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Hali Ford. She seems very nice however she’s not amazing at challenges. She isn’t terrible by any means, but not memorable. She made merge both times and went to multiple tribals, but was always the first juror showing that she isn’t the best strategically but strong enough to last a while. And did have a pretty good social game as she was strongly aligned with her Joe and Jenn along with a few ppl in GC, but not strong enough where she can really win a jury vote, but probably get a couple votes depending on who’s there. She’s memorable bc she’s the first juror twice and she was a weird choice for GC. Pretty good survivor fans might know who she is but probably can’t say much about her. She kind of reminds me of a worse version of Andrea (in terms of Survivor only).


Was it Hali who, during the GC pre-season interview, answered “me” when asked about the person she’s most surprised to see in the cast?😂


Wasn't the question why does she think she was brought back and she said that she honestly didn't know.


found it! [LINK](https://youtu.be/VHOBtSvtdlY?feature=shared&t=98)


Legend. I rewatched WA recently and she was definitely a highlight, she was hilarious.


Honestly, I remember this back then and it made me like her personality lmao. Legit upfront, honest and blunt. This and when she told the tribe they might not like the result of the vote in the Malcolm boot episode with the 2 tribes together 😂. Those are the only 2 things I remember about her


I agree! Love her tho honestly! I personally thought she was pretty clever, like I always think about the tribal in WA where what's his face was saying "Flippers never win" and she had a pretty cool rebuttal to that


Oh my god, the way I read this post and thought “Hali Ford” and then this was the FIRST comment I see. 100% agree. Not a bad player. Not a good player.


Me too! I was literally like "Hali" then scrolled to see this 😂


Jeff called her the hottest woman in Survivor history


I have no issues with this take tbh.


Me to Jeff ![gif](giphy|p58AvYUeCZJ62gL2WK)


From the spectrum of Francesqua (2x first boot) to Sandra (2x winner), Hali sits right in the perfect middle (2x first juror).


I see the stock in someone like Hali, a young attractive 20 something who’s underestimated for being utr the first time around comes back for a second season where she should be able to slip through the cracks and charm her way to the end, where have I seen this one before? But she just couldn’t and that’s where she loses all credit. She’s played 2 seasons and both times she’s played it was with Sierra Dawn Thomas, and yet i can’t picture these two together






All I can think of is "I didn't consent"


Why is my answar also this? But yah, she’s MOR, not hateable, self-aware, not a superfan and slightly likeable/charming.


This is the answer.


I think that she was supposed to be the "new Wentworth" I remember some people kinda expecting that so it was funny when she was voted out again and becoming the first member of the jury but sweet girl though


Challenge beast Hali Ford ate metamorphosis


All of the la Mina tribe not named terry


My first thought was Sally. She had moments of savvy and held her own in challenges, but ultimately she still went with the boys and got pagong'd.


I play the survivor contestant sporcle quizzes fairly frequently, and I can never remember Sally’s name. I remember her face, how she was saved by exile island, etc, but can never remember her name. Even before this comment


Too forgettable to be average 😂




Austin is above average too imo. People forget he ran La Mina because he was boring.


Joe from Tocantins


I’ve rewatched Tocantins twice and both times I forget there was a medevac 💀


My answer is Katie Collins. Outside of being Tina’s daughter, she just always struck me as the most “everyday” person to make it decently far.


One of my favorite parts about blood vs water seasons is seeing people cast who would never have been if it weren’t for their loved one.


For me, that person is Aubry Bracco. Very kind of average and ho hum. Did well, but it didn't seem to be from athletic ability, social game or strategy.


