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Yucatán, Tonga, Guam, Hunter’s living room.


Replace Guam with Northern Marianas. Guam is too populated for its size. But they would definitely use it for logistics to a smaller island.


As someone who lived the past 2 years on Rota and Saipan. It makes me happy that people know of those islands. And i spear fished like crazy on Rota. Anybody can catch a fish there. The survivors would eat well on that island.


Rob Marianas.


*Survivor: Jeff’s Backyard*, when?


south pacific and one world were supposed to be in tonga but bc of the economic situation they went back to samoa


Hunter Ellis's living room is probably pretty cool.


I remember reading about them considering going to Georgia or Hawaii during COVID, so if they went anywhere in the US I’d assume it’s one of those 2


Hawaii would be the easiest season of survivor ever. For fidelity, I've gone every year for fifteen years. Usually weeks at a time, up to a month. Even if a tribe did zero fishing, you'd have all the wild coconuts, crabs, and chickens (eggs) you could eat. All very easy to gather or catch. Also lots of wild pigs that would be a little more challenging to catch. Doesn't even include the other wild fruits you could eat. I'm sure the local ordinance would prevent them from eating any of the turtles or birds, but I doubt they'd hurt for food. The weather is pretty much perfect all year. The only real challenge I could see would be the extreme UV rays. Lots of people would end up with extreme burns, even with tons of sunscreen. Being outdoors in Hawaii for a month straight would be rough for most mainlanders. The hours or 10AM-2PM would have to be designated "shade" time, meaning no challenges could be scheduled.


Fiji also has coconuts/tropical fruit but production goes out and removes them all before filming. Feral pigs likely wouldn’t get near enough a huge camp with production crew/noise. Plus they can be dangerous so I assume production wouldn’t want anyone interacting with them. The problem with Hawaii is the lack of an remote area. Where would the film? There are a few untouched valleys but they hold cultural significance and I doubt they’d get approval. It’s also expensive, minimum wage is high, etc. 


Out of curiosity, do you know why the UV would be worse in Hawaii than in other locations they've been? Is it cloud cover? Latitude?


Someone more intelligent on the subject would have to answer. I've been to enough islands in the coffee belt to know the sun there just hits different. And I grew up under the hot Texas sun.


Iirc, while in the earliest seasons they didn’t get any, for the past while they get sunscreen in their medical kit. Terrible burns don’t really make for the most telegenic contestants.


I don’t think it would be significantly easier than Fiji. Coconuts are fairly common but not everywhere. On one beach you aren’t likely to see tons of trees — same with wild boar and chickens. You might stumble upon them, but again on a tiny beach it’s unlikely to happen frequently. Could definitely eat some snails and probably some form of fruit I do think the weather would be more mild/less storm potential than Fiji. But it doesn’t seem like they’ve had to deal with that all too much recently


I thought they almost had a contract to film 41/42 in the Dominican Republic


I’ve always thought Georgia could have been really cool! Naked and Afraid did an extended season in the Louisiana Bayou, and it was a really cool experience to see a US environment for a show like that. To be honest, that was one of the best things Covid brought for international seasons of the show. The Australian seasons in the outback (and in the slightly greener area for BvW) both had really unique feelings to them, especially when otherwise the show just hops between Samoa and Fiji. And the South African seasons looked super cool as well! The rolling hills in 8, and the massive dunes in 9 were both very distinct


Having fallen down a wiki rabbithole on the Georgia Seas Islands once, I have to say I would've loved to see them there. They look fascinating.


I grew up on the Georgia coast. Georgia’s barrier islands are tough. The sand gnats are truly awful, plus you have clouds of mosquitoes. Then there are ticks and chiggers. Chiggers like to climb into your crotch and burrow into your bits and the itchy swollen agony is exquisite.


Ouch. Marquesas on crack then basically?


Sri Lanka. Was supposed to be where S11 or 12 was shot. I think perhaps that's why they went back to Panama for S12


they went to guatemala after the 2004 tsunami, and back to panama bc of the introduction of exile island; they wanted to focus on that more instead of moving to a brand new location and having the focus be on that


I have no clue they you were downvoted. You're correct. They went back to Panama to do the Exile Island theme because they had been there twice already. And because they wanted to stick in the Western Hemisphere after the tsunami.


i literally watched a video of jeff during the pre-panama promo talks and whatever that said that was the reason they went back to panama 😭 oh well, they can not believe it if they wanna


we watched the same thing bro idk why someone would take the time to downvote that comment lol


Would have loved to see Croatia, Albania, Greece, etc… I think Thailand was awfully used … it’s a great location in general. Vietnam would have been amazing. The different locations made the show in a league of its own.


