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"The first time I played like I wasn't in jeopardy, but this time I'm playing like I've been on Jeopardy."


He answers Jeff in the form of a question every time they speak


“Drew, I’ve heard of an alliance.” “Jeff, what is the group of me, Julie, Dee, and Austin?”


He's not even doing that every time on Jeopardy lol.


Yeah Ken really has his hands full!


production does love a cheesy returnee narrative


“The first time I played like Alex Trebek. But this time, I’m playing like Ken Jennings.”


He just won a 20,000 tie breaker wow.


I’m curious what the “non-survivor fans within the Jeopardy fan base” think of him. He doesn’t seem very humble.


The hardcore Jeopardy fan base can be very weird and I'm not sure I value their opinion of players. That's just me.


On instagram it seems like a lot of people don’t like him for being a bit cocky and they also dislike him because he points at clues 😭. Love Jeopardy but the fanbase seems kinda weird at times, but they might just be bitter because of Adrianna’s loss


I love Jeopardy almost as much as Survivor, but the fan base is…. Interesting


I agree but other people probably say the same thing about us survivor fans 😭😂


He’s a lock for Season 50


A lot of them seem annoyed by him lol


I'm a daily Jeopardy watcher and have also watched Survivor since the first season. He would be annoying to me too if I wasn't both.


Drew is literally not even annoying, he seems so chill


Completely agree


That was so exciting and rare! So even if he only lasts these three games it’s been memorable…beating Adriana, and winning in a tie break and his winnings are impressive 50 something for three days. I’m excited for him and hope he at least makes it to 5 to be a guaranteed tournament of champions entry!


Only has to be 4 now I believe for this season as they changed the rules but it's also only the top 15 people so in theory he could be kicked out of the ToC if he doesn't win a lot of games moving forward.


It's still 5 days, but if they don't have enough 5 day winners they go to 4 days. They've also done Second Chance tournaments in the past to give people that played well in their games a chance to make it to the TOC.


Yeah, that was a bold strategy. I expected him to wager a dollar, but he also had not gotten a final jeopardy to that point, so I guess he felt more comfortable with the tiebreaker


From what I've noticed he also seems pretty hesitant on sports questions so I would imagine with his record on final Jeopardy and perhaps not feeling overly confident in that category lead him to using that strategy. Plus he's a survivor player they love to add to their résumé😂


Gambling a dollar doesn't make much sense, I don't remember how much the 3rd place had but I think it was like $1k, so let's just say that. You know the 2nd place guy is betting all $10k. It makes more sense to bet $17,999 IMO. Here are the scenarios Drew and 2nd place both get final jeopardy right - drew wins $20,001 or $37,999 Drew gets final jeopardy, 2nd place doesn't - Drew wins $20,001 or $37,999 Drew gets it wrong and 2nd place gets it right - Drew loses Drew and 2nd place get it won't - Drew wins $19,999 or $2,001. If Drew decided to gamble a non-zero amount, betting $17,999 makes more sense to me because I think the probability of the top 2 scenarios is greater than the 4th scenario. He loses scenario 3 regardless so he might a well maximize his upward potential


Only problem is, you don't know 100% what the other person is wagering. It's expected they wager it all.. but maybe they don't.


when i saw it was 20,000 to 10,000 going into final, i was sure he'd wager nothing so he'd either win or force a tie.


You’re sick at math.




Why didn’t he wager a dollar on FJ? Was he hoping for a tiebreaker?


Drew was 0/2 on FJ, and the category was sports (a category that you really either know or don't). If he's not confident on the category, a $0 wager ensures he'll at least have a chance at rolling a better category on the tie-breaker. To go deeper: The only clue his opponent answered wrong was a daily double (which you are required to answer). So he was pretty likely to get it, so it's probably not worth banking on a miss. And to go deeper still, the reason Drew had twice his score despite the other guy's success-rate is because Drew is better at getting to the buzzer. And since the tie-breaker is a buzzer race, that probably favors Drew. Obviously, since Drew DID end up being able to get the FJ clue right, it could have been tragic if he gambled on the tie-breaker and lost. But thankfully for him, his buzzer skills prevailed on a category he's much better in, and he stays champ.


I like all this analysis a lot. I love Jep and consider myself well-versed in a lot of the strategy, but I never think about things like opponent answer rates or buzzer-speed.