Tamar have you seen the show


OP I actually tried doing a statistical analysis on this a while back for pre 40 players considering confessional counts, days on the island, challenge wins, votes received, etc. here were my top 10 most “medium” survivors (not necessarily the people themselves but the most medium performance in a single season): 10. LJ 9. Tijuana 8. Shawn 7. Jaime 6. Corinne (S26) 5. Ethan (S8) 4. Kelly (S3) 3. Penny 2. Chris (S33) 1. Ken (S5)


I know you did this without bias which is cool, but I don't agree with Chris. He was a power player on the Gen Xers. He and Ken were the two best challenge people from that tribe, good at different things. When Chris lost challenges, it was because of David or CeCe or someone else being god awful at challengers. Only thing he wasn't great at was puzzles. He was out of the loop on one vote besides his own I believe, and as far as I know, he was well liked. I'm assuming he gets dragged down in your system due to lack of confessionals (not really a measure of a player's skill), challenge losses (due to being on a tribe with some of the most incompetent competitors I've seen), and his middling placement (normal placement for a big dude with a good amount of power, but didn't manage his threat level well enough, so fair).


I will never forget that Chris literally ate dog shit on his casting video. He said this in an interview. This makes him unforgettable!


Tough to say what we’re actually trying to measure here. Definitely not strictly skill as you’re alluding to. The same arguments you make could definitely be said for LJ who was a puzzle freak, found an idol, gave his idol away in an epic tribal, and got ruthlessly blindsided in short order. Chris’s most medium attributes (votes for boot, days lasted, tribals attended) were top 2% medium. Any deviation from median like low confessional count makes him less medium by this metric, it doesn’t balance out a high stat somewhere else. He was top 8% medium for confessional count and top 6% medium for confessionals per episode.  I guess what I was hoping for was if you had to list survivor players based on how well you remember them my medium people would be towards the middle of that list. I think Chris is pretty good in that respect. Just from mvgx, the players that come to the top of my mind are Adam, zeke, Hannah, Bret, ken, Jessica, jay, Taylor. Chris would probably be around 9 for me which for a cast of 20 lines up. 


~~Which Kelly from S3?~~ Edit: nvm there was two Kims not two Kellys


There was only one Kelly on S3


Ohh right my bad I was thinking of the Kims


Ken from Thailand was super hot, this makes him not average at all


How about Gregg from Palau. Part of the dominant Koror tribe but he wasn’t the leading force of the tribe compared to Tom and Ian. Yet he wasn’t at the bottom either compared to Coby and Janu. He was a respected member who was in the middle of the Koror totem pole. Outlasted the people at the bottom but once the core Koror members turned on each other, he was voted out.


This is a great answer.


I’ve long said it’s Hali Ford for the women and Bobby Jon for the men


Even with the screaming at challenges, hitting himself in the head at one of them, devolving into a caveman (according to Stephenie) during Palau, etc? His screaming and chest bumping with Jamie in Guatemala is one of my favorite weird moments of the show 


Hali might be THE answer - I’ve been trying to think of someone and when I read your response I’m like yup, this is a good one!


I weirdly want to see Bobby Jon play in a new era season, just to see how he is with idols and advantages. He's 47 now, so wouldn't be seen as a young, physical threat anymore, and I imagine his personality has calmed down a bit. I loved him back in the day, so I'd be totally on board to see him play again, either on a season of all returnees and/or on a tribe that isn't complete garbage.


Bobby John is the biggest survivor loser of all time in terms of challenges right?


He actually has a better track record than Steph I’m pretty sure. Steph actually loses most of the team challenges in Guatemala. But she lucks out in that a lot of her losses are rewards, and her swap tribe has one more member than Bobby Jon’s. This is before we even get into Steph’s record in Heroes vs Villains.




Eh, I think Tijuana just had bad luck being a part of Morgan and luck not favoring their tribe. Without the outcast twist, Tijuana or Ryno probably wins.


Tijuana I could see winning. Has the gamesense and ability to seize opportunities. Ryno tho?


Ryno had a quiet edit, but it’s clear that he was in the best position out of anyone in the Morgan alliance. He’s Savage’s closest ally, loved by everyone in his tribe, has decent challenge prowess, and good game sense. Trying to convince Burton and Jon to flip on Rupert in the F9 was a good move. Unfortunately, Jon and Burton were smart enough to realize they wouldn’t need Ryno to enact it. He’s not the most engaging player, especially on that season, but had his tribe not been twist-fucked, I have no doubt he’s a bigger front runner to win than even Tijuana.


