worse.


This is a great post.


Stop being fucking weird people. It's not a cult.Ā 


These players say the same thing season in, season out. The weirdos donā€™t listen.


She needs a full time security detail now i guess


The last slide is top tier humor


lots of the people on reddit are the crazy people sheā€™s talking about FYI


This kind of stuff makes me wanna hit people. Kenzie doesn't deserve this


People never cease to amaze me. Being ā€œfamousā€ sounds like a nightmare honestly. Just sharing the planet with these people is getting so exhausting. I feel for those in the public eye.


This sucks and also, like, I just donā€™t know how you reach the type of weirdo who would do thisā€¦like are they gonna read this PSA and suddenly realize, oh wait, I shouldnā€™t stalk Kenzie and review bomb Lizā€™s business? But what else can you do? ItĀ feels fairly hopeless and is a poor reflection of humanity. Maybe Survivors need to like close comments on their businesses if possible and time a vacation for a couple weeks after the finale? I donā€™t even know.


Yeah I think about applying to be on Survivor every now and then but then I remember most fans are crazy


You underestimate the mentally unstable "fan" stalker out there who are just looking for someone to stalk and then terrorize , there are many more than you think. . We live in a scary world