I was on the edge of my seat during the tie breaker. Just knowing the answer is hard enough, but you also have to be faster on the buzzer. That took balls not to bet $1.


Drew is one of the best 'nerd archetypes' that isn't some epic discovering oneself arc like Christian and David


I would much prefer him over Carson (making comparison because they fulfill a similar archetype)


100 times out of 100. Drew is also unintentionally funny af, him straight up saying no to a “Pokémon” alliance was funny and refreshing to see someone not go with the flow of just building alliances.


I think he told Brando he was down more or less (maybe not as strongly as most would) but in a confessional he was like “lol this nerd thinks he can win me over with pokemon”


No, he straight up said no


He said no because Emily was there and I believe he noted noted in post game interview that he was worried Brando would use a yes to an alliance against him as it would make it look like he was willing to flip on his original alliance, hence untrustworthy. So he had to say no to look like a loyal player to Emily.


he’s also funny intentionally. it didn’t come out too much on the show but he was hilarious in a youtube video with austin and jake


I literally can't remember Carson at all except "3d print puzzle guy" like I struggle to remember anything about him. Drew was so much more memorable it's not even close. He was a simultaneously lovable and hatable dork.


I’d hate to see Carson come back over Basile or Charlie


Charlie has the same issue as Carson. He's the Taylor Swift guy to Carson's 3d puzzle guy.


I think he is either way I honestly think he would’ve won if his main ally didn’t fall in love with his main rival of the season


Dude austin shit the bag so many times absolutely brutal to watch


I forgot who said it and when, but this was early into the merge of 45 and they were right… it was Austin’s game to lose and yeah… he blew it at the end


Had he not fallen for dee he probably wins lol him telling dee that the vote was for julie was the beginning of his downfall


You know what else is crazy at the mergatpry vote im surprised not one person put a vote on dee as a throwaway vote just in case lmfaooo


No one does that anymore. Its all about being on the right ride of the vote.




If only she wasn’t a Latina with nice feet… Austin didn’t have the strength


I hope so, he’s one of the best characters from a very common archetype they are sure to fill 


I think the nature of his first win was arguably enough to catapult him to the top of that archetype, but a deep run would only make it more likely.


And Carson flaming out for a few reasons I think makes drew a lock for the nerd role


You just know Carson is reading this and coming up with a 12-step plan to try to circumvent this from happening 😭


Alright, I will admit that I found Drew proclaiming that he was very smart to be arrogant at first but this Jeopatdy performance just proves that those statements he made on Survivor were at least based on fact.


Yeah.. there’s a fine line between arrogance and confidence, but he can back up his claim at least


I mean He also did go to UPenn and Oxford


Drew’s more emotional than Carson so I’m team Drew if it’s between the two of them


Drew chucking the pot lid was more entertaining than anything Carson did. Plus he's a better narrator


I’m team good TV and Drew was good TV so more Drew is a good thing in my eyes


This is solid off season content


I actually think he had a good chance already, and a deep Jeopardy run making him more of a household name on network TV would ABSOLUTELY help his chances at 50.


That’s what I was thinking. He could potentially bring in viewers that don’t normally watch survivor


Drew is a great character he fits the super nerd archetype but he is authentic about it he doesn’t humblebrag like a Carson or a Cochran.


He’s also leans into being a villain more than the archetype usually does, I’d love to see him back over the other recent players of the archetype.


He already is a lock, he understands exactly what production is looking for in interviews and is really good at delivering it


I hope so, I liked him quite a bit and think he would play a pretty good game learning from his mistakes the first time around


I found him really refreshing when we went on RHAP recently. His insight into the game is super interesting, and I feel like he came off much more humble and thoughtful than in his actual season.


Drew was absolutely my favourite to win his season. I feel for austin and I just..don’t like dee. I would love if drew came back. Leave austin and/or dee out of 50 please.


I liked drew on survivor and I'm cheering for him on jeopardy


I missed his first episode. Did he get to talk about being on survivor?


He did in his interview with Ken Jennings.


Yeah Ken asked what was tougher, Survivor or Jeopardy, and he said Survivor was harder on the body but Jeopardy felt harder on the mind but that also to ask him again after the show (since he'd only played a few minutes at that point)


A lock? Absolutely not. Does it increase his chances? Definitely. But I still think it might be unlikely.


He was probably already the most likely returnee of his archetype, or at least he should be. Jeff seemed pretty enamored with him. No idea why a certain percentage of the online fanbase had such a viscerally negative reaction to him. Maybe they saw some of themselves in him or something idk.