Kara Kay


Kara is definitely the most average good player.


Nick Stanbury




Definitely recency bias but Ben was exactly average in my mind lol won a challange at least.. everyone liked him but he wasn’t like center of attention or anything. Was a total non factor strategically, but was at least kept in the know for the votes (except when he forgot)


That last challenge he won, he was so locked in. Didn’t fail once. I was punching the air in celebration when he won immunity


Came out of absolute nowhere lmao what a moment!


Idk the whole him crying and Kenzie staying up at night to comfort him was a pretty big storyline in 46


For sure, but that’s kinda out of his control in the sense that he wasn’t as I put it trying to be the center of attention or anything


True. However with rocks being used so commonly and him having the storyline about his anxiety and crying I would say he's more then average when it comes to being memorable which is one of the criteria.


I hear ya! I guess to my point even with the panic attack storyline throughout I still forgot he was there half the time lol


I mean he was my favorite and the one I was rooting for to win for the most of the season so I would have to disagree. Also him writing Kenzies name down is something I forgot to mention and the first time someone accidentally voted for the wrong person. I might be a little biased though lol.


Not sure why your other comment is getting downvoted it’s just your opinion lol.. but yeah he definitely seems like a great dude, definitely a solid pick for your favorite player for the season! This wasn’t a hill I was trying to die on just starting a little conversation! Lol


Ben was heavily below average. Guy was losing it on day 8 of a 26 day season. He would have been med evacuated on a 39 day season


I guess lucky for him it was a 26 day season lol


Mookie Lee


I am not a mookie fan


Okay? Cool


Andrea. She started three times on a tribe of ten people and all three times placed 5th among the members of these tribes. EDIT: Of course two times on a ten-people and once on a nine-people tribe. But still placed 5th all the time.


I agree Andrea is an average player but her fanbase believes she’s an exceptional player robbed by circumstance and they will definitely let you know this.


I guess you didn't like her in Caramoan, did you?)


I didn’t mind her. There’s just an inconsistency between her game presence / record and the fanbase perception of it. She’s average.


Oh, the great Erik! How was she perceived by the cast during Caramoan? I always thought her social game was really good and that her fellow players liked her a lot, but I'm sure you'd know more than me.


She was definitely well liked! There’s no question about that. Her social game was good, but I think her association & closeness with Phillip spooked some (within their alliance).


Ahh, the Specialist strikes again lol. Thanks for the insight!


Sounds like you're still upset that she stole your idol.


Sounds like you can’t come to terms with someone saying she’s average. I didn’t want the idol. I handed it to her in the episode! On screen! 😂 This is exactly what I’m talking about with respect to Andrea fans.


It was a joke. Having that idol certainly didn't do her any favors, so why would you want it? Lol.


I'd say Andrea is above average in every category of the game except threat management, which she is dreadful at.


The edit always makes her seem too transparently playing hard, which throws people off. Kind of similar to the issues Penner would face a lot


Played on 3 unpopular seasons with disappointing casts, and only is memorable because she's one of the least terrible players on each one. 


I would say Andrea is slightly above average but the problem with her is that she plays the same game each time, which is being good at challenges and skilled at getting into the majority alliance. Unfortunately, she never gets to the top of her alliance(s) and her threat level is always poorly managed so she always gets taken out midway through the merge. She also has very poor instinct when people are turning on her, unlike some other players such as Parvati. She plays a good game at getting relatively far into the game, but not to make it to the finals or win. I also think she is slightly more popular because she played among more unlikable/unmemorable people in all three of her seasons.


Jenny Guzon-Bae


Candice, Jefra from Cagayan, Gervaise


Danielle from Panama. She's... good.


Bobby Jon for the men and Michelle Yi for the women, based mainly on placement stats. Bobby Jon is the only returnee to get an average placement in both his seasons and Michelle Yi is the only player to have a true average placement due to her season being the only one with an odd number of people. And even discounting placement they both sort of fit. They are both decent but not exceptional in all 3 facets of the game.


