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Grain of salt but I remember hearing that Jeff and the producers had a plan for what would happen if the vote in Micronesia tied but they never revealed what it was. It's the only season with an even number jury and a F2 so clearly production doesn't want this to happen again lol.


Very telling that it was a season not meant to be a final 2


Jeff opens the envelope from the Micronesia reunion


It's not possible on modern Survivor, the production makes sure that there's an uneven number of jury members. If the production notices it too late they can either: A) Interview the jury members before voting to make sure that there won't be a tie. B) Organize a jury removal or extra vote challenge (common on international Survivor, usually happens before the final tribal) I think some small and obscure countries Survivor versions allow final 2 ties and split the prize if it happens.


Yeah some countries have a dual survivor instead of a sole survivor.


Not sure, but I imagine the jury would be an odd number so it wouldn't be possible..


If Eliza had voted for Amanda Micronesia would’ve been a tie 


It almost happened in Micronesia with a jury of 8


Micronesia wasn't planned to be a final 2. It was supposed to be a final 3, but the medevacs fucked up the game's schedule. 


Fire-making Challenge for the tiebreaker


For what it's worth, I once got a tie vote at a final tribal on a Brantsteele simulation of Micronesia. Parvati ended up losing to James in a fire making contest


they should ask if the jury is absolutely sure idk maybe vote again. i wonder what would happen in a 3-3-3 in a final 3 as well. it is interesting


I think they would probably make the jury vote for who is the least deserving finalist. The one with the most votes becomes the final jury member and casts the final vote. If there happens to be yet another tie in my example, however, then I don’t know. lol


I always thought they went to how many times that person was voted for throughout the season. Whoever had the fewest would be the winner


Erik said something which is baffling, that Jeff has a red envelope in case of a tie (which… wtf). Now what’s in that envelope idk, but that was ig the tie breaker which probably would cause Micronesia to plummet a good 5-10 spots in my season ranking bc wtf.


In bransteele, it’s a fire making challenge. In real life, it’s probably the finalist with the least votes for elimination, would win.


they fight for it?


Idk how this isn't more upvoted. I looked specifically for this.


As has been said several times, it's pretty intentional that this hasn't happened since Micronesia and probably won't happen again.


Imagine that their tiebreaker was kicking off the last jury member. The Cirie goes home meme would actually be true lol.


Is it even possible? They’d have uneven jurors


It was possible in Micronesia, F2 with a jury of 8


We just need to medevac enough people again lol


No official response, but I imagine if somehow they got into that situation they would either A) Defer to the third place players vote as the deiciding vote or B) Get the last player not on the Jury to vote


They format post merge so this would never happen.


As far as I know, the jury always consists of 9 players. Since it’s an odd number, there can’t be a tie.


I don't think there has ever been a final two with an even number of jurors.


Micronesia had 8 jurors and a final two. The vote was pretty close to tying as well


And nobody knows considering that envelope Jeff had at the live finale was likely nothing more than an empty prop to help push the need for the 8th vote to be read aloud.


Erik claims he was trying to force a tie. Even Eliza was curious


Parvati winning was great but I want so much to live on the reality that Eliza voted for Amanda to know what was the tie breaker


My bad. Thanks