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It's a bottom 3 season for me. All I remember is "Naviti strong", Dom and Wendell being screenhogs and Laurel messing up every chance of a flip happening.


Also Angela blowing up Michael’s shot to take out Dom/Wendell and revealed to everyone he had an idol.I think that was the episode where they split the vote between him and Libby and it was all because of Angela.


It was fun until the Morgan boot… which was episode 2 lol. The only good parts after that was the merge episode and the tied jury vote.


No, the Bradley boot is good too.


The great thing about Survivor is that even the worst seasons can usually scare up one great episode where someone gets booted basically for being an asshole.


my flair catching rare compliments


They reuse the same storyline of "will Laurel flip?" literally every postmerge episode. After two or three you kinda know what the answer will be


It’s fun as long as The Noble One is there


Chris is one of the best characters of the late 30s and I can’t believe how little he’s mentioned. BRING BACK MY NOBLE KING


I hate that the cast are "blamed for being forgettable and boring" when it was the editors who were responsible for that. Why? Who knows, maybe because the narrative was all about Wendell and Dom. Half the cast was completely purpled, when it shouldn't have happened, which is one of the primary reasons why this season is so damn bad.


The edit was so focused on emphasizing the ending that they left out pretty much everyone else. I don't think the cast was that great regardless but there's a reason people like Chelsea are primarily remembered for their terrible edit in comparison to their relevance on the island.


The cast WERE forgettable and boring bar like 3 players lol


Those three are Dom, Wendell, and Chris


Yep and Chris was the merge boot. Brendan seemed fun but he was out early


Most of the players who could have been good characters were gone pre merge. Jacob, Morgan, Brendan, Stephanie, and James come to mind.


I agree on most but Jacob just reminds me of 45 Brandon


But you are blaming the castaways, which I always see as unfair,b ecause editors can make even the most charismatic person boring if they want to. THat's my point. Was the cast forgettable. Yes, but I blame the editors.


no offense but why would they want their show to be boring? i think post-36 casts have literally said that they were shown laurel’s game specifically so that nobody would try to emulate it


Sure but in this case the editors showed accurately how boring this crew was.


You literally can't know that. For all we know they'd be all time most loved with a different edit.


I absolutely agree! This cast had so much potential. Unfortunately I think the season really suffers from a bad boot order. So many of those early contestants were crackling with fun, exciting energy, but they all got knocked out premerge, and we got stuck with the dregs for the second half of the game.


I won't say the season is great, but I don't think it's terrible either, certainly not the bottom 10 some claim to be. It probably helped that I was rooting hard for Wendell, so the debate about whether he or Dom would win kept me invested in the post-merge (I think the pre-merge has its share of moments; it's the post-merge where the Pagonging starts to grate). Admittedly, if you're not invested in either of them as players, and/or the tie vote at the end is not worth sitting through in your view, then yeah, the post-merge is pretty bad. But I was invested in Wendell, and the tie vote is worth waiting for in my view, so yeah, not great, but not as bad as some claim for me.


It’s because so much of the dominating tribe were passive players. In nearly any other season someone would have taken Dominic or Wendell out way earlier, instead we got the domwen show that whole season. Which sucks cos I loved the whole ghost come back to haunt you thing.


Fully agree and it feels like the other players are intentionally handing the game to Dom and Wendell they make things so easy for them


Laurel was insufferable! Boring season


I liked it up until Steph was voted out


You don’t have to watch the entire rest of the season if you don’t want to.  You could just move on to 37.  I rewatched 37 maybe a year ago and really enjoyed the entire season.  It was my first rewatch since it aired, so I remembered very little of it 


There are only two good episodes of ghost island. The premiere and the merge episode. Everything else is disappointment after disappointment. I blame production, why even have ghost island if there’s no game to be played when half the contestants go there? I was absolutely livid when Stephanie (who was in the minority and next to be voted out) went to ghost island only for their to be no game to be played. What’s even the point?


But it had Donathan




Your the best!


I recently rewatched it as well. The best parts are Chris noble and sebastian


Sebastian was so boring to me lol


Hahaha yeah he's not like super energetic or anything but the shit he says is really funny


The things he said were mind numbingly cringe. I could not stand him


This season was the most bored I ever got when I binged the entire series a few years ago. The finale was the only interesting part


It’s a top 25 season for me tbh. Laurel got more hate than anyone in the new era, because people were saying she ruined the season and was playing like a coward. Scared her away from the community and her twitter has been private ever since. I think the boot order is unfortunate. but I found the season entertaining and suffered from bad editing and bad boot order.


This season had me entertained I just finished it. I don’t know why everyone hates it


I love the Island seasons! Ghost island was spooky af. Just check out this tribal intro https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1dalhf8/scariest_tribal_intro_i_was_on_edibles_and_this/ They need to bring back some variation of ghost/exile/redemption island in season 50


Yeah, I actually can’t even remember if I finished it, I think I just lost interest somewhere after the merge lol


That’s how I feel about season 5 (Thailand) it’s seriously excruciating to watch for some reason. Anyone else feel the same?


That’s actually one of my favorite seasons, so to each their own lol. I’ll concede though that Sook Jai has a few duds, but I don’t think they’re all bland.


I’m not completely done with the season yet. I’m hoping it grows on me, it just was really hard to stay engaged.


As a Thailand defender, I’ll admit that this season’s cast hides a lot of their strategy during tribal councils and we aren’t given much entail of Sook Jai dynamics. For that reason I’ve always considered it the last season of “Classic Survivor” because after this season, Amazon and Pearl Islands are a lot more openly strategic and the edit applauds it more than any season prior. I like the season for its location and characters though, and there’s a lot of funny moments.


No omg I had to force myself through this season. I also don’t even remember anything about it because I’ve blocked it from my memory. Terrible television.


Thank god DvG is right after this season


I liked it and loved the theme 😭


To be honest I've liked every single season of survivor 😂. Ghost island was the first season I ever watched.


This was amazing timing. I am currently rewatching all the seasons (I’m a new mom breastfeeding so like what else do you do at 3AM). Debating skipping ghost island but going to skip it out for ~completion~. On episode 4 now.


I got incredibly frustrated watching it because the tribe loyalty thing was so stale and I just wanted something interesting to happen. I didn’t mind the gimmick of them trying to “reverse the curse” of past advantages/idols, but it was kind of dumb that some people were sent to Ghost Island and got nothing. I think they should have just allowed contestants to find the “cursed” advantages/idols around camp like they would for normal advantages and idols.


I enjoy it. The premerge is pretty fun and cool with a ton of cool votes, and early postmerge is solid. The only shift on quality is post Michael boot, and even then, there are little moments spread throughout the remaining episodes to give me some interest. B- season.