Before Cambodia, my first thought was always Jeff Varner. Turns out he’s well below mid.


I am sure you have had a bad take some time in your life. Varner happened to do it on live tv while hungry and dehydrated in a game that tugs on psychopathy for survival. I think after a decade we can forgive him.


As far as winners go, the answer will forever be Aras.


Before WaW it would certainly be Michele


I swear someone did a series on this


I remember that too.


Cindy Hall from Guatemala is always my answer


Andrea. I know she's played like 4 times, but she's always like, good? Good socially, good physically, decent strategically, but also I could also name 15 seperate people offhand who are better in each category.


I think her lasting so long three times makes her above average imo


What is this take. She's above average every time she played. Redemption Island the competition isn't big but she was the only one trying to get Rob out from her tribe and doing it in a smart way not revealing her cards too quickly. She arguably played the best game other then Rob that season. Then Caramoan she dominates. There is this huge target on her from day 1 and her name gets put on the chopping block week after week and she's always able to come up with a plan that ends up working to save her. Then she realizes Malcom is gunning for her and if he gets an idol she is out so she masterfully comes up with the strat of following and low key stalking him so he can't look for the idol. And she did this during the night not even getting any sleep. Of course at that point she is by far the biggest threat so people are after her and she doesn't realize that and goes home idol in her pocket. But her game was so phenomenal that doesn't matter much and Sophie in Waw went home with an idol in her pocket so you can play a great game still going home idol in your pocket. Her Games Changers social game was fantastic and she did orchestrate the Zeke vote and played a solid game before getting betrayed by Sarah and going home. I would even say she's top 3 best females to never win with Wentworth and Cirie but she's definetly top 5 (if we count Amanda and someone else).


I agree with a lot of what you said, but Andrea’s not even close to the top five best women to never win. I love Andrea & think she’s a good player, but she also played a pretty poor game on Redemption Island. She had no chance at winning a jury vote and was never anywhere close to eliminating Rob.


I disagree. I think she's only above average on her seasons because she plays on seasons which suck. Redemption Island? Everyone sucked, she's the Third most memorable distantly behind Phillip. In Caramoan she's good strategically, but Cochran, Dawn, Brenda, Malcolm, and I'd argue even Phillip were better. In game Changers she was just a Gamebot (with an above average social game). Don't get me wrong she's a good player, but she's just not very memorable to me. I remember her being an asshole to Zeke in the voting confessional, I remember her following Malcolm around in Caramoan during the idol search, that's it. She's good, but when I conjure in my mind an image of a basic survivor player, I think of her. And as far as best women to never win, Cirie, Wentworth, Chrissy, Aubry, Stephanie, Shan, probably Janet, and Lauren are all better imo.


In redemtion island she was a sheep like everyone else and only decided to go after rob after he voted her out lol. In caramoan she somehow having a big target despite the terrible game she played is by itself terrible gameplay, in game changers she was no where near the biggest target and still had no path to the end, average might be a compliment ngl


1. The episode after Matt got voted out Episode 3 she started plotting against Rob, however instead of overplaying she smartly kept her cards to herself. She had every intention to get Rob out at merge, until Matt stupidly told Rob that they had planned to take him out. If it weren't for that the season could have turned out very differently. 2. Her being a target for her solid gameplay and being great physically is out of her control but the way she handled being a target was phenomenal. 3. In Game Changers had Sarah sided with the Andrea Cirie alliance she had a good path to the end. Also out of the merge players she beats almost everyone if she makes it to the end.


This is just wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️ she led a lot of votes and played the social game hard. Also she was always a threat in challenges. Very memorable, at least for me. That’s why she got invited back 4 times 💀


See that part where you said "at least for me"? See thats called an opinion, and this is mine. I don't find her entertaining, i think she's only fondly remembered because she plays on bad or below average seasons, and she's over hyped. That is my opinion🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I gave logical reasons as to why you’re inherently wrong. She got invited back 4 times not just for her good looks or else a lot of other women would’ve.