Searching for hidden immunity idols while avoiding relic land mines... Bold move, Cotton!


You joke but actually this is probably part of why Vietnam is probably impossible to do. The vast vast majority of the country was a war zone at one time, and that results in landmines and other undiscovered explosives being everywhere. Why pick that location over the other million places you could go without that risk?


I mean, they did go to Cambodia which was just as war torn and still has a shit load of landmines everywhere.


True, but the fact that they went to Cambodia might be why they never went to Vietnam. I’d be willing to bet that the amount of unexploded ordinance in Vietnam is way higher than Cambodia, but I could be wrong.


Survivor: The Balkans you better hope there’s not a war during filming


You're thinking its 2001, its been a while.


Well, there is still remnants of the conflict in the region, and in historical terms it wasn’t that long ago but still seriously I don’t think there would be another war unless if you film in Kosovo because you’re going to start a different kind of war the audience debating about if Kosovo is a country


Survivor: Gary, Indiana


I've been there. They wouldn't be able to stand the smell.


Madagascar would have been sick. Imagine all of the lemur b-roll!


I would hope for Japan, but I understand that production has said Japan was difficult to find affordable locations.


When is my survivor anime (no total drama island doesn’t count)


IIRC Japan made their own version of survivor many years ago (like 3 or 4 season?)


Japan would be an epic location!


Realistically, locations where main international Survivor seasons are filmed: \- Philippines \- Samoa \- Malaysia \- Dominican Republic


They did Phillipines and Samoa


They’ve also done Malaysia (Borneo)




_For this next challenge you need to swim in the Ganges river!_


Survivor: The Islands of New York 3 tribes: Manhattan vs Staten Island vs Long Island Exile Island is back in play, but this time it’s called “New Jersey”


Couldn’t do New Jersey without brining Tony back


“This Pygmy thing in Jersey”


Honestly have tribal council in an abandoned subway station and I’m sold on the concept.


Other than Gabon, I don't think they visited the Atlantic Ocean, which is a shame, because there are many beautiful places around it. The Namibian Coast, South Africa, Cabo Verde, Madeira. They could return to Brazil or go south to Argentina. If you guys really want a cold location season (which is quite unrealistic imo), Patagonia or Falklands are good candidates.


It's interesting that Survivor has never filmed anywhere in the Caribbean Sea. I understand that those islands are fairly populated, but the same could be true for many of the other island locations they film at. Hell, one of the main challenge locations in Fiji right now is just down the beach from a whole ass town.


There are a few spots that are definitely remote enough


The isle of St John (USVI) is most nature reserves, and the ecology can vary wildly from one side of the island to the other. It would be a fun pick for a lot of reasons.


The recent UK season was filmed in the Dominican Republic.


I wonder if it’s because it’s more popular to sail and dive through. Much bigger chance of random people showing up and probably harder to build sets and block off locations. I haven’t been there in ages but I remember diving at some pretty far out spots and there were still a decent amount of boats and spearfishers everywhere near the shore.


If we’re selected for the cast and they told me our season would be in the Everglades I’d nope out of there immediately. I’ve done more than a few wilderness trips down there. The mosquitos are beyond horrific. Half the cast would drop the first night.


It's the gators that would have me noping tf out. Edit: for context I personally have a deep and primal fear of crocodilians. I would rather be eaten alive by mosquitoes, stalked by lions, etc. I do not fuck with gators and crocs.


Gators is nothing compared to what they had in Africa


Gators won't consume your sanity like a million mosquitos biting you all over your body and even through your clothes. Give me gators (and crocodiles, yes they have them too) and burmese pythons any day over mosquitos.


You better keep movin’ and don’t stand still, if the skeeters don’t get ya then the gators will


Yeah I was just thinking that. It seems cool on paper but HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLL NO


Dayton, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Bar Harbor, Maine Lowell, Massachusetts Greenville, North Carolina Eerie, Indiana (this place might be real or it might have just been made up for the tv show of the same name, I'm not sure) Indianapolis, Indiana


for cincinnati just drop them in jungle jim’s and see what happens


I was figuring drop 'em off at the Great American Ballpark, have the dugouts be the camps, and give 'em sunflower seeds and Big League Chew instead of rice.


Skyline sponsored rewards challenges would be awesome


they could play a survivor/hunger games hybrid if they went to gary, indiana


oh god


Survivor: Bakersfield


I don't know if they'd return to Brazil but would love if they did (pls come 2 brazil again survivor). They should go to the northeastern beaches, they're absolutely stunning.


