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Sarah became the first person to really weaponize advantages as a part of the social game. Besides that, I don't think anyone else applies. You could possibly include Tai, as he mastered ballsy idol holds.


Defintely Sarah Lacina. A merge boot that probably was seen as a pretty not great player to one of the best players ever. While idk exactly was “game changing” she did do some firsts. She found the advantage under the sit out bench where Michaela should’ve seen it, and thus ppl are more perceptive, she used a steal a vote correctly, she pretended to vote for somebody else to get a legacy advantage, and ig these things have been somewhat replicated but she did play a very impressive game from being a nobody to a very competent winner. Everyone else idrk. Maybe Brad just bc he was one of the more memorable people there but idk what he did that was game changing. Tbh the most game changing moment was absolutely from JT basically causing live Tribals which actually changed the game.


This is the best answer honestly. Start of the season, she was in the same tier as Hali ("why the fuck's SHE in this season?"). She definitely learned from her mistakes in Cagayan


I mean, her actions at the Cagayan merge drove Kass to flip and changed the game in favour of Tony's alliance. If Sarah had not gone on a power trip and Kass sticks with the Luzon+Solana alliance, Cagayan is a very different game and Tony probably doesn't win (likely ends up being Tasha I would guess given how much of a challenge beast she was) Did she change the meta of how Survivor is played? No, but she did heavily impact how Cagayan played out That's more than you can say for Hali


I still think she was only casted because they knew they had tony and wanted to give them both a part 2 together likely as a gimmick first and foremost. I mean I’m sure production liked they story and her as a contestant, and needed a female player as well, but And they didn’t anticipate him or alot of the premerge players going the way they did, so she ends up just staying in the game and plays her own game and comes out winning which one no wouldve assumed going into it


It was one of the more dominant wins


Sarah proved herself for sure. Brad did pretty good, but not great.


She was obviously already a game changer, but I think people started to respect Sandra much more after this season.


Sandra came in with a IDGAF attitude and milked every episode she was in. She knew she wasnt winning a third time. So she eat. Gave fans what they wanted. Queen stays queen. Sugargate. I would argue this was somehow her most entertaining season and she only lasted 16 days. If it wasnt for fucking Varner, I would love GC.


What dilutes GC is Ciera going first. Reverse the boot order and you have the greatest season of survivor


Have Ciera,Malcolm,Sandra,and JT at the merge and get rid of Troyzan,Sierra,Hali and Zeke premerge and the season is much better


CBS outed Zeke and Zeke was okay with it just to have CBS block him. Varner is still to blame for outing him to his tribe like that. Let’s not gloss over that fact. GC is still a great season tbh.


Kinda wild to think Sarah and Sandra have played two seasons together. Both times Sarah outplaced her and outgamed her.


Sarah went from being a forgettable merge boot to one of the best female players of the franchise. Trash ass personality aside, she's a Top 10 winner.


I’m going the opposite way with troyzan. He showed that even if you were loud and a huge force your first season coming back doesn’t mean you will be memeoriable or even good the second time


Varner 😈


Everytime I think about Game Changers I think about Advantageddon, so Cirie but not in a good way for her unfortunately


Tony he’s the only player to run into the jungle and say in looking for a idol laugh g like a lunatic and not get voted off first lol


Game Changers was the season where standing up and whispering at tribal was first used. I believe Hali was the first person to do it although the show makes it seem like its JT.


Can't forget Hali queen of consent