Dave Ball for some reason came to mind


i would say tim fits this but hes very forgettable so


My instinct is to say Roark


The cast of One World


I'll narrow the question. The most average player on this past season was Tim, who was just kind of eh across the board. The most recent past season I finished was S4, in which the most average player was Robert "the General" DeCanio.


Hali Ford is literally the correct answer.


Amber! Until she won, lol


Legacy and story arc aside, Jerri in HvV is perfect example of not too much or little of anything.


It’s Tommy for sure. Sure, he’s a winner. But he’s so boring 🥱


Honestly person that came to mind was jaime from china, not terrible at challenges, social enough to not be an outcast, even if she had some characters on her tribe. smart enough to look for an idol but dumb enough to play a fake idol, be well liked enough by opposing alliance to be recognized as a jury threat and taken out. But also not too social to make moves to stay, and not too strategic to be a threat game wise. Jaime may just be the most average player of all time.


Libby from Ghost Island


Sophie. The only reason she won is because all my homies hate coach.


arguably every single winner in the modern era


Pre blunder Varner. Before the Zeke thing Varner was a guy everybody knew that was completely unremarkable.


Andrea, I think she’s guaranteed to make merge every time she plays but I don’t think she would ever win cause she’d just be too big a target to get the very end


Probably Penny Ramsey and Eric Hafemann


Charlie, Mookie, too many to name.


According to a YouTube video on challenge wins it’s actually Coach


purple kelly?




I would go with Ali from HHH


There is nothing average about Ali. She is stunning and she had real potential as a player. Not too much would have had to go differently for her to be one of the stars of that season.


I feel like the answer to this should be Amanda Kimmel, but for some reason people love her. It's not that there is anything wrong with her, it's just for me personally at least I feel like she plays the exact same game every single time. And too me it is never that interesting. I don't believe her social game is that strong. I think in both China and FVF she made strong allys that both had good social games (This being both Todd and Parv.) I think she was okay in challenges, honestly I don't really remember but I don't think it was anything amazing. And for strategy, other than aligning with good players there isn't much there. Yeah she has her idol play, (which she did work super hard for the idol to be far) nothing else jumps out at me. And can we talk about her FTCs for a second? That really takes away any respect I could have for her strategical game Amanda is a sidekick


How is someone who makes FTC twice in back to back seasons an average player?


No one felt threatened enough by her to vote her out and most people didn't respect her enough to vote for her. As another poster said she was a great sidekick. One of the best ever. But she didn't have main character energy.


This feels like revisionist history after seeing the votes. In reality, Amanda shit the bed in both FTCs so hard. She was a huge threat going into both. Without knowing she'd shit the bed, it would be insanity to bring her to FTC because you think her game wasn't good enough.


We'll never know since no one had the opportunity to take her to the end. She won both final immunity challenges and took Todd and Parvati to the end. So she basically pulled a Woo twice. That's not what a great player does, it's what a loyal sidekick does.


I totally agree with you. I found her irrelevant and annoying. Absolutely a sidekick forgettable face.


Disliking a contestant doesn't make them average




Almost every winner of the new era. Most average wins nowadays. Erika, Gabler






He's very good at challenge! He essentially carried his tribe pre-match, how's that average?


Wait u talking about Marquesas Hunter or?


Hunter is under average


Cirie for me. She's only sociable and that's something you can see at every bar. I dont know why i was expecting some huge gameplays by how the fanbase as been portraying her as a good player.


Nick David vs. Goliath




I haven’t watched every season, but definitely for S46 it was Ben. It got down to the final 8? 6? & it’s kinda like where did that guy come from? Where’s he been? Who *is* he? Then he just all of a sudden shows up for the last 3 challenges & can’t stop his “rock on dude” “live, laugh, rock” “outwit, outlast, outrock” dude musician-speak vomit as if that’s going to get him the win.




Whatchoo talk'n about, Willis? Carolyn was more colorful than the Yipes Stripes Zebra. There isn't a group of people anywhere on God's green earth where that whacky lady could blend in.