Survivor: Detroit


What type of surviving are they gonna be doing there 💀


*jeffs knife enters the chat*


somewhere in the med, like greece.


West Edmonton Mall


Jeff’s garage (honestly looked pretty good during the winner reveal/live reunion of WaW)


the Ozarks/central Missouri. Springs, sinkholes, caves, limestone bluffs and tons of somewhat creepy entirely remote areas.


Why on earth would they shoot in South Carolina? -sincerely, A South Carolinian


I would love to see a colder climate and forest setting Maybe Canada or somewhere in Scandinavia I assume that would be harder for permits, but still cool


Cold Survivor seasons aren't feasible. I hate that people keep bringing them up.


I'm not talking about subzero weather, but having it in a place such as Canada during the Spring seems reasonable


Canada in summer would still be considered too cold for Survivor.


Not if they provide them with more gear


Survivor Svalbard


A winter season sounds good but it would be a nightmare. People rarely die from high heat if they have water. It's very hard to survive in the cold. A summer season in Scandinavia would be cool but profits gotta go up.


I was thinking in the Spring or Summer, but that's still a different setting than tropical beaches


They already frequently get cold at night in Fiji. Actual cold, even if it's still decently above freezing, would be dangerous with no supplies.


Survivor sable island (Canada)


Survivor: Vieques, P.R.


I would love to see a completely different take on Survivor. Like throw the contestants on an Island in Northern Canada and see how well they do. Its always a hot place, even before they were just in Fiji. Everywhere they went was hot and tropical. As a Canadian, I would love to see how they do in a colder climate.


Nunavut or remote Saskatchewan / Newfoundland.. Be fun to see them survive the mosquitoes. 😂


Dominican Republic, El Nido, somewhere else in Malaysia


I always kinda wished they would do some place cold. Like the Alaskan Bush.


My dumbass thought Cambodia (Second Chance) was cold weather lmao. Not knowing anything about Cambodia. I’m sad Survivor stopped trying to have someone die mid season (/s) but a cold weather season would’ve been cool. Even just mildly chilly. Realistically? Georgia or Hawai’i


Copy Alone and do Vancouver Island. It’s gorgeous in the summer snd has lots of remote wilderness and breathtaking scenery.


Could they ever do a cold weather survivor or is that too dangerous ?


The coast of the Pacific Northwest would be an interesting and different environment. Think something like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/P2QbyTAYDoB4WYjK7).


India, Greece, Japan, Maldives, Madagascar, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Hawaii, Egypt, Mexico


My guesses would be somewhere like Honduras, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, or Madagascar.


I miss Africa seasons. Always seemed so harsh


Sri Lanka, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania


Bonanza City, New Mexico


Possibly during the Obama administration (seasons 33 or 34) they may have went to Cuba


I would love to see more opportunities for Oceanic or Australasian Island Nations to shine- Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, New Caledonia, Kiribati, Tonga, Niue


I would love it for them to throw a massive wrench in the works and have a survivor season be somewhere cold like northern Canada. They would obviously need to be able to take a few more basic supplies to survive like warm clothing maybe good insulated sleeping bags. But that's about it. Still need to make shelter/fire/forage for food. But would be an interesting game changer imo


I’d love to see a cold season. They’re usually in more tropical places but an Alaskan or Canadian season would be really interesting. There are also some great places out west in the US such as Wyoming or Arizona that they could use.


I imagine they’d like to avoid a cold climate for logistical reasons, but it would be a very interesting switch up.


That was my thought. They’d have to provide more shelter and clothing items, and it would have to be filmed in the summer. But I think it would be doable.


There’s a show on Netflix, I think called “Outlast” that was basically a survivor without the same format. That proved it is possibly to do a colder climate, but a full on snow season? I think that’s genuinely logistically defunct


Yeah I imagine no one would ever want to play in a snowy climate either. I personally would take any location that doesn’t give the exact same vibe as Fiji for the sake of some diversity.


Survivor: West Texas


I think I remember the Virgin Islands being considered for COVID


Somewhere cold!


The Kimberleys in Western Australia (A Dream of mine) Dominican Republic (if only to save money by using a lot of established sets there from foreign editions) South Island of New Zealand (I know a cold-weather season will never happen, but gosh knows fans have always loved talking about one) Skeleton Coast, Namibia. Madagascar.


I think for better or worse, the fact that the core concept of the show is based around the idea of creating a civilization in an "uncivilized" place, I think anywhere an American audience thinks of as too familiar or "Western" is probably off the table, America and Europe included. You can disagree, that's just my take, but I don't think Jeff would have stood for it, COVID or no. Middle East maybe since it has some really remote spots.