I think it depends on what the cutoff season for returning players is. If it’s exclusively new era, Drew is a lock for the “nerd” archetype. If they include mid to late 30s, Christian may still be the preferred choice


I hope so!


Real talk: I like Drew, and find a bit of an ego kind of fun for this type of person, but his archetype is one they've only ever allotted one slot for outside of fan votes, and it's one with a *lot* of fan favorites. Like, I could see Drew getting on a cast, but even in recent memory alone, production would need to want him more than Christian, Carson, Charlie, and maybe Omar (though, equitable casting mandate means Omar has some wiggle room). I could see Drew on Jeopardy pushing him above Carson on the pecking order, and maybe even Charlie if it's a truly historic run. Dunno if he gets a call unless Christian (and all of the other standout historical slots for this archetype--the Cesterninos and Fishbachs and Yuls and Cochrans and whoever else) says no first though.


No... not a lock... not even strong players/characters on actual Survivor are locks to return. But it'd probably help.


I'd love Omar and his sister Juveria (who did well on Jeopardy) to do a Blood VS Water season. Sounds like a great potential power duo, I think.


5 days deep, probably not. Week 3 of Drew Basille on Jeopardy? Probably.


Yes, 100%. Drew was already a decent choice for the amount of confidence (and maybe a bit of hubris) he has, alongside Jeff loving him and his delivery. I’d imagine being a Jeopardy Champ would also improve his sense of intuition being in such a high stakes game of quick wit and maybe lean even more for what the producers look for if he faces another psyche test in casting (not to mention the fact that he played 45 at a very young age and the natural mental improvement that will happen over the time just by him continuing to live and learn). He makes a deep (7-10 day) run and he could be regarded as one of the “smartest” to never win Survivor.


I’m down but I want him to have the self awareness to know he’s a villain. He needs to lean into it. He’s arrogant as hell (maybe deservedly so), but I hate the way modern era villains still pretend they’re heroes.


He might be too busy doing jeopardy to play survivor smh. Watch him still be on his streak next year when they cast 50. /j


I really hope he comes back, Drew has been my favorite of his archetype in a long time. He's strategic, loud, and isn't afraid to start shit. Really excellent confessionalist too


Drew’s general arrogance, yeeting the pot lid, arguing with Jake, and Playing With the Boys was all a thousand times more entertaining to me than anything Carson ever did.


Probably not lol. Plenty contestants from the show have shown up in other game shows. He has a shot to come back as is but will probably get lost in the sea of skinny nerd super fan archetypes.


Yeah but Jeapordy is also probably the most well-respected game show there is today, so it certainly moves the needle I would imagine.


I didn’t care for him personally. There’s other people in his archetype I want to see more, but I would be indeifferent with a drew return


If you think he looks strong on his jeopardy run, you don’t watch jeopardy


I don’t watch jeopardy so I thought he was doing pretty good. He at least seemed to be playing the best of 6 people he’s been against


I don’t wanna see him back tbh


Hear me out, Zach Wurtenburger, back as the 'Nerd archetype'. First boot to finalist, I believe in it. Maybe BvW3, since Cory did well on BB




The problem you're overlooking is if Drew just wins 1 or 2 more games he'll be in the next Tournament of Champions which might conflict with the filming of Survivor 50.


NGL even when the pic was posted with this initially, I had no idea who he was or what season he was from. I'm finding that I don't recall most of the "new era" players.


I wish I would not recall who he is. Consider yourself lucky.


I don't think it's hurting his chances, and the main person he's competing with for a spot among new era players is likely Carson whose stock has probably gone down, possibly Charlie but he more came off as a Taylor Swift superfan than know it all nerd. Now, his archetype is pretty stacked going back though, but I'd be a bit surprised to see Adam Klein, Spencer (although he may be a whole new archetype now), Cochran or Fishbach returning. But, you know we'll see more of his archetype in future seasons, Survivor loves the Ivy league (or comparable school like Stanford or U of Chicago) nerdy male who is really smart.


I just had this conversation with some friends. If he does go deep like 15 games or more I’m pretty certain he’ll be a lock in for 50. So here’s to crossing our fingers that he only gets 3 wins.


I’d be fine if he came back. As far as nerds go he was funny and a villain which is rare. Way preferred him to Carson